Windoes Server Core high CPU

hi all, have been running 2008 r2 server core last month part of pilot establish whether it's going suit our standard file server os.

over last couple of days have been getting high cpu usage (97-100%) in "system" process (no, not system idle process).  cannot identify causing , wondered if had ideas.

the machine single core virtual machine 2gb of ram running on vmware esx 4.  it's server 2008 r2 x64 server core, fsrm-infrastructure-core , powershell features installed.  manage remotely server 2008 machine, , backed overnight using commvault.  monitored using nagios, on basic probes of disk space, cpu , memory.  no av software limited pilot, client machines have own av software and firewall changes allow apps have mentioned work.

the storage provided through vmware host, combination of 3par , nexsan hardware.

on problem...

yesterday @ around 16:15 cpu went @ or near 100%, on system process.  had quick around , couldn't identify did usual windows thing of rebooting - @ around 17:00.  seemed trick.

again morning, @ around 09:15 did same.  time resolved wait out , see if calm down.  write (~12:42) has gone near normal.  around 0% when there no file activity, @ moment it's around 10%, presumably have computer manager open on monitoring machine.  interestingly, overnight steady 4%, although i'm sure had monitors closed down.  before yesterday's episode pegged @ 0% 4 or 5 days (as long ago installed nagios).

culprit 1:

i had been susicious of software protection service. started logging @ time cpu went up, application log events like:

event id 1003
software protection service has completed licensing status check.
application id=(big long hex string)
licensing status=1: (different big long hex string), 1, 0 [(0 [0xc004f014, 0, 0], [(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)])(1 )(2 )]

these logs happening several times minute, , pretty logs same - refer same application id , different license statuses.  application id provided tracked in registry wucltux.dll in system32, not exist in file system.  appears else in registry either.  appears windows update client user experience, relevant on server core?


culprit 2:

looking through logs, notice when problem "fixed" there 2019 srv event reporting "the server unable allocate system nonpaged pool because pool empty." in connection \device\lanmanserver.  memory had been ramping , when hit 1gb event turned , problem stopped.  i'm thinking there connection :)


any hints useful.




if problem occurs repetitious, suggest disable third party software test. remote desktop server core system, open task manager , switch performance tab monitor cpu usage.

or can configure performance monitor monitor cpu usage , send email don’t need observe server core time.

create , configure alerts

monitoring server performance , activity

if problem doesn’t occur, problem caused 1 of disabled program.

if problem occurs, let’s run process explorer , analyze system process.

run it, click options menu, choose configure symbols, type following line in symbols path. create c:\symbols folder later.


run again, double-click system, switch threads tab, click cpu sort threads. let know name of start address.

for reference:
using process explorer tame svchost.exe - advanced topics


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Windows Server  >  Server Core


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