Help needed - Planning Server 2012 solution, DC/Exchange/SQL/RDP host/Remote apps etc

hi all,

i have client needing me provide windows server based solution business. have limited experience server 2012, although have worked 2008r2 , sbs2011, needing guidance 2012 project.

the client has 8-10 local users work @ 1 office nbn connection, , 2 other locations have 3-5 users @ each location. needing provide them server based solution manage data, remote access , email. expand physical office soon.

i need provide them dc controller, exchange server , possibly sql server in future. use act database, have been told once database in act grows 4g, dedicated database required?

i thinking of having 1 physical server , virtualising additional servers on platform, come unix background , have not virtualised using hyper v or esxi before. have read little regarding cli , gui hyper v options, need advice on suit needs best has done it.

i thinking maybe should recommend 1 physical machine server 2012 std which, understand, allow me install host hyper v host on physical machine , possibly install instance of server 2012 as dc, exchange , sql server on 1 vm licence, however have read not preferred have exchange server on same vm dc have read limiting memory usage of exchange can negate these issues?

i need have terminal server/rdp session host in there maybe use 2nd vm licence for.

i suppose question is, considering need end dc, exchange server, terminal server/rdp session host , possibly sql server in future, better off virtualising , running these on server 2012 std licence, allows hyper v host + 2xvm's or should splitting these roles on different physical machines, keeping in mind costs need kept minimum.

also need consider microsoft office side of things. more financially viable use office licences , use remote apps terminal server, or purchase office h&b workstations/laptops , have outlook connected directly exchange server?

i concerned performance viewpoint if run dc/exchange , sql 1 vm, ts/rdp host other vm licence may dc/exchange/sql vm handle.

i have used sbs 2011 in few locations exchange , sql , dc roles installed on hp dl , ml gen 8 servers, , although run little slow on console, seem serve network clients fine.

if end running on one physical machine hyper v host, 1 vm dc, exchange , sql server, , other vm licence rdp session host, sort of spec'd machine would recommended able this, keeping in mind lean towards hp servers.

anyhow, thx in advance , comments or suggestions appreciated.



sorry in case without knowledge of major requirements suggest or client contact expert , not work forums amount of information , setup requirements.

exchange on dcs not recommended, not microsoft. highly recommended run @ least 2 dc/dns/gc per domain failover , redundancy, of course not on same physical machine.

rds servers should run on dedicated machines , not used else.

sql should run on separate server.

you cannot compare sbs version regular server versions, concept behind different.

with small amount of users should consider using office365 solution use plan fits needs , have computers client employees.

but stated above therefore should find experienced consultant.

best regards

meinolf weber

mvp, mcp, mcts

microsoft mvp - directory services

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