
Showing posts from June, 2013

File getting auto erased

i have shared file on windows server capture responses network. unfortunately file getting refreshed after interval. sometime shows 44 kb size later become 4 , previous data totally erased. please me this. have keep file getting appended !!  thanks in advance hi, does modify network file erase previous data? please check if there application affactting network file. if configure shadow copies on shared file, can recover previous version of file. shadow copies of shared folders regards, mandy we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time. helping make community forums great place. Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Difference between windows server complete and open business packages

i need buy windows server 2008 software package. my question is: difference o limitations on either 1 between windows server 2008 complete package , open business package?  this 1 may help.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Typical AD CS Costs

we're looking implement ad cs sccm 2012, , i'm getting lot of conflicting information on how effort needed to implement and maintain ad cs. i'm looking experiences costs ad cs.  1. time/cost implement ad cs 2. ongoing / annual time/cost maintain / admin. thanks! you may getting lot of conflicting information because sccm large area, haven't given enough information how of plan use give full answer. maintaining ad cs provided have sensible security policy , capability manage recovery certificates dr scenarios not time intensive. once ad cs , have auto enrolment configured rest tends take care of itself. like these things though depend on extent use it, if limit sccm that's 1 thing, if subsequently decide want roll out wide range of uses have spend more time. there's extremely guide configuration using pki at: setup of sccm cause headaches though. experience of doing this, i'd adding

Applying Software Installation Settings-Long Login times

a lot of win7 desktops having long login times.  when logging in getting message says applying software installation settings.  i have looked @ gpo's linked , there no software installations.  also removed folder redirection policy broke still getting folder redirection error. jason what does, "... secondary anyone's guess" mean? it have been extremely helpful see ipconfigs , other requested info provide specific suggestions assist you.  i hope folks @ gpo forum able assist.  ace fekay mvp, mct, mcitp/ea, mcts windows 2008/r2 & exchange 2007, exchange 2010 ea, mcse & mcsa 2003/2000, mcsa messaging 2003 microsoft certified trainer microsoft mvp - directory services technical blogs & videos: this post provided as-is no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server

Upgrade Server 2000?

hi. newly employed manage extremely small school network. became nt4 mcse 10 years back, of practical experience in desktop. network sick: there badly managed migration in past windows 2000 server single dc new windows 2003 pdc, , in process old 2000 server left serving group policy redirected desktops bunch of users. changes group policy settings on pdc (server 2003) redirect shares elsewhere not honoured: on doing result of group policy check, wildly different values appear, seem cached somehow old configuration 2000 server single dc, , cannot trace these old values persisting. using dns alias redirect shares hasn't worked either, cannot remove old server network without breaking user log-ins, despite user profile references shares provides being changed point copies elsewhere. related problem setting group policy on anything, desktop folder redirection or internet proxy settings, hit or miss, , doesn't work users, if any. top all, staff have inexplicable login issues roami

About Domain Controller and Domain Controller Authentication Certificate

i'm taking on new domain, domain controllers above windows 2003. when @ auto-enrollment that dcs see template used certificate is domain controller. normal ? should not certificate build based on "domain controller authentication" template instead ? if i'm correct how fix ? should delete "domain controller" template ? when @ template properties, see "domain controller" template being published in ad, , options greyed out, , therefore cannot modified. the "domain controller authentication" template not published in ad, , options accessible. thanks input life short, enjoy now. cyreli hi, the main point issuing certificates domain controllers "server authentication" included in key usage (intended puposes), if current certificate template has that, can keep was. however, if need issue new certificates domain controllers based on new certificate templates, can remove certificate template issue list , add new

Help with Exchange PowerShell script to disable ActiveSync for all users

i error when running script disable activesync users in org.  sending data remote command failed following error message: total data received remote client exceeded allowed maximum. allowed maximum 524288000. more information, see about_remote_troubleshooting topic. can me modify script run more effifiently?   $ad = (get-group ‘security group').members | select objectguid | foreach-object {get-user -identity ([string]$_.objectguid)} | select name,distinguishedname $ex = get-mailboxdatabase | get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | get-casmailbox -resultsize unlimited | {$_.activesyncenabled} | select name,distinguishedname $ex | foreach-object {if (($ad | foreach-object {$_.distinguishedname}) -notcontains $_.distinguishedname) {set-casmailbox -identity $_.distinguishedname -activesyncenabled $false}} $ad | foreach-object {if (($ex | foreach-object {$_.distinguishedname}) -notcontains $_.distinguishedname) {set-casmailbox -identity $_.distinguishedname -activesy

Acting weird aftrer changing server password

hi there wierd hing going on in server, yesterday have changed password of server running 2008,after changing few peoples unable access shared resources , resolved issue manuallly giving privilges entering nwe passwd , before changing password using robo copy command in run command ....but after creating new password unable see run commands thats in cache..all commands , shared folder location gone, since newly joined sys admin in company don kno resources , can u me out guys ?? face fact tat have plenty learn field. deal wit failures, use tem motivation, learn new everyday. claiming false credentials & phantom skillsets not far, when 63248651487512645876531864 people in universe know how 2 use internet hi, in order old desktop back, may try following steps: 1. open "c:\users\[your user account]" folder. if see 2 desktop folders, 1 blank , other desktop items, need delete blank one. 2. copy desktop folder desktop items “c:\users\[your user account]\” folde

TS Web Access & RemoteApp

  hello,   i trying figure out few things here after reading lots of stuff , various tests:   i see requires vista sp1 , xp sp3 mac's rdc configurations? i seeing working in internet explorer 7.x other 'broswers' work in? can customize ts web access page own colors, logos, etc? user profiles in 2000 & 2003 has been nightmare because profiles 99% of time stored on 'c' drive of server. hoping remoteapp not create files , wasted space on server(s). correct? if want user have access 'export' folder example on new 2008 ts box remoteapps assume still possible setting shortcut, permissions, etc., with-in var application. how copy, move, etc., file remoteapp own desktop example? i think that's moment. lot's of great stuff windows teams @ microsoft - not sure if knock citrix off it's perch looks great improvements.   thanks!   chris hi chris,   inline answers: i see requires vista sp1 , xp sp3

Hyper-V not supported on a VM?

i have 8 vm's running on dell 2970 (dual opteron dual cores, 2.8, 32 gigs, etc.) had applictation server , had remote application working perfectly. 1 of users hosed machine i'm rebuilding it. problem when try add hyper-v in vm, i'm told cpu doesn't support , i'm stuck. i've installed scvmm set cpu type opteron , still no joy. the significant change can think of on host server sp1. new vm server install sp1 after several more tries, installed without trying install hyper-v role. no clue why. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

How to set up ADMT with Mysql 2016

hello, i'm setting new domain environment. before had xx.local , yy.local. now i've created forest domain with and subdomains , because don't want give every user new account, i'm trying deploy the admt tool. on internet you can find lot of manuals , stuff, it's not easy find the right one. in admt v3.2 have use mysql database. because security issues mysql on domaincontroller, installed mysql express on (virtual) server named 'sqlserver'. server domain member (from when want connect in installation of admt tool sqlserver/sqlexpress i'm getting error indicating server not found or don't have enough rights server. i'm not familiar sql, there can me set admt tool correctly can move excisting users xx.local thanks in advance.   hi, regarding error, there number of possible reasons this, please check: 1. the trust correctly configured, try , verify trust. https://technet.micro

Demoting Domain Controller

hi there, i'm having domain 3 dcs ( 2 win 2008 std r2 , 1 win 2008 ent) , 1 exchange server 2010 in network, planning demote win 2008 ent dc member server. request please suggest considerations have take care in scenario..? i understand have take care of dns server naming in client machines(as have static ips across network) hello all, i have demoted 1 of dcs except 1 issue resolved friend's oscar_pedroza post form thread thanks. Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Enable disk write cache with command prompt

hello, using hyper-v server - there way change disk write cache policy flag? i know check present in device manager, without gui it's can't change it, have problems starting device manager remotely (i checked discussion: no clues) so.. maybe there way command, right? best, simeon ps - google doesn't gave ma answer , can't search in technet forum due erro: 502 - web server received invalid response while acting gateway or proxy server. as far know, dskcache.exe still works on 2012+. eric siron altaro hyper-v blog independent blog contributor, not altaro employee. solely responsible content of posts. Windows Server  

Server 2008 Documentation

i keep going around in circles trying find documentation. see articles related 1 subject or another. remeber @ 1 time in tech net select os , there chapter/subject tree navigate book find looking for. not seem exist anymore. so... lost on how find information on diffeent topics loking for..... lee hello, an easy start list topics. maybe enough starting: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

upgrade my primary domain controller 2003 std edition to 2008 std edition

i have primary domain controller 2003 5 rolles installed  additional dns domain global catlog 2008 std also have member  mail exchange 2007 os server 2003& ocs 2007 os 2003 i plan upgarde primary domain controller 2003 to  2008 out losing data or roles how can "detailed steps pls"  your upgrade path depend on whether doing in-place upgrade or standing parallel domain controller. want make sure meet system requirements, , perform backup of boot , system partitions , system state. in order prepare domain 2008 log on schema master , run adprep on forest , if intent use read domain controller run adprep /rodcprep command. log on infrastructure master , run adprep on domain , group policy prep. can upgrade primary domain controller 2008 or promote 2008 member server new dc. there supported upgrade paths, , should able go 2003 2008 without losing data it's idea take , test before performing upgrade. upgrade should transparent exchange , ocs users if have additio

Validate a user account whether it's Local SAM or Active Directory in a single dialogue.

i'm creating install package , during need validate user account information. users have local server accounts , others exist in active directory. now, can create script validate ad , can create separate script validate local user account. have not been able combine these , have left @ simple verify password against password b ensure correct - opposed validated against user account. thanks in advance. hi, please check similar thread reference: how determine current windows user local or domain if doesn't help,for script questions,please post on msdn forum further assistant: best regards cartman please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact

Microsoft Terminal Server Licenses

we procured microsoft terminal server licenses in 2010 (50 no's)...for customer in india... till using these terminal licenses on 2003.. microsoft not support further...we want move 2008. how latest license against old license. hello sridhar7, you need make process call upgrade of cals. need in touch microsoft clearinghouse , explain situation, migrating environment supported product.  you can find proper way of contact here: in addition share next blog article migration process: hope helps, Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Windows Activation in Virtual Systems

i running w2k8 enterprise hyper-v on test server 3 virtual machines running w2k8 enterprise (same cd image).  in theory, should covered under single license.  however, have activated physical machine unable activate virtual machines.  how go doing this?  don't want reinstall virtual machines every 30 days since extremely time consuming recreate each test environment.   any suggestions?  have looked high , low answer not found far.   thanks.   pete pete,   if virtual machines have internet access should able activate them on internet physical machine. if isn't working suggest try using telephone activation procedure part of normal activation process if don't have internet access , active\ate vm's way , if telephone automated system not give key automatically , transfered operator explain situation them in regard licensing single 'enterprise license' allows run 1 x physical machine , 4 x virtual machines.   also can extend 30 day timeout runn

Hyper-v R2 Network Virtualization - ms_netwnv Component not showing up

we vmware workshop interested in new windows 2012 r2 hyper-v.  so i've set lab 2 desktop pc running windows 2012 r2 test network virtualization feature.  however when trying use powershell enable on nic, received error (see below).  enable-netadapterbinding   ethernet  -componentid   ms_netwnv enable-netadapterbinding : no matching msft_netadapterbindingsettingdata objects found cim query instances of the root/standardcimv2/msft_netadapterbindingsettingdata class on  cim server: select * from msft_netadapterbindingsettingdata  where ((name 'ethernet')) , ((componentid 'ms[_]netwnv')). verify query parameters , retry. at line:1 char:1 + enable-netadapterbinding ethernet -componentid ms_netwnv + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + categoryinfo          : objectnotfound: (msft_netadapterbindingsettingdata:string) [enable-netadapterbinding], c    imjobexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : cmdletizationquery_notfound

Updates MS16-011 and MS16-012 missing on WSUS 3

hello.  we're running wsus version 3.2.7600.256 on windows server 2008r2, , not seeing ms16-011 , ms16-012 on our wsus.  have critical , security updates set synchronize windows versions 7+.  know why might not receiving these updates? manually importing ms16-012 updates appears have done trick.  not able find updates ms16-011; however, after manually searching kb article numbers, discovered filed ms16-009.  presumably ie updates ms16-009 install appropriate updates edge detailed in ms16-011.  wild goose chase, microsoft. :) Windows Server  >  WSUS


i typed letter in word , went , delted text after had been saved, there way retrieve text have turned on track changes in word? can found in review tab. if have turned on, can go previous changes. if not, please right click word document , check if there previous version in previous version tab.   if methods not help, might not find words.   regards,   sally tang   Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

Windows Deployment Services - Authorization in DHCP

what performed wds server authorized within ad dhcp? please provide verbose response can see change in production environment? since 2008 (i believe) dhcp servers must authorized domain controller there no conflicts. idea if rogue windows dhcp server, not authorized dc put network, not serve out ip addresses , cause problem. other (and older windows) os not abide dc's rules , still cause problems. if wds role installed on dhcp server, authorize it. if wds on separate server in domain, wouldn't authorize it. have 3 wds servers, 1 on dhcp server authorized, other 2 not. is mean? there looks typo in sentence may have read wrong. Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

DNS Problem

hello friends ,    i have problem a little weird on my main dc last week , had a problem for few minutes and was restarted , so the secondary assumed in these minutes , the machines that got booted from secondary server ip .    the problem now and in the reverse zone records are duplicates , were not eliminated after the concession period there are two records of stations , however, the main shopping area of research , eliminated .    i've done the configuration to remove records of both forward , reverse zone , yet duplicate records in reverse zone .    i to know how solve this problem ? hello, configuring aging , scavenging way handle duplicates: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.

GPO Preferences Delta Replica

are there plans improve gpo preferences policies delta replication? gpo prerfernces great! the issue see today customers once add modification gpo preferences complete policy downloaded again not delta (the change)?   anyone aware if improved? howdie!   on 05.07.2010 13:29, doran theo wrote: > wouldn't better changes downloaded, only > news sets of xml.??? > sounds logic me... :-)   yeah - bandwidth point of view, you're right, yeah. question is: how going make changes printers , how fat the chunk clients load off dc. did ever measure amount of data downloaded in such case? i'd argue if only reason folks won't move towards gpp didn't find other reason :)   again, if affects logon performance, i'd @ log files , check whether _really_ bandwidth/data problem.   > of customers these way of work blocking factor of > implementing gpo pref. > > not aware of improvements on part?   no, not aware

Admin user can remote desktop but cannot login directly to Windows Server 2003 server.

i have user member of administrators group , "remote desktop users" group.  this user can login remote desktop session.  but when attempt login on computer's console unable to.  the message says not being able log in virtually.  the event viewer shows a successful login @ time unsuccessful. similarly, when logged workstation, user unable map of server's shared folders.  the message "access denied", though user have explicit share permission , read/write/execute permission on folder. i have created identical user (with 2 on end of user name) , user able 3 things: remote desktop, map shared folders , login console. what wrong main user - used able log console? i'd check of "deny" permissions in local security policy. also when try again please exact text of any error messages.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows]

What happens to my CSV if I destory the cluster?

i having issues live migration; destory cluster , re-setup. however, wondering happen cluster shared volume? have full of vms right , cant lose them. hi,   based on experience, if destroy cluster, not hurt files on csv. however, there no guarantee, it’s better backup vms before perform destroy.   by way, there no compatible backup tools csv, may have export vms or perform backup inside vms.     best regards, vincent hu   Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

Can I create the variables and launch the methods of my classes in PowerShell hosted by me?

powershell 4.0 i want host powershell engine in application , have capability of using api of application in hosted powershell. read description of powershell class , members in documentation. in powershell.exe , powershell_ise.exe hosts can create variables, loops, launch static , instance methods of classes. can same through powershell class? can't find the examples it. it simple attempt it: using system; using system.linq; using; namespace mypowershellapp { class user { public static string statichello() { return "hello static method!"; } public string instancehello() { return "hello instance method!"; } } class program { static void main(string[] args) { using (powershell ps = powershell.create()) { ps.addcommand("[mypowershellapp.user]::statichello"); // todo: he

can i setup domain pc as file server?

hi, i have domain controller running server 2012. , want make domain pc running win 7 file server. possible can add win 7 pc server server pool server manager. or must use pc running win server software file serving? thanks.  hi  windows 7 designed desktop/client os,windows7 can handle limited features,just work shared folder,but server os has feature need manage network , recommend configure file server role on server os. also check article "new in file server resource manager in windows server" this posting provided no warranties or guarantees,and confers no rights. best regards burak uÄŸur Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

DFS stalled on a file

i have setup dfs replication between 2008 server standard r2 , 2003 server r2. several replication groups working, 1 driving me nuts. users directory, , there 300,000 objects in it. seeded of data, , backlog down 207 files, seems hung on 1 object in particular. replicationstate shows no inbound updates being processed , 1 update scheduled. current schedule 24x7 - full bandwidth, don't know why hasn't replicated file. listed #1 in backlog file list. after noticing in state, tried restarting service, deleting source directory (it directory not file). deleting replication group , recreating it. added directory name list of skipped files , directories. still stuck 207 files go. ideas? hi, please check staging size , disk space of both systems. meanwhile, please check if there related error occurs in event log.   shaon shan |technet subscriber support in forum |if have feedback on our support, please contact

MS14-066 and Windows Server 2008 R2

is windows server 2008 r2 without sp1 vulnerable ms14-066 (schannel vulunerability)?  also, service pack 1 prerequisite applying patch? to answer questions in order: yes, , no.  this affects schannel security package, present in versions of windows os's, regardless of sp.   you can directly download update version of windows have here: Windows Server  >  Security

Cannot edit GPO after DC migration (SBS 2008 to Server 2012 R2)

hi all, i'm having issues after performing domain migration today. old server 2008 sbs without exchange server 2012 r2 standard. went pretty smooth until transfered file shares on , tried edit gpo (on new dc) update new location file shares , following error: failed open group policy object. might not have appropriate rights. details: network cannot found.  if go , edit gpo on old server "the network cannot found" error allows me edit. event viewer on new dc showing error: the file replication service having trouble enabling replication oldserver newserver c:\windows\sysvol\domain using dns name oldserver.domain.local. frs keep retrying. (i edited out server names , domain name) if navigate to c:\windows\sysvol on new server folders empty vs older server having multiple files in these locations. assume sysvol folder not replicating, why?  google giving me multiple things try none of them seem fixing issue. can me this?  hi, thanks pos

DS Sites with no DC

i looking reasons why add ds (ad) site no domain controller in it. under circumstances beneficial? thanks. hi, one reason structure dfs-n referrals when using domain based namespace. example, if got branch office file server, create site location. way, clients connect local file server, based on site ip address. i read blog post on once, cannot find again. update post when find :) edit: found it -ae Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Loss of communication problem

a friend of mine works @ small school has inherited system consisting of several windows server 2003 enterprise , windows server 2008 enterprise systems , has problem.   1 sometimes, no reason, clients lose communication servers. client (usually windows xp sp3) connected multiple shares , seem working. if user lets clent go sleep, on waking client _sometimes_ show shares, of shares, 'disconnected', , way reconnected reboot client. takes 2 tries connection. has happened @ least 1 vista sp2 system well. have seen 'my computer' window display disconnected shares, never under controlled conditions it's not clear cause this.   2 sometimes, no reason, _all_ clients, every single 1 of them on 1 particular network (there three: wireless network, wired student network, , wired staff network) lose communications shares. if tries open share, system displays hourglass. if application such ms word tries contact printer, reports 'word contacting printer hp4100 i

Windows 10 Creators Update Advertising/Spam entry on the Windows Update page.

hi all, i've noticed on windows 10 ltsb, ent need check, when user opening windows update on computer, message stating 'good news! windows 10 creators update on way. want 1 of first it?' (click 'yes, show me how') from enterprise perspective, have disabled upgrades of windows 10 (all versions) via gpo , windows updates delivered via wsus , rather not see option users can click onto. does know how 'upgrade' message can suppressed/removed users windows update screen?. things should not make way enterprise operating systems. thanks in advance. hi darren de, we may create registry key " hidemctlink" dword 1 @ hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windowsupdate\ux\settings. here related article reference: (note: third-party article, since may change content without notification, not guarantee safety.) best regards,

Do we have the right Site Links defined for 4 Sites?

hi, we have 4 sites independent of each other.  ensure best availability given 1 or more sites go 'dark' , ensure ad changes replicated, going define following topology.  site links sitelink1 - site1-site2 sitelink2 - site1-site3 sitelink3 - site2-site4 sitelink4 - site3-site4 sitelink5 - site1-site4 sitelink6 - site2-site3 does adequately cover our bases if 1 or more sites become unavailable? thanks help! sdedot hi- there's no need build site links in center of diagram (2-3 & 1-4). ad assume default (unless you've turned off) site links bridged. means it's implicit a dc in site 4 can talk dc in site 1. as alternative, given topology, create 1 site link , add 4 sites it. thanks, brian consulting  |  blog  |  ad book Windows Server  > 

Cant query VM's file using root\virtualization WMI namespace in Windows 2012 R2

i using following script list of disks attached vm. $hypervparent = "localhost"  $hypervguest = "testvm"  $vmmanagementservice = get-wmiobject -class "msvm_virtualsystemmanagementservice" -namespace "root\virtualization" $vm = get-wmiobject -namespace "root\virtualization\v2" -computername $hypervparent -query "select * msvm_computersystem elementname='$hypervguest'"  $vmsettingdata = get-wmiobject -namespace "root\virtualization\v2" -query "associators of {$vm} resultclass=msvm_virtualsystemsettingdata assocclass=msvm_settingsdefinestate" -computername $hypervparent  #  #getting path's attached vhd's  $virtualdiskresource = get-wmiobject -namespace "root\virtualization" -query "associators of {$vmsettingdata} resultclass=msvm_resourceallocationsettingdata assocclass=msvm_virtualsystemsettingdatacomponent" -computername $hypervparent | where-object {

LastLogon VBS script error on dc,error-table does not exisit code 80040e37. line 41.char:9

hi, trying run vb script lastlogon information . tested on win2003 dc , works well. run on production win2003 dc server failed.with errorl table not exisit code 80040e37. line 41.char:9. source: provider. advice please?the script below. option explicit   ' global constants   const file_name = "lastlogon.csv"   ' ' subroutines '   sub getlastlogon(objdomaincontroller)         const ads_scope_subtree = 2         const ads_uf_accountdisable = &h2           dim objconnection, objcommand, objrecordset, objrootdse, objlastlogon         dim strdcname, strusername, strdn, strdisplayname         dim intuac, intlogontime         dim dtmlastlogon           strdcname = mid(, 4, len(           set objconnection = createobject("adodb.connection")         objconnection.provider = "adsdsoobject" "active directory prov

Restore AD to another computer

hi all i have ad, server 2003, , it's server hardisk has problem , guess down soon. i build ad , restore ad backup new server( different hardware), , replace old server. importantly there share drives , it's persmisions how can ? my problem map drive users using ip map drive. problem? since new server must in diffierent ip old server. if dc not down yet , have sometime left, transfer fsmo role working dc, don't try seize fsmo role . transfer other related services such dns/gc/dhcp etc. dc. shouldn't running dhcp or file server role on dc, not design neither best practice. if environment small, can configure dhcp on dc, try use member server other services. dc should running gc , dns role apart ad.  running file server on dc huge security risk , time move file server role member server. changing ip of dc not big deal & can achieved successfully, considering process followed can reuse same hostname, need rid of old dc, perform cle

dns how can we find who & when created a DNS record ?

 dns how can find & when created dns record ?  i know @ ad level audit need turn on , tuned on, how can find info ? thanks here easy way owner: get-wmiobject -ns root\microsoftdns microsoftdns_atype | select recorddata,ownername,textrepresentation \_(ツ)_/ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Microsoft Word ia enabled and locked

when opening new microsoft word document not allow me enter data or open saved files. modification not allowed because selection locked. it sounds may using trial version of software has expired or have not activated copy of software? if so, see: -- hope helps. doug robbins - word mvp, dkr[atsymbol]mvps[dot]org posted via community bridge "tessp" wrote in message when opening new microsoft word document not allow me enter data or open saved files. modification not allowed because selection locked. doug robbins - word mvp dkr[atsymbol]mvps[dot]org Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

Mac Remote Desktop Non Standard Behaviour

why remote desktop mac using remote resources not follow standard behaviour of every other application when minimising window, believe has been norm since mac os x released in 2001? the standard behaviour minimise document dock on right side, can restored. remote desktop allows access minimised main window in remote resources menu in top right of screen or holding down mouse/right click on remote desktop icon right side of dock. worse secondary floating window, disappears , way use keyboard shortcut or select primary window's menu, has no listing in menu or dock application icon. our application has been updated mdi sdi and, suspected, more pleasant thing use remote desktop's handling of mdi apps pretty awful. minimise/restore option hasn't changed. thanks andy hello andy! we restricted sandbox rules prevents minimize apps dock. in menu bar on top watch out remote icon can see app windows.

Apply GPO only to specific Security Group and overtake another GPO

hi, i need change power settings computers members of specific security group, if computer isn't member of security group gpo must applied. first of all, gpo configured user configuration/policies/administrative templates/contorl panel/personalization screen saver timeout .  now have created gpo configured computer configuration/preferences/control panel settings/ power options / item-level targeting security group. the main question how overtake first gpo (user conf) second gpo (computer conf) on top if computer member of specific security group?  hi,   am 08.02.2017 um 16:03 schrieb mantas_l: > main question how overtake first gpo (user conf) second gpo > (computer conf) on top if computer member of specific security group?   you can not manipulate sort order or winning gpo between different obejcts. ordering, force, disable whatever can done within same object.   you can configure settings user or computerobject , filter specific condi

Active Directory Users USB port getting unrecognised .

hi , i getting specific issue domain users usb drives getting getting disable in systems in domain. issue coming on daily basis , have reinstall usb mass storage driver have usb driver working. we have not applied policy impact usb please assist , needful problem on permanent. regards rajesh hi, could clarify “getting disable in systems in domain.” domain computer can’t use usb device, workgroup computer can? by default there don’t have restriction when use usb device, if set restrict policy, such user group allow use usb device, must disable related gpo. more information: how can prevent users connecting usb storage device? the similar thread: usb port disable user hope helps. we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview p

Member servers "talking" to DC's outside their site

i have 2008 r2 domain 4 different sites.  i have site links setup sites , site links replicate like: 1 <--sla--> 2 <--slb--> 3 <--slc--> 4 i have member servers in multiple subnets making connections dc's outside of site.   i have dc's in site 1 communicating to dc's in site 3 , 4 on ldap (tcp) , dns (udp).   i have checked ip site links, ntds connection links, event logs, , i'm not sure why these hosts still insist on talking dc's outside site.  any troubleshooting tips appreciated.  member servers in 1 site may communicate member servers in site.  i'm not sure if helpful information thought i'd mention it.   thanks in advance! "site costed referralsapplies dfs sysvol share , not work basl turned off, recommend jorge blogs post here more information: enfo zipper christoffer anderss

Convert AD Account property - Account Expires

hey  i have totally lost command to  convert value example accountexpires user friendly time value. if u drop command wopuld appreciated mcsa / mcts in powershell 2.0, system.directoryservices.directoryentry type has a new convertlargeintegertoint64 codemethod can use this: ps>$user = [adsi]"ldap://cn=testuser,ou=testou,dc=test,dc=local" ps>[datetime]::fromfiletime($user.convertlargeintegertoint64($user.accountexpires[0])) saturday, april 24, 2010 12:00:00 am aleksandar nikolić Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Add Size Column in Powershell Script.

hi, i'm working in script determine files didnt have been modified in 5 years, need add sizes of each path, can me? script: dir f:\ -recurse |  select fullname,creationtime,lastwritetime,  @{name="age";expression={(get-date)-$_.lastwritetime}},                              @{name="days";expression={[int]((get-date)-$_.lastwritetime).totaldays}},                              @{name="owner";expression={(get-acl $_.fullname).owner}} |                              where {$_.days -ge 1825} | sort days -descending  thank u! you can add size adding length property. can placed anywhere inside select command, such before fullname, in middle somewhere, or @ end (after @{name="owner";expression={(get-acl $_.fullname).owner}}) -- it's you. length (think, size) report in bytes, should, if you're challenge, can have display in it's proper size group: bytes, mb, kb, gb, etc, based on number of bytes. here's post wrote h