
Showing posts from April, 2011

Windows 2003 r2 Kerbero logs on server

hi, i'm getting lot of kerbero errors on 1 of servers. have search errors online see causing i couldn't see anything. 0x7  kdc_err_s_principal_unknown = server not found in kerberos database. 0x34 - krb_err_response_too_big = response big udp, retry tcp. 0xd kdc_err_badoption = kdc cannot accommodate requested option. windows 2003 r2 32 bites. please find my  mps reporting tool logs!118 1st error event type: error event source: kerberos event category: none event id: 3 date: 25/06/2012 time: 11:42:45 user: n/a computer: my_server description: kerberos error message received:          on logon session   client time:   server time: 10:42:35.0000 6/25/2012 z  error code: 0xd kdc_err_badoption  extended error: 0xc00000bb klin(0)  client realm:   client name:   server realm:  server name: host/  target name: hos

Adding a New Subnet to Domain

hi, have network , vlan they routed firewall (fw rules not dropping connection, since have on services allowed). ping ok between networks. my pdc on , need deploy workstations on network. i have tried adding subnet in ad sites , reverse lookup zone in dns. i not able join workstations domain. which correct step step guide achieve ?? thanks in advance, regards, skipper24 hello, an unedited ipconfig /all client in new subnet , dc/dns servers us. please make sure firewall not block ad related ports: and said adding new subnet in ad sites , services should done: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server

Folder permission

by mistake have removed users properties->security of folder. users subfolders inside folder have been removed , subfolders not accessible now. it's telling access denied. when adding user in main folder getting added it's not added in subfolders of main folder. possible to add users folder , it's subfolders. there many files , folders inside main folder. kindly me out. hi maya, first take ownership of folder tree , try assign permissions users. how take ownership of file or folder in windows xp regards, rafic if found post helpful, please give "helpful" vote. if answered question, remember mark "answer". posting provided "as is" no warranties , confers no rights! test suggestion in test environment before implementing! Windows Server  > 

2592687 RDP 8.0 update and trouble with low screen resolution in rdweb

hi, after windows updated rdp client update kb2592687 got wery low screen resolution when use rdweb. saw same problem when used win8 , have on windows7 think client problem... use win2008r2 rdsgateway/rds session host. hope else had experience , solution it:) regards tom hi tom, okay know color depth source of problem.  in remoteapp manager, rdp settings, please make sure color depth set 16 bit or higher.  sounds may have set 15 bit, not think correct windows clients. after making change please refresh rdweb page , test updated client. thanks. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

No floppy diskette driver in Windows 10 Preview Enteprise ISO x64?

i using .vfd floppy diskette plug autounattend.xml iso installs in order automate vm provisioning. , now, there no flpydisk.sys. how come? i know generation 2 machines not support vfd, yet using normal generation 1 vm with win2012. ondrej. hi ondrej sevecek, maybe it’s late response you. but here share thread you: problem in unattended installation of windows 10 os image iso hope answer question. alex zhao technet community support Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview Setup and Installation

add users from a trusted domain to domain admins group

hi all, this discussion has come before hasnt worked me. here set up: domain (server 2008) domain b (server 2008 r2) two way trust relation ship between domains (domain wide authentication) here need do: add user domain b "domain admins" group of domain a. here have done far: added user domain b global group(domainb_global) on domain b added domainb_global domain local group(domaina_dl) on domain a here can not do: make domaina_dl member of domain admins of domain a any appreciated. hello, see here group scopes , how used: best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  > 

Remote Control on Terminal Service session

dear support, when i'm using terminal service remote control feature, i'm disconnected error message: " because of protocol error, session disconnected. please try connecting remote computer again." my context:  - 2 windows 2003 severs tse  - 1 windows 7 client rdp 6.1 client => administrator  - wyse clients lastest forwares versions => users when administrator take control of sessions (terminal server management console on windows 2003 server), error message appears. if i'm using rdp 6.0 client, connexion ok. how can take connexion or debug it? thanks helping jean-luc chandezon [mct] hi kudrat, hi lionel, and thank helping. i've seen thant have not reply... apologize.. i've updated wyse clients, , problem solved. have not find explanations issue, works... many thanks, jean-luc chandezon [mct] Windows Server  > 

SQL 2008 R2 Failover Cluster Installation failing due to errors or failures in verification report even though not the case

i getting below exception though validation of cluster comes fine, couple of warnings no error. have tried removing report related files without success. @ point on there errors have been resolved , check out fine in report now. assume report re-run overwrite previous info have of cached somewhere? exception type: microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.rulesengineextension.rulesenginerulefailureexception     message:         cluster either has not been verified or there errors or failures in verification report. refer kb953748 or sql server books online more information.     data:       sql.setup.failurecategory = ruleviolationfailure       disablewatson = true     stack:         @ microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.rulesengineextension.runrulesaction.executeaction(string actionid)         @ microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.action.execute(string actionid, textwriter errorstream)         @ microsoft.sqlserver.setup.chainer.workflow.actioninvocation.executeact

Install this certificate in the trusted root certification authorities store

i getting certificate error when logging on external firewall device.  this ca root certificate not trusted.  enable trust, install certificate in trusted root certification authorities store. i hit install certificate button , followed through steps install certificate , still error.  never got error until moved certificate services new server, w2003 w2008r2.  @ point i'm not sure if have root certificate. any suggestions on how eliminate error message? i think better post in security forums:     posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active

Windows 10 Insider Preview Update Issues

i'm on build 10130 of windows 10 insider preview , hopelessly stuck in build 10130 of windows 10 insider preview. windows update has stopped build updates longest time, , has set update branch th1.  i tried changing fbl_impressive multiple times displeasure, automatically switched th1 no matter how many times tried.  my store (beta) metro app refusing update no matter how hard try well, , last thing want right mess system files , attempt fix myself.  i'm assuming build i'm on old enough newest version of store isn't compatible @ point. i tried system restore, clearing of data , re-installing os scratch, re-installed build 10130 again, , updates @ least because branch defaulted fbl_impressive, restart install them updates fail , restart @ least 3 times before pc gives , undoes changes.  the error reports when happens extremely unhelpful , leave me guess hell going on. i try wipe local disk , boot jump drive, isos have been removed windows 10 insider page , ju

Boot failure. Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device

i have server 2008 64bit physical server trying convert hyper-v vm. used disk2vhd microsoft create vm. when try start vm on server 2012 host message "boot failure. reboot , select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device" any suggestions how make created vm boot? hi, i think vhd missing master boot record or not set active. may refer following procedures resolve issue: start server using windows server 2008 media. select repair computer. select command prompt. at command prompt, run the bcdedit command. lists of items appear under windows boot manager and underwindows boot loader. look values following items : under windows boot manager, the device item should set to unknown. under windows boot loader, thedevice and osdevice items should set to unknown. run following 3 commands correct settings, , restart computer: bcdedit /set {default} device partition=c: bcdedit /set {default} osdevice partition=c: bcdedit /set {bootmgr} devi

HP Rx2660 ia64 machine BSOD on Plug and Play Device test under Server2008R2 ia64

does find same issue? ====================== whea_uncorrectable_error (124) a fatal hardware error has occurred. parameter 1 identifies type of error source reported error. parameter 2 holds address of the whea_error_record structure describes error conditon. arguments: arg1: 0000000000000009, itanium machine check abort arg2: e000012662ad6028, address of whea_error_record structure. arg3: 0000000000000000, length in bytes of sal log. arg4: 0000000000000000, address of sal log. additional_debug_text:  use '!findthebuild' command search target build information. if build information available, run '!findthebuild -s ; .reload' set symbol path , load symbols. faulting_module: e000000088110000 nt debug_flr_image_timestamp:  0 bugcheck_str:  0x124_9 default_bucket_id:  vista_driver_fault current_irql:  0 stack_text:  e0000126`61cb67c0 e0000126`61cba680 e0000000`88423700 : 00000000`00000124 e0000000`88663288 e0000126`61cb6804 e0000000`88663280 : nt!ntshutdownsystem

Auto Lock User Session in Windows server 2008 Terminal Services

we have server 2008 terminal server farm.  using on thin clients , connect directly service via rdp.  for security need set user session auto lock after 5 min.  i thinking best way gpo.  i have other time outs set via gpo not seeing screen lock option.  any ideas on how best set up.   hi, i did pc users in ad domain, same thing because it's user side policy: user configuration/policies/administrative templates/control panel/personalization/ , there can activate screen saver options (yes or no, delay, name of screen saver, password protection reactivate session, etc.). fred Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Want to get chkdsk to NOT run on shadow volumes in W2K8

i'm trying set scheduled task runs chkdsk don't want run on shadow volumes.  once that's done, want task reboot server.  idea have a clean "bill of health" speak before applying updates server.  don't believe microsoft makes reboot utility work in instance (or they?) i'm more concerned how chkdsk run specific exclusion on w2k8.  ideas or links appreciated.   thanks!   hello,   you can use chkdsk command-line tool check specific volumes.   for example, have 3 volumes, c:, d:, e:, , don't want check d: volume. can write custom script use chkdsk command "chkdsk c:" , "chkdsk e:" check desired disks. can add entry "shutdown -r –t 30" @ end of script computer reboot automatically after chkdsk runs. 3 entries in script should be:   chkdsk c: chkdsk e: shutdown -r -t 30   this reference, , should adjust settings need. script, can schedule task check disk periodically.   for more details chkdsk, ple

Password complexity not working

hello, we have domain controllers 2003 , 2012 servers, have same password policy configured on gpo security filtering 2003 , 2012. but policy not applied users, users able to  change  whatever want.  please  advise on how can resolve issue. thanks -ashokkumar  ashok hi ashok, i sorry not getting meaning clearly. password policies computer policy , enforced computer password database. if want apply multiple password policies, can proceed 2 possible ways: 1.add child domains , apply domain level password policy 2.use ad ds fine-grained password policies. however, in order apply fgpp, domain functional level must windows server 2008. best regards, wendy please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact .

Intermittent directory access issue

we are recieving error intermitently below. @ least once week, @ present on 2 of our dc's. ideas? our dc's hardware is old (7 years old) and lsass.ese average 60-70% .  win_evt_c_000001  domainname\servername win_evt_c_000001 msexchangeal_8026_e: ldap bind unsuccessful on directory dcservername distinguished name ''. directory returned error:[0x55] timeout. also 'directory service unavailable on dcname' its seems though gc , ldap lookups failing on server   hi,   based on error message, seems exchange server not use ldap connect gc , error timeout. notice cpu usage of process lsass.exe average 60-70%, there may not resource available if 1 or 2 more applications run @ same time on dc. result, 1 of possible cause there no resource available on dc when exchange server attempt bind it. after resource released, issue disappears. if case, may need upgrade hardware of dc.   since there several possible causes , issue occurs intermittently, please unders

Is there a license cost to implement Cisco Nexus 1000V for Hyper-V

still trying wrap head around networking options 2012 r2 hyper-v. we've implemented 1000v our vmware environment (i'm not vmware weenie) , we're testing hyper-v. i'm not whether we'll use integrated switch or 1000v i'm sure if there's cost involved become part of equation. been down path , got licensing info share? william busby, pmp depends on features of n1kv want use.  there base flavor provides simple networking extensions, if want add in higher level features, there licensing cost.  of course, if want use n1kv hyper-v, need system center virtual machine manager. download location no-cost n1kv. . : | : . : | : . tim Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

WSUS approval question

just sanity check question me when comes approving updates computer groups.   i have windows server 2008 x64 servers , windows server 2008 r2 x64 computers.  i have two separate computer groups 1 x64 , 1 x64 r2, have approved r2 updates computer group question apply plain x64 updates both groups?  my gut has been telling me wanted make sure correct. thanks!  win 2k8 , 2k8r2 different platforms , products categories w indows server 2008 r2  x64 only so, need see platform these updates; can approve x64 updates both groups, if "platform" mismatch -  update not marked needed , not  installed on clients belongs group, because needed updates installed, there no negative impact. Windows Server  >  WSUS

Maximum Allowable Active Directory Users in Windows 2008 R2 Standard Server

can please let me know maximum allowable active directory users in windows 2008 r2 standard server? windows server 2008 r2 standard limit amount of active directory users? hi  afaik there no problems used editions (standard or enterprise) on active directory.also can check article "active directory maximum limits - scalability" this posting provided no warranties or guarantees,and confers no rights. best regards burak uÄŸur Windows Server  >  Directory Services

account locked at a regular basis

hi, i'm suffering account lock problem account in ad. i'm admin. i try identify server or desktop cause this, i'm not able identify source of problem. i have checked computers i'm generaly connected validate no services or schedules run under account. and apparently correct... sure there process causing problem. my network use sql servers, moss servers etc... bunch of different applications. the problem starts after change password (and not first time i'm doing this), rollback previous password problem still active. using lockoutstatus tool, can see event: 06/26 15:43:45 [critical] nlprintrpcdebug: couldn't eeinfo i_netlogonsamlogonwithflags: 1761 (may legitimate 0xc0000234) the event log of dc contains event this, , account locked: 675,audit failure,security,fri jun 26 15:43:45 2009,nt authority\system,pre-authentication failed:     user name: <my username>     user id:  %{s-1-5-21-1417001333-1682526488-839522115-27978}     service name: krbtgt/<domain

What type of certificate do I need for LDAPS for ADAM/ADLDS?

what type of certificate need ldaps adam/adlds?  in documentation , says need "a server authentication certificate".  in create custom request wizard (in certificates mmc adam service store), 3 choices, configured administrator (active directory enrollment policy), configured (add new) , custom request (proceed without enrollment policy).  second , third don't offer me helpful. selecting first allows me choose following templates, none of called 'server authentication': administrator authenticated session basic efs code signing code signing v2 efs recovery agent enrollment agent exchange enrollment agent (offline request) exchange signature only exchange user key recovery agent smartcard logon smartcard user trust list signing user user signature only user2 user3  webserver certificate template did job. Windows Server

Desktop Wallpaper and how it relates to screen resolution

any way control appearance of wallpaper jpeg relates resolution group policy? have som working fine some  systems have lower resolution intended not achieved. hi steven, have test on saving file client , set background locally. check if file can displayed on client without changing resolution. meanwhile please check , ensure if group policy applied correctly. check if computers higher resolution changed background expected. Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Add lines in a section in INI file in powershell

hello, i trying automate task using powershell. 1 of modules of script brings ini proper format. have section called [microsoft visio viewer 2013.dat] source=%programfilesdir%\internet explorer\iexplore.exe ;change readonlydata bin\ build old versions(4.6.0 or earlier) of tools disabled=1 metadatacontaineronly=1 i wish add line below [microsoft visio viewer 2013.dat] line. there more or less similar sections above , need achieve same task them well. how can done ? here ini file edit commands built windows: read instructions carefully. \_(ツ)_/ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Embedded Word Object in an Excel 2010 file loses Caption

help... i'm trying insert word 2010 file obejct excel 2010 spreadsheet.  works fine except caption add object image keeps disappearing.  ideas?  thanks. hi, could please provide insert steps here? i have reproduce insert word object file, works fine, can follow these steps test if helps: create new worksheet. click insert tab > in text group > click object . in object dialog box, click create file tab> click browse button select word document want insert. note: can select link file checkbox, if want update contents when word document change. best regards. william zhou technet community support Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

Problem DHCP

personnel need help,    have 2 servers domain controllers    dell610 server called domain controller first , primary (master operation)    second server called domain controller , secondary dell2950  i have dhcp installed , running on both servers mentioned above, workstations point dhcp server dell2950, put in tcp / ip server dell610 these stations primary , secondary server dell2950    problem if i, @ workstation , ping name of domain empresa.local, serving second domain controller (dell2950)    wonder why these problems occurring   here an ipconfig of one of stations ethernet adapter local area connection:     connection-specific dns suffix . . . . . . : empresa.local     description of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : intel ( r) 82578dm gigabit networ k connection     physical address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : f0 -4d -a2- e2 -f2- 9a     dhcp enabled. . . . . . . . . .

Problem with deployed printers

i had deployed printers print server deployed. no longer needed these removed them gpo. problem i'm still seeing being mapped @ logon. have tried disabling policy provides these mappings still mapping these printers. have disabled every policy , printers still showing everytime logon domain. registry thing? seems there else making these printers re-appear everytime. else see before? hi, thanks post. here need confirm on issue: 1. issue occur client machines? 2. have tried run gupdate /force command on client machines , check if relevant group policy still applied on problematic client machines? 3. please check if issue mentioned in following post familiar one. meanwhile, please collect mps report printer server , problrmatic client machine separately. 1. download proper mps report tool website below. microsoft product support reports

windows can not logon

when i' logon in windows server os logoff automaticly and want logog hello awaad,             post. above situation caused due virus or trojan corrupts registry key holding value of files executed while logging in. locate following entry: hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon\ click on winlogon folder in left pane tree, highlighted , on right pane please check string value name userinit  double click value , insert following path c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe. note: above solution can achieved connecting infected pc on network registry. thanks   syed khairuddin Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Server update 04-10-13 breaks workstation logon

i rebooted server without errors tuesdays updates morning. workstations couldn't logon, security link failed server. rebooted server , workstation second time same result. backed server latest updates. reinstalled 04-03-13 server system which allowed workstations to logon (server downloaded new updates, did not reboot server) how should proceed? tia, richard richard update: i went through process again. change to not install the flash update. whether flash update played part anyone's guess. don't use win8 or use internet server. richard Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 Essentials

Limiting portal access by group in multi-forest ADFS

have multi-forest deployment of adfs office 365. trying control access office 365 portal through adfs claim rules using security groups decided here:   able create rule blocks access office 365 portal using groupsid of security group exists in same forest adfs farm (forest  a). however, when try use groupsid of security group in other forest (forest b), rule not work. have 2 way trust set between forest , forest b, , users in both forests able authenticate office 365 using upn. able use security groups in forest b manage access o365. can tell me how make happen? ps: know strange scenario, have in fact been asked turn off o365 portal group of users...  hi, posting in directory services  forums. since issue related adfs, suggest post question in adfs forum: the reason why recommend posting appropriately qualified pool of responde

Upgrade Windows 2003 TS CAL to Windows 2012 RDS CAL?

hi there, i understand if a) upgrade can done through ms licensing clearing house , b) if 'it cheaper' or if there other benefits or should consider getting windows 2012 rds cal licenses altogether? the scenario client moving towards windows 2012 rds vdi solution , have 500-2000 windows 2003 ts cals between different sites. believe sa customers licensing purposes. thanks in advance! hi, if have active sa on existing 2003 ts cals entitled 2012 rds cals @ no charge.  if sa has lapsed need purchase 2012 rds cals.  if vdi mean win7/win8 vms there additional licensing requirements beyond rds cals. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

error message with a script sending emails to multiple recipients.

hi all, i new powershell scripting , want request attention , on issue. i getting error message "send-mailmessage: invalid character found in mail header: ','" given script: param ( [string]$path = "c:\temp\", [string]$smtpserver = "", [string]$from = "", [string[]]$to = ",", [string]$subject = "new backup file" ) $smtpmessage = @{ = $to = $from subject = "$subject @ $path" smtpserver = $smtpserver } $file = get-childitem $path | { $_.lastwritetime -ge [datetime]::now.addhours(-6) } if ($file) { $smtpbody = "`nthe following files have been added/changed:`n`n" $file | foreach { $smtpbody += "$($_.fullname)`n" } send-mailmessage @smtpmessage -body $smtpbody } found foreach() approach when put inside infinite loop. many suggestions [string[]]$to =

How to update Canon drivers ir1023 and ir2030 with windows 7, 64 bit?

just trying install drivers canon drivers ir1023 , ir2030 with  newer pc having windows 7, 64 bit?  --- how it? since thepc cannot recognize drivers.thanx -somsan01   hi, depending on specific "generation" of machine, below links (for usa) should help. if not in usa, choose relevant global link ensure correct localisations. canon range (older machines) imagerunner (ir)(b&w) or imagerunnercolor (irc)(color) newer/current models imagerunneradvance (ir-adv) in part of world, smaller 1000 range don't offer ps

New server need help fast

just installed new server small office 5 computers.  using at&t isp router. i had upgrade computers windows vista home windows 7 pro.  getting error message domain controller can't found.   i setup active directory left dhcp on router , assigned static ip server.  why?  best dhcp router or server.  how can resolve   thanks much if you're going use router handle dhcp must hand out static address of server as primary dns server address clients can find dc. put isp's dns addresses in forward lookup of dns server clients can find internet. make sure server has static ip address outside of dhcp scope.     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional -microsoft mvp [windows] Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Hyper-v 2012 R2 and Virtual SAN

hello , i have hyper-v 2012 r2 cluster , im testing out virtual fibre channel features . my question ha inside vm storage . hyper-v host have 2 paths storage use mpio . when go create virtual fibre channel san shows me 2 wwnn. exact procedure ? must create 2 virtual san , give them vm , inside vm install mpio ? or create 1 san both ports ? thanks look article , select design vsan. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

how many machine can connect to window server 2008 via lan

hello friend's i have install window server 2008 on server pc, want know how many machine can connect on lan through server machine.. limit depend on server licensing? hi, licensing questions, suggest contacting microsoft licensing center detailed explanation. worldwide customers can use guide worldwide microsoft licensing sites find contact information in locations. brent please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. ” Windows Server  >  Server Core