
Showing posts from July, 2011

Vista Client unable to obtain DHCP address

i'm not 1 ask questions search , study, pulling hair out!!!!   the issue vista clients renewing dhcp lease, issue being not happening.   enviroment windows 2008 & windows 2003 server.  2003 running dhcp server.  workstations mix of xp & vista.  issue happening vista machines.  ones existing leases connecting leases expire drop out of network 169.254.x.x address.  static ip's work fine , current workaround. after extensive testing can conclude how secuirty \ group policy \ domain related issue.  test machine windows 2008 server having same problem, (vista based though).  i'm not on site using rdp connection windows 2008.  has 2 network cards, 1 fixed ip , other dhcp.  connecting static ip connection testing.   my test results far.   if remove machine domain dhcp works, when put domain dhcp stops working. the problem still exists when firewall removed 3 zones. the dhcp server issuing addresses client isn't taking them.  (if remove least particular machine , ipconf

Event 673 and 675 + Failure Code 0x19 and 0x20

we have windows 2003 native domain. on our dcs have lot of failure audits.  coming vista , windows 2000 server computers. how stop these events clogging our logs? hi,   please add following registry entry on windows vista machines, reboot , check if event disappears:   hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\lsa\kerberos\parameters value name = defaultencryptiontype type = reg_dword value data = 0x17 this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Uninstalling software from GPO, then re-installing software

i've deployed adobe reader x through gpo on computer configuration side of policy.  installs fine. few times i've had uninstall adobe reader x locally on users workstation install acrobat. i've seen, when uninstall adobe reader x on users machine, when want install on, group policy not re-install reader x. i've done gpupdate /force number of times , rebooted number of times.  not able install adobe's website. when installing, errors out , says installed, when not. is default behavior software installations through gpo? tips? hi,  the fact gpo not reinstall software automatically expected behavior. gpos install software once, don't track whether software still installed reinstalls , repairs (for need third party package). can initiate reinstall gpo impact clients. 1 workaround remove local registry tag gpo software installation tells gp client installed package before. should result in reinstall once policy refreshed. registry key can found here: hk

Help required with PS script...

wonder if guys can help. have powershell script extracts jobs specific instance of sql server , outputs them directory. part of script works fine. in 2nd part of script, want run in of scripts directory instance of sql server , it's @ stage script failing. script part of procedure follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------   foreach ( $f in get-childitem -path "c:\sqljobs\" -filter *.sql | sort-object ) { $out = "c:\sqljobs\output\" + $f .name.split( "." )[0] + ".txt" ; "servername" -inputfile $f .fullname | format-table | out-file -filepath     $out } ------------------------------------------------------------------- i have tried adding -database "databasename" command , directories exist. bit stumped, jobs output fine, script fails following error: -------------------------------------------------------------------  

RD Web Access

hi, i had configured few applications in remote app. but after logging rdweb , tried access application reciving error: "the remote computer not found.please contact helpdesk error." please guide me how resolve this. also please tell me how give default options like "allow remote computer accces following resources on computer drvies clipboard printers ports other supportr pnp devices graphics accleations" thanks in advance crew, are trying launch remote apps within lan or internet? if internet, please make sure have specified correct rd gateway settings in remote app manager. managing device redirection, specify correct settings in remote app manager. thanks, vikash Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Location not available C:\Windows\System32\Config\SystemProfile\Desktop is not accessible. Access Denied In windows server2008.

hi i facing issue windows 2008 server sp2 while log on . gives me error ant access disabled.   error :  location not available c:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\desktop not accessible. access denied. i dont know how fix issue , little scared coz server system. so someone pls me come out of this. your appriciated.   thanks in advance. hi anil_9k, thank post. please create & use new user account workaround issue, following steps below: 1. disabled uac. 2. created new user account. 3. moved user files new user account. 4. re-enabled uac. if there more inquiries on issue, please feel free let know. regards, rick tan Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

fiewall problems

my firewall keeps shutting down computer , brings blue sreen , says detected problem , shut down can see problem or reason oding , ite happening 4-5 times day hi,   what firewall application using? if third party application, suggest temporarily uninstall check if issue goes away.   to locate exact problem of stop error, need analyze crash dump file. unfortunately, cannot analyze dump file in forum. troubleshoot problem efficiently, suggest speak directly microsoft support professional crash dump can analyzed.   for complete list of microsoft product support services phone numbers , information support costs, please go following address on world wide web: this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  > 

2012 R2, Storage Spaces with SAS & SSD, Tiering on SSD, 2 Nodes Hyper-V Cluster, CSV - Extreme slow access to CSV from opposite node

hi *.* i'm experiencing weird problem. i've fujitsu cx420 s1, sort of 2 blades server shared sas controller, 4 900gb sas disks , 2 200gb ssd disks. installed 2012 r2 std (the server certified 2012 r2) on both blades, enabled hyper-v role, configured ss, created quorum volume without tiering, created cluster, created tiered volume, added csv, created vm on it. if csv is, example on node1 , vm on same node, works @ full speed (200mb/sec write & 300mb/sec read). if move csv on opposite node speed drop near 0 (600 byte /se c write & 20mb/sec read) it looks csv working in redirected mode , using hb passing traffic not @ 1gbit/sec please help! i'm available further info, i'm running out of time solve problem (i've deliver cluster) before fall old method of volume every vm (no csv). thanks, alessio hi *.* i'm experiencing weird problem. i've fujitsu cx420 s1, sort of 2 blades server shared sas controller, 4 900gb sas disks , 2 20

Export all AD Sites, Subnets, and SiteLinks and then import to different system

hi, any suggestions on how export ad sites, subnets, , sitelinks server 2008 r2 domain , import , define server 2012 r2 domain?  i've seen isolated export , import scripts, not export , import script pair works together.  here save me lots of time manually defining. thanks help! sdedot example: # export sites get-childitem -path 'ad:\cn=sites,cn=configuration,dc=testnet,dc=local' -filter '(objectclass=site)'| export-clixml sites.clixml #import , create site $sites=import-clixml sites.clixml $sites |%{new-item -path 'ad:\cn=sites,cn=configuration,dc=testnet,dc=local' -name "cn=$($" -itemtype site } \_(惄)_/ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Using WSUS to update computers on network without Internet.

i have network not connected internet. there possible way can run windows server update services (wsus) push out updates computers on network? if so, can download updates needed internet , transfer them on network correct? installed wsus on 1 of our domain controllers, , not quite sure go here. appreciated. hi, if have sccm/sce installed in network, can deploy these downloaded updates software. otherwise think there no other workaround. Windows Server  >  WSUS

Security on DNS Subdomain

is possible change security settings on subdomain? see security option in parent domain, not subdomain. i want give people access create , deleted records in specific subdomain not parent domain. thanks. hi r_falconer, you may need create separate zone subdomain. for reference: delegate dns subdomain administration active directroy user best regards, candy please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  >  IPAM, DHCP, DNS

Migrate Windows 2008 standalone DFS to Windows 2008 R2 Clustered DFS standalone

hello i currnely tasked revisiting our dfs setup. have standalone dfs running on windows 2008 enterprise. not have replication setup dfs shares. data located on several servers mixture of 2003 , 2008. thought create clustered pair using windows 2008 r2 , move data our san. not sure of of steps or if best path go. plan build clustered pair export root dfs structure , import new clusted pair. after setup replication each of servers moves data san. change referral status after data in sync disabling old replication partner. reading forum not sure if frm toolkit might work. keep downtime minimum. 1 option make current dfs root server part of domain no sure how move cluster etc. any ideas of directions helpful. thank you john hi john, posting in microsoft technet forums. please check information in thread below see if can helpful you: move dfs cluster dfs

Printer Re-Direction Problems

i having issue printer re-direction on new windows 2008 r2 server. using terminal server many users , cant quite seem figure out re-direction. i have enabled allows re-direction , every time 1 logs in, can see re-directed printers starts populate list. once select 1 , print, works fine. the issue having whenever defaults re-directed printer use, when log out , in has been switched printer. sure because when log out of remote desktop. printer goes them. questions is, there way default printer , when log in, have default automatically 1 without having change every single time log in? for users on network in office, have shared printer , issue has been solved. however, remote people use vpn , therefore a different ip address every time cannot share it to print off of. that issue having.  thanks. hi alex, thanks post. have check group policy "do not set default client printer default printer in session"? if enable policy setting, default printer printe

Windows 2008 Storage Server + WSUS config fail

our company has been growing on years, , we've reached point we have +- 12 servers, "manually' download/ installing updates..   hence wanted have centralised, , wsus seemed logical choice.   so went, installed iis 7, installed, .net 4.0, , downloaded wsus ... and afther few minutes, saw msg, installed fine, yet afther pressing ok button this: [img][/img] happy image showed up.   along have seen following in event viewer..   - dss authentication web service not working. - simpleauth web service not working. - client web service not working. - server synchronization web service not working. - api remoting web service not working. - reporting web service not working. - no client computers have ever contacted server.   [quote] wsus administration console

Active Directory and MYSQL

hi, i have following requirement 1. select usernames table in mysql donot have email ids populated. output in output file select username `mantis_user_table` email = 'no email' or email = '' outfile "c:/temp/test1.txt" 2. have usernames in text file now. 3. run command email ids active directory for /f %i in (test1.txt) @dsquery user -samid %i|dsget user -empid -email>>c:/temp/user-email.txt 4. how can suppress or avoid empid email , dsget succeeded in generated text file?? 5. once step 4 achieved, how can update email ids of users in mysql dbase. please me this. many in advance. use adfind ( instead - can manipulate output via number of output option switches (-csv, -csvnoq, -nodn, nocsvheader, etc.) in following: for /f %i in (test1.txt) @adfind -gc -f "&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(samaccountname=%i)" proxyaddresses employeenumber -csv -csvnoq -nodn -nocsvheader hth marcin

Win 7 Client on server 2003 server network

what have have permissions set @ on client domain user able install windows updates without keying administrator password? hi,   without administrator right, windows automatic updates can still install updates automatically setting policy [computer configuration\administrative templates\windows components\windows update\configure automatic updates] "auto download , schedule install". then, update downloaded , installed automatically via system account @ scheduled time. please refer to:   how configure automatic updates using group policy or registry settings   meanwhile, alternative method deploy updates via windows server update services(wsus). using method, still not need give users administrator rights. please refer following pages:   windows server update services   configure automatic updates using group policy

Server Essentials in a Multi-Server environment

hello all, i run sbs 2008 domain controller.  previous sbs 2003 computer demoted , runs server 2003.  no cals needed this.  1 of sbs versions , maybe 2008 included server software second server.  been long remember.  i'm doing similar upgrade. i wish migrate server essentials 2012 r2 on new machine.  repurpose existing sbs 2008 machine member server.  yes know can't exist in new domain after grace period expires migration.  know need install new server software on old machine.  i'm trying figure out version of server need purchase.  i thought have purchase 2012 r2 standard, i'm wondering if can purchase server essentials 2012 (not r2).  @ dn486837 it's confusing article, suggests can add server essentials 2012 server essentials 2012 r2 domain. can confirm this?  microsoft sales phone number takes me volume licensing , read script.  purchase correct product , license properly.  if can't use

VDI Shadowing of Windows 10 collection from Windows Server 2012 R2

hi, i have deployed vdi personalized collection of windows 10 machines (enterprise edition, x64, 1607 build) on windows server 2012 r2. when i'm trying use shadow feature remote connection 1 of vdi vms, i'm getting "shadow error: computer name invalid". after little of research, found article by using powershell command get-rdusersession | format-list  found there sessionid , servername , later injected in command: mstsc /shadow:sessionid /v:servername /control after testing, powershell doesn't recognize get-rdusersession anymore, , gives error: get-rdusersession : term 'get-rdusersession' not recognized name of cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. check spelling of name, or if path included, verify path correct , try again. at line:1 char:1 + get-rdusersession + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + category

Windows 2003 to 2008 took place. Now 2003 member servers can't see in 2008 DC sysvol folders

hi upgraded 5 dcs 2008 2003 (inplace), , can see sysvol share , contents within (gpos). other 2003 member servers can see \\domain\sysvol\ share, , folder inside \domainname\, not contents. rights haven't been changed. , identical other domain have here (which still on 2003). ideas why 2003 servers can't see \\domain\sysvol\domainname\ , therefore apply gpos? thanks roger hello, please post ntfs permissions on sysvol share , check if inheritance enabled down latest ones. best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Migration

RDS more active sessions than licenses

hi all, ********************************* windows server 2008 r2 workgroup configuration remote desktop services license program: volume license total licenses: 6 ********************************* strange can see 9x active sessions on server, not know how possible. cannot run report workgroup environment. grace period has ended. when logon rd license manager can see "issued" column "-". expecting rds server issuing available 6 licenses. license diagnosis shows: "did not identify licensing problems remote desktop session host server." nothing on event viewer suggest misconfiguration or anything. confused how 9x active connections can established on 6x license node. assistance appreciated. hi tp thanks again. in case need further 3 or 4 cals @ moment 9 or 10 people connect server though has 6 licenses. is correct? | rb51 yes, based on saying need purchase more licenses. -tp

which method to disable folder redirection policies for this scenario?

hello, there gpo folder redirection setup in our environment, targets users. have 1 server not want folder redirection occur on... user logging 1 server, no folder redirection should apply. server must disable folder redirection on resides in lower level ou folder redirection policy linked, can't block inheritance, because need other inherited gpo's apply. i've seen 2 general options handling while researching: 1. there not 1 simple 'disable' setting redirection put in gpo linked lower level gpo overrides higher level setting... set folder redirection policy 'redirect local userprofile location', switching setting use local? setting intended for? 2. other approach i've seen use group policy 'configure user group policy loopback processing mode'. however, example saw said need use mode 'replace', prevent other settings other gpo's applying, can't do... if set 'merge', maybe work? article saw said merge not wor

Accessing ACS through powershell

hey wondering possible connect acs through powershell , create identity providers,relying party trust,rule groups , other features using powershell cmdlets .i have seen blogs says there cmdlets url not working anymore . thanks in advance hi, if looking powershell manage windows azure appfabric access control service (acs), below link should helpful: hope helps. regards, yan li cataleya li technet community support Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

disc encryption

on windows servers/workstations when refers fips compliant encryption - referring disc encryption, i.e. data @ rest - or protocol encryption, i.e. data in transit? or either, i.e. there fips compliant dar solution, , fips compliant dit solutions? excuse ignornace - encryption in windows networks seems common many compliance schemes wanted check.   hi,   i think both.   the federal information processing standard 140-1 (fips 140-1) , successor fips 140-2 united states government standards provide benchmark implementing cryptographic software. specify best practices implementing crypto algorithms, handling key material , data buffers, , working operating system. both ipsec , encrypting files system (efs) in windows 2000, windows server 2003 , windows xp use fips-140-1 evaluated kernel mode cryptographic module encrypt traffic packet data , file contents respectively if configured appropriately selections of fips compliant algo

Help removing Distributed Scan Server Service/Role

hey, i have role/service enabled on 1 of our dc's acting printer management server, there's red x under mange server under print , document services. i figured no brainer, , remove since red x indicates service down, , never use don't see why installed. when goto remove role, asks reboot , says fails , reverts changes, , reboots , auto tries again, , loop till third time , windows noticed failed remove service , go normal boot. whats causing this, , can trouble shoot issue? have no idea start on one? couldn't find googling "remove distributed scan server service" kept bringing how install.. hahah thoughts? thanks bump.... suggestions appreciated. Windows Server  >  Print/Fax

File in shared folder not accessible for one user

hello all, at moment our file server (w2k3) has shared folder structure. folders, subfolders , files inherit permissions parent , everyone has read, write, execute permissions. there one domain user (w7) can't see file in 1 of folders though file inherits permission parent folder. every other file in folder can access. the solution found make copy (thus same permissions?) of file (in same folder) , file visible. however when renamed copied file original name, disappeared again user! is there explanation these anomalies or have overlooked something? what's kind of file is? if issue occurs on specific file, i'm thinking if seems application locking file , cause issue. rename not change permission should not related permission. technet subscriber support in forum |if have feedback on our support, please contact Windows Server

Unexpected change of node on cluster...

hi buddies... i have problem here... i've deploy cluster (of course) 2 servers 2008 r2. i've iscsi storage have disk partition used cluster. i called node01 , node02 of nodes joined on cluster... i've setting printer service on cluster... so, suddely service change node001 node002, without reason... i analize logs right now... after that, wanna know if face problem??? thanks advice...     hello, you can use cluster log reaseon on both of nodes (c:\cluster log /g). can control unsigned printer driver spool service stability , of course run validation test. best regards, hakan yĆ¼ksel “please click "vote helpful" if helpful , proposed answer” blog | linkedin Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

GPO Shareoint 2013 Sky Drive Auto activate

hello all, it easy enough map file in sharepoint 2013 used network drive sky drive activation requiers user first open thesky drive accessing web browser. is there way of creatiing gpo auto activate option useres in domain? i have looked question on sharepoint lists , refered here. your wellcom. mh hello, office 2013 administrative template files downloaded , seemes there isn't such a setting wanted achieve. anyway suggest ask in sharepoint 2013 forum experts may have more experience on question: regards, cicely Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Domain-based networking

hi, i have 17 pc's in office , want join domain. have server machine have installed server 2003. what method use configure domain based networking? necessary install 2 lan cards on server machine? hello, be aware if join machines domain , create user accounts, used local profiles on machines not accessible with domain user accounts easy. also clients must use domain dns server, first installed dc, on nic , not router isp anymore work correct in domain. are aware basic ad/dns/gpo configuration required manage domain? if didn't work way until suggest built lab , first experience before creating lot of problems , stop user working because have troubleshoot lot. a domain installed easy clicks management bit more complex. a network layout(connected internet) should looking as: internet > routerwanport > routerlanport > switch > domain machines in private ip range best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my

WSUS with error 0x80072EE2

hi everyone, i had wsus server in windows server 2012 r2, , client windows 2008 r2. client newly installed, , after setting intranet wsus server address in group policy, client alway got error 0x80072ee2. here log: 2016-10-15 20:19:03:765 836 9cc au triggering au detection through detectnow api 2016-10-15 20:19:03:765 836 9cc au triggering online detection (interactive) 2016-10-15 20:19:03:781 836 8a4 au ############# 2016-10-15 20:19:03:781 836 8a4 au ## start ## au: search updates 2016-10-15 20:19:03:781 836 8a4 au ######### 2016-10-15 20:19:03:781 836 8a4 au <<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {48e1e767-c32f-4025-969a-e5c02c269b34}] 2016-10-15 20:19:03:781 836 864 agent ************* 2016-10-15 20:19:03:781 836 864 agent ** start ** agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates] 2016-10-15 20:19:03:781 836 864 agent ********* 2016-10-15 20:19:03:781 836 864 agent * online = yes; ignore download priority = no 2016-10-15 20:19:03:781 836