
Showing posts from February, 2012

Desired State Configuration pull server Configuration, how to create single MOF file for multiple servers.

hi all, i trying create new pull server windows 2016 dsc ( ps 5.0), best way distribute configuration across multiple servers (i have more 200 server require same configuration). found option create mof file each server nodes "". me not pull server.  my questions , node name mentioned below "contoso-fps1", hard coded in mof file have relevance if use pull server renaming contoso-fps1.mof file <guid>.mof file? can use same mof file setting configuration node named "contoso-fps2" configuration mysamplefileserver { param($nodename)     node $nodename     {         windowsfeature filestorage         {         ensure = "present"         name = "fileandstorage-services"         }         windowsfeature printersharing         {         ensure = "present"         name = "print-se

Single-server RDS - how to setup auth by FOREIGN certificates properly?

we have 2012r2 server ad, rds single server , several application roles installed, hosts domain company.local (dc=company,dc=local). domain , forest 2012r2 level. have foreign pki infrastructure use provide certificate-based smart card logon services several other systems. have attempted create trust relations between pki system , company.local domain. did following: install local ca autoenrollment server certificates; install smart card drivers server them accessible via rdp; add foreign pki root ca certificate ntauth , domain policy trusted root ca; create account desired rights upn matching of certificates issued foreign ca; import several certificates account associate cert account in company.local domain. the result pretty weird. when try authorizing rdp client domain, "unknown user or bad password" error, audit logs 0xc000006d/0xc000006a aka unknown domain. worse, error signifies credentials used in form of domain\username, instead of upn of username@suffix, ,

Set default printer by port or by wildcard name

i need set default printer on large number of computers , need simple command line can ran on of them it.  the similarities between printers use same port , there common word in name. this i've tried , neither have worked: rundll32 printui.dll,printuientry /y /n "*name*" rundll32 printui.dll,printuientry /y /n "%name%" rundll32 printui.dll,printuientry /y /r "port" cscript %windir%\system32\printing_admin_scripts\en-us\prnmngr.vbs -t -r "port" cscript %windir%\system32\printing_admin_scripts\en-us\prnmngr.vbs -t -p "*name*" cscript %windir%\system32\printing_admin_scripts\en-us\prnmngr.vbs -t -p "*name*" any appreciated. prncommkey = "some common name text here" strcomputer = "." set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\" & strcomputer & "\root\cimv2") set colprinters = objwmiservice.execquery("select * win32_printer name '%"&prncommkey&am

Best way to convert local user accounts to Network accounts

don't if got forum category right ? whats best way migrate local user account ad user account. hello henrik, you below articles , follow steps. hope helps you. 1.  local user , group migration guide 2.  how migrate user profiles desktop domain 3.  how migrate local user domain user? thanks, sabah shariq Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

How to automate daily message tracking report for a user

hi, every day running below command export daily send/receive tracking email report. need automate task. please automate it. get-exchangeserver | {$_.ishubtransportserver -eq $true -or $_.ismailboxserver -eq $true} | get-messagetrackinglog -recipient -start "08/08/2013 05:00 am" -end "08/09/2013 05:00 am" | select-object timestamp,clienthostname,eventid,source,sender,@{name="recipients";expression={$_.recipients}},recipientcount,serverhostname,sourcecontext | export-csv e:\test\emailreport.csv hi, take @ this: don't retire technet! Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Inserting Multiple Page PDF in Word Document

i've been searching answer thing ought rather simple question , can find nothing. have couple of users have attempted insert multiple page pdf word document , found first page of pdf shows in document. there method insert multiple page pdfs word multiple pages without splitting pdf individual single page files , inserting individually? thanks...ray no, you'll have insert each page separately. regards, hans vogelaar Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

Where can I find information about Windows Search Service in Server 2012 R2?

hi. where can find more information windows search service in server 2012 r2? i'm evaluating how server 2012 r2 fit file server customer , though windows search service isn't powerful enough needs have able point sort of official documentation in order claim up. i missed on technet it's not easy search windows search service either. :) thanks. hi, not have enough technical articles windows server 2012 r2 , articles previous systems still available. windows search overview hope helps. regards  mandy we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time. helping make community forums great place. Windows Server  > 

RDS WMI methods

hi all, i trying find correct method changing "user assignment" of remoteapp via wmi. documentation not describe methods win32_tspublishedapplication class. any ideas? regards, james hi james, you're on right track. remoteapp user assignment can changed setting/modifying securitydescriptor method of win32_tspublishedapplication wmi class. class not include helper methods aid in modifying it, in standard string security descriptor format, can use standard security descriptor apis. if can use powershell instead of wmi, can use remote desktop services powershell module, little bit easier work with. see  for details. hope helps, travis howe | rds blog: Windows Server  > 

What is the best Microsoft antivirus solution for Windows Server 2003?

hello, i have medium network of 24 client computer, 2 windows server 2003 sp2 (32 bits). 1 of them dc. what best microsoft antivirus solution domain network windows server 2003? thanks dear mladeni, the effective solution consists of few configuration procedures: 1. never log on administrative privileges perform everyday work. never, never give non-admin user administrative privileges. 2. keep os, components and applications date. implement wsus , perform manual updates applications not support wsus. 3. configure application whitelisting. in case, software restriction policies - 4. never install unneeded applications, never download software untrusted sources. 5. may want implement particular antivirus program, of them. antivirus programs provide considerably low protection level, not matter one. microsoft certified trainer; microsoft security trusted advisor; cisco certified systems ins

Can’t remove Chinese IME from windows 2008 machine,

can’t remove chinese ime windows 2008 machine, every time remove   (from start> control panel> region & language> keyboard & language> change keyboard>   select chinese , remove), comes after time or reboot, tried   copy setting (from   (from start> control panel> region & language>administrative>copy setting new account or system welcome screen) comes after few time. i using office 2007 , proofing tools well, tried reinstall proofing tools without chinese language didnt worked can’t remove chinese ime windows 2008 machine, every time remove   (from start> control panel> region & language> keyboard & language> change keyboard>   select chinese , remove), comes after time or reboot, tried   copy setting (from   (from start> control panel> region & language>administrative>copy setting new account or system welcome screen) comes after few time. i using office 2007 , proofing tools well, tried rei

Printing and DC on same server

hi we have installed , 2 server 2012 servers costumer, 1 ts , 1 dc/print server. dc/print server, won't print network printers, locally installed printers on ts will. i found thread: and need confirmation whether correct win 2012 don't allow dc , print on same server? or if supposed work, problem? i have checked promon , tcpview , server never tries send network related data printer. regards lars. after had change permissions, written in previous post, had problems 1 printer, , turned out driver related. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Memory usage - just doesn't add up

this has been mystery me while. this 64-bit windows 2008 r2 server, has 4gb of memory . task manager showing 94% of physical memory in use.  this doesn't make sense since there few web sites running (totalling 1/2gb of memory usage) both task manager , process explorer not adding up.  if add processes (unless math horrible possible, i'm estimating in head) i'm not seeing 4gb of processes running.... (just few items didn't make screenshot, nothing significant) is math bad or not adding 4gb? thanks hi vnat, the powershell commands below should @ , add memory on machine: #retrieve processes $processlist = get-process #display list of processes , workingset converted mb $processlist | select processname, @{n="workingset";e={([math]::round([int64]($_.workingset)/1mb,2))}} #add workingset of processes , convert gb ([math]::round([int64]($processlist | measure-object -property workingset -sum).sum/1gb,2)) also have @ rammap se

Unable to receive IPv6 DHCP reply from server in another VLAN

hi, i'm doing test on dhcpv6 role in our 2008 r2 enterprise server. this server sits in vlan 100 (2e18:100::/64) , client (vista 32bit) in vlan 55 (2e18:55::/64). apparently hosts within vlan 100 able receive ip addresses dhcp server not vlan 55. we using hp procurve 3500yl switches (dhcpv6-relay , unicast-routing turned on) test. we did notice there requests being sent hosts there no replies dhcp server. quick connectivity test shows switch able ping dhcp server via of ipv6 interfaces. any ideas on this? in advance. regards, eric hi eric if assign static ip address client in vlan 55, client machine able ping server in vlan 100.. if not then routing issue, make sure inter-vlan routing configured allow packets move btwn 2 vlans, but if can ping server in vlan100 vlan 55 make sure u defined scope vlan 55 on dhcp server , dhcprelay configured the vlan 55 gateway. it should work if above dealt with, please run tests , re-check configuration and post if progress

Unexpected DeltaCRL Location Seen

i installed root , issuing ca, specifying http locations crls. however, when @ issuing ca, see published deltacrl location #1 ldap. did not expect trying have http locations. below script used issuing ca post installation. normal or need specify else in config file below? ::issuing ca post installation script   ::define crl publication intervals certutil -setreg ca\crlperiodunits 2 certutil -setreg ca\crlperiod "days" certutil -setreg ca\crloverlapunits 4 certutil -setreg ca\crloverlapperiod "hours" certutil -setreg ca\crldeltaperiodunits 12 certutil -setreg ca\crldeltaperiod "hours"   ::apply required cdp extension urls certutil -setreg ca\crlpublicationurls "65:%windir%\system32\certsrv\certenroll\%%3%%8%%9.crl\n6:"   ::apply required aia extension urls certutil -setreg ca\cacertpublicationurls "1:%windir%\system32\certsrv\certenroll\%%1_%%3%%4.crt\n2:http://pk

Can not Open File or find file that was saved

hello, i saved file in word ending in .doc.  location saved z:/ , when try find file in location saved it, message comes saying, "z:/t/unit2.doc cannot found. check spelling or try different path".  strange thing when go file , @ recent documents file there however, unable open , gives message shown above when go actual location saved file, found.  can either open file or find out happened file.  happened 5 files saved. your description suggests file has been deleted post-saving. cheers paul edstein [ms mvp - word] Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

Roaming profiles and offline files in 2k3/2k8r2 hybrid environment

we have bunch of 2k3 terminal servers , xpsp3 machines use roaming profiles currently.  beginnig introduce 2k8r2 terminal servers , win7 machines our environment, , i'm having trouble finding best setup use while still have of these machines playing (the 2k3 , xp go away eventually).  i want use folder redirection offline file caching 2k8r2 , win7 logins, along roaming profiles, , continue use roaming profiles 2k3 , xp logins.  users have profile folder on share (with offline caching enabled) , .v2 folders being created as when users log in 2k8/7 box.  desktop, documents, etc set redirect (they inside existing roaming profile folder), "also apply redirection 2k, xp, 2k3" set disabled.  issues i'm running doesn't appear enforced since i'm getting folder redirection 111 events on 2k3 ts machines, , other problem making sure offline caching being restricted redirected folders, roaming profiles aren't being synced , offline cached @ same time on 2k8/

How to Copy the existing AD database to different Hardware system?

i'm working on new ad environment on different hardware system, wish copy existing ad database user list, group policy, etc. on new server. require steps performed copying existing ad other system. os - windows server 2003 std etd. sp2 need guys..     hi, just install server with windows. perform dc promo , add domain controller same domain....replication copy the content of databases. k Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

I created a script in powergui but it will not work in the powershell console Help Please.

i new powershell , playing around. trying make script gui based add users active directory specific ou.  i created script , runs fine in powergui not in powershell console.  it seems input entered in text boxes not come in script variable. can review script , me figure out wrong? #generated form function function generateform { #region import assemblies [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("system.drawing") | out-null [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("") | out-null #endregion #region generated form objects $form1 = new-object $label4 = new-object $label3 = new-object $label2 = new-object $label1 = new-object $textbox4 = new-object $textbox3 = new-object $textbox2 = new-object

Error running PS script on SharePoint Server As Setup Account

#powershell script - delete users personel sites - sharepoint 2010 #the scripts distributet "as-is." use on own risk. author give no warranties, guarantees or conditions. #add sharepoint powershell snapin if not added  if ((get-pssnapin "microsoft.sharepoint.powershell" -erroraction silentlycontinue) -eq $null) {     add-pssnapin "microsoft.sharepoint.powershell" } [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("") $mysitehosturl = " http://mysite /" $mysite = get-spsite $mysitehosturl $context = []::getcontext($mysite) $upm =  new-object$context) $allprofiles = $upm.getenumerator() foreach($profile in $allprofiles) {    $displayname = $profile.displayname    $accountname = $profile[[]::accountname].value     if($profile.personalsite -ne $n

Hyper-V R2 Cluster Setup Road Block

i have 1 vmm server running on 2008r2 dc. i have 2 hyper-v r2 servers (hyper-v core install) i have completed steps in initial server config script. when attempt validate cluster configuration, , add either server following error: "unable determine if have administrator privileges on server 'hyperv-host1.domain.local'. please ensure server service , remote registry services enabled, , firewall configured remote access." i logged in domain admin on vmm server. (where i'd administration , i'm running failoverconfiguration, mmc, unc, vmm, etc) on both host servers see both remoteregistry , lanmanserver running. from 'sconfig' script "show firewall settings shows remotemanagment enabled. running mmc , adding services of host computer initialy works , see services on remote computer. i tried stopping service. (windows firewall, wanted see if disabled started working) it seemed timeout , got error. "error 6 invalid handle"

not showing password change dialog (passw. expired) when log in over ts webaccess

our users connect on ts gateway (tsweb access on ssl). when password expired cannot connect anymore on ts gateway (tswebaccess). no error or messages...... i discovered if connect on local lan on mstc (rdp),the passw. change dialog showing up, , after changing passw. everthing fine. is there way users can change passw. on tswebaccess?? or receive message? thanks kuno no, there no way users can change password after expiry on ts web access or ts gateway. before password expires, notification balloon displayed when login server/machine using credentials. in case password has expired , want change password, option available right either logging in through lan suggested or using outlook web access (owa) on internet. thanks vikash Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Wanted: Help translating C++ to Powershell to accommodate WOW6432Node and WOW6464Node

this program works:   however, need (specifically function createregistrykeyvalue) written in powershell. the problem need specify key_wow64_64key and key_wow64_32key i spent day today trying translate c++ powershell , i'm getting error 1010 (as recall) invalid key. i'm having heck of time importing enums regsam could kind soul translate function createregistrykeyvalue powershell? if asking much, perhaps show me how import pinvoke these functions    dwret =         regopenkeyex(             hkeyparent,             keyname,             0,             rsaccessmask | rssamviewflag,             &hkey);     if (dwret != error_success)     {         printf("error opening key!\n");         return false;     }     if (error_success !=             regqueryvalueex(                 hkey,                 null,                 0,                 &

TS Performance issue on 2012 R2 provate cloud while working fine on 2012 cloud and clusters

we have windows 2012 private cloud running various applications including ms terminal services 2008 r2 app-v 4.6. we’ve upgraded our private cloud 2012 r2 while migrating ts services 2012 private cloud 2012 r2 private cloud facing following performance issues in terminal services nodes. very slow logons 2. slow response of vm after logon 3. very slow applications launch the same issue has been observed on newly created ts node 2012 r2 operating system. when moving ts node in without group policy, working fine. local administrator working fine , same ts node working on other cluster , 2012 private cloud. please advise. hi nadeem, when moving ts node in without group policy, working fine. please run gpresult.exe find out possible group policy settings affecting performance. gpresult best regards, amy please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if pr

Diskshadow fails in CSV volume

hi, trying create shadow of csv volume alone using diskshadow , works great. if adding 2 volume's , 1 of volumes csv , 1 normal hard disk (ntfs) , in case disk create failed. normal behavior things missed. please let me know if knows solution problem. os: windows 2012 server in advance. i think unsupported, not sure. keep in mind, if don't convert normal connected disk (lun) to csv not considered shared disk. 1 server (node) can have disk online. if put online on server break connectivity. so, disk unable failover, because there no 'owner' of disk. boudewijn plomp | bpmi infrastructure & security this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. please remember, if see post helped please click "vote helpful", , if answered question, please click "mark answer". Windows Server

Cannot run a program when connected with remote desktop

i need running program in remote desktop connection session automatically. i'm using rdp client 6.1.7601 comes windows 7 connect newly setup windows server 2012 standard. in client options, checked box "start following program on connection" , put in program path , file name  (c:\windows\write.exe  testing). on connecting, got regular desktop without program running. i later on found out google search maybe rds roles on server 2012 need installed before start program on connection function work. so did rds roles installation , tried re-connect. time, got error window saying "the system cannot find file specified. initial program cannot started: c:\windows\write.exe   please consult more information ".  clicked button couldn't find relevant information. i tried different location of exe file, same error message pop up.  in test, server administrator account used connecting. function works fine when connecting win 2003 server whether in remote desk

SBS 2003 Server Management Update Services Error after WSUS 3.1 update

after installing wsus 3.0 sp1 (3.1.6001.65) on sbs 2003 r2, update services node in server management produces error line 184: '' null or not object. source file c:\inetpub\updateservices\home.aspx line: 196 this causes monitoring , reporting report fail main concern. i tried reinstalling wsus 3.0 sp1.  problem solved but got error wsus service not started.  went services , update service not started wsuscertservr.  when started it, problem came back. i stopped service problem still remains. i not have backup of wsus 2, cannot go it. i did move wsus database drive @ point.  wsus works , new wsus console works well. > update services node is still producing , error causes server performance report fail. the "update services" node custom mmc developed sbs product group support wsus v2 installed r2 technologies products of sbs2003r2. installation/upgrade of wsus v3 installed new, standalone, mmc designed use with wsus v3. the ideal circumst

Stor Simple

hi, did configure stor simple storage on premises? have requirement implement , know if did , how? there virtual app microsoft storage spaces , use stor simple connect our on premises servers azure if not wrong. can tell me how works hi, since issue more related azure storage , please have asked in azure storage forum better answers. best regards, frank please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2016 General

WSUS uninstall /reinstall woes

hi everyone. we're (or were) running wsus 3 sp1 on ws2003 r2 sql server 2005 reporting services, mom 2005 , forefront client security. it's vm running on vmware if makes difference. we had couple of issues virtual disks , subsequently had problems shutting down wsus vm. did shut down , again, seems have got mangled! the wsus doesn't work, when open console error: unspecified error. , no more clues. there appears databases missing sql server (the mom , forefront ones), , forefront doesn't work. i decided try fix server rather building new 1 scratch, tried uninstall wsus , install wsus 3 sp2. there no record of wsus in add / remove programs. cannot seem remove current broken installation. can't re-install or run install package wsus 3 sp1 or sp2. either time error: 2010-01-22 12:13:27  error     mwussetup          doinstall: parsecommandline failed (error 0x80041453) 2010-01-22 12:14:32  error     mwussetup          parsecommandline: failed open software\microsoft\upd

Annoying display issue

i purchased new spectre convertible hp running windows 10.  everything working far except small line looks 'strike through' @ same 2.5 inches top of screen.  it reading information top of words white line runs along top of sentence @ same place, if on darker colored screen.   can read everything, annoying.  it happens text. nothing missing in video or pictures.  is there way reset or check someway see if can resolve itself?  i not want take have spent lot of time getting set use.  i out of country few months- making issue should resolved while under warranty! write this, title box showing issue.  each of 3 words have slight line on every letter, separate each letter (y) having looks 2 dots on v shape , tiny little mark under dot on 3 (i)s.  when first saw it, thought language accent, until looked closer.  they same, on screen black , white.  it stops last (e) , box clear after that. thanks you might try changing display resolution see happens. hardware issue descr

Unable to communicate to a virtual server in hyper v from win 2008

i have win 2008 r2 acting hyperv server. i installed win 2003r2 32 bit on acting sql 2008 server. i have physical server win 2008 installed cant communicate or ping virtual server in hyperv , urgently need create an odbc connection 2008 sql server. help please hi! what virtual network configuration like? servers residing on same physical network , ip-range? responding ping disabled default in windows server 2008 , 2008 r2, need add "file- , printer share" exception in windows firewall on machines.   for more information on hyper-v networking, can read kristian nese's post on blog, found here: you can check out the official documentation:  

LDAPS not connecting on 636. 36869

hi all, we're unable connect ldaps port 636 using ldp.exe. i following error message when attempt connect: "ld = ldap_sslinit("srv-vdc1", 636, 1); error 81 = ldap_set_option(hldap, ldap_opt_protocol_version, 3); error 81 = ldap_connect(hldap, null); server error: <empty> error <0x51>: fail connect srv-vdc1." this instantly throws event id: 36869 "the ssl server credential's certificate not have private key information property attached it. occurs when certificate backed incorrectly , later restored. message can indicate certificate enrollment failure." all servers mentioned below 2012 r2 latest updates. the server we're trying configure domain controller (dc1), weirdly our other dc (dc2) works perfectly, identical certificate (apart 'issued to' of-course.) i requesting certificate our ca server, opposed importing manually. the certificate in question, in dc1 local computer > personal store. cer

Scriptt to check RDP on multiple servers

hi team, i'm looking powershall or vbs script me of rdp status periodically of windows server ( 2003, 2008 & 2012). can please me asap.  hi, here related scripts below might useful you: connection report remote desktop (rdpconnectionparser.ps1) get-loggedonuser gathers information of logged on users on remote systems powershell script find rdp sessions on servers manage windows server 2012 r2 remote desktop user sessions in addition, here scripting forums below if further assistance regarding scripting required: windows powershell forum

New Server Setup Consideration

hello, i have 2 servers replace next year: dc , file server. instead of purchasing 2 separate servers, i'm trying convince superiors should go single server , use hyper-v our purposes. had no previous experience hyper-v hey, gotta learn somehow:) the setup go this: 1) host have hyper-v server role installed 2) 1 guest server 2008 r2 domain controller dns, dhcp , nps server roles. 3) second guest server 2012 r2 file server dfs replication. file server have small usage servers backup place users files. no extensive read/write take place on it, other dfs replication each night server in different office. remote office have server 2012 r2. far have been using server 2003 in both offices robocopy running every night. want switch dfs. important: office won't have more 50 users. i pretty know intend propse, problem have at moment choosing correct disk setup. server want buy have 8 disks and i using hardware raid (specifically dell perc h730 controller). variations

What heppened to Picture Password and PIN sign-in options in Windows 10 Tech Preview?

the sign-in options page under account in pc settings has ability change password. picture password , pin gone -- @ least on non-touchscreen system. there way them back? details: clean installed pro (i.e., not enterprise) tech preview in 64 bit client hyper-v gen 2 vm on win8.1 system.  rebooted , logged in again microsoft account. session type "enhanced". i went to pc settings\users , accounts\sign-in options,  had 1 option -- change password. hi, after taking more time test on windows 10 tech preview (not enterprise version), noticed following things: scenario 1: if have a local user account without password, may not picture password , pin appeared under sign-in option, or these 2 options greyed out. after set password local account, can these 2 options worked again. scenario 2: the computer joined in domain, both local account , domain account has pin sign-in option grey out. group policy below control settings, have enable option worked again. comp

Best place for the FSMO roles?

hello, we moving buildings , have 2 domain controllers in building , 75% of our company staff.  in new building there 2 nee dc's , decommission 2 dc's on our old building i've moved fsmo roles our remote datacenter.  it make me think should fsmo roles closes bulk of users , should move them again our new site? thanks  the 3 domain-based fsmo roles (pdc emulator, rid master, infrastructure master) happiest bulk of users live, due more highly transactional nature of these roles, more operations other 2 roles.  the other two, schema master , domain naming master invoked, , can exist in location away bulk of users. best regards, todd heron | active directory consultant Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Windows 2008 x64 TS Printing - The data area passed to a system call is too small

hi, have windows 2008 ts using easy print. server has 2 quad core cpu's 16gb of ram , running light processing accounting program 80 users. machine , easy print both work fine until server reaches 5gb of memory in use. once happens user's documents stop printing event id's 6161 data area passed system call small being logged. none of hotfixes seem applicable scenario not getting common "access denied" error. have increased received , transmit buffer sizes on both nic's 2048 maximum, , set sizreqbuf setting in registry - no avail. appreciated. thanks hi, thanks post. the event error 6161 caused 1 of following conditions: the printer not reachable on network windows cannot allocate sufficient memory there invalid or incomplete data received print spooler a driver upgrade failed there bad printer device driver for more information, please refer following article: in case, assume issu

TCP Windows Full

hi everyone, anyone of did encounter tcp windows full before?. trying fix problem on windows server 2003 iis whereby connection been reset . there no timeout setting, when try sniff on wireshark, did notice tcp windows full did appear. your feedback much appreciated. ck hi ck, post. please try set maximum of 65,535 bytes receive window size , see how works. can set via following registry keys: hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\tcpip\parameters\tcpwindowsize , hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\tcpip\parameters\interface\interfaceguid\tcpwindowsize more information: cable guy: tcp receive window auto-tuning description of windows 2000 , windows server 2003 tcp features hope helps. jeremy wu technet community support Windows Serve

Fuzzy desktop when connecting

connecting windows 10 windows 10 or windows 10 server 2012 r2 fuzzy desktop. what's weird sharpens , softens if move mouse on icon. example if move mouse on start button sharpens , when move away softens again. i've tried turning off font smoothing , desktop composition. i've tried remote desktop connection manager instead of rdp client desktop set client area , full screen. i've tried tool here , setting windows 8 on both ends of connection. i've turned off , on clear type text. dpi scaling set 100% on both computers. i'm connecting full screen 1920x1080.  what can fix this?> here examples.  even powershell particularly annoying.  hi, try configure device recommended resolution , confirm result. if you're unsure of monitor's native resolution, check product manual or go manufacturer's website. below typical resolutions popular screen sizes: 19-inch: 1280 x 1024                     20-inch: 1600 x 1200  22-inch:

Need help with PowerShell to import Hire Date into profile

hello, i have script below not work below , updating 1 field in profile in ad. importing csv file, below: samaccountname, hiredate bjones,2/14/1999 mloo, 5/12/2001 in csv, correct format?  hiredate custom attribute. the below powershell script error below: set-aduser : parameter cannot found matches parameter name 'hiredate'. @ line:4 char:14 +   set-aduser -hiredate $($user.hiredate) +              ~~~~~~~~~     + categoryinfo          : invalidargument: (:) [set-aduser], parameterbind    ingexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : namedparameternotfound,microsoft.activedirectory    .management.commands.setaduser here script:             import-module activedirectory             $users = import-csv -path d:\scripts\hiredatetest.csv           foreach ($user in $users)  {               get-aduser -filter "samaccountname -eq '$($user.samaccountname)'" -properties * -searchbase "cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com"

Accessing user information from a java program

hi, i have "test" user. want fields of user displayed in console. how link them , access information ad ? regards d. anand kumar this not right place question.  best placed in msdn or java forum. i did quick bing search on internet , below code examples: -- paul bergson mvp - directory services mcitp: enterprise administrator mcts, mct, mcse, mcsa, security+, bs csci 2008, vista, 2003, 2000 (early achiever), nt4 twitter @pbbergs please no e-mails, questions should posted in news