
Showing posts from July, 2015

Windows Server 2008 R2 licenses

hi, point of view of licensing, possible mix open , oem licenses of windows server 2008 r2 on single machine ? thank you. you can mix licences. regarding using oem licenses vms, can read that: " q.   can install oem on virtual machine (vmware)? a.  you may install oem in virtual environment long have separate licence each instance of software. fine use oem version long licensed. clear, separate version of software must installed both “standard” , “virtual” installations. " reference: so, better check manufacturer details oem licenses. this posting provided no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. ahmed malek my website link my linkedin profile my mvp profile Windows Server  > 

LSASRV warning - looking for help to decipher

hi, i am seeing following warning in event log on win2003 server isa long time. can me decipher it? event type: warning event source: lsasrv event category: spnego (negotiator) event id: 40960 date:  11/10/2014 time:  9:12:04 am user:  n/a computer: xxxx description: security system detected authentication error server dns/  failure code authentication protocol kerberos "there no logon servers available service logon request.  (0xc000005e)". for more information, see , support center @ . data: 0000: 5e 00 00 c0               ^..À    hi metro, this log means server can't find dc authentication. please make sure server can access dc properly. besides, when dc rebooting, due directory services not ready, it common see this event. for detailed information, please refer link below, best regards. steven lee tec

couple questions regarding loopback processing

hello, i've reviewed these: i need few clarifications: 1. " use policy setting  configure user group policy loopback processing mode  to configure loopback in windows 8 , windows server 2012 .   earlier versions of windows have same policy setting under name  user group policy loopback processing mode." -- ok, i'm using windows 7 management machine, gpmc shows 'configure user group policy loopback processing mode', not 'user group policy loopback processing mode.' i'm targeting server 2008 r2 machine enable loopback processing on. newer windows 8 , windows server 2012 setting going work on server 2008 r2? run group policy results wizard machine , test user , says applied setting, i'm not seeing expected see... many other reasons, know. rule out possibility of p

Exporting GPO's for different forests

hi all, i'm looking ways work smarter server builds our smaller clients when move them new versions of sbs or sbs full server. find myself recreating same gpo's other clients before customizing them, i.e. workstation settings, terminal server lock down settings etc.  i hoping can speed process exporting gpo's model client, importing gpo's , applying them new client working on, adjusting settings, links appropriate client , build repository of gpo's work forward. save bit of time building , configuring domains doing right once , implementing @ multiple sites. @ moment, quickest way achieve same goal rdp session of existing client , working way through gpm copying settings. i've had brief play exporting gpo 1 forest , importing separate domain did not work expected , did not import. any suggestions or work flows achieve goal? possible? regards, michael if want can use local gpo tool apply these.

SP2 installation fails on Windows 2003

i need in fixing issue sp2 installation on w2k3 server. when try install sp2 fails , can see following error in svcpack.log "update.exe extended error code = 0xf070 update.exe return code masked 0x643 msi custom action compliance cimwin32.mof error code = 3" i have prepared following steps resolve this. able me if correct or give me suggestions on how fix this. if not right group ask, please redirect me the appropriate group. recompile mof cmiwin32 recompile .mof , corresponding .mfl files using mofcomp command below: go run -> cmd run following commands c:\%windir%\system32\wbem mofcomp c:\windows\system32\wbem\cimwin32.mof c:\%windir%\system32\wbem mofcomp c:\windows\system32\wbem\cimwin32.mfl if not resolve problem, try recompiling mof files using following command cmd prompt c:\winnt\system32\wbem\for /f %s in ('dir /b *.mof *.mfl') mofcomp %s note: reboot not required @ stage. re-register wmi binaries. steps: a. open cmd , run "net stop winmgmt

NPS Reason Code: 266

hi, i have issue radius server running on windows server 2008.  my installation contains: active directory network policy , access services/certificate services ruckus zonedirector 1100 the issue in following. android , mac devices can authenticated entering username , password of account exists in ad. when try connect windows workstation/device same user account authentication fails. using peap , ms-chapv2. in logs of radius server following message: log name:      security source:        microsoft-windows-security-auditing date:          4/17/2013 2:43:35 pm event id:      6273 task category: network policy server level:         information keywords:      audit failure user:          n/a computer: description: network policy server denied access user. contact network policy server administrator more information. user: security id: domain\user account name: user account domain: domain fully qualifie

Creating a new Failover Cluster

can me following error: the node failed join failover cluster 'sqlcluster' due error code '3221225485'. the validation tool shows green. here's bottom of create cluster log: validating installation of network ft driver on node dbnode2.domain. validating installation of cluster disk driver on node dbnode2.domain. configuring cluster service on node dbnode2.domain. validating installation of network ft driver on node dbnode1.domain. validating installation of cluster disk driver on node dbnode1.domain. configuring cluster service on node dbnode1.domain. waiting notification cluster service on node dbnode2.domain has started. forming cluster 'sqlcluster'. unable cleanup. an error occurred while creating cluster , nodes cleaned up. please wait... an error occurred while creating cluster , nodes cleaned up. please wait... there error cleaning cluster nodes. use clear-clusternode manually clean nodes. there error cleaning cluster

ADFS Install Failure in Azure VM

i'm attempting build adfs lab in azure using following guide: i'm using servers created gallery, nothing unique.  works fine until go add adfs role adfs01 server.  when run wizard, errors out "unable cast object of type 'system.dbnull' type 'system.string'.  when run install in powershell, little more info.  "unable create vss express writer".  tracing log shows following error: error: exception: unable cast object of type 'system.dbnull' type 'system.string'. stacktrace:    @ microsoft.identityserver.deployment.core.vsswriter.vsswriter.getsqldatasourcename(string sqlconnectionstring)    @ microsoft.identityserver.deployment.core.vsswriter.vsswriter.createsqllogicalpath(string sqlconnectionstring)    @ microsoft.identityserver.deployment.tasks.vsswritertask.<>c__displayclass4.<createadfsvsswriter>b__0()    @ micr

update for framework 4 on window server 3

i haven't been able download 3 updates framwork 4.i'm not on laptop takes awhile figure things out.i've been trying these downloads on 2 weeks.all have failed. please me.the error code 643. hi,   did download updates form wsus server or internet?   by way, have tried download 3 updates internet , install manually?   if issue continues, please try empty software distribution folder using method 10 in following kb.     best regards, vincent hu   Windows Server  >  WSUS

Install Windows Server 2008 on Windows 7 OS

i'm in college i.t. , curious how able install windows server 2008 on disk has windows 7 os. don't want dual boot, have 1 hard drive. client server not used. purely study. you can install virtual machine. windows 7 has windows virtual pc. there's news , bad news. bad news guest os can 32-bit good news windows 2008 available in 32-bit edition, unlike 2008 r2 , later. or can still have dual boot, put server .vhd file. can boot vhd file. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Windows Migration from 2003 to 2012

hi, when try complile vb6 code, gives me "activex component cannot create object" in half way of compiling. advice me on error. hi, did have migration issue during migration 2003 2012? there  several causes, example the class isn't registered. a dll required object can't used, either because can't found, or found corrupted. for more detail information, refer article: meanwhile, issue more related vb6 code issue, suggest may ask in vb forums more support: regards. please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  > 

Easy print and EventID: 1111

hello,   one of our customers having troubles printing on terminal service single machine. machine has usb-connected brother printer (brother dcp-350c) printing on – fails report in event log:   eventid 1111: driver brother dcp-350c printer required printer brother dcp-350c printer unknown. contact administrator install driver before log in again.   the same error reported every local installed printer sometimes - looks problem can avoided if make changes remote desktop settings – un-checking , again checking checkbox “printers” on local resources tab….?   the client computer running windows xp sp3 .net framework 3.5 sp1 (including .net 3.0 sp2) , server windows 2008 default gpo-setting easy print (which should mean easy print enabled). due font-problem client computer has installed hotfix mentioned in microsoft article (and solved font problem): .      does know if it’s possible un-check/check – , if – why , how automate sol

free healthcheck scanner and management freindly report

are there free healthcheck scanners windows server 2008 (file servers) identify potential risks server, i.e. capacity, performance, availability, liscences etc. can reported out in management freindly report archiving. aid admin perhaps run reports each day or @ least once per week identify issues without having check areas manually. know vsphere there tool called vcheck useful, wondered if there similar windows server.                            microsoft has provided tools scan of system on different levels, giving reports state areas needs attention based on own best practice. - quite useful in situation 1 describe. attack surface analyzer, microsoft security assessment tool, risk , health assessment program. - there more microsoft. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Installing Chrome on 2008R2 Terminal server

i having troubles getting chrome work on 2008r2 terminal servers. able go through installation process out issues when try launch chrome receive error shown in first screen shot. receive error in second screen shot. appreciated. this 1 might help.!topic/chrome/oj-wwcdk1j4       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Windows 2012 R2: Help with Start Up Script(s) - Mount ISO's on Startup and Share

hello, i have windows 2012 r2 server, used virtual machines (pdc, exchange, etc) i accomplish following , researching looking see if on right path. 1. mount 10 iso's when server reboots & starts up 2. share these mounted iso's, file server here thoughts , hoping put together use powershell script mount-diskimage use powershell (check if worked, , share) i apply gpo make 1 machine run thing? here thoughts (script) pretending purposely trying mount , share 2 specific iso's $isovolumeone = "e:\isos\isoone.iso" $isovolumetwo = "e:\isos\isotwo.iso" $isoimageone = get-diskimage -imagepath $isovolumeone | get-volume $isoimagetwo = get-diskimage -imagepath $isovolumetwo | get-volume $isoonename = "office2016" $isotwoname = "vstf2015" new-smbshare –name $isoonename –path $isoimageone –fullaccess administrator -readaccess everyone new-smbshare –name $isotwoname –path $isoimagetwo –fullaccess administrator -

Printer settings on shared printer is applied late after logon

hi i have bit of problem tray settings on shared printer applied late after logon. i have dc (windows server 2008 r2) acts print server, users on windows server 2008 r2 remote desktop servers. printers shared , deployed users via group policy, user configuration -> preferences -> control panel settings -> printers -> shared printer, action: update. it works fine, users printers expected, settings such tray selection, not set on printer. after 30 sec - 1 minute, settings appear in properties printers. i can't see errors in event log on both servers. any ideas? /kim hi, please try set group policy setting under computer configuration -> administrative templates -> system ->  logon -> wait network @ computer startup , logon enabled. for details: description of windows xp professional fast logon optimization feature hope helps! best regards elytis cheng elytis cheng technet community s

NPS and multiple RADIUS clients, Policies and other questions about them

i have been having problem wireless connectivity nps led me question nps , best practices , how connection policies , network policies work (or they).  i have multiple radius clients: cisco asa accepting vpn connections , aruba wireless ap's. in nps each client there corresponding radius client entry , connection policy. these correspond each other because reference each other. when vpn client tries connect appropriate connection policy applied.  how associate network policies? have read system runs through each network policy until finds match having network policy each radius client may not right thing do. in case have vpn users group , allowed access vpn. allow domain users access wireless. users members of both second rule redundant. seem if system reads through policies , john member of allowed users in wireless policy, not vpn policy still able access vpn because system see him in @ least 1 of allowed groups under network policies.  what point of connection polici

Windows Server 2008, Event ID 521

hi im encountering error. on windows server 2008. i did this resolutions :  - reinstall windows server backup  - patch latest update on server  - restart server  - remove usb boosters (there no usb booster )  - restart volume shadow copy service my purpose windows server backup use dpm backup, succeeded in installing agent health status of server on error. hope help. thanks, maxstc hi, there no enough error message information event id 521 further troubleshooting, can offer general suggestions, if possible, please post more detailed information. 1.try review system requirements dmp meet or exceed minimum hardware, software, , network requirements. please check below system requirements dpm: 2.the issue caused system reserved partition. default 100mb small system status backup. can test backup drive c - if successes, srp should cause. please test open disk management, right clic

Unable to remote desktop to Server 2012 after adding user to Remote Desktop User

dear all, i have added local users remote desktop user group not able login mstsc. give error like "to sign in remotely need right sign remote desktop service" sunil patel system administrator hi skpatel, according prompt,it maybe caused gpo settings in server. open cmd prompt-> type: gpmc-> computer configuration/windows settings/security settings/local policies/user rights assignment / allow log on through remote desktop services. best regards, andy_pan Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

enable DCOM makes MMC crashed

hi all, i try me best make question clear. we using ms dpm 2010 backups, on agents side, rpc services unavailable several times. when looked dcomcnfg, component services, there red arrow "my computer", , can't see full 6 tabs in "my computer properites". when restarted distributed transaction coordinator (msdtc), full tabs there, not.  while click default properites, there check box "enable distributed com on computer", if check it, , apply, mmc crashed. i know reboot may fix problem, can't reboot server anytime want. any ideas welcome   thanks lot. regards rw hi, thanks post. please refer following article troubleshoot red arrow "my computer" issue: after that, please following article troubleshoot dpm agent issue:

VB Script

hi all, i need help. i need import users in test dc(because of particular attributes). import user , reset password well. script need excel sheet contains user information , have on same location. i working on 1 script result not coming per expectation. below mention script. can body in this. on error resume next dim objxl, objuser, objou, objargs dim stradspath, strroot, strou, strusername, strxl dim crlf set objargs=wscript.arguments strou = "" crlf = chr(13) & chr(10)   if objargs.count = 0 then      strxl = inputbox("this scripts reads excel spreadsheet , adds" & _      "users directory service via adsi." & crlf & crlf & _      "before starting, change ds root in excel spreadsheet match " & _      "your ds." & crlf & crlf & _      "type in path of file containing users add or delete" & crlf & crlf & _      "sample add user file: c:\a

New 08 Server with New AD????

  here's current config...   server1 = windows 2003 dc server2 = windows 2003 gdc (exchange 2003) server3 = windows 2003 member   ad = abc.local   approximately 75 user/email accounts   here's want do...   new server server4 = windows 2008 dc (to replace server1 & server3)   new ad ad =   server1 our data , used our main server. if leave our current exchange 2003 server way time being, can both ad's exist , have users access new server & old servers? taking server3 , installing clean copy of windows 2003 exchange 2007 new ad , migrating 2003 info server2. once thats done eliminate ad=abc.local , have   will work????     there 2 ways make work:   migrate new domain this means make server4 domain controller for a new domain named in new forest. users locate resources on new server can build trust relationship between , abc.local domains. using admt 3.1 tool (not available yet)

Windows 2008 Single Label Domain

hopefully can point me on right direction one.   our domain configured single label inherited predecessor.   i’m trying figure out best way resolve least impact end users.   i’ve had @ several other posts recommending using admt i’m not sure if should creating new forest or new domain in our existing forest.    this small domain approx. 500 users have other services in domain which include websites, sql servers, sharepoint , exchange 2010.     exchange forest wide role & renaming domain ruled out due exchange 2010. considering future prospect of single label domain, better rid of doing lately.i suggest create new forest/domain, migrate using admt/quest or netiq tool. admt free tool ms quest & others paid & costly. admt can't used mailbox migration quest provides solution sql,exchange,sms etc migration.mailboxes can moved exchange server. single label domain name not best way & better rid doing lately. not 500 user base much, considering other applicat

Defer updates and upgrades

hello all, we have current branch business group policy created defer windows updates , upgrades 180 days. latest .admx templates installed in central store , have verified gpo being applied. when followed tutorials end result on windows 10 machine (running 1607) defer feature updates in advanced options should greyed out , box checked.  in our case defer feature updates greyed out, box not checked. configured correctly? need make sure expected behavior not receive next feature update or if missing in our gpo.  dustin hi, i did test in lab , behavior same you. think should expected. just run rsop on client make sure gpo applied correctly. one related article reference: walkthrough: use group policy configure windows update business best regards, alvin wang please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber su

GPUPDATE /FORCE not working

hi all. add restricted remote desktop group ou using gpo. however server in ou don't have restricted remote desktop group, run gpupdate /force. any work around?? this doesn't sound issue gpo setup. sounds issue scoping or security. can check out link see if have of problems described: also, have run gpupdate when linking new gpo or changing gpo. gpupdate /force isn't required. can read here: if answer helped you, check out blog: deployhappiness.  subscribe rss  or email.   Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Is Vista supported???

hi people, after running hvremote.wsf. @ end of report states; 6 warning(s) or error(s) found in configuration. review detailed output above determine whether need take further action. summary below.   1: firewall not active 2: ui tracing turned on. run 'hvremote /trace:off' 3: anonymous logon has remote access (may ok) 4: firewall not running (skipped hyper-v management clients) 5: microsoft not support configuration - running a    'v1' (vista/server 2008) client against 2008 r2 server. should use    windows 7 or server 2008 r2 full installation client. 6: *may* need set credentials access server ****** number 5 ********* is true??? cant mmc manager work guess must i've seen other posts regarding vista. so vista supported or not?. hope can help hi john, i ended running command grant anonymous dcom access on client, resolved issue: hvremote /anondcom:grant greg Windows Server

How to Resolve Name in IIS 8.

dear i try configure iis 8 , working in ip address example "", now problem how configure name , resolve example "" yet not working... please me , question how resolve name not ip address.... you have configure a record in dns resolve ip address. see below links. akshay pate Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Any idea how Certificates are used in a hosted email solution?

i wondering if of have idea on how certificates used when microsoft provides company hosted exchange email solution.  has private / public keys when offer encrypted email solution.  doesn't sound users exchange certs it's somehow done them using appliances, don't it. they using proprietary, 3rd party solution voltage security . paul adare cto identit inc. ilm mvp Windows Server  >  Security

Fax Server Role: Can I route faxes based on DID/DNIS/DTMF?

is there either driver, or fax server extension, allow me route incomming faxes based on dtmf or did information passed our pbx.  currently, using single modem, can route faxes single location since can not determine exntesion fax delivered for.     hi, thanks post. afaik, may accomplish requirement of third party program. fyi, check following article: please note: since web site not hosted microsoft, link may change without notice. microsoft not guarantee accuracy of information. thanks, miles Windows Server  >  Print/Fax

VSS Error 'FSRM Write' Failed last error: Inconsistent shadow copy Server 2008 R2

i getting several vss failures ran batch file repair vss , rebooted. :batch file: net stop "system event notification service" net stop "background intelligent transfer service" net stop "com+ event system" net stop "microsoft software shadow copy provider" net stop "volume shadow copy" cd /d %windir%\system32 net stop vss net stop swprv regsvr32  atl.dll regsvr32  comsvcs.dll regsvr32  credui.dll regsvr32  cryptnet.dll regsvr32  cryptui.dll regsvr32  dhcpqec.dll regsvr32  dssenh.dll regsvr32  eapqec.dll regsvr32  esscli.dll regsvr32  fastprox.dll regsvr32  firewallapi.dll regsvr32  kmsvc.dll regsvr32  lsmproxy.dll regsvr32  msctf.dll regsvr32  msi.dll regsvr32  msxml3.dll regsvr32  ncprov.dll regsvr32  ole32.dll regsvr32  oleacc.dll regsvr32  oleaut32.dll regsvr32  propsys.dll regsvr32  qagent.dll regsvr32  qagentrt.dll regsvr32  qutil.dll regsvr32  raschap.dll reg

changing disk type to system for migration to new disk

i trying migrate dmx-4 vmax san volume using emc's open migrator. however, looks unless disk types system not migrate disk1 disk2. know there registry value somewhere can changed disk startup type have had in past, cannot recall life of me, , no luck in googling it. have tried stopping cluster service on node2 , rebooting , changing cluster disk service system disabled , rebooted , wasn't sufficient enough. assistance appreciated. hi, i trying migrate dmx-4 vmax san volume using emc's open migrator >> not cluster issue, recommended contact emc perform further research.   Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

sent DHCP Options to clients with a static ip configuration - possible?

hello, read little bit ipv6 , saw, able there sent dhcp option parameters, clients doesn't dynamic ip dhcp server. i'm looking if work ipv4? possible have winxp client activated dhcp client service dhcp options form dhcp server, if client has static ip adress configured? (static means not reservation per dhcp, it's written hand in tcp/ip config protocoll dialog) thinking: dhcp client service runs if tcp/ip static configured, should theoretical possible sent option parameters. thx answers Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

WDS unattend.xml asking "Image" to install and "Disk Partition"

hello, i deploying computers using windows deployment services unattend.xml, including necessary configurations such setup uilangage, diskconfiguration, imageinstall, windowsdeploymentservices though still asking (wait user input) for "select operating system want install" , "where want install" 'disk configuration' , 'imageinstall' here, have copied xml parts below:  -partition creation- <diskconfiuration><disk wcm:action="add"><createpartitions><createpartition wcm:action="add"><extend>true</extend><order>1</order><type>primary</type></createpartition></createpartitions> -partition modification- <modifypartitions><modifypartition wcm:action="add"><active>true></active><format>ntfs</format><letter>c</letter><order>1</order><partitionid>1</partitionid></m

Event Log ID 5145 - Detailed File Sharing

we have auditing turned on our server on 1 file in order determine computers accessing file.  have few computers accessing file (not workstations) though have no reason programmatically access files.  how  can determine why these workstations accessing file , disable it.  below sample: - system - provider [ name ] microsoft-windows-security-auditing [ guid ] {54849625-5478-4994-a5ba-3e3b0328c30d} eventid 5145 version 0 level 0 task 12811 opcode 0 keywords 0x8020000000000000 - timecreated [ systemtime ] 2012-10-17t16:13:09.381066300z