Server 2012 Direct Access RemoteNetworkAuthenticationFailure


i have setup direct access on server 2012 , in test configuration had working fine. tried reconfigure server live environment issues have rebuilt , start again.

on new build, testing windows 8 client, can connect , ping internally resources (except primary dc strange) cannot browse network shares or rdp etc.

running get-daconnectionstatus returns error, remotenetworkauthenticationfailure.

on da server show client being connected username field empty.

my understanding of how direct access works limited feel linked certificate problem on clients. testing windows 8 becaus eit easier troubleshooting aim support windows 7 clients.

thanks in advance

just update on problem. use certificates our wirless network , da, had checked client had certificate foolishly wrong one. had set permissions wrong on ca certificate template our clients werent getting certificates ca.

another foolish thing had done use our dc nls, because happened have https site running. did fix set listen on different dns record can still our dc name form da clients.

hope made sense, baically problem not setting certificates propperly.

@miles if have had setup , working client certificates have expired?

Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General


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