Export-ModuleMember vs. Keys in Manifest


i'm bit confused difference between export-modulemember , settable keys in module manifest.

"export-modulemanifest -function" in module    |    "functionstoexport" in manifest
"export-modulemanifest -variable" in module    |    "variablestoexport" in manifest
"export-modulemanifest -alias" in module         |    "aliasestoexport" in manifest

i'm unsure when should use 1 or other. can functionstoexport give script loads module access specific functions can't variablestoexport restrict variables. export-modulemember -variable seems work though.

can give quick explanation, or point link one.


look closely @ helpfile both add-modulemanifest , export-modulemember job of explaining (note did read either).

by default (no export-modulemember in module script) functions thing exported. if there call export-modulemember strictly followed.

the module manifest used _restrict_ not add. play around manifest , module. note functions exported

import-module t1.psd1 -verbose

moduletoprocess = 't1.psm1'
moduleversion = '1.0'
guid = 'bd430945-5352-4056-958f-d46cafe2590e'
functionstoexport = 'send-greeting', 'add-numbers'
variablestoexport = 'msg'
aliasestoexport = 'add'

$msg = 'hello world'
$answertotheuniverse = 42

function send-greeting() { write-host $msg }
function add-numbers([int] $a,[int] $b) { $a + $b }
set-alias add add-numbers
set-alias hi send-greeting 
export-modulemember -function send-greeting, add-numbers
export-modulemember -variable msg, answertotheuniverse
export-modulemember -alias hi, add

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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