Folder Permissions

hello everyone,

       work company , recieved ticket to restrict access specific folder. ticket said:

"please restrict permissions of following folder:

the following users should have full control:
****, ****, ****, ****, ****, ****

all other users should able write files folder, not able read or write files in folder."

obviously users require full control permissions easy. gave group "everyone else" following permissions:
- traverse folder/execute file
- list folder/read data
- read extended attributes
- read permissions

i clicked ok, added same group again , gave them (i told 1 of guys here):
- create files/write data
- create folders/append data
- write attributes
- write extended attributes

i created "test" account in aduc test out see if settings working , they're not. can view contents of folder can't open anything. users should able drop files off folder not able open anything. hope isn't drawn out, wanted give did , maybe can tell me spaz , did *** wrong. help.

colton pepper


this forum questions around rights management services. have better chances answer in windows server forum.

sorry not having answer you,


Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage


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