ADFS Install Failure in Azure VM

i'm attempting build adfs lab in azure using following guide:

i'm using servers created gallery, nothing unique.  works fine until go add adfs role adfs01 server.  when run wizard, errors out "unable cast object of type 'system.dbnull' type 'system.string'.  when run install in powershell, little more info.  "unable create vss express writer".  tracing log shows following error:

error: exception: unable cast object of type 'system.dbnull' type 'system.string'.

stacktrace:    @ microsoft.identityserver.deployment.core.vsswriter.vsswriter.getsqldatasourcename(string sqlconnectionstring)

   @ microsoft.identityserver.deployment.core.vsswriter.vsswriter.createsqllogicalpath(string sqlconnectionstring)

   @ microsoft.identityserver.deployment.tasks.vsswritertask.<>c__displayclass4.<createadfsvsswriter>b__0()

   @ microsoft.identityserver.configuration.useraccountimpersonator.impersonatedexecute(impersonatedaction action)

   @ microsoft.identityserver.deployment.tasks.vsswritertask.createadfsvsswriter(ivsswritercontext context)

   @ microsoft.identityserver.deployment.core.tasks.configurationtaskbase.execute(ideploymentcontext context, iprogressreporter progressreporter)

here's powershell command:

install-adfsfarm `
-certificatethumbprint:"pretend there's thumbprint here" `
-federationservicedisplayname:"blahblahblah adfs" `
-federationservicename:"" `
-groupserviceaccountidentifier:"blahblahblah\gmsa_adfs`$" `
-overwriteconfiguration:$true `
-sqlconnectionstring:"data source=\\.\pipe\microsoft##wid\tsql\query;initial catalog=adfsconfiguration;integrated security=true;min pool size=20"

no idea i'm missing fresh install in azure using microsoft's image , i'm running canned wizard.

hi chris,
understand trying add adfs roles in azure, please note focus on adds related issues in forum, there not adfs aspect here.
suggest post in dedicated forum below, that's adfs experts hang out. should more professional responses there:
the reason why recommend posting appropriately qualified pool of respondents, , other partners read forums regularly can either share knowledge or learn interaction us. thank understanding.


ethan hua

please remember mark replies answers if help, , unmark answers if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact

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