
Showing posts from September, 2015

How do I Make columns in PSobject closer?

i'm using following code format below: $tobj =  new-object psobject $tobj | add-member -name "server" -value $server -membertype noteproperty $tobj | add-member -name "scenario" -value $arraypwshell.scenario -membertype noteproperty  $tobj | add-member -name "result" -value $arraypwshell.result -membertype noteproperty  $tobj | add-member -name "error" -value $arraypwshell.error -membertype noteproperty  $object += $tobj $object gets populated $tobj have above.  what i'm wanting have happen have categories "server" "scenario" , on grouped closer together.  when $object outputted screen, there lot of space between each column , of text gets cut off.  how bring each column closer together?  i know there way hash tables @{"value = xx, value=xx}.  anyone know how make happen?? jctech1123, cheers try: $tobj | ft -auto default output format format-table.  -autosize switch keep columns closer to

Question about DHCPLOC and our servers

hello, studying 70-291 cert exam , started playing around dhcploc.  have attached screenshot of portion of recorded.  aware .153 dhcp server, not rogue.  didn't out in server because testing things @ time.  anyway, noticed lot of ack (ip) in our logs , curious going on causes them appear.  also, if simple request/offer/acknowledgement procedure, why have have same ip address being acknowledged repeatedly.  1.149 best example of this.  there issue should when see ip hitting server repeatedly?  aware of each of these users are, , confident don't have rogue programs running.  our servers not setup , desperately need cleaned up.  i'm hoping can learn through , maybe clean process. later in same log, started getting nack also.    if give me quick pointers, i'd appreciate it, of resources have found have not yet addressed these questions.  have told me should see/should expect, don't cover out of normal...  thank in advance. hi, thank post.

WMI Problems in Windows PE 10240 that does not exist in PE 10074

hi! finally got link windows 10 adk build 10240. great! my problems stack overflow errors after executing "powershell" or own c# code disapeared to! great too! but... i have trouble getting wmi information while running this new pe boot wim provided 10240. i switched new 10240 boot.wim , injected same winpe_ocs modules dism (also new 10240 version). for example, cannot information root\cimv2 win32_diskpartition or win32_diskdrivetodiskpartition. while many others running fine! i cannot value win32_operatingsystem property osarchitecture (other properties ar set!) the strange thing: these queries worked flawless boot.wim 10074. i happy, they are working again 10074, because wmi queries broken pe windows 8.1. had use , modify boot.wim dvd images not have issues. i not happy see, problems returned 10240 boot.wim, honest, nice if fixed, not have use dvd boot.wim again our installation environment. you can try out. use wmic in pe 10074 , in 10240 10074: wmi

RDS Gateway Best practices Dual-Homed?

good day, i wondering typical amount of time others see when end users launch remoteapp session goes through rds gateway. our 2 rds gateway servers (entire environment w2k12r2) seem slow me. both dual-homed , nic on dmz , internal side of network. maybe better off disabling internal nics , reconfiguring firewall rules routes through dmz nic? steve j. hi steve, thank posting in windows server forum. best practice server depends on environment scenario need decide whether place gateway in dmz or allow 443 opened internal network. placing rds gateway in dmz more secure, can have more information beneath article. rd gateway deployment in perimeter network & firewall rules more detail , understand rd gateway refer this article . hope helps! thanks. dharmesh solanki technet community support please remember mark replies a

Delete Session Collection by Server Manager show error

in windows server 2016 technical preview 4, when delete rdsessioncollection server manager, it show delete collection error. but it seems delte collection successfully. need restart server manager this error condition.   hi yamauchi, since not able read japanese, please translate error message english? in addition, may check terminal services related logs find out whether related information logged, under: event viewer -> applications , services logs\ microsoft\ windows. best regards, amy please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Windows Server  >  Windows Server Technical Preview

Hyper-V different Domain usage for RD Virtualization Host

hi, we have 2 ad-domains (2012-r2):  management.local , production.local. our hyper-v failover-cluster (3 phys. machines) placed in management.local. our remote-desktop-services placed in production.local (connection broker, rd-session-host, ...).  we add our hyper-v-failover-cluster machines rd virtualizations-hosts our production.local-rd-environment. is possible? no trusts between production.local , managment.local. thanks in advance, ben hi, for vdi issue please post “remote desktop services” board. technet remote desktop services thanks understanding , support. we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time. helping make community forums great place. Windows Server

Adding local group to administrators local group W2k3.

hi everyone know if possible add local group administrators local group in windows server 2003. saw not possible in w2k3 in windows server 2008 possible. thank in advance adriano anselmi hi. not really. according microsoft nesting local computer groups aren't dont work, , if via commandline still wont work good. nesting of local groups not supported on workstations or member servers please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. if not author of thread can others voting helpful. can beneficial other community members reading thread. oscar virot Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Individual ini Files

i posted question in '' newsgroup and, though relates 2003 terminal server i've been asked mervyn @ microsoft post here...... '   i suspect i'm flogging dead horse here, in case....... we have 2 epos client pc's connected via local lan sql server.  part of installation routine creates .ini file on pc's c drive contains information com ports , epos identification (so sql application can tell epos has made sale). i have move server building on other side of town and i've set terminal server (windows server 2003 standard) epos pc's connect to. my problem each epos installation creating .ini file in same place on terminal server.  each installation overwriting previous. bearing in mind it's not option sql application modified, is there anyway can fool terminal server thinking local c drive different each client? i suspect i'm flogging dead horse here, in case....... we have 2 epos client pc's co

PowerShell Script running Excel won't run on Windows Server 2008 R2

i have script creates report of single example of each warning or error in windows event log, each server in list of servers,with number of times error has occurred in last week on each server. creates report in excel. have script running automated through task scheduler 1 client on windows 7 , it's working perfectly. have client attempting run script automated on server running windows server 2008 r2. can manually run script , works, if try schedule script works except excel powershell commands. i've have tried: created desktop folders config\systemprofile in system32 , in syswow64. configured permissions in dcom microsoft excel application. configured folder permissions config\systemprofile. verified powershell working. unchecked option in task run while logged on. does have idea why happening , how can fix it? thanks! sincerely, christopher beard you might have launch application once system account can set excel environment, i've had same problem w

GetChildItem count returns null if there is one file in a folder

hey folks.  i'm absolute newbie ps please forgive me if question ridiculously basic.  i'm using following code see if folder has files in it: $imagefiles = get-childitem $filespec if ($imagefiles.count -gt 0) { write-host files found! } else { write-host folder empty! } everything working perfectly.  if folder has no files in it, executes else condition.  if has 2 or more files in it, executes code in first set of braces.  where goes wonky if folder has single file in it.  in situation $imagefile.count coming $null instead of 1.  i'm using ps 2.0. am doing dumb?  tia if can offer assistance! hi, in powershell 2 you should use @() operator when getting count property:  $imagefiles = get-childitem $filespec if (@($imagefiles).count -gt 0) { write-host files found! } else { write-host folder empty! } luck) Windows Server  

RODC Failure...

hi, so going absolutely crazy try configure rodc authenticate clients after credential caching has been done authentication done on rodc. this doing, can 1 please tell me i'm doing wrong. configure clients ip dc dhcp , join clients dc. (tested , working) 2.then configure rodc on dc password retention policy , set rodc server new server vm. (tested , working) 3.then change rodc primary dns ip ( , alternate dns dc ip. 4.then point clients use rodc primary dns ip , dc alternate dns ip 5.then turn off dc , test clients authenticate rodc, clients login network unknown , not domain network. @ point have checked clients ip other dhcp has given them because of changing primary dns of clients rodc ip. as can see below w10, w8 , w7 computers , madmin, m1 , m2 clients allowed in password retention policy yet authentication happens @ dc, missing step. could 1 kindly please let me know doing wrong. thank much hi tryllzhuud, >>but

BSOD occurs at random intervals

i installed windows 10 on hp elitebook 8560p on top on new samsung evo 840 1tb ssd on weekend , have experience nothing bsod @ random intervals. here recent .dmp file: i believe related network drivers.  updated lan , wlan latest drivers still experienced weirdness.  wlan off opened ie, blue screen.  lan off , on wlan blue screen less still it.  can shed further light on dump file?  like people cant without laptop stability i've gone windows 8.1.  love hear guys think. wlan: intel centrino advanced-n 6205 lan: intel 82579lm mcp, mcts, mcitp, mcsa.. gunning mcse cloud | please visit | invite follow me on twitter: @deploymentshare | if solve issue please mark reply answer. still persistent crashing after updating drivers. removed wlan card , swapped another, when checked drivers new card no longer using netwew00.sys  crashes still happening new card put original hardwar

Automatic certificate enrollment for user certs - Question

hallo, we have windows 2008 r2 domain , on 1 server have installed ad integrated certificate authority (ca). have duplicated user certificate template , granted auto enroll permission domain users. furthermore have created group policy, auto enrolls user certificate @ logon. what works is: when user, has not yet user certificate, logs in @ computer, seconds after login, user certificate automatically enrolled via gpo , saved on computer (local certificate store, certificates). cert stored in user object in active directory. i set option, not request new certificate if there 1 valid registered , available in active directory. i realized, when user logs in on computer, new certificate not requested , enrolled (this ok), available certificate of user not automatically installed on computer itself. (local store). seems, certificate installed on computer, on user logged on, when certificate requested. is there possibility configure, users automatically certificates installed

DNS not updating

we changed name of our wsus server , name did not replicate across domains. have 1 domain on server 2008 , other on windows 2003 active directory integrated. problem new name not updating 2003 domain. any ideas when try change replication get "the replication scope not set,see "dns zone replication in active directory" in , support. error : name limit local computer network adapter card exceeded.   so you're getting error? last time saw error, indicates a duplicate zone exists. may or may not  be getting event id# 4515 associated issue. read more on how may have happened, how find dupes, , how delete them. using adsi edit resolve conflicting or duplicate ad integrated dns zones   ace fekay mvp, mct, mcitp ea, mcts windows 2008 & exchange 2007 & exchange 2010, exchange 2010 enterprise administrat

New Group Policy not working on 2008 RDS in 2012 Domain - Security Filtering problem?

we have windows 2008 r2 rds in windows 2012r2 domain. want lockdown 2008 rds domain users have added new  security group--named "data collection users". these users "domain users" , login 2008 rds using windows xp sp3 machines run specific application -they not use local desktops anything. added group local rdu group on rds.  not have other users login rds through terminal, including domain admins. so far have done these steps: on dc, created new ou (called terminal servers) and moved rds it. opened group policy on dc, , under gp objects, created new policy called "ts users lockdown". linked policy ou. under security filtering removed authenticated users, added rds computer account (called qs2), added "data collection users" , chose allow "read" , "apply policy" under security filtering, domain admins, chose deny "apply group policy" we edited policy (under computer configuration>at>sys>gp) to enab

Migrate User Profile Disks to new File Server

i'm looking guidance/best practice/advice on moving user profile disk share. goal simple enough, have share upds on stand-alone file server. i'm in process of configuring scale-out file server , migrate upd share cluster once running smoothly. i'm running 2012 r2 rds farm. process simple changing unc path in server manager , migrating data? if so, should copy data change unc path or other way around? on related note, there problems of hosting upd share on dfs? i'm not looking replicate share, ease similar migration in future if necessary replicate or use dfs migration toolkit without needing alter unc path in farm client facing path wouldn't change. idea i'm toying , love feedback. i think in simple/flat scenario, change unc path , wizard automatically setup share on target folder correct root permissions then can robocopy.exe /mir move individual upds on while retaining unique permissions each user regarding scale out file server, can't use sofs

Pass login credentials into a test-path cmdlet

here scenario. i'm creating sql server job use powershell test if session made remote server before creating one. able create cmdlet test path connects remote shared server on same domain. remote server i'm trying connect on different domain need pass along login credentials. i'm stuck in finding correct way perform this. there way pass login information without prompt? below test-path command want use. if(test-path -path \\ipaddress\folder\subfolder)   {          write-error "remote connection test passed successfully"             } else {write-error "could not connect "\\ipaddress\folder\subfolder" -ea stop} also trying use pscredential achieve unsuccessful , received error. below powershell commands , error message. $securepassword = read-host -prompt "enter password" -assecurestring $username = "domain\user" $credentials = new-object -argumentlist $

IIS Help

hello use windows server 2003 sp2 iis 6 i wan modify default web page of explorer users in domain. when double click explorer shud open modified webpage instead of going default webpage. please guide me how can it.   check similar iis forum link . you can post iis related queries in iis forum . it might you.   thanks Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

cluster quorum

hi basic conspcet of clusters difference between odd , cluster, types of quorum secanrio used each quorum settings, possible change quorum types after cluster setup? there lots of information available via technet answer broad questions this.  example, blog understand how quorum works within cluster.  little dated, concepts same.  new feature of quorum came in windows server 2012 r2 concept of dynamic witness adjusts quorum dynamically - yes, simple change witness type after cluster has been configured.  can move among no witness, disk witness, or file share witness. . : | : . : | : . tim Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

ADMT 3.1 vbscript : ADMT.Migration object creation permission denied

hello everyone, i'm trying inter forest migration win 2003 ad win 2008 domain environment. try control admt project vbs scripting. i running script on windows server 2008 x64 member server. i've created 2 way trust relationship , managed transfer groups, user accounts , passwords gui admt v3.1 tools, but experiment issue using script. fail on instantiate syntax  set objmigration = createobject("admt.migration") receive following error: permission denied : 'createobject' according error messages it may a permission issue can't figure out can wrong. refer v31migguide.doc microsoft documentation configure migrator account security , permission. ok migration account ok migrate admt mmc snap in. note don't fail instantiate admt.migration object using domain admins account. nat have use domain admins account. thank help scan le gentil i reply myself : problem of user account control (uac).

Active directory Server 2003 - 2008 migration preparation (hmc, exchange)

hello, migrate our exchange 2007 - 2010. i´m using hmc 4.5 client-seperation. found "migrate plan" hmc exchange 2007 - 2010 didn´t saw informations client-seperation when migrate before active directory server 2003 - 2008? there known issues, steps of beware  around seperation of clients? thank you. gruss daniel ovadia mbss - microsoft dynamics crm mcnps hello, for exchange migration please ask in what mean client separation on domain? best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Group Policy not applying and winning group policy is denied for user

i have made copy of current group policy has users authenticated , called _v2. denied user access original group policy , have given him access the  new _v2 1 created. changes made changing internet explorer maintenance > connection/automatic browser configuration > auto proxy url . after running gp update , getting user restart machine. run gpresult /r , notice original policy denied , _v2 policy applied. however when running group policy results user notice applied , denied gpo when going settings tab , checking user configuration policy for internet explorer maintenance > connection/automatic browser configuration > auto proxy url i notice still pointing old url. , above says winning gpo gpo have denied user accessing. can please advise have done wrong? havent enforced gpo previous 1 not enforced , havent applied loop processing. have denied original user , given him access new one. hi affy, i have helped move thread to  group policy  forum supports.

User Profile are still in use, even when user logged out

we seem have issue on our windows 2008 r2 servers.   on 1 of bespoke application, ok before virtualised (so claimed) , on windows 2008 r2 xenapp 6.  user logs out users profile still on machine if go empty it.  parts allow , others claim in use.  help this 1 may help.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Startup script not running on windows xp machines

i'm trying apply simple startup script  -it worked on windows 7 , 8 machines, not windows xp -i can access folder script located, double click , working - tested same script logon script, worked many threads topic couldn't fine answer hi, how issue going? regarding issue, sennevl suggested , as we realized, first of all, we need check if system accounts of windows xp clients have enough access permissions startup script.  besides, if issue persists, can enable following setting see if helps: computer configuration\administrative templates\system\scripts\run startup scripts asynchronously regarding point, following thread can referred more information. startup script working on windows 7/2008, not in windows xp/2003 best regards, frank shen

Hypervisor - Manged/Remote onto VM's

hello, i beginner in using powershell, , have come across infrastructure using hyper-v-server 2012 r2 several vm's have been created etc. hyper-v-server 2012 r2 setup core instead of gui. i attempting find out how can access vm powershell. when running get-vm cmd, displays vm's. far have got. any advice highly appreciated. liam perryman. enter-pssession -computername vmname most management on vms done via powershell remoting. start reviewing documentation , training windows server core. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

usb safe to remove

driver management has concluded process add service wudfwpdfs device instance id swd\wpdbusenum\_??_usbstor#disk&ven_adata&prod_usb_flash_drive&rev_1100#12110120322700d0&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} following status: 0. the first normal banneung . for the second connection . if you want to secure removal . does not work ... does not even sound . only ! exclamation mark appears only so ... i am a little embarrassed . that is safe to remove . very embarrassed and wondering ... thanks .. the following information bulletin tried everything but does not normally removed . youtube에서 windows 10 9879 usb error? 보기 windows 10 9879 usb error?: i hear a beep i think that if output . use several times . i always check the sound effects . if not normally safe to remove . usb will be broken . ntfs mbr

DHCP DNS scavenge records multiple NICs

what best practice server has multiple nics , dns records.  i have hyper-v host server multiple nics. if windows dns scavenges records says dns record has changed.  should set 1 of nics not register dns?  thanks. in every case, whether hyper-v or not, should set single nic registered in dns , prevent others registering.  nic should first in binding order.  there may situations want have multiple nics in dns, should reviewed individually.  address want in dns 1 used accessing host.  of time, live migration , csv networks have absolutely no need in dns. .:|:.:|:. tim Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Unable to move global catalog between domains (server 2003 r2)

i unable move global catalog primary domain controller i followed below articlie move gc. article id: 313994 below current server roles , gc information. c:\documents , settings\administrator.scoreplus>netdom query fsmo schema owner       domain role owner  pdc role           rid pool manager   infrastructure owner the command completed successfully. c:\documents , settings\administrator.scoreplus>nltest /  /server:splusdxbsrv            dc: \\       address: \\      dom guid: dc66e65c-ad07-4b80-9272-9fe95bf47084      dom name:   forest name:  dc site name: default-first-site-name our site name: default-first-site-name         flags: pdc d

How Do I Join a Workstation to a Domain

i'm trying join workstation domain (server 2012 r2 foundation).  i've set workstation static internal ip address (, , can both ping server workstation , workstation server.  when go system properties , change workstation workgroup domain (averihire.local), error message saying "an active directory domain congroller (ad dc) domain "averihire.local" not contacted". i'm new servers, suspect there's else needs done on workstation and/or server, haven't clue be. i'd much appreciate if someone explaining steps must taken in order join workstation domain. capt. dinosaur   don't need change ip address of client machine. need change  dns setting uses the domain controller dns server.   from properties of nic, select ipv4 | properties , set dns manually (and nothing else). you not need change rest of properties.   bill Windows Server

Users are unable in set Home page in IE 7

dear team users not able set home page in ie7. can define home page url once log off , re-logon. don't their  page. entry of url there executes ms default page. can me fix issue using gp. user logon windows server 2003 sp2 regards suman b. singh suman - have verified  does not resolve issue describing? hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

AD LastLogon format date

i have powershell script extracts lastlogon across domain. the relevant portion of script is:-   $time = $currentuser . lastlogon $dt = [ datetime ]:: fromfiletime( $time ) the output in format think (eg 12/15/2011 16:08:20 however, date in uk format. i understand the culture can help, i've not been able work above. any help, appreciated. regards ian i sort of stumbled across answer although not 1 expected. i changed script be:- $dt=[datetime]::fromfiletime($time).tostring('g') this gave me desired format, in uk time.  surprised when converted. regards ian Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Is windows 7 sidebar going to be included in windows 10

your gadget side bar great miss 8.1 chance may reappear on windows 10 ? microsoft has done way sidebar gadgets due possible security breach. see article..... in light of that, doubt sidebar gadgets resurrect. @ least not microsoft. said, there introducing way them. don't have hard before finding it. just remember potential security danger. your computer, choice. Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview General

Group Policy denies storage of Bitlocker recovery information

hi, i have started implement bitlocker laptops in organisation starting few test machines. i configured gpo , applied 'test laptops' ou configured following settings: computer configuration > policies > administrative templates > windows components > bitlocker drive encryption  - turn on bitlocker backups active directory domain services (also ticked 'require bitlocker backup adds') computer configuration > policies > administrative templates > system > trusted platform module services  - turn on tpm backup active directory domain services (also ticked 'require tpm backup adds') i ran gpupdate /force on test machine, rebooted measure , tried manually backing bitlocker/tpm data adds using following commands manage-bde -protectors -get c: volume c: [] all key protectors   tpm:    id: {c15c7dbe-956d-4f48-9cb1-d4a024651530}   numerical password:    id: {57fa6ecb-832d-4068-b4e8-e6a4d0250796}    passw

Hyper-V SP1 - Windows could not retrieve information about the disks on this computer

i unable install microsoft hyper-v 2008 r2 sp1.  after booting usb stick click on "install now."  after delay following error message in dialogue box. windows not retrieve information disks on computer i have 3 samsung drives.  2 setup raid1 , third individual disk. with microsoft hyper-v 2008 r2 (non-sp1), using exact same hardware , booting same usb stick, i instead dialogue asks me agree license terms.  next prompt able open explorer window install raid drivers , hyper-v installation completes normally.  after hyper-v installed able download available patches , upgrade sp1.  takes long time , prefer install sp1 directly. it appears sp1 installation isn't giving me opportunity install drivers?  , crashing before showing microsoft license? amd phenom ii x6 1090t msi 890gxm-g65 motherboard (amd sb850 raid/achi on motherboard) samsung ecogreen f2 hd154ui patriot gamer 2 series  16 gb (4 x 4 gb) - ddr3-1600 using integrated graphics hi all,   the f

NTFS permission, local users and share permissions confusion

for years now, work, file servers have shares "domain\authenticated users" change permissions on them. ntfs permissions set per security group (and in cases specific users if need be). works great, specific groups or users can access share (and whatever allowed according ntfs permissions). here @ home i'm playing hyper-v free 2016 tp3, , created share storing iso files. wanting use more powershell used new-smbshare cmdlet create share. microsoft still uses share permissions, instead of authenticated users more secure imo, surprise able access share using domain user. couldn't write, read. after digging around, found out server's local users group has domain users in it's list. reading old links why still doesn't make clear me why domain users should part of local users group of server. sounds silly me. the fileservers @ work aren't old. server 2012, i've administered them same way in 2008 r2 , 2003. can't remember ever seeing loca

Managing multiple remote (off network) users with AD

hello! i work @ company multiple users @ client sites anywhere 1 month 1 year. 90% of users utilize windows based pcs 10% mac. currently, none of laptops on our domain. issue is, if can of our user's laptops on domain, how can manage them remotely? i've considered things may work, such creating vpn accounts users , having them 'check in' every x months. ms have out-of-the box solutions this? there externally available ad (maybe available through adfs?) utilized? any feedback appreciated. what os on laptops? have looked direct access   you can search around lot more info on it.  adfs isn't solution this. thanks mike follow @mekline Windows Server  > 

Server 2012 Direct Access RemoteNetworkAuthenticationFailure

hi, i have setup direct access on server 2012 , in test configuration had working fine. tried reconfigure server live environment issues have rebuilt , start again. on new build, testing windows 8 client, can connect , ping internally resources (except primary dc strange) cannot browse network shares or rdp etc. running get-daconnectionstatus returns error, remotenetworkauthenticationfailure. on da server show client being connected username field empty. my understanding of how direct access works limited feel linked certificate problem on clients. testing windows 8 becaus eit easier troubleshooting aim support windows 7 clients. thanks in advance just update on problem. use certificates our wirless network , da, had checked client had certificate foolishly wrong one. had set permissions wrong on ca certificate template our clients werent getting certificates ca. another foolish thing had done use our dc nls, because happened have https site running. did fix set

Need to Confirm TS LIC

we have ts lic server on domain we have citrix user in domain , b using same lic server in domain a, we have plan of upgrading or buying new lic  citrix migration required additional 350 lic windows 2008 r2 going remote desktop using citrix xenapp 7.5 i need confirm have 330 showing on console right information of lic in ts server. is there other tool can confirm lic count hi, i recommend confirm licenses own logging on company's vlsc account checking original purchase emails / paperwork / documentation / etc.  may have other licenses installed on server , if happens server or audited need original information regardless. based on screenshot appears have 330 2008 per user rds cals. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Unable to install Windows Updates - Code 80246007

when trying install of 30+ updates have backed since i've been running error: error(s) found code 80246007 after which, ask me restart, cycle through "installing updates 1-3 of 3" screen, restart, , state updates failed , roll back. system update readiness tool fails install appropriate kb well. looking @ windowsupdate.log, see these lines: 2015-02-01 13:18:47:190 7284 1dc8 handler   : warning: command line install completed. return code = 0x09380001, result = failed, reboot required = false 2015-02-01 13:18:47:191 7284 1dc8 handler   : warning: exit code = 0x8024200b i'm not sure if appropriate copy , paste more logs in here, if so, can. appreciated. when trying install of 30+ updates have backed since i've been running error: error(s) found code 80246007 0x80246007     -2145099769     sus_e_dm_notdownloaded update has not been downloaded. lawrence garvin, m.s., mcsa, mcitp:ea, mcdba solarwinds head geek

IPSec between Windows XP/2003 and Windows 7/2008 R2

i see lot of posts how people not able ipsec working between windows xp/2003 , windows 7/2008 r2 computers, don't see solutions. has been able working?  if so, how? i have same exact ipsec polices applied xp , windows 7 computers.  when try access xp comptuer windows 7 computer, works fine.  when try access windows 7 computer xp computer, doesn't.  see traffic getting windows 7 computer, being dropped.  firewalls disabled , ipsec policy set "request".  default windows 2003/xp "request" security being used.  windows 7/2008 r2 computers can communicate each other without problems, xp/2003 cannot communicate each other or with windows 7/2008 computers, shows security association has been negotiated , exists using ipsec monitor tool.  if disable ipsec server or apply customized "permit all" unecrypted policy windows xp/2003 computers, can communicate normally. there has difference between xp/2003 , 7/2008, cannot find information different