What does ktpass.exe on Windows 2008 R2 mean when it outputs a message "Using legacy password setting method"

we have number of windows 2008r2 domains, , have use ktpass.exe program map principal name , produce keytab file per  https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753771.aspx?f=255&mspperror=-2147217396 . on 1 of domains, output ktpass.exe includes message "using legacy password setting method". command nevertheless continues , produces keytab file, application intended unable decode kerberos tickets keytab file. on other domains, don't message ktpass , keytab file can used without problems.

it same version of ktpass in each case. presumably detecting other difference in environment causing behave differently, haven't been able find out what. how can discover "legacy password setting method" or causes used?


based on research, may related membership of user account named bln_sa_ces_sso in ktpass command below.

ktpass -out  \\server0czesm01\e$\esbtemp\keytabs\wassso.keytab -princ  http/server0czesm01.ourdomain.fujitsu.com@ourdomain.fujitsu.com -mapuser bln_sa_ces_sso -pass arxte5qqia88 -ptype krb5_nt_principal

so, have following suggestions.



1. please add user named bln_sa_ces_sso domain admin group, , please check if works.

2. if not work, please create new user account , use new user account in ktpass command, , check result.

please try suggestion above , let me know result.


please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com

Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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