Executing local variable to a remote Active Directory server


remote pc tried using below command create users in ad. in "-path" section getting error. please me resolve this.

$theou = "hr"
#status = success :|

$myou = invoke-command -computername dc01 -scriptblock {"(get-adorganizationalunit -ldapfilter '(name=$theou)' -searchbase 'ou=users,ou=labou,dc=cyquent,dc=ae').distinguishedname" }
#status = success :|

invoke-command -computername dc01 -scriptblock {new-aduser -displayname peter -path $myou -givenname peter -city houston -country -description accountant -surname jason -name peter -samaccountname peter -userprincipalname peter -accountpassword (convertto-securestring password@123 -asplaintext -force) -changepasswordatlogon:$true -enabled:$true}

#status = error :oops:
error: cannot validate argument on parameter 'path'. argument null or empty. provide argument not null or
empty, , try command again.

note:- if type -path -path 'ou=hr,ou=users,ou=labou,dc=cyquent,dc=ae' able create user successfully.

need use through variable trying.

note: - "hr" organization unit name trying create user. :|

plz me.


i try point inm right direction.  @ how structured.

# in script session $global:session=new-pssession dc01  # later  $userprops=@{     displayname='peter'      path=$myou     givenname='peter'     city='houston'     country='us'     description='accountant'     surname='jason'     name='peter'     samaccountname='peter'     userprincipalname='peter'     accountpassword=(convertto-securestring 'password@123' -asplaintext -force)     changepasswordatlogon=$true      enabled=$true }  # send values hash remote system
    new-aduser @p
invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock $sb -argumentlist $userprops


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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