Help! disk has reached a logical block provisioning permanent resource exhaustion condition

i keep getting error (in subject) , offlining 1 of 2 volumes have setup in storage spaces. have 2 volumes (cameras, , data) , cameras seems operating fine, while data keeps offlining saying out of room guess. using 5tb out of 15tb.

the drive configuration 7 3tb drives (which 1 has died why it's in degraded state, problem has been going on before degraded)

can me figure out how fix this? have ordered 3 additional disks (1 replace bad disk , 2 in case need expand whatever weird reason)

it sounds weird somehow have ran out of space 5tb being used up. noticed number of columns off between 2 volumes too. not quite sure why or how fix either.

below read out of get-virtualdisk below.

ps c:\windows\system32> get-virtualdisk | format-list

objectid                          : {ab0dd747-ff1f-11e3-944a-d850e6c17f11}
passthroughclass                  :
passthroughids                    :
passthroughnamespace              :
passthroughserver                 :
uniqueid                          : 47d70dab1fffe311944ad850e6c17f11
access                            : read/write
allocatedsize                     : 2197681078272
detachedreason                    : none
footprintonpool                   : 4395362156544
friendlyname                      : cameras
healthstatus                      : warning
interleave                        : 262144
isdeduplicationenabled            : false
isenclosureaware                  : false
ismanualattach                    : false
issnapshot                        : false
logicalsectorsize                 : 512
name                              :
nameformat                        :
numberofavailablecopies           : 0
numberofcolumns                   : 3
numberofdatacopies                : 2
operationalstatus                 : degraded
otheroperationalstatusdescription :
otherusagedescription             :
paritylayout                      :
physicaldiskredundancy            : 1
physicalsectorsize                : 4096
provisioningtype                  : thin
requestnosinglepointoffailure     : true
resiliencysettingname             : mirror
size                              : 2199291691008
uniqueidformat                    : vendor specific
uniqueidformatdescription         :
usage                             : other
pscomputername                    :

objectid                          : {02871cc0-ca6c-11e3-941f-3085a9a710e8}
passthroughclass                  :
passthroughids                    :
passthroughnamespace              :
passthroughserver                 :
uniqueid                          : c01c87026ccae311941f3085a9a710e8
access                            : read/write
allocatedsize                     : 5452997853184
detachedreason                    : none
footprintonpool                   : 16358993559552
friendlyname                      : data
healthstatus                      : warning
interleave                        : 262144
isdeduplicationenabled            : false
isenclosureaware                  : false
ismanualattach                    : false
issnapshot                        : false
logicalsectorsize                 : 512
name                              :
nameformat                        :
numberofavailablecopies           : 0
numberofcolumns                   : 2
numberofdatacopies                : 3
operationalstatus                 : degraded
otheroperationalstatusdescription :
otherusagedescription             :
paritylayout                      :
physicaldiskredundancy            : 2
physicalsectorsize                : 4096
provisioningtype                  : thin
requestnosinglepointoffailure     : true
resiliencysettingname             : mirror
size                              : 16492674416640
uniqueidformat                    : vendor specific
uniqueidformatdescription         :
usage                             : other
pscomputername                    :

ps c:\windows\system32> get-virtualdisk

friendlyname        resiliencysettingna operationalstatus   healthstatus        ismanualattach                     size
------------        ------------------- -----------------   ------------        --------------                     ----
cameras             mirror              degraded            warning             false                              2 tb
data                mirror              degraded            warning             false                             15 tb


since problemec virtrual disk thinly provisioned. possible use thin provisioning storage spaces allows allocation of virtual drives larger available space. allocatedsize real size of virtual disk 5 tb. need add more space volume.

windows server 2012 camp – lab #3 - thin vs. fixed provisioning… storage management question.

in additional, since numberofcolumns 2, need add 2 disks extending virtual disk.

more detaile information, please refer thread below:

volume keep going offline

best regards,


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