
Showing posts from February, 2010

DFSR replication of SYSVOL - content set not ready

hello, in our domain have 2 domain controllers. sysvol replicated using dfsr. replication had problems after initial installation of dcs. problem caused veeam (backup). veeam updated , deactivated replication isn't working. first there errors because maxofflinetimeindays less. value set proper value. in dfs error log 1 can see on both dcs: 20140318 08:58:44.138 3752 srtr   969 [warn] server_establishsession failed establish replicated folder session. connid:{2fbe5ad3-1ae3-47fb-b053-117b8feebcbf} csid:{5c5f4ad5-3edf-468a-a06d-e85fe1db78fd} error: + [error:9051(0x235b) upstreamtransport::establishsession upstreamtransport.cpp:808 3752 c der inhaltssatz ist nicht bereit.] + [error:9051(0x235b) outconnection::transportestablishsession outconnection.cpp:510 3752 c der inhaltssatz ist nicht bereit.] + [error:9051(0x235b) outconnection::transportestablishsession outconnection.cpp:449 3752 c der inhaltssatz ist nicht bereit.] 20140318 08:58:56.758 5140 down  4061 [error] d

Server 2012 RDP continues to indicate terminal licenses expired

install rdp on server 2012 -activated rd licensing -configured per device licenses install rd web access rd connection broker rd session host rd license diagnosis still indicates  -rd session host not configured , expired licenses hi, 1. in server manager -- rds -- overview -- deployment overview -- tasks -- edit deployment properties -- rd licensing tab, did set licensing mode per device , make sure fqdn of rd licensing server listed? 2. did create session collection , add rdsh server it?  required deployment properties applied rdsh. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Mouse can't scroll down, only up

mouse can't scroll down, when use remote desktop linux mint 18 xrdp. tested other rdp client such cord, there's no problem mouse. hi, 1. please describe your situation briefly including rdc version, source/target device/os , network environment? 2. when did issue start occur? before issue happened, did modifications? or install updates? <<<only when use remote desktop linux mint 18 xrdp>>> do mean issue occurs when remote connecting linux mint? best regards, alvin wang please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop clients

2008 R2 DC / Forest Level / GPO with XP client

we migrating active directory 2003 2008 r2. within 2 weeks going demote old windows 2003 dc's. i've read articles considering gpo's. time being still use xp clients. think beginning first quarter next year wil upgrade windows 7. in meantime wondering if there know issues 2008 r2 functional level , gpo's created on windows 2003 enviroment vs windows xp. also prepare gpo's windows 7. creating central store , migrating adm admx. windows xp can't use admx files. how can prepare gpo windows 7? thanx   howdie!   on 03.11.2010 10:29, biga_b wrote: > 1 last thing.. better have "dedicated" pc/server to > create/edit/manage gpo's.. dedicated mean use same > domain controller or same management pc > > 2003/xp gpo's thought best practice use 1 of the > domain controlers or management pc. should not create/edit gpo's on > diffrent domain controllers..   best practise managing group policy up-to-date

Teaming support in Hyper-V R2

hi freinds, i have gone through threads discuss teaming in hyper-v , problems related it, threads year old. i tried new updates regarding  teaming support in hyper-v on net, not concrete information whenther hyper-v r2 supports teaming or if there any issues teaming? can please me? thanks. the issues have not changed. considering teaming function of nics , drivers nics - not under control of microsoft. must still return vendor , grill them driver compatibility hyper-v. understand getting better, no 1 can make blanket statement teaming supported. prudence on part warranted. brian ehlert (hopefully have found useful) Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

NIC configuration for NLB and fail over cluster.

  what nic configuration should use iis nlb , sql fail on cluster? target avoid single point of failure connection including switches. scenario: 2 servers in nlb clustering (domain member) 2 servers in sql , file fail on clustering (both domain controllers) webpage iis server stored on fail on cluster (i don’t want use dfsr replication) using \\fileclustername\folder iis servers connect sql database cluster ip. and problem how should set nic addressing? idea: nlb cluster   nlb node 1 public1 & public2 = publicnictem ip mask: gateway: dns: n/a   heartbeat1 ip mask: gateway: n/a dns: /na                 heartbeat2 ip mask: gateway: n/a dns: /na   private1 & private2 = privatenicteam ip mask: gateay: n/a dns:    nlb node 2 public1 & public2

What are the recommended 'poor man' Powershell script versioning software options?

hello, i've developed many powershell scripts , reside on various servers , workstations across domains on globe.  i'd keep 'master' copy on win7 desktop , 'version' them.  use ms ise , command line run scripts , continue so.  suggestions on recommended 'poor man' (ie. no cost) powershell script versioning software options? thanks help! sdedot i've used both tortoisesvn , tortoisegit versioning, these solutions may not suit particular requirement. for powershell profile keep master copy in 1 location , have couple of functions in there can use 'backup' or 'restore' the profile need be. allows me deploy other servers. pretty of relies on robocopy. for doing proper script revisions suggest using subversion (tortoisesvn ) or git (tortoisegit ). thanks, chris. Windows Server

Your user profile was not loaded correctly!

this problem accuring when m loging computer wverytime. when ever m donwloading thing , saving desk stop not saving adter loging off when m loging again whatevr changes i  m doing not saved , desk stop opening open first time and showing following note your user profile not loaded correctly! have been logged on temporary profile. changes make profile lost when log off. please see event log details or contact administrator. hi take @ hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist go through different keys until locate 1 user logged on with. what in profileimagepath value? Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Enterprise CA with fault tolerance

hi everybody how should  i config 2 enterprise ca ?? for example when client asks web1 ca1 has got down, web2 ca2 authorise client , let take certificate ?? thanks the working solution supported cluster configuration. brian Windows Server  >  Security

Import-VM from WS2012 Hyper-V PowerShell not working

i'm following reference: to import vm via powershell.  when try it, following: ps c:\users\xxx> $vm = import-vm -path "v:\cloningmasters\602\ws2012vmdc" -copy -generatenewid import-vm : operation failed because file not found. at line:1 char:7 + $vm = import-vm -path "v:\cloningmasters\602\ws2012vmdc" -copy -generatenewid +       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + categoryinfo          : objectnotfound: (:) [import-vm], ioexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : devicenotfound,microsoft.hyperv.powershell.commands.importvmcommand the weird thing if go manually using wizard, path works fine.  any pointers? your source must actual xml configuration file, not folder in gui.!/2012/08/handling-import-vm-errors-in-server.html brian ehlert learn. apply. repeat. discla

Need scripts to do public/private encryption/decryption in Powershell

hi, i can symmetric encryption/decryption in powershell ok don't seem able figure-out doing public/private keys. many moving parts!  have sample code me started? thanks. it looks like, in solution, have download assemblies. here question - looking encryp t rsa, or generate public/private keypair, send off public key , encrypt private? you can use rsacryptoserviceprovider generate keypair pretty in .net. however, rsa not typically used encrypting large amounts of data - symmetric ciphers (like aes) typically used that. for example... might run following command: $rsa = new-object now $rsa contain public/private keypair. can export $rsa.toxmlstring($true) | out-file keys.xml note $true exports public , privat e   key. $false export private key. should (i believe, else might know better) able use these keys secure password in symmetric cipher.   of course, whoever you're sending need generate keypair

Shares Registry Key Backup (Remotely) 2012 Servers

what options backing key remotely 2012 servers? (task runs on mgmt server) hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\lanmanserver\shares and powershell cmdlets (if any) can use? hi netcrammer, to use module in powershell, need import module firstly, , need change powershell execution policy or recieve error. 1. since module downloaded internet, need change execution policy unretricted, please note risks running malicious scripts policy: set-executionpolicy unrestricted. for more detailed information, please check article: running scripts downloaded internet 2. move the folder "psrr" to specific folder: %windir%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\modules 3. import module , check available module , cmdlets: import-module psrr get-module -listavailable get-command -module psrr $key = "software\microsoft\internet explorer\registration" get-regbinary -key $key -value digitalproductid -computername server1 then can run remotely access r

WSUS Clients failing to update clients with error code 0x80072efd.

hello, having issue our wsus server failing update server based clients.  @ time workstation clients appear unaffected.  have included last 24-hours of log below, relevant error code appears 0x80072efd.  last month experienced same error , per recommendations several sources resolved on effected clients by: ·      stopping windows update service , bits, ·      renaming software distribution folder , deleting gmgr0.dat , gmgr1.dat files ·      restarting windows update service , bits ·      manually triggering synchronization via wuauclt.exe after performing these steps effected clients received appropriate updates our wsus server , reported correct status server.  however, after approving month's patch's receiving same error.  suggestions causing issue reoccur , how resolve appreciated. thank you, log (past day) 2011-01-12 00:05:03:376  904 e28 au au checked download status , changed: downloading not paused 2011-01-12 00:05:03:376  904 e28 au 

Failback funktionality in Failover Cluster 2012

how failback working in 2012? utilise quick- or live migration features or turning vms off , moving them in earler versions? failback uses quick migration.  not turn off, move, , restart.  activity of vm , amount of memory in use vm determines time vm unavailable use.  quick migration faster turning off , restarting. this 1 of reasons rarely, if ever, use failback.  reason should in situation failback comes play when bad happened in first place causing vm fail on (restart) on surviving node.  if uptime critical, makes more sense ensure condition caused failure has been diagnosed , remedied before moving failed resource.  once have determined that, can live migrate resource ensuring no outage.  with failback, possible end 'ping-pong' effect.  fails on node1 causing vm restart on node2.  failure transient on node1 , automatically 'corrects' itself.  failback causes vm running on node2 quick migrate node1.  load on node1 again, resource fails again, causing r

2003 MMC DNS SNAP cant access 2008R2 servers DNS

i have 2008r2 dc roles in 2003 forest/domain. from 2003 sp2 dc servers i cant add dns server 2008r2 dc 2008r2 server can add 2003 servers in. the error receive when type fdqn access denied. if dont type fqdn server unavailable. yuou add anyway? nslookup works , no errors in logs. thanks,   hi, take thread hth edoardo benussi - microsoft® mvp management infrastructure - systems administration windows server italian forum moderator edo[at]mvps[dot]org Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Windows 2012 reboots mounting NFS share

hi everyone, i have big problem fresh new install of windows 2012. i installed file , storage services using connection openfiler linux nas. when try mount nfs share system reboots! with windows 2008 r2 did mounting correctly, it's worked (and it's working if try same share) fine. in registry event found id 1001 error: the computer has rebooted bugcheck.  bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff8800511d169, 0xfffff88004cca828, 0xfffff88004cca060). dump saved in: c:\windows\memory.dmp. report id: 031213-28531-01. it's strange behaviour, i'm using supermicro server intel pro 1000mt nics, please can me? many in advance harald hi everyone, i have big problem fresh new install of windows 2012. i installed file , storage services using connection openfiler linux nas. when try mount nfs share system reboots! with windows 2008 r2 did mounting correctly, it's worked (and it's working if try same share) fine. in registry even

Domain Merge

hi all,   have 2 domains let domain , domain b. we planning merge 2 domains in single one. have googled not getting correct way. merging domain domain b = domain a please me there document merge. thanks in advance.. regards, rahamathullah. rahamath you have omitted important information on following: 1. resulting domain or b or domain c? 2. operating systems , forest levels of , b this no rare problem , has been solved perhaps better place ask question in directory s


all, i have domain account , has been used can't information account has been used. i try use eventcombmt eventid 4740 adn result: 4740,audit success,microsoft-windows-security-auditing,wed jan 11 21:22:54 2017,no user,a user account locked out.    subject:   security id:  s-1-5-18   account name:  myserver$   account domain:  mydomain   logon id:  0x3e7    account locked out:   security id:  s-1-5-21-726029600-928544927-885539844-500   account name:  useraccount    additional information:   caller computer name:    c:\temp\myserver-security_log.txt contains 1 parsed events. does have idea computer name or used else information. i need advice or support ideas welcome. kind regards, deliyurek007 this 1 might help.     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management disclaimer: posting

VPN clients using RRAS don't update their DNS registration

using rras on windows 2003 - solution has been working ages want remote control sessions sscm , can't since vpn sessions don't update ad dns records (on separate servers rras box) have tried setting 'register in dns' client vpn connector setting doesn't work. can done? thanks david hi, please confirm have confirm dhcp relay agent configured correct. detail of similar third party article: configuring dhcp relay agent support vpn client tcp/ip addressing options enabling dhcp relay isa firewall vpn clients hope helps. Windows Server  >  Platform Networking

How to install XP SP3 using WSUS

wsus working fine not downloading  xp sp3. any ideas how deploy using wsus. thanks in advance let's clarify here. wsus server not downloading xp service pack 3 or 1 or more clients not downloading xp service pack 3 wsus server? is xp service pack 3 approved installation? if so, have reviewed main wsus admin console display determine if files pending download have used file information feature verify necessary files downloaded wsus server. have confirmed language of client system(s) matches language(s) of xp service pack 3 package(s) that you've approved (and downloaded). if wsus server has requisite packages, how have determined clients not downloading , opposed primary requirement of detecting ? useful see windowsupdate.log 1 of these xp service pack 2 machines reporting xp sp3 needed. there may able determine why clients not detecting/downloading xp service pack 3 wsus server.   lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba principal/cto, onsite

PEAP-MS-CHAPv2 - mobile devices and certificates

i'm looking secure our wireless infrastructure , chapv2 seems need have couple of concerns. our external domain our internal domain nps server sit we have lot of mobile devices - on domain, not.  i'm happy use internal certificate or 3rd party certificate, given different domain suffixes, going possible?  if use certificate subject name domain clients won't trust it.  if use subject name of, no clients trust nps server. how domain pcs , domain/non-domain mobile devices trust , connect nps server? hi, when deploy 802.1x authenticated wireless access uses peap-ms-chap v2, radius servers must have digital certificates in order perform mutual authentication. issue certificates nps servers have option of deploying private ca on network, or purchasing server certificate third party certification authority. during peap-ms-chap v2 authentication, ias or radius server supplies certificate validate identity client

Outlook MAPI connection through Direct Access

i have posted question on exchange forum. is there special need allow mapi connections through direct access (da)? when users in building, connected outlook using mapi. when outside , connected through da, outlook using rpc on http hi techophil, >> is there special need allow mapi connections through direct access (da)? you configure firewall allow mapi connections. please check link below understand outlook , ip-https adapter: the mystery of ip-https listener, outlook client , ipv4 network best regards john please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  > 

check if Running OS is physical or virtual

hi, please let me know if other way check if current os physical or virtual through  command prompt . necessary me this information through  command promp t. i can check os manufacturer info through  wmic  or  systeminfo  command make sure windows os.  what  if virtual machine( ex: vm xp)  is also manufactured microsoft only. write in notepad: strcomputer = "computername" set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\" & strcomputer & "\root\cimv2") set colitems = objwmiservice.execquery("select * win32_computersystem",,48) each objitem in colitems strmodel = objitem.model if strmodel = "virtual machine" then wscript.echo "this virtual machine!" else wscript.echo "this not virtual machine" end if next save vm.vbs then go in cmd , write cscript "location of .vbs" that's all! marco adamo

Can I disable specific text fields from being used in Word?

we have issue of our people inserting date field documents or copying documents contain field.  creating problem in future when date field showing today's date.  i'm being asked remove ability use field @ all.  there way this?  suggestions? no, can't disable that. could, however, use macro change fields createdate fields, return date document created, or createdate fields, return date document last saved. latter, you'd want unlink fields before saving again; otherwise fields update ... cheers paul edstein [ms mvp - word] Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

Windows 2008R2 Domain structure

hello, we having ad windows 2003 dc planning upgrade windows 2008r2. once done extend domain our head office in usa. need further extend forest @ location adding domain in same forest. tips/check-sheets/considerations , precaution of great help. of great if guidelines dns servers , other critical services shared architecture. request please provide me useful guide lines perform operation. thanks avinash udawant to upgrade os windows server 2008 r2 , raise domain function level. guide upgrading windows server 2008 raise domain functional level i’d suggest use admt move domain new forest. admt guide: migrating , restructuring active directory domains Windows Server

Server 2003 drops connections

this problem started on 3 seperate small networks @ same time. windows server 2003 standard edition. not connected in way. server drops connection isp though shows being connected in network connections. can reconnected disabling reenabling connection drop again in 5-10 minutes. i've reviewed event logs , test connections laptop , there no apparent problems. loaded new drivers nics. there nothing find in technet. is there problem recent update? hello, please more specific dns configuration, these servers workgroup machines or domain members? how realize dropped connection, please post error message, if exist? best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Eliminar administrador built in del dominio

buenas tardes. es posible eliminar la cuanta administrador de dominio que viene por defecto? o como valido si esta cuenta fue renombrada? hay algun sustento por lo cual no se deba eliminar? saludos. orlandop ------------------------------ en el futuro, por favor, utilice un foro espaƱol ------------------------------ translated good afternoon. you can delete the domain administrator how much that comes default ? or valid if it has been renamed ? there is some support so no need remove ? greetings . no - cannot delete default/built-in administrator - can rename though hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Macro to Ignore Spelling in Selected Block of Text

i'm taking notes python class.  i take notes on single word doc organized day, including code. there way program word macro ignore spelling in selected block of text, while not turning off spell check globally rest of document?  sorry, i'm out of depth w/ vba.  any resources helpful. interactively, can click language indicator in status bar , tick check box 'do not check spelling or grammar', click ok. in macro: sub disableproofing() selection.noproofing = true end sub regards, hans vogelaar ( Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

CA Migration

hi all, i have question implementing microsoft ca server. have offline root ca , enterprise sub ca in our network. both ca’s on windows 2003 server. planning migrate ca windows 2012 , issue unable find current offline root ca (probably must have got deleted mistake ex- personnel). there issue if delete whole ca information active directory sites , services without decommissioning subca , start fresh? it’s brutal way since i’m starting fresh…….. also extend use of microsoft ca. we’re using ca document signing. extend routers, client authentication , vpn login. should implement different subca each service or use 1 subca all? thanks help.   aj hi aj, we planning migrate ca windows 2012 , issue unable find current offline root ca would there issue if delete whole ca information active directory sites , services without decommissioning subca , start fresh? are saying want decommission root ca keep using sub ca? if yes, not possible make sub ca functional long time w

Who made a change to a domain acounts privileges?

hi a domain account sabotaged in environment , have been tasked to discover did it. i have 60 dc's in geographically dispersed private cloud running win2k3. admins granted high level of trust pretty much all of them have domain admin rights. it appears high level admin rights has modified users group memberships. i have attempted search through logs on 1 of dc's without success. thousands of security logs , search users name returns nothing. it perfect if there tool similar lockoutstatus.exe i have tried using eventcombmt, after long search no useful information returned (i don’t know how use it)   any appreciated doug hi a domain account sabotaged in environment , have been tasked to discover did it. i have 60 dc's in geographically dispersed private cloud running win2k3. admins granted high level of trust pretty much all of them have domain admin rights. it appe