
Showing posts from January, 2014

Server 2008 R2 IE 9 downgrade

hello, i see there number of posts related possibly downgrading ie9, i confirm in fact possible, , how go doing so.   i have application not run in ie9 , , run in ie8. thanks have checked: Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Is there any way to increase the log level of the system log?

is there way increase log level of system log?something possible directory service debug levels? debugr yes can configure active directory diagnostic event logging in windows server 2003 , in windows 2008 server please refer article  it shall work windows 2008 server havent checked u can give try . thanks Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

script will not start

my script not work through task scheduler running directly runs fine. tryed running in specific user context through group policy exam. (run user ___, turn off not store pasword,  , run highest privileges etc).    here image of settings can , me: < img src = "" > </img> any setting im doing wrong appreciated. p.s. tasks settings in task scheduler set through group policy can login computer , test locally. edit: run in context of logged on user. example: username is bob program run in context want run in context of maintaince account on here people dont mess around.  i try running local admin on computer while user logged in , see if works.   edit: didnt work dont know problem is. Windows Server  > 

Best Cloud Serverice for Sever2012r2 Hyper V virtualization/testing

my slow pc can't handle vms or emulate hyperv (a vm engine).  want to experiment hyperv.  heard it's possible setup vms ec2.  can please explain best , easiet method - aws, gcp, or what? " according other forums it's possible play hyper-v in cloud w/ service aws - ec2.  don't have articles reference, " without providing 'any articles reference' pretty hard determine referring to.  noted earlier, cloud services offering virtual services, not physical hardware.  can investigate service bureaus might provide physical hardware testing purposes asking for, not cloud service providers offering.  if have other information, need provide references. on flip side, not take major investment start working hyper-v. have old dell optiplex have been using 6-7 years, , purchased used. has run windows server 2008 through windows server 2016 without issues. relatively inexpensive desktop can used trying out hyper-v nicely. or, use microsoft virtual academy.

Protected View on network share Office 2010/2013/2016 GPO?

hi all, i'm having issue newly installed windows server 2012r2 environment. did clean install of complete domain , migrated files on old dc/data server. users getting "protected view" bar in version of office (we actively updating them 2016 need few 2010's legacy purposes) want deploy gpo add \\dcserver\ protected location. on versions of office. or better way of handling issue? kind regards  stijn de clercq something here might help.  or ask on here.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights.

Execute commands remote with PSSession

hi, i trying write script executed on server connects server b , executes commands remote powershell. i trying simple commands since it's first time have tried remote powershell function. connect server working fine, if simple command like: $foundfiles = get-childitem - path "c:\temp" it returns error telling me cannot find path. if same , use "c:\windows" works. if enter commands manually in console works expected. ? lasse /lasse if this: enter-pssession -name testconnection $tmpfiles = get-childitem -path "c:\temp" you running  remote system , c:\temp have on remote system.  either copy file there or use invoke. spend time testing commands until sort out how remoting works.   when enter sessin prompt changes tell you running on remote system , references remote system. this works same references local , execution remote: $session=new-pssession  -computername servername invoke-command -file c:\temp\script.ps1 -ses

Word stops working on a OneDrive file

i store work files on onedrive. it's fine. however, couple of months ago ran problem word stop working on word file - error message while saving latest version. when tried reopen file hang , give error message. got progressively worse until wasn't working word files. spent several days going round , round various ms customer support groups - office, win 8.1... got usual ms response intractable problems - rebuild machine metal up. now it's starting again!!! just before, can open files on windows 7 machine running ms office 10. today discovered on surface pro, can use explorer move file onedrive hard drive , works fine there - no changes whatsoever - move. so, it's problem of word using onedrive. has fixed , fixed fast!  8.1 surface pro - updates applied office 2013 version 15.0.4623.1003 hi, on surface pro, repair installation of office control panel -> programs , features. when hangs again, maybe can find useful determine cause event logs:

Server Standard 2008 Downgrade from Standard 2008 R2

recently bought 2 dell servers , had oem versions of server 2008 standard r2 installed , activated on them.  in order downgrade standard 2008 (32-bit) had order downgrade kit. we looking duplicate system without having buy downgrade kit.  now, might wrong way understand downgrade rights page if have disc , key can use r2 key install , activate lower version, i.e. 2008 standard. does sound right, or still need downgrade kit go it? thanks in advance. hi,   you may refer following link more information:   windows server downgrade   for licensing related issue, you’d better contact microsoft licensing team. in united states , canada, may call licensing team directly @ 1-800-426-9400 (select option 4), monday through friday, 6:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. (pst) speak directly microsoft licensing specialist. in way, know detailed information license.   worldwide customers can use guide worldwide microso

Revamping current virtual environment

i'm linking other topic current situation explination : ( ) so after discussion i perposed company i'm working upgrading vm environment closer if not towards industry standard.  knocking out nas, bringing in san's, second hp server identical 1 using , on.  price got pretty hefty. now current question have build vm environments ground up, witha  nas , single server.  had few questions. 1.  when upgrading degree, have reinstall orginal hyper-v 2008 r2 server, or can identify hyper-v server in loop? 2.  vm's survive upgrade or need rebuilt/reinstalled (i.e. can export them san's off nas , remount them?) 3.  able configure live migration, , if provide information or link, or explain how process take placing upgrade doing great! 4.  variables might missing? i'm looking add san's, second hyper-v host server, , migrate data manually?  

WIndows Server 2008 R2 & Adaptec 6x05 RAID controller

has found working around no signed drivers found adaptec 6 series durning fresh install? hi, for how add device driver wds image, refer thread: and if looking suitable driver, may need contact device manufacturer. here driver page found adaptec: please note: third-party product discussed here manufactured company independent of microsoft. make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding product's performance or reliability. technet subscriber support in forum |if have feedback on our support, please contact Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Server 2012 Interface

why has microsoft shoved rancid interface down out throughts? administrative tasks new interface have become cumbersome, such getting the forever-going-to-be-used "run" feature. new interface not admin friendly. cannot find forum feedback, after using server 2012 trail 2 hours, have re-installed desktop experience. why shoving down our throats?  admins not want windows 8 on server, infact of hate windows 8 , layout. switching windows 2008 asap. upgrade not work it. , frankly, cannot see major business/agency switching 2012 anytime soon. all though there may changes many system admins unhappy there lot of changes speeds administrataion , make life of system admin easier , quicker. i 1 new interface things use powershell or commandline rather interface far quickest way whne use interface dont not find cumbersome , if microsoft tried make happy or did not make changes there never progression , people said win xp win 7. people dont chanage 8b17

Can I use Windows server 2008R2 DataCenter Edition into 1CPU server which has 2 cpu socket?

i want know a windows server 2008r2 datacenter edition licence,can use 1 cpu server? i checked site below,it said [ you may not run instances of datacenter ].but if have few instances can supported 1 cpu,is forbided licensing?? 【 licensing datacenter edition 】 ·   you may not run instances of datacenter on server less 2 processors. note partitioning of datacenter system supported logically @ licensing level , physical level.     in other words, not required obtain more datacenter edition server licenses total number of processors on server (2 processor minimum).      you can install windows server 2008 r2 datacenter edition on computer has 1 cpu dual-core. in opinion, 2 cpu sockets 1 installed still counted 1 cpu.  please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread.

Looking for AntiVirus Timestamp and I can't find it

i've been writing command return timestamp of computer's antivirus definitions on win 10 computer: get-wmiobject -namespace root\securitycenter2 -class antivirusproduct | select-object  -expandproperty timestamp it returns date of av definitions. i've run same command on windows 7 computers have been updated powershell 4, , result is: select-object : property "timestamp" cannot found. yup. it's not in list of antivirusproduct properties - @ ps version 4. this sucks. is there way know version things added powershell? gavin described here: and also, per comment on blog : "  believe solution querying antivirus status on vista sp1/sp2 strange "productstate" value. seems represent entire av status number. e.g. c:>wmic /node:localhost /namespace:\rootsecuritycenter2 path ant

Problem with permissions

i having problem sharing files in 2012r2. every time add admin domain group sharing folder grants permission everyone. if folder not on inherintance. when take out admin domain group seems work, check users , groups , none of users under admin domain group , admin domain group not part of other group. have add admin rights manage folder thanks in advance. hi, please create normal usera (in domain users group not domain admins group ) , check these 3 things: 1. members  usera belong to.  2. groups domain admins group contain, , groups domain admins belongs to. 3. give domain admins permission on folder, go properties - security - advanced. check each entry inside see if 1 of them gives additional permissions other user groups.  please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server

2003 Server domain Password / Windows 7 client

enforcing password change on next login not working windows 7 client , when windows 7 client changes password, required signin every domain file old password. how windows 7 client's password controlled 2003 server domain? hi,   it seems windows 7 client cannot communicate dc. please make sure dns settings on client correct. try disjoin client domain , rejoin it.   if problem continues, please collect following information;   1.     does problem happen on windows 7 clients or one? 2.     is dc on configured "user must change password @ next logon" in different site? can ping it? 3.     open cmd window , run set logonserver . server get?   regards, bruce Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Hyper-V snapshots sometimes comes without mounted ISO

hello, all. running automated tests microsoft test manager , scvmm virtual environments. started mount iso images file collections on vms (we used copy them vms network share, slow , caused timeouts , network share access problems). iso images being mounted via wmi hyper-v provider. images located in host's local folders (c:\iso), network shares being synced "primary" share dfs. problem is: (i'd in 1 case 100) virtual machine doesn't "see" mounted drive it's ejected. hyper-v manager shows correct "image file" in vm's settings. changing "none" , same image file fixes problem.  bug in hyper-v? inserted additional check: after calling wmi run  dir d:\ ensure image mounted. , it's there. , doesn't... any suggestions other re-mount image every time it's needed :-) ? hi sir, >>the problem is: (i'd in 1 case 100) virtual machine doesn't "see" mounted drive it's e

AD FS Client Certificate Error 403.16 - Client Certificate Untrusted or Invalid.

hello, iam trying login sharepoint site client certificate ad fs. if request sharepoint site iam getting redirected ad fs getting http 403.16 error iis of ad fs! all certificates importet trusetd certificate store of sharepoint , ad fs server. for ad fs ssl connection iam using digicert wildcard certificate (* - during ad fs role configuration ive configured certificate fqdn "" (just example ).  the client certificate iam generating ad ca. here have created own rootca. client certificate generated own rootca. -> maybe error causing??? habe on 1 side digicert wildcard certificate ssl on oher site self created client certificate ad ca. thanks, ralf hi ralf, http 403.16 means client certificate untrusted or invalid. this error can occur if choose client certificate created certificate authority (ca) not trusted iis computer. >> the client certificate iam generating ad ca. here have created own rootca. client certificate ge

Host A records only written when client reboots - NOT on ipconfig /registerdns

hello everyone, this issue has been driving me insane couple weeks now.  hope able draw accurate picture of experiencing, have ton of testing notes , explanation might drowned out.  has idea me: 1.  noticed of our clients missing host (a) records in ad integrated dns zone.       a.  configured sddns, clients writing own host records , dhcp writing ptrs.       b.  not have scavenging enabled, aging configured @ zone level.       c.  have several dhcp subnets , dhcp assigns , works flawlessly.       d.  hosts not right host records in 1 subnet fail in others.  host right host record in 1 sn succeed in others.       e.  windows 7 hosts not right host record have frequent dnsapi timeout error our domain             i.  name resolution works both forward , reverse records records available             ii. dns server service on :-) 2.   asked 1 of our consultants , suggested disable rss , chimney offloading - offloading disabled on our servers, , rss has since been conf

Hyper-V cluster with Storage Server and MPIO

hi. we have several clusters running windows hyper-v server 2008 r2 w/sp1 against windows storage server 2008 r2 w/sp1. using iscsi software target v3.3 csv- , witness-disks. , mpio initiators since have 2 seperate networks both cluster , iscsi traffic. after having problems iscsi software target (wintarget.exe) crashing on 1 of storage servers googling possibility mpio causing crash came on article  saying: "3. mpio not supported iscsi initiators when used in conjunction microsoft iscsi software target if initiators part of failover cluster." can please explain little better? our setup not supported?   hi,   i have contacted iscsi target group , let know limitation removed kb.       best regards, vincent hu     Windows Server  > 

Windows 2008 R2 Issue with double logins using the Broker load balancing

i have 2 windows 2008 r2 terminal servers broker load balancing installed.  have license server setup on domain controller.  the connection type rdp microsoft 7.1 , security layer "negotiate"  i experiencing double logins.  have read mutiple articles , blogs on how fix issue , none seem work.  everyone has different answer.  options?  using latest rdp version , using wyse terminals model z90s7 , windows wes7 operating system.  not using rdweb , not plan too.  please let me know if has answer or requires additional information.  have taken 1 of terminal servers out of farm removing "participate in connection-load balancing" , double logins go away. help. jon you're limiting users single session via gpo , checking servers participating in session broker (via logs)? Windows Server  > 

OS X Remote Desktop needs a keyboard shortcut for the connection list

this feature request mac os x remote desktop app. it’s great app, more mac-like. there needs keyboard shortcut call connection list. way menu:  window > microsoft remote desktop . window name (“microsoft remote desktop”) doesn’t make sense. that’s app name, i’d expect window listing connections called “connection list” (keyboard shortcut shift-cmd-l) or maybe “bookmarks” (shift-cmd-b). hi, thanks feedback, submit product group. thanks. jeremy wu technet community support Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop clients

Find files older then month and Email the owner

hi guys, trying build no success, hope can give me hint. what i’m trying build script has 3 purposes: 1.        find files in share older month , group them owner. 2.        get email address of owner ad. 1 going little bit of problem since run script win xp , understand powershell module ad not supported. email naming convention in organization have nothing user name format, must ad. i’ll try achieve 1 using cmd dsquery . 3.        send mail list of files owner. so far managed create this:   $cd = get-date $item = get-childitem "\\server\share" -recurse | {( ! $_.psiscontainer ) -and (( new-timespan $cd   $_.lastwritetime ).days -lt -30)} | get-acl   the above code find files (not folders) older 30 days. pipelining the get-acl give owner of these files. now, need find way create foreach , use owner gather files match criteria , send him mail. not want send separate mail each item in $item variable. so if add:

GP Drive Mappings work for some users and not for others

working on w2008r2 server: created drive mappings in group policy object under domains, , linked them @ domain level. policy (and mapped drives) working 2 users, not other users. of intended users belong exact same list of groups.  of intended users show having same cannonical name, except user name of course. of users signing via rdp session same server. so, stumped... other items should checking? brian figured out issue seems users had disconnected remote desktop sessions keeping policy changes being applied.  reset sessions, , voila. something simple, time looking complicated... thanks brian Windows Server  >  Group Policy

"Domain Users" in local users group isn't appropriate for us. Can I safely remove it?

i understand "domain users" gets added local users group when machine joins ad.  isn't appropriate us, domain users group includes ids shouldn't log in machines.  can remove via gpo, i'd rather not happen in first place.  can done safely? hello, since want allow specific users logon on specific computers, can consider using these 2 parameters in group policies: allow logon locally: deny logon locally: this posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.       microsoft student partner 2010 / 2011 microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active directory, configuration microsoft certified technol

Corrupt OU in Active Directory

we've taken on site 2008 r2 server appears corrupt ou in ad, , i'm looking advice on how remove ou. when attempting open ou in aduc error message displayed stating "data users not available domain controller xxx because: operations error occured." (the corrupt ou named 'users'). attempting open ou in asdi edit, error message displayed stating "operation failed. error code: 0x80072020 operations error occured. attempting delete ou in asdi edit displayes error message: "operation failed. error code: 0x20ef directory service encountered unknown failure. 000020ef: svcerr: dsid-02080f91, problem 5012 (dir_error), data -1017" also on server, on attempting open gpmc message displayed stating "the system cannot open device or file specified.", , reapeated when attempting view gpo. in settings tab every gpo displayed "an error occurred while generating report: operations error occured." gp settings can viewed in gp editor.

Redirect and syncronise internet favorites

hi, hope can of assistance, i have windows 2003 domain , using windows svr 2008 apply folder redirection via group policy dfs namespace. issue have come across redirecting internet favourites, , also, can them syncronise. i have heard there needs done in order acheive this, im not sure is. please assist, regards, kevin bennett hi kevin,   by default, there no group policy setting redirect ie favorites. may try use custom adm file:   redirect favorites , cookies folder using group policy   please note: since web site not hosted microsoft, link may change without notice. microsoft not guarantee accuracy of information.   regards, bruce Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Unable to add RD Virtualization host

hi all got problem add rd virtualization host. deployed rds test.  -1 virtual rd connection broker (windows server 2012)  -1 virtual rd web access (windows server 2012)  -1 rd virtualization host 1 (windows server 2012) created pool managed collection. worked well. add rd virtualization host rd connection broker failed. "could not add rd connection broker server ts virtual desktop server settings on rd virtualization host 2" checked rdms overview, there rd virtualization host 2. can't create collection or add virtual desktop. checked event viewer, found logs below, (1) error   -source:terminalservices-sessionbroker   -event id:1537   -description:     vm host [rd virtualization host 2] not being added broker or not running. (2) error   -source:rdms-ui   -event id:8210   -description:      [collection name]:provisioninig failed. reason: (3) error   -source:terminalservices-sessionbroker   -event id:2056   -des

Finding out who made changes in AD

how find out made changes global group in ad. windows 2008 r2. hi, you have enable auditing ( ). can find event log entry id 4757(removed) or 4756 (added) - universal groups - information in security event log. global groups event id 4729 (removed) , 4728 (added). e.g. " member removed security-enabled universal group. subject: security id: frontoso\admlmh account name: admlmh account domain: frontoso logon id: 0x2ea1a member: security id: frontoso\fholz account name: cn=florian,ou=admins,ou=cl5000,dc=frontoso,dc=com group: security id: frontoso\rdg group name: rdg group domain: frontoso additional information: privileges: - " if have multiple dcs should think setting event collection service, events forwarded single server ( ). hth, lutz

Configure NLB on Hyper-v

hi all, i had run problem while configuring nlb on win 2012 r2 on win 2012 r2 hyper-v there 2 server server1 , server 1 2 nic each on servers public , nlb server 1 pubic nic -ip -subnet - dg - dns1 - dns2 order of priority set 1 nlb -ip -subnet order of priority set 2 netsh interface ipv4 set interface "nlb" forwarding=enabled hper-v nic -> advance property -> spoofing enabled server 2 pubic nic -ip -subnet - dg - dns1 - dns2 order of priority set 1 nlb -ip -subnet order of priority set 2 netsh interface ipv4 set interface "nlb" forwarding=enabled hper-v nic -> advance property -> spoofing enabled the nlb vip after nlb configuration i'm able ping vip witn same subnet ie 10.10.10.

Windowws 2008 Network Policy Manager and Cisco Device Radius authentication

hi, we looking migrate of our cisco devices authenticate via network policy manager radius authentication. currently have setup npm follows: radius client  : cisco switch friendly name, ip address , manual shared secret. advanced, vendor name cisco , saved client. connection request policy: overview - policy name = use windows authentication users , policy enabled, type of network access server  = unspecified conditions = day , time restrictions-24 hour permitted - settings = blank/default network policies (disabled default 1 , 2) overview  - policy name = telecoms, policy enabled, grant access if connection request matches policy, network access server =unspecified conditions =  usergroup, dc01/telecoms constraints = none settings = radius attributes => standard = service-type = framed cisco configuration = aaa authentication login default group radius local aaa authentication enable default group radius enable aaa authorization exec default grou