PS1 script listing computers in a domain

i working on script run through domain , spit out report of computers in domain. put following togehter , works great in test domain (which has 8 computers in it. when run in of prod domains (thousands of computers) gives odd results found 4 computers. code , results below:

--------------------start script----------------------------------------

$domain = 'ldap://localhost:389/dc=xx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx'

$root = new-object directoryservices.directoryentry $domain

$date = date

## debugging uncomment 3 lines below , verify ldap connection domain


##write-host "`n`nconnected ldap domain:`n $domain `n"

##"the domain name is: $($ `n`n"

"the following computers in $($ domain" >> ./adcomputerinformation.txt

"report date: $date" >> ./adcomputerinformation.txt

" " >> ./adcomputerinformation.txt

$selector = new-object directoryservices.directorysearcher

$selector.searchroot = $root

$selector.searchscope = "subtree"

$adobj = $selector.findall() `

| {$ -like "cn=computer*"}

foreach ($computer in $adobj){

$prop = $

" $($prop.distinguishedname) " >> ./adcomputerinformation.txt


" " >> ./adcomputerinformation.txt

"there $($adobj.count) computers in $($ domain" >> ./adcomputerinformation.txt
---------------------------------end script-------------------------

results domain thousands of pcs {slightly scrubbed protect innocent}:

--------------------start report-----------------------------------------------------
the following computers in the xx domain
report date: 03/26/2009 14:02:37
  cn=dc1old,ou=servers,ou=location servers,dc=xx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx 
  cn=dc1,ou=domain controllers,dc=xx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx 
  cn=dc2,ou=domain controllers,dc=xx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx
  cn=corpfileserver,ou=file servers,ou=location servers,dc=xx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx 
there 4 computers in the xx domain

--------------------------end report-------------------------------------

like said thing accurate in test domain innacurate in several of prod domains. sure there better way write output report file best figure @ point. thoughts or suggestions welcome.




your filter not correct. moreover, prefere use builtin filter option pipe chain cmdlet.

all code resumed 5 lines:

$selector = new-object directoryservices.directorysearcher
$selector.filter = '(objectclass=computer)'
$selector.pagesize = 10000 # because object size limited 1000 entries default
$selector.propertiestoload.add('distinguishedname') # required property : limit network trafic
$selector.findall() | % { $ | out-file adcomputerinformation.txt -append }

hope helps
grégory schiro - powershell & mof -

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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