
Showing posts from June, 2011

RDP Terminal services printing problems 2008 R2

really new @ this, i'm sure configuration problem. have single server running 2008 r2 (5) c.a.l. all computers connected locally exception of (1) connects thru rdp terminal services. they log off every day, , when log on in morning, printing comes thru 1 of local printers here @ our location instead of thru home computer. have go , set computer printer daily default printer prevent happening. how correct when log in server, printing continues go default windows printer? o.s. windows 8 pro. thanks group policies may prevent setting default printer. try these steps: 1. run group policy editor. 2. navigate computer configuration\administrative templates\windows components\terminal services\client/server data redirection\ 3. if following options have been enabled, please disable them: not allow client printer redirection not set default client printer default printer in session not allow client drive redirection or check search result windows ts printer re

Edit GPO via PowerShell

hi, there way edit gpo via powershell ? i mean, not rename rather going editing mode, , edit actual stuff. like going administrative templates , disable , enable things. is possible powershell? best, alexandru there no editing cmdlets.  template not gpo used generate gpo. well, can edit registry-based settings more nothing. evgenij smirnov msg services ag, berlin -> my personal blog (mostly german) -> windows server user group, berlin -> mark minasi technical forum, reloaded -> how can that? need know exact policy , adjust xml accordingly register gpo. yes.  can edit preferences, if master of gp xml easiest method.  search articles on editing gpo files.  here 1 tested edit module.

Checking a valid user name of an account in Windows 7

hi when creating account in windows 7, how check if user typed valid user name , if name exists on local computer? thanks bye balubeto this started: $user = "user" $computer = "computer" $colusers = ([adsi]("winnt://$c,computer")).children | ? {$_.psbase.schemaclassname -eq "user"} | select -expand name if ($colusers -contains $user) { "$($user) exists" } Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

W2008R2 Time 5 mns off

not sure happening, time (edt) on w2008r2 server consistently - , - 5 minutes fast time.    i've tried looking @ settings, changed time server to, time on server, , therefore on ad network, 5 minutes fast.  running exch 2010 on box, people answer emails appear "replies" earlier original messages!  any thoughts appreciated.   thanks. hello, in network going not optimal. in situation kick out time configuration on dcs first , start fresh. go on domain member servers , clients. if use vms dc disable time sync host server. first make sure machines in same time zone , adjust daylight time settings equal. go on reset of time on dc pdcemulator fsmo: net stop w32time w32tm /unregister w32tm /register net start w32time now configure external time source: w32tm /config /manualpeerlist: peers /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update please set peers time source listed above, either it’s ip address or dns name. if more 1 needed separate them space in be

Redirected printing issues

using server 2008 r2.   every time reboot on server machine redirected printers in remote desktop won't print, print jobs fail immediately.  prior reboot redirected printers work. this issue has happened several times , 24 hours later mysteriously resolves itself.   any solutions? hi, could confirm whether printer spooler service running after rebooit? furthermore, there error raised in eventlog during time printing fails? kind regards, freek berson wortell company website Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Windows Update Client Installation Failure TrustedInstaller Process Hangs

the objective install hotfix kb2775511 on windows server 2008 r2 sp1 system. symptom install fails , system hangs during restart @ "preparing configure updates... please not power off system" message on console. this server has received monthly security updates, downloaded wsus server, couple of years , installed successfully. production server, , exhausted time in maintenance window attempting solve installation issue , difficult schedule more time try a, fail; restart; try b, fail; restart; try again, etc. don't have time that. need diagnostic pinpoint exact cause , corresponding corrective action , minimize time needed troubleshoot windows update hotfix installation problem. scenario: 1. ran stand-alone installer kb2775511: amd64-all-windows6.1-kb2775511-v2-x64_ec18cc10e27faf443c17e7a8073c9eba773eb13e.msu 2. installer opened gui progress bar ran 100% completion, gui never closed. waited 30 minutes. task manager showed no i/o or cpu activity besides norm

Letter Case not being retained when viewing Share from Client

i have created share on storage server 2008, naming "it" in uppercase. there reason why when viewed clients (xp, win-7 pro, vista) showing in lowercase? specifically, created "it" mentioned , showing "it". thanks......... hi,   i can reproduce scenario. believe design. in opinion, since file name not assume case sensitivity. generates name make little difference between unc network path , associated shared folder. however, doesn't affect access of shared folder. both uppercase , lowercase represents same letter.   regards, please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Troubleshooting Network Access with SBS2008

i installed sbs2008 on server scratch. purchased new router , switch , configured clients use dhcp server. clients use server dns configured handle local name resolution, forward other requests isp's dns servers. at first, stellar. now, slow browsing web not option. the router connected gb switch connected our cisco iad isp. another router connect gb switch different lan. the second lan still working fine when first went down. after lot of troubleshooting, swapped ip addresses , seemed better short period of time. then  both network started reporting network down. i have tried million other things, nothing seems work. i can vpn network, takes while establish connection (and won't connect @ all). i can rdp server, becomes unresponsive minute or 2 , comes back. drops connection , redials instantly. drops connection , can't reconnect. average amount of time connected 45 seconds (just enough enter password , click on start menu) any ideas causing these propblems , how fix them?

Service 2008 boot.wim with latest WAIK (7600)

anyone know if possible ? want add drivers boot.wim windows 2008 server dvd (not r2) working latest waik windows7/2008 r2 workaround or solution ?? thanks hi,   to add drivers non-r2 boot image, suggest using version of waik:   tim quan - msft Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

RRAS - sharing internet connection for VPN clients

hi i've configured rras role on 2k8 r2 server. server behind firewall , traffic port 1723 being correctly rras server. can establish vpn connection without problem , internet access working fine on client if split tunnelling enabled. my problem starts when don't want client use split tunnel internet access. how supposed share internet connection rras server clients through vpn tunnel? rras server using 2 nics. 1 of them local area connection , internet access on rras server. second dedicated rras , locked vpn traffic only. don't use dhcp vpn clients , both interfaces in same subnet. i appreciate if advise. vpn clients not connect physical interface. connect internal interface in rras. need 1 physical interface in rras server (because behind router. need 2 if rras server has act router remote access server). two physical nics in same subnet confuse rras.   disable second physical nic , see how go. may have reconfigure rras. if use wizard, bypass fir

Boot Image loads and halts at wpeinit

hi all, i've been having recent issues getting boot images work - have done in our environment not more , i'm 1 left fix (with little sccm knowledge) our environment follows: server 2003 x86 sp2 sccm 2007 sp2 deploying out windows xp sp3 image various hardware configurations. the issue lies boot images - 1 day stopped working due hash mis-match (someone tried modify file on distribution point directly believe).  when copy default boot image (x86) (boot.wim) \sms\osd\boot\i386\ , cusomize it, boots , launches command prompt running wpeinit , halts there - not start task sequence other boot images used to. have ensured included packages scripting, wim etc using dism add these packages. used dism add required drivers task sequence not start. the boot.wim listed version 6.1.7600 in wds. can tell me need .wim realise needs check sccm server , see if task sequences advertised etc? prefer use windows7 image boot image due our pending windows7 rollout in near futu

Virtual Switch on Teamed NICs = slow VMs?

  wonder if has seen or might able suggest troubleshooting pointers.   i have hyper-v evaluation system. the hardware dell poweredge 2950:  2 x dual core 3.0ghz xeons, 32gm ram, 2 internal broadcom netextreme ii nics, 1 intel pro 1000 pt 4-port nic card, external sas array (dual channels, 14 disk raid 10).   os rtm w2k8 standard x64.  hyper-v in-the-rtm box version.   i have run while using 1 of internal nics system's nic , other nic virtual switch bound to.  once intel released w2k8 drivers, installed , set intel card 4 port team , created new virtual switch , bound intel team.   then fired vms , found vms multiple virtual nics unresponsive.  clicks take forever responded to, windows open molasses, etc.  vms respond pings though without issue (~4000 1 lost <1ms response time).   the vms in question using w2k8 standard x64.  (these dual nic'd vms testing exchange 2007 rollout in case curious -- ht servers, mb servers, , cas servers...)   these confi

Group Policy Pref - Mapped Drives Not Applying to One User

hi all, i’m new list, please excuse etiquette slip ups.   have 3 users @ site. machines running windows xp service pack 3 , have client side extensions installed. created group policy map default drives using gp user preferences. each of drives set "update". example of policy created xml follows: <drive clsid="{935d1b74-9cb8-4e3c-9914-7dd559b7a417}" name="h:" status="h:" image="2" changed="2009-11-25 05:13:58" uid="{8a44d2f4-aae5-4f43-aeec-d36f08ea619c}" desc="maps users h drive servername\users$\%username%" bypasserrors="1"><properties action="u" thisdrive="nochange" alldrives="nochange" username="" path="\\servername\users$\%username%" label="home (servername)" persistent="1" useletter="1" letter="h"/></drive> , <drive clsid="{935d1b74-9cb8-4e3c-9914-7dd559b7a41

User cant write to homefolder.

hey guys.  we have bit of brainer here.  my firm setting whole new network replace old one, , adding users through vbscript , in script create , give permissions , that. thats nice, users created, homefolder created, permissions doesnt seem work. if manually go user setup in ad , sets path homefolder creates correct rights , all. in script seems goes wrong cause 1. script says: unable set permission "username" anyway cause user listed in security list full rights, though there "user" called "account unknown" followed whole bunch of numbers.  2. when go user account , run "net use" command finds networkdrive , connects homefolder user cant write drive. can see whats folder contain cant execute though owns folder, has full rights , all. domain administrator can read, write , delete in same folder cant find diffrence in security settings between admin , user.    we have searched google thing expert , turn you. so please. if have

Upgrading Server 2003 Standard R2 64bit to Server 2008 Standard R2 64bit

hi, have read several similar scenarios  regarding topic, don't think match mine , hoping mine easier since mine not domain controller, rather member server in domain.  have freshly installed server 2003 r2 64 bit iis , sql configured.  want upgrade 2008 r2 64bit , hoping have upgrade option when insert os dvd.  both standard volume licensing.  the main question have iis , sql settings , data remain intact?  we'll of course.  thank time!   hi,   as far know when upgrade system, system file upgraded, other applications , files exist before. iis , sql settings , data remain.   but note every time change our system, don’t forget up.   best regards, yan li yan li technet community support Windows Server  >  Migration

Deployment wont work until finish windows update!!!

hello there!! i have problem , hope can me.. i install pc our mdt wds server, , deployment sequence not finish windows update. try deploy pc again, wds server wouldn´t let me deploy because of windows update not finish installing these updates. question is, can turn off setting, or not possible. hello,  you can disabled steps in task sequence think, computer wsus gpo.  best regards Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

ADsGetObject returns ERROR_BAD_NETPATH in some AD

hi  i using adsgetobject adsi function interface pointer group/user providing winnt path. same working in of cases. in case of 1 customer same returning error_bad_netpath. here point noted able retrieve ldap distinguished name winnt path of object using iadsnametranslate interface but  adsgetobject function fails bind object above mentioned error. what possible reason unpredictable behaviour same working in other cases. thanks in advance. rahul pathak the nametranslate interface can convert names in form domain\ntname distinguished names (and other forms), domain netbios name of domain , ntname samaccountname (pre-windows 2000 name) of object. example, need include trailing "$" in computer object names. also, set method of  nametranslate accepts form of name, domain\ntname, directly, don't see need bind object adsgetobject. need investigate old work adsgetobject see if can determine make raise error, assuming valid values used. edit: perhaps when b

VDI-like Setup for Household Use

i'm interested in setting vdi-like system household use. in other words, i'd of benefits of enterprise vdi in smaller scale - example letting kids connect virtual windows 8 machine school on ipad. said, i've got windows server 2012 loaded on beefy server @ home use development purposes. i've also used real vdi capabilities of windows server 2012 @ work, so have idea it's overkill project - don't have dns, active directory, etc. setup @ home, , don't have desire set stuff up. so, question this... can use hyper-v functionality on server, along few windows 8 pro virtual machines, , allow each family members connect own virtual machine via basic remote desktop. actually, know can that, real question can benefits remotefx, usb redirection , high-quality media viewing? i know advanced features mentioned in context of real vdi deployement, i'm wondering if available in simpler deployment? thanks in advance!   chris hi chris, if set hyper-v sev

IN-PLACE upgrade from DC2003R2 to DC2008R2 and changing the Domain name

hello experts, i have 2 issues need assistance with: 1. regarding in-place upgrade of 2 dc's 2003 r2 2008 r2. the environment follows: dc2 holds fsmo roles, dc1+dc2 holds dhcp, dc1 holds wds+wsus, both ad integrated zones, there several sql db's on member server servers in domain named (my next question domain name), except running adprep32 /forest prep, adprep32 /domainprep /gpprep on dc2 there other preinstallation procedure ? are there special things watch out ? 2. domain , there 2 ad zones - , , how can change domain name instead of ? how can delete zone ? all of has done minimum risk. i can this before in-place upgrade or after, doesn't matter me whatever more simple , less risky. thanks ! nir. instead of in-place upgrade recommend using new box windows 2008 r2 installed , promoting need use adprep

Some domain joined users logging through temporary profile

hi all, recently many users in our domain logging through temporary profile ,most of time issue gets resolved after rebooting , times need delete profile registry ,i thinking issue because of domain controller,we running domain controller on windows server 2012 r2 , windows server 2008 r2 techguy,system administrator. try solution below link, sole issue: Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Powershell to give Domain User Logon As Service rights

hi, i newbie powershell , windows administration stuff. wondering if there powershell script give domain user "logon service" rights in 1 of our servers. found people using carbon.dll achieving , ntrights utility. i tried out using ntrights, appears need install it? trying in windows server 2008-2012 r2. not keen on installing ntrights module (if required), installing new not prefer. is there powershell command such (or out-of-the-box in windows) can achieve requirement? need using command line, no gui stuff here. admin quikview solution crm 2013 that's silly requirement. it's better use trusted microsoft utility try reinvent wheel yourself. however, can use embedded c# code, add-type cmdlet, , p/invoke accomplish same thing in powershell script no external dependencies. see starting point. Windows Server

Internal DNS A Record for ADFS High Availability in Azure "Availability Set"

hello, i have configured 2 vms in availability sets in azure portal. both vms in adfs farm high availability. say, adfsvm1 - adfsvm2 - and federation service name - what record should create in internal dns, on ip address, should point to? please guide. thanks, divyaprakash koli hi divyaprakash koli, when use failover cluster need access cluster vip or vip dns name not node ip address, not very familiar azure dns resolution, in mind if using azure ad need point adfs dns azure public name solution server in order server in azure can communicate. consider issue more azure not best forum talk azure issue suggest ask in azure ad support forum. azure support forum more information: name resolution (dns) configuring custom do

Active Directory User with (almost) God rights

pc os - windows 7 hi, i have id card printer (local usb) has settings control magnetic encoding.  i can set these options per user (standard user) work , stay rest of day...but if user reboots settings gone. my question there ad user have rights keep these settings? (and others within windows 7) i have tried adding user local admin doesn't work. many thanks hello, what settings talking , how configuring them? it sounds configure settings local on user machine gpedit.msc and settings overwritten domain gpos. best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Changing Local Administrator password through GPO

i need change local administrator password on multiple computers. did couple years ago through gpo in active directory, having difficulty doing again... use steps below, password , confirm password fields grayed out, cannot enter new password. assistance appreciated. use group policy preferences set password on local user account •click start – programs – administrative tools – group policy management. •create or edit group policy objects. •expand computer configuration – preferences – control panel settings. •right-click local users , groups – new – local user. •ensure action update , enter new password. •if one-time change (not permanent): ◦go common tab , check box "apply once , not reapply". •if change should permanent: defaults correct. hi  this feautes not supported more since ms  ms14-025 update ; you can use laps change/set local administrators password, laps ;

2016 SYSVOL and NETLOGON shares missing from New Domain Controllers added to 2012 and below.

after going through server 2k 2012r2 documentation , following recommendations within said forums, simplest solution presented itself. it came down simple registry change. open administrative powershell. run net share review shares , find netlogon , sysvol shares, if there turn them off , on in registry. type regedt32 in powershell , edit following registry entry hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\netlogon\parameters change sysvolready=0   <<<< turns off sysvol , netlogon shares. change sysvolready=1   <<<< creates , shares sysvol , netlogon automatically. do domain controllers run dcdiag /v if tired of seeing old errors clear logs in powershell script. wevtutil el | foreach-object {wevtutil cl "$_"} i able fix errors dns prior using fix. i still have 1 error can not around, not go away, 100 hours later.       starting test: verifyreferences          the system object reference (serverreference) c

Modify Active Directory Object Permission

hello, i have issue on company's active directory.  run 2003 @ time. i have on 1700 group objects have various permissions need removed.  of them oprhaned sids, write properties , modify permission properties.  there 3000 accesses in total need removed.  able retrieve permissions need remove using reporting tool. does know of way script removal of these permissions?  rather not have manually remove these... thanks now moderator has nicely locked post.... dsacls not work because cannot remove specific permissions, can allow or deny permissions, , not of them, @ that.  nice try... looked that. i have since found work around..  i'm going set acls inherit default permissions, add permissions want added back, beyond inherited permissions. you can use dsacls.exe utility found in support tools. available download here:   a guide can found here: http://support.microsof

File association problem

i using server 2008 terminal server (activated) , still have not activate terminal server license may need delete , re-installation. realized things may not functional if license not activated. my ultimate requirement when double click file. opened corrected version of bookkeeping myob program. i have more 2 versions of same programs. need keep old files, upgrading them newer version not appropriate. of them needed opened older version , newer version. tried use ui method, "open with" , locate appropriate program version failed, stayed @ old version (would because program name , extension same?). however, when tried open new files, still use older program open, result got error message saying file needs newer version. tried edit registry file, looks confusing , instruction not clear can follow.   the current work around open correct program version first program pick desired file(s). should not permanent solution end users confused own files. prefer create file sh

Disk2vhd a single domain controller

hi, have 1 domain controller in environment , need convert hyperv. can use disk2vhd convert it, correct? need network during process? disabling service? thank you. hi sandro, >>  can use disk2vhd convert it, correct? technically, possible. however, prefer build new vm , migrate data it. there lot of posts issues caused p2v, difficult , time-consuming troubleshoot, not mention domain controller. i suggest build new virtual domain controller instead of converting old one. best regards, leo please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General


dear, please can give me steps how can add ts license cal , user cal in windows server2008? please let me know how can license code of additionally purchased  cal in windows2008 server oem? thank you, hi there, please avoid caps . please go through below link sainath windows driver development Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Configured File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) for email notification to Office 365 (Exchange Online)

hi all, i configured file server resource manager (fsrm) email notification. receive error message: "failed send test e-mail due following error: smtp server requires secure connection or client not authenticated. server response was: 5.7.1. client not authenticated." when attempted send test e-mail. how configure fsrm send email notice? try put office 365 smtp server "" fsrm still give me same error. the email server office 365 exchange online. hi, fsrm server use computer account authenticate smtp session before submitting message exchange. please see following steps in thread provided end of reply: resolve issue must assign fsrm count account ( servername$) send permission on user mailbox using in field exchange management shell rich mentioned. add-adpermission -identity "username" -user "domain\comuptername$" -extendedrights "send-as" note: username user address using in fi

Migrate Domain Users

hi, possible migrate users server 2008 domain r2 domain, without establishing trust first? thanks, hill hi, possible migrate users server 2008 domain r2 domain, without establishing trust first? thanks, hill yes, possible using quest domain migrator tool doesn't require trust established between domains carry out migration. caveats can't migrate sidhistory , retain permission on resources once users/groups migrated new domain. admt, other have said min prerequisite one-way trust relationship.     regards awinish vishwakarma my blog: this posting provided as-is no warranties/guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services