drop last line of each file processed

  there way i;m processing files can drop last line of each file before write it? last record in each of files process total record
don't want include in final file. script process thru multiple folders , rolls data single file. need drop
last record before appending file. sistem.csv single file created. last record in each of files has record starting
$z or $z. have parm file pass script has path , shortname.


*.spx files in folder1 , folder2 this:

 before write sistem.csv want not write last record in each of files.

param  (    [string]$path  )  $myfiles = import-csv -delimiter '~' -path $path -header path, shortname  # can call  $myfiles.path #returns path  $myfiles.shortname # returns shortname  $path='d:\areasistemi1\'  foreach ($myfile in $myfiles)  {  	get-childitem -path $myfile.path *.spx | % {         " starting file process....."  >> $myfile.pathsistem.log  	   $pdate = get-date         $date = get-date -uformat "_%d_%m_%y_%h%m%s.bak"         #"set backup date $date" >> $path\sistem.log         $newname=($_.fullname -replace ".spx",$date)  	   $file = [system.io.path]::getfilenamewithoutextension($_.fullname)         "file backup name $newname" >> $myfile.pathsistem.log          rename-item $_.fullname $newname  	   "renamed file $newname" >> $myfile.pathsistem.log  	   $lines = get-content $newname  	   foreach ($line in $lines)   	     	     	    {  			$line + " " + $myfile.shortname  | out-file "$path\sistem.csv"   -append  	    }		         write-host $_.fullname         "files processed on $pdate $newname " >> $path\sistem.log  	}  }    # .\newload.ps1 c:\areasistemi1\areasistemi.txt >> runlog.txt

sorry typo error. pls try below one

foreach ($line in $lines[0..($lines.length -2)]) 


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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