LDAP search from Mother Domain to Child Domain and Child Domain to Mother Domain

hi all,

i want ask if have mother domain juniper.net , child domain dhruv.juniper.net.


both ldap server win 2003. can users child domain authenticate ldap server in mother domain.

can user of mother domain authenticate child domain's ldap server.


i know works of ldap referral want check.



your questions , title mix topics, ldap referals not same things authentication.

>>>can users child domain authenticate ldap server in mother domain.

yes, test authenitication is allow user child domain login workstation member of parent (mother) domain.

yes, test ldap referrals, use ldap utility ldp, or vbscript , query child domain objects against parent (mother) domain.

>>>can user of mother domain authenticate child domain's ldap server.

do reverse of above.

more information:


Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers


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