Server 2008 - Sever Manager Roles/Features error

hi, on of our windows server 2008 server manager throwing error when trying view roles , features, there other symptoms.

event id 1601:

could not discover state of system. unexpected exception found:
system.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x8000ffff): catastrophic failure (exception hresult: 0x8000ffff (e_unexpected))
   @ system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.throwexceptionforhrinternal(int32 errorcode, intptr errorinfo)
   @ documents)
   @ state)

we same catastrophic failure when trying install updates:

installation failure: windows failed install following update error 0x8000ffff: update windows (kb960568).

sfc /scannow not working:

c:\users\userme>sfc /scannow
beginning system scan.  process take time.
windows resource protection not perform requested operation.

chkdsk finds no issues:

c:\users\userme>chkdsk c:
type of file system ntfs.
volume label system.

warning!  f parameter not specified.
running chkdsk in read-only mode.

chkdsk verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
  275072 file records processed.
file verification completed.
  4956 large file records processed.
  0 bad file records processed.
  0 ea records processed.
  810 reparse records processed.
chkdsk verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...
  342142 index entries processed.
index verification completed.
  0 unindexed files processed.
chkdsk verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 3)...
  275072 security descriptors processed.
security descriptor verification completed.
  33536 data files processed.
chkdsk verifying usn journal...
  1323424 usn bytes processed.
usn journal verification completed.
windows has checked file system , found no problems.

  62911487 kb total disk space.
  42542088 kb in 139058 files.
    169468 kb in 33537 indexes.
         0 kb in bad sectors.
    352411 kb in use system.
     65536 kb occupied log file.
  19847520 kb available on disk.

      4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
  15727871 total allocation units on disk.
   4961880 allocation units available on disk.

system update readiness tool checksur.log:

checking system update readiness.
binary version 6.0.6002.23186
package version 25.0
2017-03-14 08:07

checking windows servicing packages

checking package manifests , catalogs

checking package watchlist

checking component watchlist

checking packages

checking component store

seconds executed: 521
 no errors detected

checking coreos key repairing corruptions.
winner version: 6.0.6002.18971.
processor architecture: amd64.
check key repaired: wcm://microsoft-windows-coreos?version=6.0.6002.18971&language=neutral&processorarchitecture=amd64&publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35&versionscope=nonsxs&scope=allusers\metadata\elements\computername
recreated value: @_type.
recreated value: @dataonly.
recreated value: @default.
recreated value: @description.
recreated value: @displayname.
recreated value: @handler.
recreated value: @legacyname.
recreated value: @legacytype.
recreated value: @migrate.
recreated value: @scope.
recreated value: @xsd:type.
check key repaired: wcm://microsoft-windows-coreos?version=6.0.6002.18971&language=neutral&processorarchitecture=wow64&publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35&versionscope=nonsxs&scope=allusers\metadata\elements\computername
recreated value: @_type.
recreated value: @dataonly.
recreated value: @default.
recreated value: @description.
recreated value: @displayname.
recreated value: @handler.
recreated value: @legacyname.
recreated value: @legacytype.
recreated value: @migrate.
recreated value: @scope.
recreated value: @xsd:type.
(w)    unable system disk properties    0x0000045d    ioctl_storage_query_property    disk cache    

i have tried steps described here without success (our original problem updates not installing):

i suspect updates may have been removed , remnants left in registry causing errors. might try repair install.,-windows-7,-windows-server-2008-windows-server-2008-r2




regards, dave patrick ....
microsoft certified professional
microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management

disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights.

Windows Server  >  Server Manager


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