
Showing posts from January, 2010

error 105

whenever go on game called marvel avengers alliance on facebook says unable resolve server's dns address. you'll need contact facebook or game vendor support.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Implement the NTP authentication between DC Network devices and NTP server

hi,   woluld implement ntp authentication between dc network devices , ntp server. possible? regards, rk   rahamath yes, can use dc ntp server network devices however, there mixed thoughts.  here of information might ... ~santosh

How to chose the appropriate IOPS limits in Virtual Machines?

i need configure iops limits on hyper-v vms how can measure iops of machines make sure configure appropriate , "safe" level of iops? i´ve used iometer before enter production , tests was: 100% read 512 b =~13.500 iops 75% write 64 kb =~ 700 iops 1000gb test file, in 8 x 1.2tb sas 10k rpm disks in raid-5 in dell vrtx , m630 dual-xeon 256 gb of ram blades i need make sure configure iops limit make sure proper operariont of vms , low risk of 1 vm "eating" available iops , generating slowliness on other vms 1. here nice description how it... 2. raid 5 known fo read properties , worse writes. use if rely more on reading. better writing characteristics prefere raid 10 3. optimize disk cluster size according files , tune nic properties accordingly. 4. rely heavily on best practices tools ( mean native ones). 5. consider roles of vms in load , in time. model , test various load situations correspond real conditi

Clean AD

hi! i need clean windows 2008 ad windows 2012 test cluster. cluster service has been removed clustered servers. any suggestions? thanks. domain controller on cluster - not recommended. see - dcpromo  would option remove domain controller (provided have domain controller (s) in domain on non-cluster environment) regards, vik singh "if thread answered question, please click on "mark answer" Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

The Server is Offline (You are not signed in)

i've been having few computers start failing or available remotely. server rebooted , since no computers able connect online or after reboot.  machines can still browse , edit network files stored on server without issue. there's thread same title has solution "restarted machines" best can tell, , solution isn't working here.  other ideas? - no network changes have been made , it's been working fine until (~5 months) kevend. anything useful in thread?   2012 essentials launchpad reports server offline   -- merv  porter ============================ Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 Essentials

read access

how give an account read access directory service required the  user profile , properties content access account in sharepoint server 2007? hi, hi,   please understand forum windows server products. appears in regarding scom individual windows server.   to ensure more effective attention on issue, recommend post in following technet forum:   sharepoint server   the engineers , communities there more specialized in sharepoint field , may assist more professionally. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Delegate permission to set primary group

hi all, we have created universal group providing vpn access external users. purpose need set universal group primary group , remove user accounts "domain users" group. our helpdesk team responsible creating users accounts, not have permissions set primary group. i tried assigning "write primarygroup token" helpdesk group, didn't work. what permissions required delegate permission group or user?   thanks   thanks vishnu r hi, i not suggest place helpdesk stuff "account operators" group. grant them more rights need. security reasons not that. instead of primarygroup token did try allow write primary-group-id ? regards, krzysztof ---- visit blog @ Windows Server  > 

reservation of windows 10 via windows 8.1 enterprise evaluation pack..

can reserve windows 10 through windows 8.1 enterprise 90 days evaluation pack, i'm downloading currently. help.. please read this..... excerpt: some editions excluded: windows 7 enterprise, windows 8/8.1 enterprise, , windows rt/rt 8.1. active software assurance customers in volume licensing have benefit upgrade windows 10 enterprise offerings outside of offer. Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview Setup and Installation

AD DS - How Is Better to Move the Servers?

hi there, here have in our environment: standalone w2k8r2 server hyper-v role (our hyper-v host) hosts 3 vms: 2 dcs [w2003r2 (fsmo, dns) , w2008 (dns)] , 1 exchange 2007. moving new building , plan physically move hyper-v host there. recommend approach stop operations before unplug hyper-v host? should gracefully shut down servers or should pause them? what order recommend perform shutdown/pausing? thanks lot in advance! gracefully shutdown vms selecting in hyper-v manager , take shutdown action. shutdown host. move host. start host. start dc vms - doesn't make difference on order starting both of them within short time period (generally make setting on virtual dcs start when host powered on.  ensures first , running). when dc vms up, start exchange vm. tim Windows Server  > 

Things to be considered before AD - domain and forest functional level upgrade (win 2003 to 2008 R2)

hi recently introduced windows 2008 r2 dcs , decommissioned old windows 2003 domain controllers. since not sure application compatibility (both ms , 3rd party) many times postponed plan upgrade dfl , ffls. found jonathan's blog ( ), whcih says upgrade won't affect applications. confirm experts posting concern once again. have exchange 2010 / shrepoint / sql / sap etc..(also 2 x windows 2000 servers) please let know real experiance - in production environment how upgrade 2003 2008 r2 (belive can able upgarde both ffl , dfls win 2003 win 2008 r2) affects existing applications. thanks in advance lms hi, before upgrade, recommend remove installed non-windows-delivered software not supported software manufacturer upgrade. otherwise, software may not function correctly after upgrade. this article may help:

Change default browser to IE in WIN 10

hi all! want change default browser in win10, edge ie, group policy. try import default associations dism, did'n work. have windows server 2008 r2 active directory server, windows 10 group policy templates. have solution problem? answer! hi szilard26, thanks post, noticed try import default associations dism change default brower, may know if followed below article , still got failure? there's way allow use ie11 , edge together, can have check , wish helps: best regards, elaine please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact

DFS Namespace folders disappear and reappear

hello, have following setup.  a windows 2012 server running dfs single namespace contains 4 folders. when windows 7 clients connect \\domain.local\namespace, 4 folders listed shortcut arrow on icon.  they able access folders without problem. however, after while , random, 3 of folders not listed , 1 remains not have have shortcut arrow.  its same folder remains.  sometimes 4 folders randomly come after while , have shortcut arrows , users able access contents. anyone know how can resolve this? thanks hi, by default, when create dfs namespace, folder created same name @ c:\dfsroots on namespace server.  for example if namespace \\domain.local\root created, find folder c:\dfsroots\root. please check c:\dfsroots\root folder , see if 4 folders contained in dfs namespace exists on namespace server. should have shortcut icon. from description sounds users directly accessing server instead of accessing dfs namespace.   technet subscriber support in forum |if have feedback

Unable to add 3rd node to cluster of different subnet

hello, we have had configured 2 hyper-v machines running on windows server 2012 on hyper-v cluster on same subnet, works fine. recently, received requirement add 3rd node located on different subnet part of same hyper-v cluster. routing enabled on both subnets, , 3rd node able communicate previous 2 nodes. when try add third node, below message. error message: failed access remote registry on server3 . ensure remote registry service running, , have remote administration enabled. note: 1. turned off windows firewall on both nodes, still receive same message. 2. found error message under system event logs dcom unable communicate computer server3 using of configured protocols; requested pid      e3c (c:\windows\system32\mmc.exe). requesting support. thank you, anand anand franklin t ry this

ComException on Windows 2003 Server while opening Outlook by ASP.NET-Application

hello everbody, problem , i'm hopefull, you're able me. today i'm developing, wants open outlook application, installed on windows 2003 server. needed assemblys installed , had look, .net-components of outlook installed too. that's piece of code: application outlook = new application(); namespace ons = (namespace)outlook.getnamespace("mapi"); ons.logon(profil, login, true, false); when start application following errormessage readable: com class factory component clsid {0006f03a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} failed due following error: 80080005 taking windows event list read, error arises in first line: " = new application();" reading article -> application might have not enough rights open outlook, trying follow suggested steps not helpful, can't find outlook in dcom config. have idea me? (if english not best, please considerate me,

Getting error 'DNS name does not exist' on activating Windows Server 2008 R2

while activating windows server 2008 r2 180 days evaluation version,i getting error dns name not exist,error code 0x8007232b.please me activate windows server 2008 r2  180 days. shameel.v.k. check date , time , try again   the correct forum question is;     jonas andersson mcts: microsoft exchange server 2007/2010 | mcitp: ema 2007/2010 | mcse/mcsa blog: Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

server stuck on boot

hi, rebooted server 2012 last night and now it hangs on boot.i it hanging on please wait , applying computer settings ever. safe mode working , deinstalled updates sinds last boot.  its now hanging for 7 hours. please help! thanks in advace.ribin hi, in general, kind of issue may have multiple reasons. recommend check followings: if used roaming profile , please check if roaming profile large since computer has download files profile server local machine every time log on, hence applying computer settings hangs. please make sure computer has plenty of memory installed. if computer runs out of memory use hard-disk space memory slow system down , make hang @ applying computer settings screen. check disk errors , delete temp files have been created on system see if issue persists. update software drives, bios , motherboard firmware if possible. in addition, if had installed server certificate , configure secure sockets layer (ssl) on computer. recommend

how to delegate Windows Activation to our Support Team ?

i need allow our support team have permission activate windows .. i couldn't find delegation osma othman hi osma, use group policy ads support team local group of remote clients , active windows: active directory group policy restricted groups best regards, wendy please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Server 2008 "Admin Password change"

  hi, have received copy of s2008 technet subs, , on install requires "the user's passwordmust changed before logging in first time"i have tried using many different combinations error of "unable update value provided change not meet complexity".   i,ve tried quite few times using different combinations has had same?.         by default password complexity of windows server 2008 enabled. after installation of windows server 2008, system ask set complex password before first logon. password set must meet complexity requirements, means the password length   should be at least 7 characters and password should contain @ least 3 of following 4 character groups : english uppercase characters (a through z) english lowercase characters (a through z) numerals (0 through 9) non-alphabetic characters (such !, $, #, %) furthermore may not contain significant portion of username.   examples: password01! p@ssw0rd pa%%wo4

GroupPolicy for Internet explorer 8

hai , we running windows server 2003. want apply ad policy customize ie8 through gp. the customization needed ,want remove address bar. open,save,save as,print options under file menu. remove history,favourities . need in regard...... thanking u in advance perumal raj hi peru, please refer following link restrict ie 7/8/9 using gpo. regards, md md Windows Server  >  Group Policy

WWW service is not able to start via Microsoft Failover Cluster generic service resource

environment cluster nodes = two cluster nodes os = windows 2008r2 application = iis query i created generic service resources of many windows services under microsoft failover cluster , failing on when create generic service resource www, www service not able online via microsoft failover cluster. stuck in online pending. i have noticed 2 things. 1.) if www service set manual , started @ passive node , manually restart active node www service switch on stand by/passive node. if www service set manual , not started on stand by/passive node www service not failing over. 2.) if kill www service manually (as test case) on active node via command ( taskkill /f /pid xxxx ) www service failed , not failing on standby/passive node. any comment appreciated. thanks. zahid haseeb. contains step-by-step instructions on configuring this.  might want use guide troubleshooting environment. .:|:.:|:. tim


i running terminal server 2003 , noticed splwow64.exe using 30 - 40 percent of cpu causing the  cpu hit 100% utilization continuously. know printer app between 32 , 64 bit, have 2 other non- hyper-v terminal servers (64bit) not experinecing same issue. how preceed in troubleshooting issue? am looking bad printer driver? is issue hyper-v , terminal server? it in production. thanks bart danby even though article not say, did reboot terminal server after applying changes? how low did you set timeout (180 seconds default)? as machine process not user process. also, have tried application server 2008 or 2008 r2?   brian ehlert (hopefully have found useful) Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Hardware compatibility list Hyper-v 8

hello, i have asus kgpe-d16 2 onboard intel 82574l nic's i installed windows server 8 beta hyper-v (version 6.2.8250) after install got message there no active network adapter found. downloaded windows server 2008 r2 drivers intel site , installed drivers pnputil. rebooted server stil no nic's available. i'm looking hwql windows server 8 beta hyper-v find out if nic's are supported. used same config 2008 r2 hyperv core edition , worked fine, know no garantie working new os. thanks in advance , looking forward reactions. dorian groenewegen dorian groenewegen hi,   as windows server 8 still in beta release, seems hardware compatibility list not available @ moment.   by way, can check following link check compatible devices.   in addition, devices worked under windows server 2008 r2 may not work under windows server 8, please contact vendor or manufacturer

Drive letter not availible. How to recover them.

my server/management machine has not released drive letter "f" , need programs it's storage there. had raid controller issues , have solved them can not drive letter back. it may have been taken buy usb drive well. can tell me kind of cmd line tool/reg edit can release drive letter? when try mount drive letter command line tells me "device not ready" it server 2008 r2 updates thanks in advance help. shane thanks replies. my virtual cd drive using "f" drive mapping , overlooked in "my computer". sorry "under troubleshooted" post. :-( it working now. on positive note learned quite bit enviroment variable line , how remove old drive mappings via device manager!! :-) shane Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Folder permission issue after using DFS replication for new file server

hi everyone, i got question , have no idea how happens.  we use dfs replication service replicate between old , brand new file server. after replication finished, when click security option under user folders properties, showed "to continue, must administrative user permissions view object security properties" "continue" , "advance" 2 options. logon domain admin group account, think should have permissions, seems not. the weird thing once click user folders, shows "you don't have permission access folder", "click continue permanently access folder". after click continue, checked folder properties again, , security option normal. know how happened , normal or not? please me if out there has answers. thank you. sju2402 and seems folders created folder redirection. if please check if "grant user exclusive rights" option enabled. if so, administrator not have permission on users' folders. technet subscriber s

Access Files Without Joining Domain

a client has server , domain computers not members of domain. how can access files on server without having join domain? when attempt connection you'll prompted domain network credentials, once validated access is granted.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

data corruption on logical drive and backup error and creating new VHD

i got na error on arcserve 16.5 sp1 + patches the backup job had erros: aw0553   e  ae11007 aw0553   07/07/2014 10:24:03    530      3        unable create sub-session metadata volume e:. ae11007  07/07/2014 10:24:03    530      3         there invalid index allocation header signature. the ca support suggested error in drive "e:", data corruption, etc the vm (with "e:" drive) chkdsk showed no errors on drive "e:" , no errors found on system logs, disk errors , physical machine have no errors too. i´m trying "predict" next step ca support , i´m thinking in trying create new vhd file , options do i have. it useful copy/paste , create duplicated vhd fie? (and maybe "duplicating" problem in new vhd file?) there disk operations in hyper-v (powershell or gui) create new "fresh" vhd, replace "suspect" vhd? it useful create new vhd using edit disk option in gui? idea create new vhd based on existing vhd, i

Using $_. in to narrow results

i have string @ end of series of if statements (adding users ad groups):   else { write-host "user $_. not found in domain." -foregroundcolor yellow }  works expected, object vaiable inserts all info path user account:  user=usernamehere; ; group1=mygroup...etc i think i should able give me  the username, don't know how define obnject variable more specifcally. tried things $_.user , $_.logonname without sucess. i acutally able resolve on own :) turns out seeing $_. part of text string. breaking string in half , stiching + $_.user + got work: write-host       ( "user " + $_ .user + " not found in domain." ) -foregroundcolor yellow Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Strange Upload Problem on Hyper-V

hi, 1 driving me totally nuts. i have being trying upload file (its harmless exe have since found out - diskwipe.exe using ie8. from win 7 and win 2008 r2 datacenter (which i select to boot vhd's) onto main machine hardware, , on another win 7 pc elsewhere on network, when upload file works perfectly . so, using native nic's fine. using machine perfect. right. ok, boot menu default main development machine - 1 i'm typing on now. runs on metal , has hyper-v role , have guests. guests not running. amazingly, from my console (root partition exact) or _any_ guest os 2003 /xp / 2008 r2 etc. upload slows @ 32% hangs @ 38.something% & never finishes!! here kicker. have another box (my main server) running hyper-v on metal  and 3 live guests. identical h/w main dev machine in room. (except os datacenter - mine enterprise).   if try , upload bare metal console or guest file using ie8 stops

The Group Policy Client Side Extension Group Policy Shortcuts may have caused th e Group Policy Service to terminate unexpectedly.

hi all, having issue shortcuts group policy extension applying our windows 7 machines. working until last wednesday , since users group policy client service error when logging in. we have narrowed down shortcuts extension, if extension disabled user can log in, if enabled , empty following error comes up. investigation have done far seems though on client making happen. we have – copied original policy exported , imported policy deleted shortcuts deleted shortcuts , created brand new shortcut and same thing happens. if right click on shortcut extension , select disable user can log in when running gpupdate /force following error  the group policy client side extension group policy shortcuts may have caused th e group policy service terminate unexpectedly. prevent further failures in the group policy service, extension has been temporarily disabled until af ter next system restart. group policy settings managed extension may  no longer enforced until system re

Small Business Server 2003

could please advise if know discontinuation of sbs 2003? do perhaps know when microsoft stop support product? thanks hi, as the issue more related to sbs server, regarding windows small business server issue, please post windows small business server discussion group. support professionals there better equipped assist you. for convenience, i’ve included link of windows small business server discussion group: discussions in windows small business server general sbs08 public newsgroups best regards, wilson jia this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server

Group Policy -Password Policy

hi, does confirm me change in group policy, on password policy (minimum password length/complexity) apply accounts password has set non-expiried?  have 2003 ad as per tech articles, when account created or password change happens (manual or due policy); should take affect. thx sd hi santodatt, we have answered questions in following thread.   many thanks, miles Windows Server  >  Group Policy

adprep in windows Server 2008 R2

dear all, i have dc in windows 2003 r2 32 bit server , want add rodc in windows 2008r2 (64 bit). while installling dcpromo m getting following error.  " to install domain controller active directory forest, must first prepare forest using "adprep /forestprep".  adprep utility available on windows server 2008 r2 installation media in \support\adprep folder ." i have follow steps update forest on windows 2003 r2 server (my main dc) have use adpqrep32 utility windows 2008 r2 dvd still m getting same error. i have follow follwing steps. please me..    hello, as additonal quick info: rodc can replicate default domain nc w2k8 or higher rwdc , not w2k/w2k3 rwdc. w2k/w2k3 rwdcs not understand password replication policy configuration of rodc , therefore not enforce it. please read link: (2011-10-12) password replication between rwdcs , between rwdc , rodc (jorge de almeida p

The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted. 4625 0xC000006E

we restrict service account logged onto 1 or 2 servers in order control accounts used. in active directory using "logon to" option. before server 2012, put destination server name in "logon to" box , remote (rdp) in service account trobleshoot server.  that no longer works server 2012. when attempting rdp server, message "an authentication error has occured. local security authority cannot contacted. " security log shows audit failure 4625 with status of 0xc000006e , sub status of 0xc0000070. have looked , means resticted ad. found if logging in "pc1" part of domain "server1", have put both "pc1" , "server1" in "logon to" box in ad. not required when rdp'ing windows server 2008 machine. becomes problem many of support people have multiple machines , "logon to" box have limit. can explain why happening , how avoid behavior. still restrict service accounts as possible.

Instalação Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials em modo de migração

boa tarde! estou realizando uma migração de um servidor rodando com o windows server 2008 standard para um servidor que rodará com windows server 2012 r2 essentials , porém durante instalação windows server 2012 r2 essentials no destination server, não há opção para o modo instalação que há no artigo de tutorial, o "clean install" ou "server migration". o processos de migração para o windows server 2012 r2 essentials é diferente windows server 2012 essentials ? como prossigo com esta migração, se não há uma instalação em modo de migração? obrigado! thiago detomi hi, please understand forum provide support in english. since not familiar language, difficult understand question , it. if ask question in english, happy help. if issue urgent business, recommended contact microsoft product support services via telephone dedicated support professional can assist recover server in more efficient manner. please advised contacting phone support ch

DHCP Questions

what type questioned asked in dhcp level 3 support. variety of questions. try guess questions may encounter during support career keep in mind not limit answer specific questions. best practice become support in every field understand how service operates. dhcp crucial know how dhcp functioning in lan environment , wan environment. how dora processed on mentioned scenarios. if know service , understand how operates find in situation need spend hours troubleshooting. follow attitude , far happy it. links below may become handy: dhcp interview questions dhcp interview questions & answers regards. mahdi tehrani   |     | please click on propose answer or mark post , helpful other people. posting provided as-is no warranties, , confers no rights. how query members of 'local administrators' group in computers? Windows Server

group Policy client service failed the logon. Access is denied

hey , we running terminal servers on windows 2008 r2 ,we using roaming profile,some of users getting error when trying connect o terminal server error : group policy client service failed logon. access denied” please advise resolve issue . muzammil ubaray hi, whether using citrix products in terminal environment? in cases, after log off remote desktop session terminal server, changes user profile not saved correctly on profile server, , user profile corrupted. there workaround can refer do: 1. add user local administrator group on server have profile folders. 2. delete profile , let user create profile during next logon.   technology changes life…… Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

TS Web and Windows Embedded Active X control issue

i have windows server 2008 standard edition server sp2 running rdp services.  trying connect ts web hp t5740 thin client running windows embedded 2009.  getting common activex control lnot installed or not enabled.  have gone through steps of deleting registry keys , registering mstscax.dll.  nothing gets activex control show enable.  there doesn't seem has posted on embedded 2009.  suggestions appreciated. jason it did let me install did not change anything.   i take once restart , cleared out ie settings again work , prompted me install activex control.   thanks! jason Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

TSV information request?

i have noticed microsoft remote desktop client no option enter tsv. itap had option , seems have disappeared in microsoft's version. means 2 servers can no longer load balance. does know if option going added in it's major feature app missing? thanks in advanced, matt hi matt, on remote resources tab can add url of rd web access server , download .rdp files feed.  these rdp files have load balancing cookie in them when tap icon launch send server. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop clients

Server 2012 r2 standard server core activation

i have access dreamspark though school , have installed server 2012 r2 server core , cannot activate automatically, server says key can't used, , can't seem find number call access automated phone activation installation id generated, need server school work , upcoming project in coming months , know how activate it. first time i've used server core i'm not sure can activate phone, why i'm asking here, logical place ask. also, if need talk @ microsoft fine well, long gets specific server activated. hi, we can call telephone active center, give detail , official support answer.if using oem system can ask oem vendor active help. in forum can not determine key type using or whether key has licensing issue or whether key has locked.if using oem system can ask oem vendor active help. can communication way following web site:   can communication way following web site: existing customers product activation , key information Imposible permitir instalarlo a un usuario del domino

buenas tardes. llevo unos días de cabeza con el siguiente tema...resulta que tengo un server 2008 con active directory y diferentes usuarios. el grupo de usuarios "administración" debería poder instalar el componente para poder utilizar las diferentes aplicaciones del ministerio como la aplicación de fomento (espaÑa). los usuarios tiene correctamente cargadas las firmas en el navegador (ie9) y como administrador de la maquina también puedo gestionar la aplicación sin problema, pero al intentar acceder como un usuario de administración me alerta de que debo tener permisos de administrador para poder instalar pero el usuario administrador ya lo ha instalado. leyendo la documentación encuentro este problema y una breve indicación de como poder solucionarlo en windows server, pero no encuentro donde indicar el componente como seguro en el active directory. continuación les dejo el texto que no entiendo donde indican como solucionarlo:

How can a user view certificates issued to that user?

i can run mmc administrator , add both personal , computer view certificates, however, mmc run under context of administrator account, rather logged on user. how can view personal certificates issued user on specific windows 7 instance? you cannot. must provide credentials view user's specific store. basic data protection api security. you can query ca database certificates issued specific user, not indicate if specific certificates installed on target machine brian Windows Server  >  Security

Unable to work Domain controller's active directory

hi, i installed vmware software under installed windows server 2008 domain controller i'm getting error  "naming information cannot located because: the specified domain either not exist or not contacted. contact system administration verify domain configured , online." please solve issue. thanks, raghavender hi, in addition, please take in event viewer , see if special errors logged. if error 1355 logged, please check link below: windows server 2012 naming information cannot located because: specified domain either doesn’t exist or not contacted. in article above mr. manu philip provided method deal special error message. " solution seems simple go registry editor and open key sysvolready @ hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\netlogon\parameters if value of key 0 change 1. if value 1 change 0 , ‘accept’, again change 1 , accept. exit registry editor. " hope may help best regards michael if have feedbac

AD Certificate Services delegated install of enrollment web service

working stand internal ad cs environment , running trouble enrollment web service on separate machine ca. followed delegation info @ delegated installation enterprise certification authority , installed , configured ca without requiring domain/enterprise admin rights. i'm attempting install enrollment web service , running access denied errors. docs don't mention delegated install , keep referring domain admin rights being required. fwiw, i'm attempting run: install-adcsenrollmentwebservice -authenticationtype kerberos -caconfig 'subca.domain.tld\ca-name' -sslcertthumbprint '<thumbprint>' -verbose -whatif and it's throwing: verbose: checking whether registry key ces exists. verbose: calling initializeinstalldefaults method on setup object. install-adcsenrollmentwebservice : ccertificateenrollmentserversetup::initializeinstalldefaults: access denied. 0x80070005 (win32: 5 error_access_denied) @ line:1 char:1 + install-adcsenrollmen

bind secondaries

what bind secondaries taken posted below article. bind secondaries microsoft supports use , integration of bind dns scheme. product integration, however, there limitations , configuration issues must addressed. normally, when 2 windows 2000 dns servers replicate data (more commonly known in dns circles performing zone transfer) replication occur in “fast zone transfer” mode, in data compressed. if integrating bind network, there may times when wish replicate data in uncompressed mode older bind server running secondary zone. bind secondaries option turns off fast zone transfers. unless bind server runs version 4.9.4 or earlier, should deselect check box enable fast zone transfer. more info on bind interoperability.     regards awinish vishwakarma| my blog disclaimer : this pos

Remote Resources mouse dysfunction when i have 3 screen

<textarea autocomplete="off" class="goog-textarea short_text" dir="ltr" disabled="disabled" id="source-is" name="text-is" spellcheck="false" style="overflow-y:hidden;overflow-x:auto;box-sizing:border-box;padding-bottom:32px;height:75px;padding-right:20px;width:296px;" wrap="soft"></textarea> when 3 screen (macos screen and 2 others) with differante resolution , the remote resources are not working. it impossible to move a window and use mouse . only the keyboard works . macos x el capitan v10.11.6 microsoft remote desktop v8.0.35 (build 27221) moniteur mac 13,3pouce (2560x1600) other screen 2 x samsung s27e390, 27pouce (1920x1080) hi, thanks post. first, please understand hard me reproduce issue due lack of test devices. move on, confirm following help: 1. did issue occur on previous rdc versions? 2. have

Word 2010 Image issues on Server 2012 Share

hi guys, i migrated windows file share windows server 2003 new virtual windows server 2012 data centre server. appears ok except 1 issue there numerous word docs on file share (over 300 pages) images in them (jpegs,pngs ) @ times when users open these docs on new server images in them corrupted. when local copy of same file opened appears fine. has happened on few docs cant pin point why happening. not happening on 2003 server. have no dedup turned on or compression. copied files on , ntfs permissons. not happen time thinking read/write issue in 2012. server reports no high cpu or memory @ time. any thoughts on this? thanks hi, i suggest install windows server 2012 on new computer , share files there. if issue doesn't occur, might more related windows system. can post question on windows server forum further support. best regards, rex zhang technet community support Microsoft Off

July Patches status

i need status of patches released in july moth. kb2507938  and kb2555917  is there problem patches because heard information after installing patches system getting restarted and unable to access internet , rdc. shall proceed or not. by rajkumar.k   purushoth hi, general speaking, recommend deploy updates test machines before install them in production environment Windows Server  >  WSUS

Problem in requesting certificate from Enterprise CA

hi, i have enterprice ca , created new certificate template scom authentication, , when submit certificate web enrollment got error massege attached. please help. thanks, sunny hi, please refer following related thread: requested certificate template not supported ca   hope helps! best regards elytis cheng elytis cheng technet community support Windows Server  >  Security

Update Rollup Node doesn't appear on replica servers

is normal behavior update rollup node doesn't appear in replica servers? --- when hit wrong note next note makes or bad. --- miles davis hi pob579, according result of test, customer views not replicated upstream server, while updates replicated upstream server. in order put updates suitable views in downstream server, need add view manually: on downstream server, click "updates" > click "action" > "new update view" > in step1, check "updates specific classifications" > in step2, check "update rollups" > in step3,  name view "update rollups", (i'm on server 2012 r2, step same on server 2008 r2): best regards, anne please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server