Need advice on my script for backup reporting - Can it be simplified, is there a better way?

i need test successful backups , created script. working, since don't work in powershell much, appreciate input , advice.

$smtpfrom = "email"
$smtpto = "email"
$smtpserver = ""
$smtpclient = new-object net.mail.smtpclient($smtpserver, 25)
$smtpclient.enablessl = $true
$smtpclient.credentials = new-object"username","password")

$smtpsubjecttrue = "the backup has completed successfully"
$smtpbodytrue = "the backup has completed successfully"

$smtpsubjectfalse = "the backup has not completed in last 24 hours"
$smtpbodyfalse = "the backup has not completed in last 24 hours"

$event = get-winevent -filterhashtable @{logname='application'; id=2003 ; starttime=(get-date).date}  -maxevents 1;
if($event.count -gt 0) {$smtpbody=$smtpbodytrue;$smtpsubject=$smtpsubjecttrue} else {$smtpbody=$smtpbodyfalse;$smtpsubject=$smtpsubjectfalse}

$smtpclient.send($smtpfrom, $smtpto, $smtpsubject, $smtpbody)


thanks posting.

this script can backup report:

$yesterday = (get-date) - (new-timespan -day 5)   get-winevent -logname "microsoft-windows-backup" |  {$_.timecreated -ge $yesterday} |  format-table timecreated, id, providername, message -autosize -wrap > c:\backupreport\servername.txt

this script below can helpful send e-mail , attach event report:

send-mailmessage -from -to -subject subject -body "open attachment report" -smtpserver -attachments c:\backupreport\servername.txt -credentials (new-object"username",("password" | convertto-securestring))

we can download last 5 days worth of events , emails combining 2 above scripts.

i hope helps.

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Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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