Can LdapConnection object be shared across multiple threads to search to DC

our application has perform many concurrent searches on multiple domain controllers. application server based application run windows service.

we re-designing application better performance. evaluating system.directoryservices.protocols namespace. have questions on connection management.

1. if go s.ds.p, there no in-built ldap connection pooling. correct?

2. can use same ldap connection object perform searches concurrently from multiple threads? bind called in single thread when connection requested domain controller first thread.

article here suggests long bind done on single thread, ldap connection can shared across multiple threads. can please confirm or deny if understanding right?

if there any good pointers best practices doc high perf ad applications, please include.

thank time in advance.


anil lingamallu


based on information researched, connection "pool" can implemented using single connection shared across multiple application threads (possibly processing multiple requests concurrently separate threads), better idea use multiple connections each used process @ 1 operation @ given time. result in better performance, , provide better isolation application components in event of failure.

ldap connection pooling

please note: since web site not hosted microsoft, link may change without notice. microsoft not guarantee accuracy of information.

more articles reference:

introduction system.directoryservices.protocols (s.ds.p)

system.directoryservices.protocols namespace

since issue more related development, suggest refer experts the msdn forum professional support:

best regards,

alvin wang

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Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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