Unable to install Dynamics CRM2011 on Windows Server 2012 ?

while installing crm2011 on windows server 2012 .net frame work installed though asking frame work install. if click install getting error.plz find log.

22:39:13|   info| === setup bootstrap logging started 10/28/2013 10:39:13 pm ===
22:39:13|   info| bootstrap version: 5.0.9688.583.
22:39:13|   info| user: ....
22:39:13|   info| no pending reboot detected
22:39:13|   info| current os version: 6.2.9200
22:39:13|   info|   servicepack:
22:39:13|   info|   system type: workstation
22:39:13|   info|   suite mask: 0x0110
22:39:13|   info| clean bits downloader.

22:39:24|   info| === setup bootstrap logging started 10/28/2013 10:39:24 pm ===
22:39:24|   info| bootstrap version: 5.0.9688.583.
22:39:24|   info| user: m.ashraf.
22:39:24|   info| no pending reboot detected
22:39:24|   info| current os version: 6.2.9200
22:39:24|   info|   servicepack:
22:39:24|   info|   system type: workstation
22:39:24|   info|   suite mask: 0x0110
22:39:24|   info| initializing com.
22:39:24|   info| initialized com.
22:39:24|   info| cisvcredistinstalled=1
22:39:24|   info| vcredist version 10.0.30319  installed
22:39:24|   info| initializing com.
22:39:24|   info| initialized com.
22:39:24|   info| uninitializing com.
22:39:24|   info| uninitialized com.
22:39:24|   info| running prereq checks
22:39:24|   info| isdotnetinstalled=0
22:39:24|   info| job key value bitslocaltempdir as  registry.

22:39:25|   info| checking whether installer dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64.exe locally available
22:39:25|   info| local package microsoft .net framework not found
22:39:25|   info| failed find .net setup program dotnetfx\dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64.exe.
22:39:25|   info| fwlink defined microsoft .net framework:  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=182091&clcid=0x409
22:39:25|   info| isdrwatsoninstalled=1
22:39:25|   info| isgenevainstalled=1
22:39:25|   info| isdotnetservicesinstalled=1
22:39:25|   info| isreportviewercontrolinstalled=1
22:39:25|   info| sql native client version found 10.1.2531
22:39:25|   info| issqlnativeclientinstalled=1
22:39:25|   info| uninitializing com.
22:39:25|   info| uninitialized com.
22:39:35|   info| waiting prereqcheck signaled
22:39:35|   info| prereq component action required.
22:40:02|   info| setup needs download following components internet:
-  microsoft .net framework

download components now?, question, yes|no
22:40:02|   info| inputresult: yes
22:40:02|   info| initializing com.
22:40:02|   info| initialized com.
22:40:02|   info| requesting download of microsoft .net framework installer http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=182091&clcid=0x409.
22:40:02|   info| microsoft .net framework downloaded c:\users\...\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\i60dmxbl\dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64[1].exe
22:40:02|   info| prereq component installer use downloaded installer dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64.exe.
22:40:02|   info| installer path microsoft .net framework set c:\users\...\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\i60dmxbl\dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64[1].exe
22:40:02|   info| querying current automaticupdatesnotificationlevel
22:40:02|   info| pausing automatic updates
22:40:02|   info| automatic updates paused
22:40:02|   info| no pending reboot detected
22:40:02|   info| installing microsoft .net framework
22:40:02|   info| launching external process:
22:40:02|   info|      cmdline:  <"c:\users\...\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\i60dmxbl\dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64[1].exe" /q /norestart /chainingpackage netfx4beta2_dynamicscrm>
22:40:02|   info|   workingdir: <c:\users\...\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\i60dmxbl>
22:40:18|   info| installation of microsoft .net framework has completed. exit code: 0. result: version installed: 4.0.30319.01
22:40:18|   info| resuming automatic updates
22:40:18|   info| uninitializing com.
22:40:18|   info| uninitialized com.
22:50:33|   info| === setup bootstrap logging ended 10/28/2013 10:50:33 pm ===
22:50:33|   info| could not retrieve current server roles registry.  'roles' registry key not exist
22:50:33|   info| could not retrieve current server roles registry.  'roles' registry key not exist
22:50:33|   info| === managed setup logging started: 10/28/2013 10:50:33 pm ===
22:50:33|verbose| method entry: microsoft.crm.setup.server.serversetup.initialize
22:50:33|verbose| method entry: microsoft.crm.setup.common.setupbase.initialize
22:50:33|verbose| method exit: microsoft.crm.setup.common.setupbase.initialize
22:50:35|verbose| method exit: microsoft.crm.setup.server.serversetup.initialize
22:50:35|verbose| method entry: microsoft.crm.setup.server.serversetup.run
22:50:35|   info| crmaction execution time; collectaction; 00:00:00.0156201
22:50:35|   info| crmaction execution time; collectaction; 00:00:00
22:50:35|verbose| installing version component: c:\users\...\appdata\local\temp\mscrm_{5d335c79-7a8e-4407-bb61-84a517bb1121}\server\bin\crmverserver.dll
22:50:35|verbose| installing version: 5.0.9688.583
22:50:35|verbose| installing lcid: 1033
22:50:35|   info| crmaction execution time; collectaction; 00:00:00.0156289
22:50:35|   info| crmaction execution time; collectaction; 00:00:00.1562293
22:50:35|verbose| method entry: microsoft.crm.setup.common.setupbase.run
22:50:35|verbose| method exit: microsoft.crm.setup.common.setupbase.run
22:50:35|   info| crmaction execution time; validateaction; 00:00:00
22:50:35|   info| crmaction execution time; validateaction; 00:00:00
22:50:35|   info| invoking c:\windows\system32\servermanagercmd.exe -query "c:\users\...\appdata\roaming\microsoft\mscrm\logs\servermanagerquery.xml" -logpath "c:\users\...\appdata\roaming\microsoft\mscrm\logs\servermanagercmd.log"
22:52:06|   info| === setup bootstrap logging started 10/28/2013 10:52:06 pm ===
22:52:06|   info| bootstrap version: 5.0.9688.583.
22:52:06|   info| user: m.ashraf.
22:52:06|   info| managed setup exited code 1.
22:52:07|   info| clean bits downloader.

23:10:32|   info| === setup bootstrap logging started 10/28/2013 11:10:32 pm ===
23:10:32|   info| bootstrap version: 5.0.9688.583.
23:10:32|   info| user: ...
23:10:32|   info| no pending reboot detected
23:10:32|   info| current os version: 6.2.9200
23:10:32|   info|   servicepack:
23:10:32|   info|   system type: workstation
23:10:32|   info|   suite mask: 0x0110
23:10:32|   info| clean bits downloader.

23:10:42|   info| === setup bootstrap logging started 10/28/2013 11:10:42 pm ===
23:10:42|   info| bootstrap version: 5.0.9688.583.
23:10:42|   info| user: ...
23:10:42|   info| no pending reboot detected
23:10:42|   info| current os version: 6.2.9200
23:10:42|   info|   servicepack:
23:10:42|   info|   system type: workstation
23:10:42|   info|   suite mask: 0x0110
23:10:42|   info| initializing com.
23:10:42|   info| initialized com.
23:10:42|   info| cisvcredistinstalled=1
23:10:42|   info| vcredist version 10.0.30319  installed
23:10:42|   info| initializing com.
23:10:42|   info| initialized com.
23:10:42|   info| uninitializing com.
23:10:42|   info| uninitialized com.
23:10:42|   info| running prereq checks
23:10:42|   info| isdotnetinstalled=0
23:10:42|   info| job key value bitslocaltempdir as  registry.

23:10:42|   info| checking whether installer dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64.exe locally available
23:10:42|   info| local package microsoft .net framework not found
23:10:42|   info| failed find .net setup program dotnetfx\dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64.exe.
23:10:42|   info| fwlink defined microsoft .net framework:  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=182091&clcid=0x409
23:10:42|   info| isdrwatsoninstalled=1
23:10:42|   info| isgenevainstalled=1
23:10:42|   info| isdotnetservicesinstalled=1
23:10:42|   info| isreportviewercontrolinstalled=1
23:10:42|   info| sql native client version found 10.1.2531
23:10:42|   info| issqlnativeclientinstalled=1
23:10:42|   info| uninitializing com.
23:10:42|   info| uninitialized com.
23:10:55|   info| waiting prereqcheck signaled
23:10:55|   info| prereq component action required.
23:11:09|   info| setup needs download following components internet:
-  microsoft .net framework

download components now?, question, yes|no
23:11:10|   info| inputresult: no
23:11:19|   info| setup needs download following components internet:
-  microsoft .net framework

download components now?, question, yes|no
23:11:19|   info| inputresult: yes
23:11:19|   info| initializing com.
23:11:19|   info| initialized com.
23:11:19|   info| requesting download of microsoft .net framework installer http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=182091&clcid=0x409.
23:11:20|   info| microsoft .net framework downloaded c:\users\...\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\i60dmxbl\dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64[1].exe
23:11:20|   info| prereq component installer use downloaded installer dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64.exe.
23:11:20|   info| installer path microsoft .net framework set c:\users\m.ashraf\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\i60dmxbl\dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64[1].exe
23:11:20|   info| querying current automaticupdatesnotificationlevel
23:11:20|   info| pausing automatic updates
23:11:20|   info| automatic updates paused
23:11:20|   info| no pending reboot detected
23:11:20|   info| installing microsoft .net framework
23:11:20|   info| launching external process:
23:11:20|   info|      cmdline:  <"c:\users\...\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\i60dmxbl\dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64[1].exe" /q /norestart /chainingpackage netfx4beta2_dynamicscrm>
23:11:20|   info|   workingdir: <c:\users\...\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\i60dmxbl>
23:11:36|   info| installation of microsoft .net framework has completed. exit code: 0. result: version installed: 4.0.30319.01
23:11:36|   info| resuming automatic updates
23:11:36|   info| uninitializing com.
23:11:36|   info| uninitialized com.
23:11:41|   info| === setup bootstrap logging ended 10/28/2013 11:11:41 pm ===
23:11:41|   info| not retrieve current server roles registry.  'roles' registry key not exist
23:11:41|   info| not retrieve current server roles registry.  'roles' registry key not exist
23:11:41|   info| === managed setup logging started: 10/28/2013 11:11:41 pm ===
23:11:41|verbose| method entry: microsoft.crm.setup.server.serversetup.initialize
23:11:41|verbose| method entry: microsoft.crm.setup.common.setupbase.initialize
23:11:41|verbose| method exit: microsoft.crm.setup.common.setupbase.initialize
23:11:43|verbose| method exit: microsoft.crm.setup.server.serversetup.initialize
23:11:43|verbose| method entry: microsoft.crm.setup.server.serversetup.run
23:11:43|   info| crmaction execution time; collectaction; 00:00:00.0156225
23:11:43|   info| crmaction execution time; collectaction; 00:00:00
23:11:43|verbose| installing version component: c:\users\m.ashraf\appdata\local\temp\mscrm_{53fb17eb-7986-407f-97f5-bf845d41dc52}\server\bin\crmverserver.dll
23:11:43|verbose| installing version: 5.0.9688.583
23:11:43|verbose| installing lcid: 1033
23:11:43|   info| crmaction execution time; collectaction; 00:00:00.0156269
23:11:43|   info| crmaction execution time; collectaction; 00:00:00.1093737
23:11:43|verbose| method entry: microsoft.crm.setup.common.setupbase.run
23:11:43|verbose| method exit: microsoft.crm.setup.common.setupbase.run
23:11:43|   info| crmaction execution time; validateaction; 00:00:00.0156234
23:11:43|   info| crmaction execution time; validateaction; 00:00:00
23:11:43|   info| invoking c:\windows\system32\servermanagercmd.exe -query "c:\users\...\appdata\roaming\microsoft\mscrm\logs\servermanagerquery.xml" -logpath "c:\users\m.ashraf\appdata\roaming\microsoft\mscrm\logs\servermanagercmd.log"
23:25:34|   info| === setup bootstrap logging started 10/28/2013 11:25:34 pm ===
23:25:34|   info| bootstrap version: 5.0.9688.583.
23:25:34|   info| user: m.ashraf.
23:25:34|   info| managed setup exited code 1.
23:25:34|   info| clean bits downloader.


the dynamics forums here:http://community.dynamics.com/crm/default.aspx

it seems attempting old crm2011 setup, need ur13 (at least) install on ws2012



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Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General


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