
Showing posts from August, 2015

ADSIedit not showing all AD containers

i apologize if question has been answered, searched it, did not find anything. we have several windows 2003 r2 sp2 exchange 2007 test servers, in multiple farms. each farm has separate server mailbox, hub, cas, , such. 1 of servers on particular farm not reading ad server containers right. other farms not have problem saw, , 1 farm, checked adsiedit on 3 other related servers, , showed containers. 1 server having problems. when launch adsiedit on problem server without specifying credentials using default login, shows 3 of ad containers, yet other servers in farm show (around 10, didn't count). remove domains container adsiedit, use connect to, if supply administrator credentials manually, containers appear. the strange thing is, servers in farm use exact same domain administrator login account , password, there should not difference. once exit editor , go in, containers still missing, have specify credentials again. don't understand problem is. one other piece of

AD Replication Issues Server not replicated in a long time

hello i  have server dc1 has not replicated log time. rebuilding not option it's remotely located here repadmin /showreps site1dc1 dsa options: is_gc site options: (none) dsa object guid: a0a03b2f-3cef-4fae-b721-786ef49d24b0 dsa invocationid: 0bdc582b-7a5b-4308-99fb-e81ad6350040 source: site2\dc3 ******* 10 consecutive failures since 2014-09-23 20:50:57 last error: -2146893022 (0x80090322):             target principal name incorrect. naming context: cn=configuration,dc=company,dc=local source: site2\dc3 ******* warning: kcc not add replica link due error. naming context: dc=forestdnszones,dc=company,dc=local source: site2\dc3 ******* warning: kcc not add replica link due error. naming context: dc=domaindnszones,dc=company,dc=local source: site2\dc3 ******* warning: kcc not add replica link due error. naming context: dc=company,dc=local source: site2\dc3 ******* warning: kcc not add replica link due error. source: site

Windows Server 2008 R2 CA giving 'RPC Server unavailable'

the symptoms have similar described here: yet there no solution me far. the situation this: - i have 1 enterprise ca installed on 2008 r2 dc, seems accepting requests client computers running windows 7 (i see requests coming in 1 user running efs). - i want use issue certificate rds farm (, ,, , have prepared template based on blog: - however, when click request new certificate certificates mmc, new remotedesktop template, , computer select from, both give me 'rpc server unavailable'. i've checked permissions on first link, , it's good. can run certutil -ping fine, no enrollment. does have experience this? don't work ca's, it's plug , play, don't know rpc server unavailable

Files and folders randomly dissapearing and reappearing in DFS share

hi, we seeing random files , folder dissapearing , reappearing again when viewing them dfs share. have 2 servers configured full mesh replication. appears 1 particular folder on seeing problem. have set server1 first among server access in dfs share. can confirm files , folders exist on both relpicated servers. server1 - windows server 2003 standard server2 - windows server 2008 storage standard   thanks whether issue occurs on user accounts? please check permission settings of folder in problem. also please test if can missing folder accessing \\server1\share , \\server2\share when missing in dfs namespace. shaon shan |technet subscriber support in forum |if have feedback on our support, please contact Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

winrs error:access is denied

hi :) suddenly win 7 client computer can not connect anymore remote computer using enter-pssession or winrs -r:remote_computer command i've response winrs error:access denied i running winrs command command prompt runned user (domain admin). as recall latest thing i've reinstalled onto client comp sql 2012 management studio , eset endpoint av 5. winrm running on client comp. if go server can use enter-pssession remote_server powershell or winrs -r:remote_computer command , working client comp. does have idea might wrong ? best regards hi :) thank reply , detailed instructions "setup" , provided links. however, said, working... this post: gave me clue might wrong :) (look @ end of last message, "solution 4 me" lead me exclude winrs.exe , powershell.exe eset antivirus protocol filtering. now works :) best regards.

vbscript.dll 5.8.6001.23141

hi there, think found bug in vbscript.dll 5.8.6001.23141 think there problem regular expression - there hotfix available? - there newer version available? thx hello, bug reports please file here best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Best WOL free software

can 1 suggest best wake on lan software free , schedule time wake pcs in particular time. have tried many not work properly, interestingly works different network. in lan network in office have 60 pcs , want them turn on @ 11am everyday , shut down @ 10 pm. any suggestion guys?? hi, thanks post. however, description, issue not related remote desktop services. in addition, not have experience on this. recommend bing or google such free software on internet. understanding highly appreciated. best regards, aiden aiden cao technet community support Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Send FAX to file

we run enterprise fax product receive few faxes anymore believe can use microsoft's fax server solution - can please tell me file naming convention file when route fax file , there options on naming convention?? hi, did mean configure incoming fax routing methods route incoming faxes? administrators can configure incoming fax routing methods route incoming faxes recipients on network. in fax service manager, there incoming fax routing extensions global (applied devices) , others associated individual fax devices. global methods, can set priority order in applied incoming fax. non-microsoft vendors can extend global methods incoming faxes. extensions include, example, converting incoming files specific file formats. the following default incoming fax routing methods can configured , prioritized: route through e-mail, store in folder, print. more details, please refer following article , check if can you. configure incoming fax routing if misunderstand o

VM won't start because SCSI Physical drive Not found

i added sata hard drive host system, set offline, , attached vm scsi controller physical hard disk. after starting vm, assigned drive letter , copied files hard drive, shut down vm , host, removed hard drive host.  now vm not start error: synthetic scsi controller (....): failed restore error 'the system cannot find file specified'. in vm settings, missing hard drive listed physical drive not found.  i cannot find way delete missing hard drive scsi controller - remove button grayed out. hi! if have no intentions on reconnecting sata drive server, quick , dirty solution create new vm, attach existing vhd files , delete old vm. unless have snapshots, have merge single vhd first. cases 1 reason why snapshots not recommended in production. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

consolidate 2 DHCP servers to 1

hi guys, i'm busy consolidating 6 dhcp servers 2 servers. each server has approx 50 60 scopes defined , need consolidated. scopes split in 80/20% rule. there simple way (without recreating scopes manually) import scopes 4 servers other 2? i hope can me this. tia. greetz, jack jack cobben mcts, mcitp sa/ea/va hi jack,   thanks update.   i want confirm if dhcp scope settings (include reservation entries,options..etc) on dhcp server configured 80/20 had been synchronized? if , think can migrate netsh command , modifying dhcp address range scope. here example scenario reference :   let’s have 4 dhcp servers issuing addresses form 3 ip segments (,,,dhcp1 , dhcp2 holding scope configured 80/20 rule   dhcp1 ( dhcp2 ( dhcp3 ( dhcp4 (   now, going migrate 3 scopes dhcp2 ho

Restricting local drives with GP

hi all, i wondered if give me tips or share experience using group policy restrict local drives on client workstations. i'm starting try across our mixed environment , finding has few quirks. by way of background, have mixed estate of xp, vista , 1 or 2 win7 desktop workstations, laptops, tablet pcs , virtual desktop clients. use gp apply configuration security , standardisation purposes, we're having thorough review of it. when introduced windows vista , migrated users across, applied gp restrict c drive. policy settings configured follows: user configuration > administrative templates > windows components > windows explorer - "hide these specified drives in computer" , "prevent access drives computer". both set "enabled" option "restrict c drive only". we've found works quite on vista, there few problems it. we've begun test-deploying same policy xp though we're encountering more problems. these sort

Unable to install Dynamics CRM2011 on Windows Server 2012 ?

while installing crm2011 on windows server 2012 .net frame work installed though asking frame work install. if click install getting error.plz find log. 22:39:13|   info| === setup bootstrap logging started 10/28/2013 10:39:13 pm === 22:39:13|   info| bootstrap version: 5.0.9688.583. 22:39:13|   info| user: .... 22:39:13|   info| no pending reboot detected 22:39:13|   info| current os version: 6.2.9200 22:39:13|   info|   servicepack: 22:39:13|   info|   system type: workstation 22:39:13|   info|   suite mask: 0x0110 22:39:13|   info| clean bits downloader. 22:39:24|   info| === setup bootstrap logging started 10/28/2013 10:39:24 pm === 22:39:24|   info| bootstrap version: 5.0.9688.583. 22:39:24|   info| user: m.ashraf. 22:39:24|   info| no pending reboot detected 22:39:24|   info| current os version: 6.2.9200 22:39:24|   info|   servicepack: 22:39:24|   info|   system type: workstation 22:39:24|   info|   suite mask: 0x0110 22:39:24|   info| i

Missing SUSDB after Post-installation WSUS

hi, i've tried both post-installation through gui , powershell, i got local sql server 2012 hosted on same machine installing wsus. somehow, no matter do, susdb wont show under sqlservername/databases after post-installation done. according log files looks fine , no error messages visible. in gui says connection fine towards sql server before click "install" in post-installation wizard. any thoughts? hi, do mean post-installation successful? if wsus works properly, susdb must exists. did install wid? if yes, please remove wid try again. best regards. steven lee please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  WSUS

secedit can not import templates with IIS Virtual Accounts specified

platform: win2008r2 sp1 64bit my task modify existing local security policy via script add , remove iis apppool identities (using virtual accounts in win2008r2). if add users policy via local security policy administrative tool, , export policy via secedit.exe, result like seauditprivilege = *s-1-5-19,*s-1-5-20,*s-1-5-82-1036420768-1044797643-1061213386-2937092688-4282445334,defaultapppool note user account listed username, , not sid. if create security template using security template mmc snap-in, , save .inf, result same, user saved 'defaultapppool' so both tools, treat type of account same.  and should noted, there no problem adding/removing account via local security policy tool under administrator tools. but attempt import policy via secedit iis application pool account names in file result in errors. using secedit.exe /configure /db secedit.sdb /cfg c:\test.inf in scesrv log say: configure defaultapppool error 1332: no mapping between account names ,

GPO Drive Mapping

we have user logon gpo maps network drives based on user groups in ad. seems working except 1 share on server 2008 r2. network drives server 2003 servers gettign mapped not 1 server 2008 drive. manually mapping drive works after user logs off logs in drive gone again "reconnect @ logon" oprtion checked. not work windows7 nor our xp machines. seems server 2008 culprit? has encountered issue before? hi, have tried set mapping location this: \\servername\servershare  not \\servername\servershare\ ? to narrow down issue, suggest create share folder on windows server 2008, , try map it. disable fast log on. hope helps. best regards, yan li please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >