Looping mess.
i'm banging head trying figure out. learning how script has been fun , frustrating challenge @ times :). hope guys/gals can me out , show me error of ways. so, i'm trying run loop matches values hash table against list that's running through foreach-object. want print $hash.key , service matches $hash.value key
key: pc-01
something stopped
something-else stopped
key: pc-02
something running
something-else running
key: pc-03
something stopped
something-else stopped
code i'm testing on
$hash = @{"pc01"="stopped";"pc02"="running";"pc03"="stopped" } $list = get-service t* | foreach-object {$tmp = $_.servicename; $tmp2 = $_.status; foreach ($i in $hash.keys){ write-host $i if( $tmp2 -eq $hash.$i ){ write-host $tmp "is" $tmp2 } } }
as can see below, output quite hoping for:
thanks in advance.
from see in post assuming wanting pull @ list of 'stopped' services starting letter 't' 'pc01' , 'pc03', , list of 'running' services starting letter 't' 'pc02'. then output results console per device.
# let's start hash table. # appear want key target device # , value filter. $hash = @{"pc01"="stopped";"pc01"="running";"pc01"="stopped"} # next want start our loop each target device foreach($computer in $hash.keys){ # write console computer name write-host $computer # since $list did not appear used assigned $null # piped in filter , piped in output. $null = get-service -displayname "t*" -computername $computer | where-object {$_.status -eq $hash.$computer} | foreach-object {write-host $_.servicename + " " + $_.status} }
i hope helps
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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