User profile services fails to create on 2008 R2 (Desktop Services)

i have working issue few days - , summarize:

its´s  virtual unit. (win 2k8 r2 x64)

i started suspecting network  - or host issue (running on legacy esx)

issue related number of users – user profile service can´t create either local or romaing profile

but problem seems more in area of “user specific” instead of periodic.. (host, network or load in general)

the error “users logged on temporary profiles” – hence no local or roaming profile created


a lot of

1509 - user profile service cannot contacted
1511  cannot locate profile
1500  network issue

after has been tried (local profiles /host moved esx platform / been around issue hgfs (wm)// share / rights , on)

i have used : 

logman -start profiletrace -p {eb7428f5-ab1f-4322-a4cc-1f1a9b2c5e98} 255 3 –ets

 to create few traces - cant read ?

is there nother way enabled verbose logging on specific service - or piece of software internal use ?

/ jeppe



based on search, above events may occur if profile path not correct.


generally, when user login, check profile in following sequence:


1. windows check "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist\<sid>" see whether there existing profile of user.

a. if registry key exists, check profileimagepath under registry current existing profile.

b. if profile not exist or accessible, windows log user on temp profile.

c. if profile accessible, sync roaming profile local profile.

d. after that, load profile.


2. otherwise, if "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist\<sid>" not exist, means no existing profile user. in situation, behave in way:

a. create local profile based on local default profile.

b. if there roaming profile configured , roaming profile exists, sync roaming profile local profile. after that, load profile.

c. if roaming profile configured no existing roaming profile, local profile directly.

d. upon user logoff, sync local profile central location of roaming profile.


if using roaming profile, issue may occur if network path not accessible or if user not have enough permission.


to create central roaming profile, need set following permission. example, roaming \\server\apps\format\dev\users

a). share permission of share folder "apps", "authenticated user" , "domain users" must granted full control permission

b). ntfs permission of exact parent folder of roaming profile (here, it's users"), "authenticated user" , "domain users" must granted full cotnrol permission

c). other folder of path, example "format" folder here, "authenticated user" , "domain users" must have general read ntfs permission.


notice: please make sure server service started on server stores roaming profile.



meanwhile, find microsoft technet articles describe event 1509 , 1511.


the user profile service (profsvc) crashes in windows server 2008 or windows vista sp1 systems when service loads or unloads user profiles contain compressed files or folders


a temporary profile loaded after log on windows vista-based system;en-us;947242



Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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