modifying useraccountcontrol using ldapmodify command : Getting "INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS" error


   trying use ldapmodify change useraccountcontrol attribute. can using domain admin account if try use account has write access useraccountcontrol property , following error :

ldap_modify: insufficient access
ldap_modify: additional info: 00002098: secerr: dsid-03150e8a, problem 4003 (insuff_access_rights), data 0

tried giving full control on properties did not work. can please let me know permissions should giving id can modify useraccountcontrol attribute.

ad windows 2008 native.

thank time.


modify useraccountcontrol attribute via adsiedit.msc tool? if there error when using adsiedit.msc, please let know detailed error message.

@ same time, try logon enterprise admin account test again. 


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Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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