How to auto rename domain computers based on Company naming Convention

my company uses following naming convention domain computers

companyname1xx   corporate office

companyname2xx - dallas office

companyname3xx - houston office

companyname4xx - austin office

each office has own ou in active directory computer accounts. don't know active directory , took on role of interim server administrator. there way can run script , assign computers in each ou unique computer name based on naming convention location. if scripting isn't way go open suggestions. thanks. -jr

hey there,

powershell friend. tested code below. firstly queries computer in dallas ou , rename them pattern of "dallas1","dallas2" , on. @ end restart system make changes committed. have look:

#get computers in dallas ou $dallaspc=get-adcomputer -filter * -searchbase "ou=dallas,dc=contoso,dc=com" $i = 1 #starting process each 1 foreach($pc in $dallaspc) {  #changing computer name get-wmiobject win32_computersystem -computername $ -authentication 6 | foreach-object {$_.rename("dallas" + $i ,"password","administrator")}  #reboot complete process get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem -computername $ | foreach-object {$_.win32shutdown(6)} $i = $i + 1 }

do not forget change dn , insert domain admin user , password in place.

hope helps.

mahdi tehrani   |     |
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Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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