
Showing posts from June, 2012

Dual L5506 + Win2012 DC = No Good?

full quality picture link: have upgraded server 2008 r2 2012 , 1 thing noticed, it's not utilizing second processor (second physical socket), further investigation got me confused. please refer picture above. note: processor not support hyper-threading; hence there should 8/8 not 4/8 or 8/16/ hi, though worked windows server 2008 r2, it doesn't indicates it's os related problem. may relate hardware compability windows server 2012. kind of issue, suggest involve hardware vendor further investigation. please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Microsoft please fix Vista winsxs 'Windows Side By Side' directory in Virtual Machines

have noticed winsxs folder , been surprised @ size. folder located in c:\windows\winsxs   mine 10 gb , growing ... the winsxs folder, stores multiple copies of dll's in order let multiple applications run in windows without compatibility problem.  i not going long lengthy discussion or why of folder, fact is here , don't have energy fight loosing battle microsoft.  i have read on web hacks , tricks relocate / move directory, frankly after said , done should no fool around folder.  as of today i personally don't know of safe way move folder location.  does anyone??? here 2 problems: virtual machines small system partitions virtual machines have nature small disks; vmware recommends windows vista 16 20 gb virtual disks , microsoft virtual technology has similar recommendations.   i have vista running on 24 gb virtual machine, winsxs folder 9.7gb.  this clean install , 2 apps installed - no office 2007 yet -  all have left right 6 gb of drive space left , because removed sys

"Delete his record when it becomes stale" not checked

i attempting tidy dns server scavenging stale records. there loads of duplicate ip addresses in there caused, believe, by changing computer names whilst keeping same ip address. have found, however, lots of records have "delete record when becomes stale" box not checked. use static ip addresses on network , allow dynamic updates. not case box should automatically checked when record automatically created? bit loathe go through records manually check box before can begin scavenging old records. that's correct - dynamically registered records should set entry enabled. see timestamp on these records? have tried reproduce behavior re-registering client manually? hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

[MS Word 2007] File become temporary one (Documents being renamed to .tmp name automatically)

hello everyone, while searching solution of problem, did topic in msdn forum word files become temporary ones (documents being renamed .tmp name automatically ) although problem quite similar, there several things different that. hopefully can solve problem many of colleagues face this. my situation that: where occurs, type in saved file; press save. filename in title bar changes ‘~wrc1234’ or similar. of time appear when press save. while press save, pop save window , time aware file name changes '~xxxx' also, observed icon beside 'my computer', 'my document' change unknown icon. when press save, keeps on pop 'save window', means file can't save. when give save file, close ms word , want original file location, 1st saved 1 disappeared located. don't have idea why happens, may know if know why problem occurs? thanks.

renew rms server licensor certificate problem

hi all, im running server 2003, , issue here client not able credentials rms server. in microsoft\drm folder there no clcs. does know how fix problem? hello nate, issue related rms, suggest discussing in our rms forum. best resource troubleshoot issue. rms forum brent please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. ” Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Trust Relationship between two W2k3 AD domains!

hello, i've got 2 windows 2003 domains ( , want create 1 way trust between them i.e must able authenticate in (this way only).  ip configuration done , both domain controllers can ping each other. what required steps in dns servers on both dcs? dns stub zone involved in here? what steps involved in domains , trusts in both dcs? appreciate tips!   you can create dns forwarders or allow zone transfers configure server allow zone , create secondary zone depending upon n/w bandwidth. both domain controllers must ping each other ip.proper routing necessary if resides in separate subnet add dc1 secondary dns in tcp/ip property of dc2 add dc2 secondary dns in tcp/ip property of dc1 user account performing activity should have domain admin , enterprise admin rights. ensure required ports a

Print Dialog Box too slow to appear

hi, recently users started complaint "print" dialog window taking long appear. did tests different programs , experience same. i've done couple of research online , not find helpful.  we have server 2008 r2 print server , server 2003 standard edition, both servers acting print servers "print server" roles installed. i've done same tests both servers , here results; - 1 printer installed on workstation (windows 7 professional x86) - excel, paint , pdf-xchange viewer pro (pdf viewer), "file" - "print" , waiting 20 seconds "print" dialog box appear. - deleted printers added on workstation print server, , did same tests - excel, paint , pdf-xchange viewer pro, "file" - "print" , dialog box appears instantly without delay. (i have done same tests 3 different workstations, 2 physical & 1 virtual machine , windows 7 professional x86) how can troubleshoot kind of problem. looked @ "event vi

Difficulty removing user from universal groups in Powershell

hi! have universal group users domains in forest added 1 vendor supported systems query through ldap. resides on 1 of 4 domains in forest , can contain members of other three. when want remove users using powershell, errors remove-adgroupmember , remove-adprincipalgroupmembership because not in same domain. found following suggestion on msdn's blogs, still cannot find user remove. ps forestaaa:\> $forestbbbuser = get-aduser swami -server $forestbbb ps forestaaa:\> add-adgroupmember administrators -members $forestbbbuser ps forestaaa:\> ps forestaaa:\> $forestaaagroup = get-adgroup administrators ps forestaaa:\> add-adprincipalgroupmembership -server $forestbbb swami -memberof $forestaaagroup ps forestaaa:\> remove-adprincipalgroupmembership -server $forestbbb swami -memberof $forestaaagroup i however, able make work using set-adobject -identity $( $group . distinguishedname) -remove @{member = " $( $member . distinguishedname) " }

How to minimize hard faults to improve application performance?

we using window 2008 enterprise sp1 , run ibm websphere application server (was) 7 on it. we monitored system resources , observed java processes lot of hard faults (page swapping) frequently, though there free memory available (about 65% used physical memory) total 16gb ram.  i included inline image showing hard faults (red boxed).  cpu utilization not high there 400+ hard faults in each server.  grateful can advise how can minimize hard faults in order optimize performance? here response from larry miller, shed light on this: dh correct, task manager shows both soft , hard page faults. in cases majority soft page faults not touch disk. microsoft article referenced wrong. in case of hard page faults, majority not involve pagefile. task manager , performance monitor not tell ones do . paging occurs wide variety of files, not pagefile. in fact, disk io operations done paging. launching application , loading text file editor done paging. disab

Servers swapping position in the WSUS list

this funny one, hope has seen before , can me out. on customer site have set group policy on servers collect updates central wsus server. 2 of these servers called vmware1 , vmware2. now, in list of wsus server can see vmware1 not vmware2. when reset authorisation on client box vmware2, it will appear in wsus list, vmware1 gone. when reset authorisation on box take place in list again, vmware2 gone. arghh! is there way both boxes in list without swapping them each time set authorisation ? or story point issue @ client's network? this funny one, hope has seen before , can me out. on customer site have set group policy on servers collect updates central wsus server. 2 of these servers called vmware1 , vmware2. now, in list of wsus server can see vmware1 not vmware2. when reset authorisation on client box vmware2, it will appear in wsus list, vmware1 gone. when reset authorisation on box take place in list again, vmware2 gone. arghh! is there way both boxes in list without swapping

How AD replication will work after restoring active directory on one DC?

hi everybody, hope of fine , doing well. i have question: have 1 domain, , have 3 domain controllers (all 2012 r2, dnss, gcs, 1 pdc , remaining additional dcs), take backup 3 servers every week backing-up system state dcs, in case restore 1 of these dcs old backup, how replication work? restored data restored other dcs or, un-recovered dcs replicate data recovered dc , override recovered data? thanks best regards recovered data overridden. if need opposite effect have think authoritative restore. slava fedenko mcse | blog | linkedin | twitter Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Corrupted Files after Event ID 35 Source: volsnap Aborted because the shadow copy storage failed to grow.

i have 2008 r2 server "all of sudden" stopped opening approx. 1 in 3 files error messages extension wrong or file corrupt.  approx. same time behavior started see event in system log: event id 35 source: volsnap, shadow copies of volume d: aborted because shadow copy storage failed grow.  the volume out of space.  not long after space became available again, not result of user action presumably os action. any ideas how fix corruption? thank you!   bob herman tropolis hi, hi, please refer article event 35: as mentioned, please try following steps 1 one see result: using chkdsk /r, check errors on volume diff area stored , on original volume,. check system log in event viewer errors associated volume diff area stored or original volume. check hardware errors on disks

The product key NKJFK-... etc no longer works!

about 6 weeks ago, installed win-10, tech preview 9926 - on desktop, , it's been running fine ever since then. so today, confident, i decided install on lenovo laptop (win 8.1 4 gb ram, 18 gb free on c-drive) using same dvd iso. hey, should impress potential customers! when entered product key nkjfk-gphp7-g8c3j-p6jxr-hqrjr    balked , told me "we couldn't verify the product key. please check installation media ". what gives? there newer win-10 has been published , have dl again onto new dvd? there newer product key? - aqk hi aqking, if issue persists before installation, suggest try method install windows 10 technical preview, usb installation. regards, alex zhao please remember mark replies answers if help, , unmark answers if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows 10 Insider Preview

Server 2008 R2 - New User with deactivated Email

hi, when set new user, automatically create email address in exchange 2007. it´s possible deactivate email address, because set new user few days before starting, receive emails or from internal distributions lists before start´s. in cases not way want. there way manage ? thanks provision ad account first , later provision mailbox when need it. if done in scripted way need adjust scripts have. this posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. get active directory user last logon create active directory test domain similar production one management of test accounts in active directory production domain - part i management of test accounts in active directory production domain - part ii management of test accounts in active directory production domain - part iii reset active directory user password Windows Server

Hard drives need to be checked for errors

hi windows 2012 essentials. i alert on server external backup disk needs checked errors. how do not 1 of standard disk drive letter? thanks regards hi, thanks post. did receive below warning in daily health reports? critical alerts: 1 or more server hard drives must checked errors if yes, according research, event solved with chkdsk /f /r . since drive doesn’t have drive letter allocated it. can use volume guid. to find volume guid, type in following @ elevated command prompt: mountvol this return command syntax mountvol command, followed existing volumes , mount points. we’re interested in volume guid above line: *** no mount points *** it this: \\?\volume{12345678-1234-5678-9abc-123456789abc}\ we take volume guid minus trailing slash , feed chkdsk, this: chkdsk /f \\?\volume{12345678-1234-5678-9abc-123456789abc} this allow chkdsk perform consistency check , fix of drive allocated windows server backup without needing allocate drive letter.

ADFS with Intune

hello i'm using adfs office 365 question can use current federation server used office 365 intune. thanks ahmed ali for better assistance related adsf ask in adfs forum: best regards, sandesh dubey. mcse|mcsa:messaging|mcts|mcitp:enterprise adminitrator | blog disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

msinfo32.exe (Window Server 2008 / w2k8 R2): Cannot Limit /report Output by /categories option

referring to , trying run msinfo32.exe generate report in txt format command " msinfo32 /report c:\temp\output.txt /categories +all -loadedmodules " however, output txt file still contains full set of categories. in fact, further limit output it's information full set output /categories options seems not working.   also, know how possible category id list /categories option because command " msinfo32 /showcategories"  seems open system information window.   looking forward , replies. thanks.   regards, trkc hi,   as kb describes, command-line switches available windows xp no longer supported in windows vista , later operating systems. /showcategories, /category parameter isn’t supported in windows vista, windows server 2008 , later operating systems.   best regards dale please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can

Secondary Zone Contents Out of Date

i having same problem bpa saying contents of secondary zone out of date.   secondary zone update not appear fast enough bpa.  it appears thread died before orignial qeustion answered.   still working on this? hi lillyma, post. firstly, please follow steps in following article , see how works. dns: zone <zone name> transfers primary secondary dns server must successful also, please refer following documents , double check zone transfer settings: understanding zones understanding zones , zone transfer understanding dns zone replication in active directory domain services modify zone transfer settings change zone replication scope initiate zone transfer @ secondary server however, if issue persists, please provide unedited ipconfig /all primary dns server , secondary dns server. also, can run dcdiag /test:dns dc , check if there dns related errors. hope h

time on server - clock loose 20 sec every min

hi :) i have 2 physical sql 2008 r2 cluster nodes on 2008 r2 sp1. on 1 node only i have problem time / clock. aprox. every minute clock loose 20 sec. nodes configured sync domhier, ie. dc. second node not have time problems. i've made changes in w32time service, , put specialpollinterval every 120 sec. if put command w32tm /resync nothin's happen , time changes same in dc wrote after 1 minute clock loose 20 sec... , time skew 4 8 minutes. i try move instance node , reboot node check time in bios right can't figure why clock slowing... :( hi, generally, third party security software, such antivirus program , firewall may cause such issue. may disable them check result. if not work, suggest try microsoft “fix it” tool reconfigure authoritative time server following link: regards, arthur li technet subscriber support if technet subscription user , have feedback on our support quality, please send fe

Windows 2000 & 2003 Mixed Domain => Migrate to Windows 2008

domain 2000 , 2003 mixed in above environment have   stand alone windows 2000 server exchange 2000; (not dc) will support migration windows 2008 domain? do have install other ad tools exchange well? thank you ling hello, exchange 2000 server service pack 3 can exist in active directory forest contains windows server 2008 directory servers, windows server 2008 directory servers should not installed in active directory sites contain exchange 2000 server. if windows server 2008 directory servers must deployed active directory sites contain exchange 2000 server must first hard-code directory service access (dsaccess) on exchange 2000 server servers in site point directory servers running windows server 2003 or windows 2000 server. from: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. W

Browsing Problem

i have 2 networks  in domain with cisco l3 switch  doing routing when on 1 of them cannot browes network.... can manualy map drives using eithe ip or netbios name    but browse button there on map drive window , if try use network places     both give me  the doamin not available  or not have permission...go see administrator....... i have logged in administrator ..still same not thing pemissions atthe root of this help ?    thanks   hi, please check switch make sure broadcasts working because browsing relies on broadcasting. if issue still occur, guide troubleshoot browser service. it’ long, please patient follow instructions narrow down cause. troubleshooting microsoft computer browser service if still need more help, please let know information environment, such version of dc, clients. thanks. this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. please remember click "mark ans

Create OU but not users

i need give permission create ou's not users on domain. restricted group need create ou, delete ou, manage users, manage groups shouldn't able create or delete users. hi, yes, can use delegate control achieve this. in aduc, right click container want permit users create ous , right click, open delegation of control wizard , add users or group want grant permission -> next , select "create custom task delegate" -> next -> select "only following objects in folder" , check "organizational unit objects", "create selected objects in folder" , "delete selected objects in folder" box -> next -> assign permission wanted -> next -> finish. regards, cicely Windows Server  >  Directory Services

rpc-server is unavailable. unable to establish communication between <server> and <workstation>.

hello, a problem hyper-v remote management popped on 5 of our 9 hyper-v servers. servers trying connect report message "rpc-server unavailable. unable establish communication between <server> , <workstation>. these 5 servers members of scvmm environment, servers work not. workstations , servers in same domain. what have tried far: turning off firewalls , adding network discovery rules allowed rules. rebooting 1 of the servers. restarting scvmm services on scvmm host , clients. rebooting both scvmm server , client. removing server scvmm , rebooting it. weird thing servers accesible through other hyper-v servers. these not members of scvmm. can me this? thanks in advance, rutger klomp hi, did issue scvmm or hyper-v manager? if issue scvmm, recommend further support in scvmm corresponding community can qualified pool of respondents. understanding. for convenience, have list related link followed. system center virtual machine manager ht

SBS 2011 Standard or Server 2012 Essentials?

hello, we running sbs 2003 , have been number of years. our plan upgrade sbs 2011 standard (with add-on premium pack) later on year product being withdrawn in next few months having reconsider option. @ moment have 15 users in our lan. run exchange server emails , sql server our contact management system , sage accounting software. backups run in-house on internal tape drive on dell server. sbs 2011 standard have been perfect path us, whilst sbs essentials not considered rather lightweight , didn't come bundled sql , exchange. in order maintain level of functionality presently enjoy, right in thinking our credible option go server 2012 hyper v, virtualise sbs essentials 2012 , server 2012 exchange , sql. we educational charity in uk. can upgrade sbs 2003 server 2012? there 2 other points clarify - of our network printers use 32 bit drivers , doubtful if 64 bit available, looking having invest in new printers? secondly practical microsoft certification exam study in

So, anyone have a good way to block IPODs from the wireless network?

i work @ school , having difficulty blocking devices our network. use websense @ our school filter web traffic , have 200 licenses. size of our school number of users have number has been fine. have wpa2 secured guest network on seperate vlan supposed used guests building , personal student laptops. problem these kids have brought ipods school , connecting our guest network them. have on 225 ipods connected @ given time.  know if has ideas on how block these ipods nps. p.s,. use mac address filtering looks great many prefixes ipods. hello,   thank post here. from description, have wireless network guest , want restrict access ipods.   beside user authentication , authorization via certificates wpa2, think mac address filtering easy , direct method restrict access ipods. full prefixes (also named organizationally unique identifier oui) apple, can full list of ouis apple.   ieee oui , company_id search   if have questions or c

Server user password fails daily

i have server windows server 2003, , 7 workstations windows 7.  among items server hosts folder has full access , permissions.  on every workstation shortcut folder.  staff requires daily access it.  that folder has simple password, knows.  however, when click shortcut folder, asks username/password, doesn't accept.  once reset password on server (the same password), shortcuts work, without username/password box. what server settings causing this, , how can ensure staff has daily, free access folder?  -->which has full access , permissions -->once reset password on server (the same password), shortcuts work, without username/password box. reset password, no password , username poped up? no need type...? everyone has full control permission, why need username , password...? did mean still want configure original settings need type name/password? best, howtodo Windows Server

NLB and RDS Farm - w2k8 R2

hello - fairly newbie question here. our environment (all servers w2k8 r2 of latest mu/wu patches): 2 rdsh servers - provide remoteapps ( ,, , 1 rdcb server (also provides licensing services , rdweb) (, the rdsh servers members of farm (, records , - believe called dns roundrobin (dnsrr) 1. i understand it cb not intelligent - not know if rd1 or rd2 not available - correct?.   2. if want intelligent fail-over remoteapp servers (rd1 , rd2) need configure nlb - correct?. 3. assuming need nlb changes need make in dns record (assuming cluster name , record - or need use new name?) i unsure of relationship between nlb hostname , farm name. many tia, john yep correct way. good luck robert Windows Server  > 

Chkdsk /X: G

i run command drive in server 2003 standard chkdsk /x :g ,, after can't access drive, recived error g:\ not accessible-- if can me make driver "g" again         thank you     regards, mohammed ektifan the correct command should be  chkdsk /x g: g: should drive. chkdsk /f merely forces volume dismount first if necessary. not effect drive may there physical problem disk self. try , let know chkdsk  /f /r /x  g: Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Hyper-V and Remote Desktop Virtualization

good morning,   i have situation have customer has server 2008 box. end goal this. he wants have multiple virtual machines running on hyper-v. , have employees able remote server home, , instead of using server, use hyper-v client. from read , understood, possible via remote desktop virtualization. have hyper-v installed, remote-app, , remote desktop virtualization. however, not allow me assign virtual machine. error returned. "the virtual machine test-vm01.domain.local not assigned user test01". furthermore, have administrate/troubleshoot server using vnc, not rd before, states rd disable on host. i've tried find step step how how configure role, , can't seem find one. has implemented before, , if so, steps did follow work properly. in advance. wanted give more detailed configuration information. physical host: ts01.domain.local(terminal server hyper-v), dc01.domain.local(domain controller) guest host: test-vm01.domain.local (and)

Program not able to properly delete/create files when doesn't have focus

i created program updates files on windows server 2008 ftp. every couple of seconds deletes file , places new 1 in it's spot same name. works perfect long program has focus.  whenever lock screen files stop getting updated. there windows setting anywhere can change allow deleting/creating of files when windows screen locked or application doesn't have focus. hello, maybe can use sc.exe , create service it. best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Shadow remote desktop session between WIndows Server 2012 R2 and 2008 R2.

is possible open shadow session 2012r2 server 2008r2? have error message "the version of windows running on server doesn't support user shadowing". is works new os?  thanks. Š”Š° я ŠæрŠ¾ŃŃ‚Š¾ ŠæŠ¾Ń‡ŠøтŠ°Ń‚ŃŒ Š·Š°ŃˆŠµŠ» :-) hi, yes.  need first connect server 2008 r2 rdsh server using remote desktop , use remote desktop services manager (tsadmin.msc) or shadow.exe. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

When Value contains multiple values convertto-html will return system.object[] and not value

what i'm trying build function pull networking values esxi hosts. function works correctly, when try convertto-html values contain more 1 entry returns result system.object[] function get-vmnetworking { param ( [parameter(valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)]$name ) $i = 0 $output = @() $itemcount=$input.count $input | foreach { write-progress -activity "getting networking information" -status $_ -percentcomplete (($i++ / $itemcount) * 100) $temp = (get-vmhost $_ | get-vmhostnetworkadapter ) $object = new-object psobject $object | add-member noteproperty "host" $_ $object | add-member noteproperty "mgmt ip" ($temp | ? {$_.managementtrafficenabled -eq $true} | select-object -expandproperty ip) $object | add-member noteproperty "mgmt mtu" ($temp | ? {$_.managementtrafficenabled -eq $true} | select-object -expandproperty mtu) $object | add-member noteproperty "vmotion ip&qu

Certificate problems deploying Remote Desktop Services

i having problems adding self-signed certificate rd gateway server.  i have self-signed certificate created in past exchange server on same domain.  i have .req, cer , p7b file this.  when select use existing certificate in remote desktop services deployment wizard, looking file of type .pks. i have looked @ certificate authority have installed on exchange server , when view certificate details, option save/export certificate pks grey out. when @ ssl properties of rd desktop gateway manager, tells me self-signed certificate installed.  i @ loss here nothing works yet. thanks, hi, thank posting in windows server forum. version of server os using in environment? know in latest version of os, rds supports . pfx  certificate , work certificate rds server, need add certificate under “ local computer/personal store ”. certificate must have corresponding private key. can check following article certificate related case rds. certificate requirements windows 2008 r2 ,

joining variables adds a Space

afternoon, i've written first powershell script today looking @ others and works seperatly while testing when execute script have put in few write-host lines can see data being passed. i noticed source location e:\cbt\staging \* instead of e:\cbt\staging\* there appears additional space, causes copy source wrong? any ideas # script name: movecbtdata.ps1 # created on: 02/07/2012 # author: mike lister # purpose: copy new \ updated cbt modules local offices #create array of servers $site = @("br","cr","cs","cv","ds","gl","hl","hq","la","lt","nw","pb","ph","tf","wa","wy") $servername = @("br cbt","cr cbt","cs cbt","cv cbt","ds cbt","gl cbt","hl cbt","hq cbt","la cbt","lt cbt","nw cbt&q

add-type - creating exe file to run under older versions of dotnet

if use following code in powershell on computer dotnet v2.0.50727 installed 'helloworld.exe' file created. if try , run on computers older versions of dotnet installed running exe file produces .net framework initialization error saying 'you first must install 1 of following versions of .net framework:   v2.0.50727' how can use v2 machine (the 1 powershell installed) create exe file run on machine not have v2.0.50727 installed? realise there might issues dotnet functionality across different versions (but not code below) @ least able try out. code: add-type -outputtype consoleapplication -outputassembly helloworld.exe @" using system; public class myprogram {     public static void main(string[] args) {         console.writeline("hello world");     } } "@   hi, i think more of question development forum: try post here :   thanks th

Configuring Remote Resources on Mac RDP Client

is there way configure remote resources section in mac rdp client using command line, configuration file or other means? have need preconfigure these settings (at least url setting) our deployment. hi kevin, we not have support today published application. share more scenario on our uservoice forum others can vote feature. post idea on our rds forum if more related deployment or select specific app: eva Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop clients

Intermittent DNS timeout

hi, my company's used run sbs2008, , migrated windows 2016 standard server (srv1), acts dc, dhcp , dns. we notice issues users not able connect internet, , not able reach shared folders on srv1. setup windows 2008 server (srv2) act secondard dns, users connect internet when can't reach srv1. (i add srv2 secondary dns in dhcp option) however, dns server on srv1 still acting funny. work, sometime won't. what's more frustrating of workstations , servers can resolve name via srv1 no issue, ones seems have trouble it. i try ping when have issue, , it's successful, while nslookup fail. either recover after 5 minutes of down-time, or restart dns server on srv1. wonder if can tell me what's wrong? i'd check server has own address primary dns , other server secondary on connection properties , no others such router or public addresses. check event logs free of errors.     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft

users in RDP session, windows 2012 r2, sometimes cannot print

hello, have windows 2012 r2 patched office 2013. installed canon mfp printer on domaincontroler. the users have printer shared device on there rdp session. when print pdf acrobat reader (latest version) job disappears. normaly job added printqueue not. when remove printer in user session , add again user can print same pdf! happens users , there no logic in it. 1 or twice week user. installed other drivers pcl5 pcl6 ufr have same problem. problem , how solve it? regards marc march hi, it's difficult troubleshoot random issue, may need find out pattern able locate cause. print services related logs might be useful under: event viewer -> applications , services logs\ microsoft\ windows\printservices. by shared device assume mean printer redirected, may check whether easy print driver used printer, if yes try change group policy setting matching printer driver used. some general suggestions patch windows systems, keep drivers date , disable third pa

Restart of NDES / SCEP CA server fails to load ndes service certificates

restarting iis domain admins accounts or restarting server not restart ndes applicaition pool correctly... only when logging on server ndes service account ndes application pool configured ./mscep , ./mscep_admin website load , accessable....with other accounts ./mscep , ./mscep_admin website render " 500 - internal server error" do know problem can be?... regards, nik i found error. had how request new service certificates. when using of request metods end moving certificates personal user store local computer store have issues reading private keys eventhough have configured it. using link  i enable export , import 2 service certificates correctly.   cheers,   nik Windows Server

DNS creating PTR record with SET-WMIInstance

here little function wrote create ptr record #example: new-dnsptrrecord mydc1.mydomain.local zzzz10.mydomain.local. function new-dnsptrrecord ($dnsserver,$reverseip,$zone,$record) { set-wmiinstance -namespace root\microsoftdns -class microsoftdns_ptrtype ` -argument @{` dnsservername = $dnsserver; containername = $zone; domainname = $zone; ownername = $reverseip; recorddata = $record; recordclass=1;` ttl = 3600; ` } -computername $dnsserver -credential (get-credential) } the ptr record created, after end of function got weird error message: format-default : following exception occurred while retrieving members: "not found "     + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (:) [format-default], extendedtypesystemexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : catchfrombasegetmembers,microsoft.powershell.commands.formatdefaultcommand any idea ? cyreli kazun, trying ? function

Questions about Hyper-V server

is hyper-v server operating system ? if want run 4 virtual machines windows xp , have pay windows xp licenses since hyper-v server free ? if buy windows server 2008 standard 5 cal-s,  can run 5 virtual machines windows server ? or cal-s windows server users ?   the number of guests licensed server license depends on edition, see  (licensing peak capacity). running win xp on hyper-v requires corresponding win xp licenses the cals arent hyper-v guest licenses, normal cals Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Powershell & Psexec

hi all, so, can posh scripts run off of .bat's, through psexec, straight psexec command-line-- thing is, scripts i've been running one-liners , 1 i'm trying run now, not $inherit = []"containerinherit, objectinherit" $propagation = []"none" $acl = get-acl hkcu:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies $rule = new-object ("\prizers","fullcontrol", $inherit, $propagation, "allow") $acl.setaccessrule($rule) $acl | set-acl -path hkcu:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies that content of .ps1 i'm trying run. after running psexec \\ymir cmd /c "echo . | powershell.exe c:\windows\temp\deploymentfiles\set-useraclreg.ps1"   as  psexec \\ymir -i cmd /c " powershell.exe c:\windows\temp\deploymentfiles\set-useraclreg.ps1"

How to transfer OS from NT4.0 to 2008 SP2 base on new 64 bit hardware platform?

hello have case file server transfition, because old file server old , os nt4.0, function dhcp wins , other data, if must it, need careful , how many service can not transfer base on 32bit 64bit? appreciate it. all mentioned services exist on windows 2008 64 bit. posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active directory, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 network infrastructure, configuration Windows Server  >  Security

SP2 for Exchange 2007 & Windows 2008

my organisation contains, 4 exchange 2007sp1 server, 2 in site , remaining 2 in site b. each site contains 1 mailbox server , 1 cas+hub server. exchange server installed on windows 2008sp1 (no r2). scr enabled between site mailbox server , site b mailbox server (site mailbox server target server site b & site b mailbox server targer serve site a). domain , forest level windows 2003. planning install sp2 windows 2008 , exchange 2007sp1. can please tell me in order sp2 should installed? should install windows service pack first , go exchange service pack installation or reverse order? need suspend scr during service pack installation of windows exchange ? this question needs directed exchange 2007 forum. chuck timon senior, support escalation engineer (see) microsoft corporation Windows Server  > 

regarding sharing of folders and permissions

hello, we have installed server2003 standard edition in our office. have created main folder named archive2011 , again in there 30 folders in it.we have kept share option archive2011 folder users , given respective permissions each user. issue facing is..the folders user not have access seen should not even visible that there folder name. in sense user,  there should display of predefined folders has got respective permissions, in sense other folders/files present should not visible him. i request suggest , sort out issue possible... hi kothuru, if you're running windows server 2003 service pack 1 or later, should have read of this article discusses feature named "access based enumeration". article discusses , how enable it. the short summary hide folders users not have rights, you've described in post. regards, lain Windows Server

removing an old DC from AD i tried ADSIeddit and NTDsutil ... both didn work :(

hi, promoted 1 of servers in network dc, after while needed format server .. forgot demote server before format, anyhow, when tried join domain again " specific user exists" error occurred, tried make new user full administrator power, didnt work , tried remove dc ad " access denied " error occurred, tried the  ntdsutil thing error " computer no longer exists " occurred !!!!!!! tried the   adsieddit , still didnt work " access denied " error again !!   any ideas please .. i'm down , running out of time :( its windows server 2003 standard edition sp2 thnx please follow question on directory services:     santhosh sivarajan | mcts, mcse (w2k3/w2k/nt4), mcsa (w2k3/w2k/msg), ccna, network+ houston, tx posting provided "as is" no warranties, , c

rights and remote site

hi, i have following situation (problem). have 2 users have access server @ office.  not shared folders available them.  if click on folder not them, warning "no access folder...".  great, because thats purpose. now manager of company pointed out, if connect trough, , browse folders.  can see folders, whom have no access.  if drill down in 1 of folders, , want open file, error not allowed open/view file.  cannot open files, security works. the manager wants not able drill down in forbidden folders, @ office. is there way ? regards, jo enable access-based enumeration on namespace using inherited permissions access-based enumeration mariĆ«tte knap | linkedin | twitter | facebook Windows Server