W32time, Event ID 50, Time Service detected a time difference of greater than 5000 milliseconds...

hi there,

we seem seeing following error intermittently come across our windows 2003 server fleet:

event type: warning
event source: w32time
event category: none
event id: 50
date:  11/12/2014
time:  1:15:13 pm
user:  n/a
computer: computer-name

time service detected time difference of greater 5000 milliseconds  900 seconds. time difference might caused synchronization with  low-accuracy time sources or suboptimal network conditions. time service no longer synchronized , cannot provide time other clients or update  system clock. when valid time stamp received time service  provider, time service correct itself.  

for more information, see , support center @ http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

one of servers in question virtual running windows server 2003 r2 standard edition.

the time-source inside network our primary domain controller windows server 2008 r2 virtual machine.

in order rectify this, i've attempted follows, fixes problem. far can see, see things re-occur next day.

1) open command prompt.

2) type in w32tm /resync /rediscover /nowait.

3) restart time service.

4) type in 'net time' ensure source has changed our site's primary domain controller.

is there alternate way can suggest resolve don't have go through , manually on of our windows 2003 servers?



in addition please see http://blogs.msmvps.com/mweber/2010/06/27/time-configuration-in-a-windows-domain/ time in domain , how configure it.

best regards

meinolf weber

mvp, mcp, mcts

microsoft mvp - directory services

my blog: http://blogs.msmvps.com/mweber

disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights.


Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers


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