
Showing posts from April, 2010

KMS Issue

hi, hopefully can me. my customer has windows 2008r2 server running kms.   can see via vmat have 2 kms keys installed both office 2010 , windows server working fine.    i need add kms key windows 7 , generic msg stating "the software licensing service reported license not installed.  i'm using valid kms key.   missing something?  need our windows 7 clients activated. many in advance you can't input win7 kmshost pkey server os. server os can accept server kmshost pkey. server os configured kmshost, can issue activations client os's without other configuration, providing "generation" of installed pkey equal or greater of kmshost. e.g. winvista/ws2008 same "generation". win7/ws2008r2 same generation. win8/ws2012 same generation. win8.1/ws2012r2 same generation. so, ws2008 kmshost can activate vista, not win7 (unless update ws2008 machine patch allows accept later generation pkey, install later generation pkey, , activate tha

Network Connections Not Responding

my server running windows server 2008 r2, , computers networked running windows xp.  worked fine until i changed internet providers.  began having problems networked computers disconnecting shared network files , not responding.  computers work fine approximately 9 hours, , hung , don't respond until computer re-booted.  (the server not re-booted.)  shared network files no longer disconnecting since turned off autodisconnect feature on server (autodisconnect:-1), computers still not responding after approximately 9 hours of working.  instructions diabling autodisconnect feature did not reference being changed on networked computers, server.  no error message logged when occur. the internet service still available during time computers hung up, cannot because of computers not checked. any suggestions appreciated.  since did not start until switched services, have been considering possibility of pre-set settings not matching, security issues time out @ time, etc. while ma

2008 Core GPO access denied

good day,  can provide. i came work week , unable edit gpo objects.  each 1 tells me  it failed open group policy object , may not have appropriate rights.  in details says account not authorized log in station.  i'm logged in domain administrator.  i've changed nothing have windows update running may have changed without me knowing it.  running core makes bit more challenging see permissions ii have on sysvol\policy files.  looking @ those, seems domain admins still part permissions.  don't know or go next.  steve. steve hendrickson steve- the custom permissions peculiar domain , enterprise admins. should same permissions see system. change them here default , see if helps. darren darren mar-elia ms-mvp, group policy - "the group policy experts" Windows Server  > 

Delegating permission using group policy

hi, im system admin in company, , there support employees. want grant these employees permission have local admin rights on computers , authority add users domain, don't want them able create or delete usres, or edit group policies( domain admin not option) how can using group policy? hi, if want grant local admin permission on computers specific users in domain, try configure restricted group setting via group policy. refer detailed steps described in following article try configure gpo. how make domain user local administrator pcs in addition, achieve target via powershell. details, please refer article below. how can add domain user local administrators group? if want grant domain admi

Windows Server 2008 Update

hello, i hope can updates of windows 2008 r2 server.  no ad.  1. use erp via vpn remote users , local workgroup. 2. setup of windows updating "notify when download , manually install it." the problem comes when select updates "required" update, nothing happens , 0% day night..  i check users connected through vpn 2-3 users only. check all... have internet , fine.  but till morning nothing happens 0%. did restart server hope goes fine. open windows update, in cp but not opening. what's wrong now? tried restart again, windows update not opening? there wrong? please me. thanks. has update readiness tool been run without error? then check %systemroot%\logs\cbs\ checksur .log file errors.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is"

Adding VM's in a Collection to a specific Security Group during Creation

i'm building collection need make sure vm's member of specific ad security group. we deploy software via security group. vm's need member of "library computers" in ad software. when master image created , sysprep'ed, group membership stripped. if there way during "collection build" can accomplished? thanks ahead of time suggestions. dave hi, thanks post. as far know, not automatic complete during process of create pooled vms gold image. need manually add these vms specified security group. best regards, aiden aiden cao technet community support Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Setting Possible Owners in a cluster

greetings everyone i close getting need here. here simple script setting vm in cluster have have possible owner of lv1qahv01 set-clusterownernode -resource "scvmm virtualmachine1" -owners lv1qahv01 this script above allows vm virtualmachine1 live on host lv1qahv01 what trying manipulate script say, "i want set vm's live on host lv1qahv01 have possible owner of lv1qahv01."  i trying without having type in 80 resources. i know simple, cant @ moment. let me know if need post more info. thank you!! patrick i don't have these cmdlets test with, should moving in right direction: get-vm -computername lv1qahv01 | foreach {     set-clusterownernode -resource "$($" -owners lv1qahv01 } don't retire technet! - (maybe there's still chance hope, on 12,300+ strong , growing) Windows Server  > 

Group Managed Service Account

i have 2 domains have full trust. can make managed service account in each domain , have them both use same gmsa group adprincipal? hello, think of group managed service accounts usable version of managed service account.  gmsas, windows server 2012 has addressed of limitations of msas.  specifically a single gmsa can used on multiple hosts. if create security group , add computer objects of hosts allowed use gmsa. can have computer objects other trusted domain usual. regards, yan li please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Problem with dual e5320 processors - is there a fix on the way?

just installed w2k8 , hyper-v on ibm x3400 server. updated drivers , system bios.  when trying start new or imported vm error "the virtual machine could not start because hypervisor not running".  verifed processors on the approved list, dep turned on , virtualization turned on in bios.  looking through logs found , event id 48 said hyper-v launch failed; processsor 0x4 not provide features necessary run hyper-v (leaf 0xa, register 0x3: features needed 0x0, features supported 0x503). upon further investigation learned hyper-v has problem  some intel processors posting i did poster recommended , can run vms utilizing 1 processor.  there patch coming out or there can full use of clients server.  have egg on face suggested since had new server could go virtual environment , host couple of virtual servers on 1 physical server. running hyper-v ver 6.0.6001.18016 dual in

Windows 7 Auto Locking

hello, i migrated sbs 2003 server standard 2012 , windows 7 pro clients locking after few minutes of inactivity. did not prior server 2012 being installed. customer extremely annoyed , wants fixed. cannot find group policy defining anywhere? hi john, i can't little amused @ irony here. customer considered "normal" - , has been since before windows 2000, bad practice. upgrade has done bring common best practice effect , want undo it. oh well, can do, suppose. the setting you're after located under: computer configuration/policies/windows settings/security settings/local policies/security options , labelled: interactive logon: machine inactivity limit. you can check it's coming using group policy management console or resultant set of policy mmcs. there other settings relating screen saver govern behaviour once screen lock triggered, think you'll find basic setting you're after. cheers, lain

MAC based authentication

i've been reading forum after forum on , have not been able find direct answer.  ias possible setup mac based authentication, nps solutions work arounds.  i'm using hp switches , want able use these 2 lines: aaa authentication port-access eap-radius aaa authentication mac-based chap-radius the first line use nap , 802.1x enforcment.  second use mac based enforcment.  if fail both of hosed.  design here if nap client go through nap, if aren't, , printer/unix/whatever go second.  need simple mac solution , windows 2008 r2 dhcp mac filter not enough.  want port disabled if not authenticate, nap authenticates using nt credentials of sort, freeradius allow me autheniticate using mac address, love if 1 nap server. i figured out.  asked question didn't follow own rules.  had setup mac , 802.1x @ same time state in first question.  these articles helpful. mac: 802.1x: htt

Preferences for mapped drives are intermittent

we using server 2008 , doing preferences map drives windows xp clients.  wide spread issue drive mappings intermittently not work.  common issue us.  have set gpo "always wait network @ computer startup , logon" still have problem.   frustrating our users. any ideas? thank you,  david   try few suggestions included in thread... hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Cluster Storage pool Issue

hi all, i have issue new storage. i have setup 2 new hardware nodes multiple storage pools. en multiple virtual disks. after saw made mistake in setup. destroyed cluster , strange happend. on 1 node cleared storage pool. on other node id didn't. not delete hand because left virtual disks on it.  when trying delete them hand gave me following in powershell: not supported.   but whatever cannot delete virtual disks machine anymore.  the storage pools says healty , disks says healthy. anyone idea? hi, are storage pool added cluster, , vhd files belong cluster, if yes, please check if can delete them powershell command: also in node, use powershell command run "get-cluster", check if cluster still exits. we may try restart node , check result. best regards, anne please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact .

Restringir pertenencia al grupo Domain Admins

buenas tardes, tengo una consulta: existe alguna forma de restringir la pertenencia al grupo domain admins, es decir por ejemplo si yo soy administrador del dominio y quiero agregar otros usuarios como administradores de dominio, pero no quiero que estos usuarios puedan agregar otros usuarios como administradores de dominio. es decir que solo yo pueda definir quien puede pertenecer al grupo de administradores de dominio.   saludos. orlandop no, no se puede un administrador del dominio raíz tiene control sobre todos los grupos del dominio deberías ver si en lugar de hacerlos administradores, les puedes delegar las capacidades que necesiten   guillermo delprato - buenos aires, argentina visite notas windows server mvp-mct-mcse-mcsa mcitp: enterprise/server administrator mcts: active directory/network/applications configuration este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase. usted asume todos los riesgos.

SELF account permissions reset for cluster account.

hi, windows 2008 r2 cluster. the cluster created non domain-admin account, permissions needed create ad objects in active directory , give them needed permissions. i've been checking permissions needed cluster objects according microsoft documentation ( , the cluster object in ad has full control permissions (there's ace self account within acl full control permissions. the permissions self account reset , change full control change password every month, cluster resetting permissions after password change. permissions cluster (self account) reset after cluster account password change. why permissions cluster changed after machine password change? thank you. any please. Windows Server  >  High Availability (C

Member servers not reporting to SCCM

i have set group pushing ms patches windows worker servers. this time, when tried push ms patches sccm server group, couldn't push patches servers. found servers not communicating sccm.  any suggestions on how resolve this? possible firewall issue.  also sccm forums here.     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Active Directory Separate Computers from each group !

hello ! i have question regarding active directory, organizational unit , groups. is there way separate computers seeing each other's share if belong same organizational unit different groups still users in same group see each others shares ? thanks in advance,  radu. hi radu, thanks posting here. it still not quite clear want achieve have access-based enumeration feature on windows server 2008 , above versions in order prevent users have no rights access shared folder browse in windows explorer : access-based enumeration if misunderstand please let me know. thanks. tiger li tiger li technet community support Windows Server  >  Directory Services


i have installed vamt 2.0 on windows 2008 r2 server, added valid windows 7 vl , scanned active directory. when try "update status" error: access denied. wmi enabled in windows firewall on clients vamt server. i domain admin full administrative priviledges on machines , can remotely administer them using otheer means. but vamt gives unhelpful "access denied" every machine except machine running console. yes.  non-microsoft employee on forum identified problem.  dcom had been disabled. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Domain controller auto renews multiple times

we have parent domain (w) , 3 child domains (x, y, z).  we have enterprise ca renewed root certificate on couple days ago.   3 of domains  (w, x, , y) renew domain controller authentication cert fine.  the other domain (z), renewed new cert, @ intervals renew dca cert directory email replication cert.  the interval 8 hours after initial renewal 24 hours later, 48 hours, believe 72 cant recall.  i have verified gpo settings , else can think of between domains , cant find culprit.   clues? hi, please try enable capi2 event log to see if information further assistances: best regards, andy please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server

Windows server 2012 r2 inplace upgrade failed

trying upgrade windows server 2012 2012r2 on physical box/nas (hosting vm's). this failed due "unknown error"? there several error logs, first few lines of 1 attached: setuperr.og (from c:\$windows.~bt\windows) 2013-10-06 14:22:55, error      [0x0803b6] mig    can't retrieve group information user nt service\mssql$microsoft##wid. netusergetlocalgroups failed 0x000008ad 2013-10-06 14:22:55, error      [0x0803b6] mig    can't retrieve group information user iis apppool\classic .net apppool. netusergetlocalgroups failed 0x000008ad 2013-10-06 14:26:23, error      [0x0808fe] mig    plugin {0b23c863-4410-4153-8733-a60c9b1990fb}: loadlibraryex error (c:\$windows.~bt\sources\replacementmanifests\microsoft-windows-textservicesframework-migration\imjpmig.dll) gle=126 2013-10-06 14:26:23, error      [0x0808fe] mig    plugin {0b23c863-4410-4153-8733-a60c9b1990fb}: loadlibrary error (c:\windows\system32\imjpmig.dll) gle=0 2013-10-06 14:26:23, error      [0x080

SBS 2008 no reconoce ningun usuario

tenemos un servidor con un windows sbs 2008 que de repente no reconoce ningún usaurio ni contraseña, la del administrador incluida. he reiniciado en modo recuperación del active directory y comprobado la base de datos de ad que estaba corrupta. una vez reparada y eliminados los archivos de log de la carpeta ntds, al reiniciar el equipo sigue igual. es como si el servicio de ad no iniciara... he revisado permisos y parece estar todo ok. ayuda please!!!! es evidente que no fue reparada la base de ad, o algún otro componente. creo que la única solución que tienes es recuperar el servidor desde una copia de seguridad   guillermo delprato - buenos aires, argentina visite notas windows server mvp-mct-mcse-mcsa mcitp: enterprise/server administrator mcts: active directory/network/applications configuration este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase. usted asume todos los riesgos.

How to revert the removal of groups from a user's Member Of tab in server 2003?

hi all, how bring removed groups there in user's member of tab without touching other attribute? well, have accidentally removed groups of user member. now, don't know of way undo operation, same groups added in member of tab. have netpro recycle bin in aduc. but, that's deleted objects. please me out. i'm in gigantic problem. on server 2003. thanks in advance. ccna, mcts (active directory configuration) perform authoritative restore of user account following   make sure follow entire article - since explains how deal group membership hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

GPT Partition help

hey, in order format volume gpt drive if diskpart can i: diskpart > list disk > select disk 2 > clean > convert gpt > create part prim > format fs = ntfs quick > assign letter e > or need first create efi ? why need efi ? efi if want use gpt os ?   if want make disk 64bit how declare disk part? format fs=ntfs unit=64k label="video" ? what nowait command ?   thanks hello, you need efi for gpt if os drive, not need data drives. while formatting disk, diskpart shows percentage completed, nowait command returns control diskpart while volume being formatted. thanks, darrell gorter [msft] posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. vamt - volume activation management tool - download link Windows Server

4 identical RDSH servers, Applications hang on the 'problematic one'

hi,   i have farm of 4 rdsh servers (2008 r2) have been built same image, running virtually on cluster.   one server has got reputation being “troublesome” due office “locking up” , when connect in morning logoff , logon farm until land on different server.   i’ve check event log , seem have 4 applications error, excel, word, adobe reader , citrix pn (i know pn isn’t supported , i’ve trying remoteapp/appv them fast possible!) appear have had 8 errors today of problem server , none on other three.   i’ve repaired office number of times , done sfc without finding problems.   here events log.   the program excel.exe version 12.0.6545.5000 stopped interacting windows , closed. see if more information problem available, check problem history in action center control panel.   process id: 2054   start time: 01cbc6c41aa72ab7   termination time: 12   application path: c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office12\excel.exe   report id: 6dc22a48-32b7-11

terminal server migration

hi team, we have t/s licensing server in current domain , planning migrate t/s license server new domain, can please shed light on how achieve minimum impact. regards, santosh  hi santosh, to migrate terminal license server, perform these actions below. activate new license server de-activate old license server move each of license key packs 1 one, older ls new one for detailed information, refer article below. migrating windows server 2003 ts license server best regards, jay please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Term

OVO Monitoring Issue on Windows 2012 Standard

hi, we receiving incident ticket ovo issue on windoes 2012 server upon checking server ovo running fine , ovo server pingable . getting false alerts eventhough ovo fine. if close ticket stating ovo running fine again new incident trigger. will come across issue? thanks, joanstan hi joanstan, if ovo means hp openview operations, recommended contact hp third party related topic. please note: microsoft provides third-party contact information find technical support. contact information may change without notice. microsoft not guarantee accuracy of third-party contact information.  if have feedback on our support, please send Windows Server  >  Windows Server General F

WSUS 80244007

hello! could me 80244007 error on clients trying connect wy wsus (2012 r2). here windows update log: 2016-04-29 21:33:36:343 848 638c agent *** start *** queueing finding updates [callerid = automaticupdateswuapp id = 1] 2016-04-29 21:33:36:343 848 638c au <<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {b8b44040-a6e6-49ce-b858-7793afed7197} serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}] 2016-04-29 21:33:36:343 848 39f8 agent *** end *** queueing finding updates [callerid = automaticupdateswuapp id = 1] 2016-04-29 21:33:36:343 848 39f8 agent ************* 2016-04-29 21:33:36:343 848 39f8 agent ** start ** agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdateswuapp id = 1] 2016-04-29 21:33:36:343 848 39f8 agent ********* 2016-04-29 21:33:36:343 848 39f8 agent * online = yes; ignore download priority = no 2016-04-29 21:33:36:343 848 39f8 agent * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentact

Sign application with certificate (pfx)

thanks on tue, 24 may 2011 17:43:25 +0000, lfeicho wrote: i can not perform these steps in hole environment (thousands of server / clients). you need @ trusted publishers store , group policy: note since question development related, you're better off posting 1 of msdn forums, rather here. paul adare mvp - identity lifecycle manager still waiting advent of computer science groupie. Windows Server  >  Security

List of all rights and privileges assigned to Domain Admins

we run active directory @ windows 2008r2 functional level 2008r2 dcs. have inordinate number of domain admins right , we're beginning process of reducing number. ad sys admin, i've been tasked delineating of rights , privileges come being domain admin (member of domain admins security group). approach makes sense management perspective, since can take list of rights people have dom admin rights not familiar active directory , ask them line line "do need this?" goal being when "no" item on list, can use leverage revoke dom admin rights , create more appropriately delegated security groups.  here's rub. pretty  much have ever read on ad gives me version of "domain admins can everything" without quantifying "everything" includes. at least, need list of things in environment have access to. here's can think of off top of head: local admin on domain-joined computers (includes own list of rights) admin access file shares o

DFS Name space 2008 Mode

hi all, we have 2008 r2 domain  replication group is configured between  windows 2003 r2 server (remote office) , 2012 r2 server (hub server). replication working fine. the issues can have 2012 server name space server. can not have 2003 r2 server name space server when name space in 2008 mode per microsoft. i wondering cons of having 1 server (2012 r2) namespace server.  because namespace stored in ad, if our dfs hub server in datacenter down or wan link datacenter down, dfs in remote office should work correct? note: if wan link datacenter down remote office pcs can access dc's on remote offices if local dc not present. so question "if namespace dfs root namespace not available, dfs namespace work" ? the answer no.  if dfs namespace configuration stored in ad, client computer contact ad retrieve dfs namespace server specific dfs root.  then, client computer need contact namespace server retrieve dfs targets. for reason, dfs namespac

Hosting Active Directory From Other Network

is possible host active directory service client computers if on different network? the more study, more realize how little know. hello, yes not matter network using. just make sure dcs reachable, client computers pointing internal dns servers dns servers , needed ports authentication not blocked:   t his posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner 2010 / 2011 microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active directory, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 network infrastructure, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 applications infrastructure, configuration microsoft certified techno

To Jumbo Frame or not to Jumbo Frame - That the question..

hi everyone, currently on windows 2012 r2 hyper-v servers. network infrastructure switches , nic on san , lan configured handle jumbo frames. on management, san , live migration network in hyper-v have configured jumbo frames. can test "ping -l 8960 -f ip" , see ping reply. vm switch configured jumbo frames. i'm 100% sure 99% of guest vm's windows os not configured handle jumbo frames. best practice do? if jumbo frames configured places on hyper-v host , guest os, make performance worse if remote desktop servers internally lan communication can use jumbo frames, when "talking" default gateway need use 1500 bytes packets.. although not agrees it; jumbo frames can improve network throughput. there things aware of: only try enabled jumbo frames on isolated vlan's, used 1 purpose only. such iscsi , live migration vlan's. do not enable jumbo frames; if have nic team, used team nic "management" , "cluster". do not en

SBS Server 2011 When i ping a particular device by ip address it resolves the server's own address... Help!!!

hi guys, i have client on sbs server 2011 , started out nas box attached on network not contacted, mapped name thought try , map ip...  i couldn't map either way, pinged nas , my surprise it resolved address  so tried ping server , resolved (it's own address) flushed dns on pc, flushed dns cashe on server , still cant server ping correct address.  i can't test other pc's 30 miles away , office closed...  i bit stuck any suggestions are appreciated. cheers, t trevor cross check dns scavenging settings setting dns scavenging in sbs 2003 , sbs 2008 sbs different general server editions, it's better ask question in sbs forum definitive answers. regards, santosh i not represent organisation work for, opinions expressed here

VPN... Doubt about IP address.

hi all, i new vpn`s. have not taken 70-291 yet... still meek studying of vpn. my question is: using w2k3 vpn server.. should 1 of interface have public ip ? or 1 of them can behind of nat ? currently server runs internal application ip able log on remotly using vpn tunnel. the other interface has ip. make /28 or whatever necessary start using vpn. thanks    should work either way. can check vpn setup works connecting locally (ie workstation on private lan) using the server's lan ip.     connect remote computer can use "public" ip of vpn server. depends on remote computer is. if on different local network, can connect "public" ip machine can reach ip address.    if client computer can reach vpn server through internet, public nic need have registered public ip reachable client machine. if vpn server behind router, can connect public ip of router , configure router extend connection server on lan. (but in case, there no need vpn server h


i have pop everywhere on netflex when trying watch movie on games , cant stop them don't know how i'd ask here malware.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Management

Cannot see macros in Customize Keyboard window (Word 2007)

i have office 2007 installed on desktop , laptop.  have dozen or macros (recorded or written) on desktop.  of these in file found in startup directory.  in order use these on laptop well, copied bob-global.dotm desktop laptop @ c:\users\bob\appdata\roaming\microsoft\startup .  copied normal.dotm desktop laptop @ c:\users\bob\appdata\roaming\microsoft\templates.  yet, when go file | word options | customize | keyboard shortcuts (ie customize keyboard dialog), , select in categories list "macros", cannot see in macros: list of macros.  can tell me step left out?  open startup add-in document, assign keyboard shortcuts, save , close file. may have restart word before see changes. stefan blom, microsoft word mvp Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

Error when Processing Group Policy "Preferences" on Windows XP

i have installed kb943729 on windows xp pro sp3 workstation, group policy "preferences" can processed on client. created test gpo creates power scheme , associated workstation. gpresult shows policy applied, settings never take effect. when run rsop.msc on client, can see yellow exclamation next "computer configuration" in gpo window pane. when click on following message: "the latest versions of adm files below not available. can due insufficient permissions or unavailable network resources. local copy of these adm files used: conf.adm location - "\\companyname\sysvol\companyname \policies\{1385a1d9-0d78-47c0-b4a6-a5818cbbc111}\adm\conf.adm" error - access denied. inetres.adm location - "\\companyname\sysvol\companyname\policies\{1385a1d9-0d78-47c0-b4a6-a5818cbbc111}\adm\inetres.adm" error - access denied. wmplayer.adm location - "\\companyname\sysvol\companyname\policies\{1385a1d9-0d78-47c0-b4a6-a5818cbbc111}\adm\wm