Search a file share. Filepath is to long and no count

hi guys,

please have @ code. it  works fine normal directories on fileshare gives error filepath long.

and need of files pops up. when use count option don't list.

when use each object count not give me output in file. can me bit on this.

maybe change ""?

$systems = 'd:\temp\serverlist.txt' $output = 'd:\temp\result.txt'   foreach ($system in (get-content $systems))  {       invoke-command -computername $system -scriptblock  {       get-psdrive -p "filesystem" ` |     % {                     get-childitem $_.root -include *financial* -recurse  | sort-object length -descending                     }   }  | out-file $output } 

kind regards,

here how find files long.

get-childitem \system\share -rec -ev longpaths -ea 0 | out-null
$longpaths|select targetobject


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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