2012 R2 standard Replica DC cant connect to the main DC to be promoted

hi everyone,

i have strange issue adding additional dc replica/backup, dc might need hardware maintenance , not sure how long out of order. 

both servers 2012 r2 standard, , when installed 1 trying add replica, had evaluation. have not been able it, converted full retail standard version key, , tried promote it, didnt work. keeps saying there communication. 

the servers added domain, can ping main dc, can nslookup, cant open connection using ldp port 398.

dns added advanced settings of ipv4, ipv6 disabled, saw in other posts try, firewall not blocking because tried , without firewall. server has static ip, has dns role installed (also suggested other post), keep getting same error when trying promote 1 dc. event viewer time time gives netlogon error of not being able contact dc. communication there, can see it, blocking being recognized when run dcpromo wizard.


 you should check port accessibility , dns config,run "ipconfig /all" on both , can check ports portqryui ; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24009

also should check dcpromo log's "%systemroot%\debug\dcpromo.log" to analyse issue.                            

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Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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