WSUS with error 0x80072EE2

hi everyone,

i had wsus server in windows server 2012 r2, , client windows 2008 r2. client newly installed, , after setting intranet wsus server address in group policy, client alway got error 0x80072ee2.

here log:

2016-10-15	20:19:03:765	 836	9cc	au	triggering au detection through detectnow api 2016-10-15	20:19:03:765	 836	9cc	au	triggering online detection (interactive) 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	8a4	au	############# 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	8a4	au	## start ##  au: search updates 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	8a4	au	######### 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	8a4	au	<<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {48e1e767-c32f-4025-969a-e5c02c269b34}] 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	864	agent	************* 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	864	agent	** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates] 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	864	agent	********* 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	864	agent	  * online = yes; ignore download priority = no 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	864	agent	  * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' or isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , rebootrequired=1 or isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , rebootrequired=1" 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	864	agent	  * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7} managed 2016-10-15	20:19:03:781	 836	864	agent	  * search scope = {machine} 2016-10-15	20:19:03:797	 836	864	setup	checking agent selfupdate 2016-10-15	20:19:03:797	 836	864	setup	client version: core: 7.6.7600.256  aux: 7.6.7600.256 2016-10-15	20:19:03:797	 836	864	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ 2016-10-15	20:19:03:812	 836	864	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-10-15	20:19:04:124	 836	864	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ 2016-10-15	20:19:04:124	 836	864	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-10-15	20:19:04:124	 836	864	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ 2016-10-15	20:19:04:124	 836	864	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-10-15	20:19:04:140	 836	864	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ 2016-10-15	20:19:04:140	 836	864	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-10-15	20:19:04:171	 836	864	setup	determining whether new setup handler needs downloaded 2016-10-15	20:19:04:171	 836	864	setup	selfupdate handler not found.  downloaded 2016-10-15	20:19:04:171	 836	864	setup	evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" 2016-10-15	20:19:04:639	 836	864	setup	setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" installed. 2016-10-15	20:19:04:639	 836	864	setup	evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" 2016-10-15	20:19:04:670	 836	864	setup	setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" installed. 2016-10-15	20:19:04:670	 836	864	setup	evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" 2016-10-15	20:19:04:717	 836	864	setup	setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" installed. 2016-10-15	20:19:04:717	 836	864	setup	selfupdate check completed.  selfupdate not required. 2016-10-15	20:19:06:870	 836	864	pt	+++++++++++  pt: synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++ 2016-10-15	20:19:06:870	 836	864	pt	  + serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}, server url = 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	misc	warning: send failed hr = 80072ee2. 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	misc	warning: sendrequest failed hr = 80072ee2. proxy list used: <(null)> bypass list used : <(null)> auth schemes used : <> 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	pt	  + last proxy send request failed hr = 0x80072ee2, http status code = 0 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	pt	  + caller provided credentials = no 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	pt	  + impersonate flags = 0 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	pt	  + possible authorization schemes used =  2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	pt	warning: syncupdates failure, error = 0x80072ee2, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, http status code = 200 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	pt	warning: pterror: 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	pt	warning: syncupdates_withrecovery failed.: 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	pt	warning: sync of updates: 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	pt	warning: syncserverupdatesinternal failed: 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	agent	  * warning: failed synchronize, error = 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	agent	  * warning: exit code = 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	agent	********* 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	agent	**  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates] 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	agent	************* 2016-10-15	20:20:52:825	 836	864	agent	warning: wu client failed searching update error 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	>>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {48e1e767-c32f-4025-969a-e5c02c269b34}] 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	  # warning: search callback failed, result = 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	  # warning: failed find updates error code 80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	######### 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	##  end  ##  au: search updates [callid = {48e1e767-c32f-4025-969a-e5c02c269b34}] 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	############# 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	au setting next detection timeout 2016-10-15 17:20:52 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:20:52:888	 836	550	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:20:57:833	 836	864	report	report event: {5b551b9f-38a4-48a7-9305-933e8af48513}	2016-10-15 20:20:52:825+0800	1	148	101	{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}	0	80072ee2	automaticupdates	failure	software synchronization	windows update client failed detect error 0x80072ee2. 2016-10-15	20:20:57:848	 836	864	report	cwerreporter::handleevents - wer report upload completed status 0x8 2016-10-15	20:20:57:848	 836	864	report	wer report sent: 7.6.7600.256 0x80072ee2 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 scan 101 managed 2016-10-15	20:20:57:848	 836	864	report	cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000) 2016-10-15	20:21:18:877	 836	864	report	cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000) 2016-10-15	20:21:27:005	 836	864	report	cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000) 2016-10-15	20:21:41:404	 836	864	report	cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000) 2016-10-15	20:21:43:463	 836	8a4	shutdwn	user declined update @ shutdown 2016-10-15	20:21:43:463	 836	8a4	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:21:43:463	 836	8a4	au	au initiates service shutdown 2016-10-15	20:21:43:463	 836	8a4	au	###########  au: uninitializing automatic updates  ########### 2016-10-15	20:21:43:463	 836	8a4	report	cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000) 2016-10-15	20:21:43:588	 836	8a4	service	********* 2016-10-15	20:21:43:588	 836	8a4	service	**  end  **  service: service exit [exit code = 0x240001] 2016-10-15	20:21:43:588	 836	8a4	service	************* 2016-10-15	20:22:24:121	 836	998	misc	===========  logging initialized (build: 7.6.7600.256, tz: +0800)  =========== 2016-10-15	20:22:24:121	 836	998	misc	  = process: c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe 2016-10-15	20:22:24:121	 836	998	misc	  = module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll 2016-10-15	20:22:24:121	 836	998	service	************* 2016-10-15	20:22:24:121	 836	998	service	** start **  service: service startup 2016-10-15	20:22:24:121	 836	998	service	********* 2016-10-15	20:22:24:168	 836	998	agent	  * wu client version 7.6.7600.256 2016-10-15	20:22:24:168	 836	998	agent	  * base directory: c:\windows\softwaredistribution 2016-10-15	20:22:24:168	 836	998	agent	  * access type: no proxy 2016-10-15	20:22:24:168	 836	998	agent	  * network state: connected 2016-10-15	20:22:24:589	 836	4f8	report	cwerreporter::init succeeded 2016-10-15	20:22:24:589	 836	4f8	agent	***********  agent: initializing windows update agent  *********** 2016-10-15	20:22:24:589	 836	4f8	agent	***********  agent: initializing global settings cache  *********** 2016-10-15	20:22:24:589	 836	4f8	agent	  * wsus server: 2016-10-15	20:22:24:589	 836	4f8	agent	  * wsus status server: 2016-10-15	20:22:24:589	 836	4f8	agent	  * target group: (unassigned computers) 2016-10-15	20:22:24:589	 836	4f8	agent	  * windows update access disabled: no 2016-10-15	20:22:24:589	 836	4f8	dnldmgr	download manager restoring 0 downloads 2016-10-15	20:22:24:838	 836	998	report	***********  report: initializing static reporting data  *********** 2016-10-15	20:22:24:838	 836	998	report	  * os version = 6.1.7601.1.0.196882 2016-10-15	20:22:24:838	 836	998	report	  * os product type = 0x0000000a 2016-10-15	20:22:24:870	 836	998	report	  * computer brand = vmware, inc. 2016-10-15	20:22:24:870	 836	998	report	  * computer model = vmware virtual platform 2016-10-15	20:22:24:870	 836	998	report	  * bios revision = 6.00 2016-10-15	20:22:24:870	 836	998	report	  * bios name = phoenixbios 4.0 release 6.0      2016-10-15	20:22:24:870	 836	998	report	  * bios release date = 2014-09-30t00:00:00 2016-10-15	20:22:24:870	 836	998	report	  * locale id = 2052 2016-10-15	20:22:29:924	 836	9e0	report	cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000) 2016-10-15	20:22:39:955	 836	620	au	###########  au: initializing automatic updates  ########### 2016-10-15	20:22:39:970	 836	620	au	  # wsus server: 2016-10-15	20:22:39:970	 836	620	au	  # detection frequency: 22 2016-10-15	20:22:39:970	 836	620	au	  # approval type: pre-install notify (policy) 2016-10-15	20:22:39:970	 836	620	au	  # auto-install minor updates: no (user preference) 2016-10-15	20:22:39:970	 836	620	au	  # interact non-admins (non-admins elevated (user preference)) 2016-10-15	20:22:39:986	 836	620	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:22:39:986	 836	620	au	initializing featured updates 2016-10-15	20:22:39:986	 836	620	au	found 0 cached featured updates 2016-10-15	20:22:39:986	 836	620	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:22:39:986	 836	620	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:22:39:986	 836	620	au	au finished delayed initialization 2016-10-15	20:22:41:562	 836	620	au	triggering au detection through detectnow api 2016-10-15	20:22:41:562	 836	620	au	triggering online detection (interactive) 2016-10-15	20:22:41:562	 836	998	au	############# 2016-10-15	20:22:41:562	 836	998	au	## start ##  au: search updates 2016-10-15	20:22:41:562	 836	998	au	######### 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	998	au	<<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {8925de57-1cbe-4fe0-bb35-e7a21d5a8b73}] 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	9e0	agent	************* 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	9e0	agent	** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates] 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	9e0	agent	********* 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	9e0	agent	  * online = yes; ignore download priority = no 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	9e0	agent	  * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' or isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , rebootrequired=1 or isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , rebootrequired=1" 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	9e0	agent	  * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7} managed 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	9e0	agent	  * search scope = {machine} 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	9e0	setup	checking agent selfupdate 2016-10-15	20:22:41:577	 836	9e0	setup	client version: core: 7.6.7600.256  aux: 7.6.7600.256 2016-10-15	20:22:41:593	 836	9e0	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ 2016-10-15	20:22:41:702	 836	9e0	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-10-15	20:22:44:650	 836	9e0	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ 2016-10-15	20:22:44:650	 836	9e0	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-10-15	20:22:44:713	 836	9e0	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ 2016-10-15	20:22:44:728	 836	9e0	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-10-15	20:22:44:728	 836	9e0	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ 2016-10-15	20:22:44:728	 836	9e0	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-10-15	20:22:44:822	 836	9e0	setup	determining whether new setup handler needs downloaded 2016-10-15	20:22:44:822	 836	9e0	setup	selfupdate handler not found.  downloaded 2016-10-15	20:22:44:822	 836	9e0	setup	evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" 2016-10-15	20:22:44:838	 836	9e0	setup	setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-activex~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" installed. 2016-10-15	20:22:44:838	 836	9e0	setup	evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" 2016-10-15	20:22:44:869	 836	9e0	setup	setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-aux-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" installed. 2016-10-15	20:22:44:869	 836	9e0	setup	evaluating applicability of setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" 2016-10-15	20:22:44:916	 836	9e0	setup	setup package "wuclient-selfupdate-core-toplevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.256" installed. 2016-10-15	20:22:44:916	 836	9e0	setup	selfupdate check completed.  selfupdate not required. 2016-10-15	20:22:49:970	 836	9e0	pt	+++++++++++  pt: synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++ 2016-10-15	20:22:49:970	 836	9e0	pt	  + serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}, server url = 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	misc	warning: send failed hr = 80072ee2. 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	misc	warning: sendrequest failed hr = 80072ee2. proxy list used: <(null)> bypass list used : <(null)> auth schemes used : <> 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	pt	  + last proxy send request failed hr = 0x80072ee2, http status code = 0 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	pt	  + caller provided credentials = no 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	pt	  + impersonate flags = 0 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	pt	  + possible authorization schemes used =  2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	pt	warning: syncupdates failure, error = 0x80072ee2, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, http status code = 200 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	pt	warning: pterror: 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	pt	warning: syncupdates_withrecovery failed.: 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	pt	warning: sync of updates: 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	pt	warning: syncserverupdatesinternal failed: 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	agent	  * warning: failed synchronize, error = 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	agent	  * warning: exit code = 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:23:52:183	 836	9e0	agent	********* 2016-10-15	20:23:52:199	 836	9e0	agent	**  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates] 2016-10-15	20:23:52:199	 836	9e0	agent	************* 2016-10-15	20:23:52:199	 836	9e0	agent	warning: wu client failed searching update error 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	9e0	report	cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000) 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	>>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {8925de57-1cbe-4fe0-bb35-e7a21d5a8b73}] 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	  # warning: search callback failed, result = 0x80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	  # warning: failed find updates error code 80072ee2 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	######### 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	##  end  ##  au: search updates [callid = {8925de57-1cbe-4fe0-bb35-e7a21d5a8b73}] 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	############# 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	au setting next detection timeout 2016-10-15 17:23:52 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:23:52:245	 836	b5c	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-10-15	20:23:57:191	 836	9e0	report	report event: {d661d0d5-5978-439f-9c91-d5fa63769171}	2016-10-15 20:23:52:183+0800	1	148	101	{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}	0	80072ee2	automaticupdates	failure	software synchronization	windows update client failed detect error 0x80072ee2. 2016-10-15	20:23:57:269	 836	9e0	report	cwerreporter::handleevents - wer report upload completed status 0x8 2016-10-15	20:23:57:269	 836	9e0	report	wer report sent: 7.6.7600.256 0x80072ee2 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 scan 101 managed 2016-10-15	20:23:57:284	 836	9e0	report	cwerreporter finishing event handling. (00000000) 2016-10-15	20:24:28:843	 836	9e0	report	uploading 2 events using cached cookie, reporting url = 2016-10-15	20:24:32:400	 836	9e0	report	reporter uploaded 2 events.

so, there possiblity?

i search error code, check server , client, no firewall, no antivirus.


btw, wsus version 6.3.9600.16384

hi jasonwoo,

>* wsus server:
>* wsus status server:

for wsus 4.0 (server 2012 , server 2012r2), need append port number wsus url, http port 8530 , https 8531, example:, please modify in gpo, run gpupdate /force on clients , check result.

what's more, enable clients resolve fqdn of wsus server correct ip address.

best regards,


please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help.
if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact

Windows Server  >  WSUS


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