2008 R2 RDS License events 1128 and 1130 but no problems detected

hi all,
have setup rds licensing server on dc in separate network. when trying login rds host user message "the remote session disconnected because there no remote desktop license servers available provide license.".

we warning balloon when logging in admins on rds host says "no remote desktop license server available. remote desktop services stop workingbecause computer past grace period , has not contacted @ least valid windows server 2008 license server." recommends using licensing diagnosis.

here strange part - server has been specified in licensing diagnosis in session host configuration tool , listed available 500 licenses , nice green tick saying "licensing diagnosis did not identify licensing problems remote desktop session host server."

the rds boxes can ping license server , time in sync between systems. normal functioning members of domain (there dc on same subnet these particular rds hosts).

i've done bit of reading on these message , events in event log including error 1128 , warning 1130 in system log , material mentions x509 certificate entries in hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\terminal server\rcm. i'm not sure significance 2 working hosts have these entries , 2 non-working hosts don't have them.

could point me in right direction? i'm puzzled indication in console fine.



please ensure firewall ports rdsh , rd licensing server communication open, are:

tcp 135 - rpc  license server communication , rdsh
tcp 49152 - 65535 (randomly allocated) -  range in windows server 2012,  windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2008.

you may disable firewalls on both machines , middle network devices test.

more information you:

which ports used rds 2012 deployment?
best regards,

please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com.

Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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