
Showing posts from January, 2012

Urgent Can't backup CLustred SQL on network path

dear support team, currently have sql clustered on 2 server 2012r2. backing db on local san drive business asked me add additional directory backup on network. added maintenance plan directory (\\serverip\folder) below error when click next. ps having server has absolute access folder trying backup on. many assistance :) hi, you may post in following dedicated sql forum better help: best regards, leo please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

Bulk edit AD Users Employee ID and EmployeeType from CSV with email addresses

hi, im trying edit bulk of users have email in csv. attrib need updated employeeid , employeetype. import-module activedirectory $users = import-csv c:\temp\updateusers.csv foreach ($user in $users) { get-aduser -filter "emailaddress -eq '$($user.emailaddress)'" | set-aduser -employeeid $($user.employeeid) -employeetype $($user.employeetype) } my csv file looks this emailaddress;employeeid;employeetype user1@company.local;12345678;typea but recieve error set-aduser : parameter cannot found matches parameter name 'employeetype'. at c:\users\untitled1.ps1:5 char:44 + set-aduser -employeeid $($user.employeeid) -employeetype $($user.employeetype) +                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + categoryinfo          : invalidargument: (:) [set-aduser], parameterbindingexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : namedparameternotfound, any tips? the error prett

AD Custom field - View >> Advanced Features - Attribute Editor

hi, i created custom fields in ad , added them user class. now i'm able see set , new attributes values in  "attribute editor" tab ("view >> advanced features" enabled)  this works users have on "users" ou. users have create don other ou's "attribute editor" tab never displayed. how can resolve issue? need able read , write new attributes help appreciated. thank you, jd as stated have "view" > "advanced features" enabled, so "attribute editor" tab seen regardless of in the directory the user object resides.  you have manually drill down whatever ou user in, , open user object properties page there.  if use "find" feature find user, the  "attribute editor" tab not displayed, "advanced features" enabled .  also, attribute editor tab introduced in windows 2008, older operating systems such windows xp , windows 2003 not display it. best regards, tod

Any Way To Go From Soft To Hard Quota Automatically

situation have have given our students unlimited storage capacity year.  however, students abuse , use store mp3s , music videos. is there way of looking see if folders contain 200mb of mp3s, , if apply quota folder?  possibly have soft quote applied, , change hard quote if on 200mb of mp3 files in there? quite complex know....but might know way. david. hi, college guy   what version of server using? if server 2003 r2 or newer, can use file server resource manager (fsrm) generate file reports. not sure if can apply quotas users, can check abusing. it possible create scripts make part of work automatic.   from technet/server 2008:   “ file server resource manager suite of tools allows administrators understand, control, , manage quantity , type of data stored on servers. using file server resource manager, administrators can place quotas on volumes, actively screen files , folders, , generate comprehensive storage reports. set of advanced instruments not helps


hi there, i had problem on share drive issue. i create directory , share on lan user permission. don't have problem read/write assigned user other user whish not assigned yet. unassigned user able write on directory , manage delete files. could assist me on issue above ?.   thank , best regards.   hi, restrict folder both ntfs , share level permission. whenever user access shared folder the cumulative permissions applied.   i believe have not restricted share access.   share , ntfs permissions on file server   posting provided "as is" no warranties , confers no rights! test suggestion in test environment before implementing!

migrations with quest

has tried using quest there ad migration? i have 2 companies forming make 1, , responsiable merging 2 new organization. so have built domain c , plan merge domain , domain b domain c. domain - windows 2000 dc's - 500 users – domain b - windows 2008 dc's - 100 users – test2.local domain c - windows 2008 dc's - built – test3.local any advice ideas? danny g guillory jr. hello, you can use admt migrate, free: what can colleagues information is quest works fine. questions quest software please use there support forum doesn't belong microsoft. thank understanding.   best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  > 

RD Client - iPad

does know of way configure .plist rd client, app used on 700+ ipad in our academy, url extremely long. use mdm manage ipads , there ability add .plist, far have unable find can me create one. thanks emma hi emma, regarding creating .plist file, suggest refer apple forum more efficient support: please note: microsoft provides third-party contact information find technical support. contact information may change without notice. microsoft not guarantee accuracy of third-party contact information. if have feature suggestion regarding remote desktop ios, please submit or vote requirement within remote desktop ios voice webpage, comment highly appreciated: best regards, amy please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact .

Storage Spaces - Shrink a parity Virtual Disk

greetings, have machine server 2012 r2 create parity virtual disk using storage spaces.  i'm unhappy parity in storage spaces want rid of , since don't have many disks around cant move data off , delete it.  i want remove disk virtual disk/pool gui doesnt let me. wanted try shrinking volume see if it.  currently have 4 x 3tb drives single virtualdisk on capacity of 8.17tb , 5.10tb used. want shrink 6tb , try remove freaking disk.  ive seen tutorials around such setting disk retired dont think effective remove drive raid. tried "resize-virtualdisk" in ps "not supported" error. help? im out of ideias , want storage spaces gone!  in advanced, ralms.  hello final update on adventure microsoft storage spaces. to clarify started storage pool of 4 x 3tb physical drives , vdisk (virtual-disk) in parity mode around 8.6tb allocated , 5.5tb used/occupied. i want remove physical drive storage pool , have windows handle rebuild process move da

WSUS server database errror

i've got problem wsus server. it stopped synchronising updates microsoft updates server. found out reason must database. wsus using sql server 2005 express edition , database hit limit. dont know why shomeone set sus because changed job , managing wsus server ofphanted previous admin responsibility. my company has 1000 client computers - surprise me wsus database has risen shuch size!!! 1)what best task should now. migrate server wid database cant find instruction how can it. (i quite rookie ms database administrator - before had experience oracle databases). 2)other option migrate sql server 2008 r2 has 10gb capacity limit, found  that not recommended ?? anyway need make backup of susdb , not sure how. 3)is enough stop sql services , copy susdb.mdf, susdb.ldf files ? could me answering problems? >>other option migrate sql server 2008 r2 has 10gb capacity limit, found  that not recommended ??<< nope, sql 2008 r2 has no restrictions -   sql serve

Create list from string and add items after being verified

so working on script create groups sharepoint list. having trouble taking string of usernames, email addresses , full names converting list create groups. #check owners ***needs work*** foreach($owner in $owners){ #$verifiedowners = $null #$verifiedowners = new-object system.collections.arraylist $verifiedowners = @() if (get-mailbox $owner -erroraction silentlycontinue) { $verifiedowners.add($owner) } else {notifyerror} } here example of $owners contains: user one, , chq-user3 the $owners variable pulling sharepoint list. results come in string format. so want verify contents of original string , place verified value $verifiedowners list. use $verifiedowners list create group owners. have identical block doing members. as can see, i've tried 3 different methods perform action. either getting 1 result or errors. $verifiedowners += $owner \_(ツ)_/ Windows Server

issue with WDS pxe boot and TFTP

our network admin team did dc upgrade server 2008 r2 , having issues wds server. appears have happened settings options 66 , 67 got removed. have since them still having issues.  wds not on same box dc, nor on same subnet. network admin team did upgrade cannot speak details. my settings follows option 66 ip of our wds server option 67  \\boot\x86\ i ran utility on wds , got this each time try pxe boot, ip , mask , connects dhcp, error string pxe-t04: access violation pxe-e36: error received tftp server pxe-m0f: exiting pxe rom appreciated option 67 should not start \\. assuming path otherwise correct value option 67 should "boot\x86\" Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Missing "a:theme" element after download from Word Online

hello have document created , downloaded word online within last few days. placed here: @ first heading "created using word...". if open document in word 2013, font of heading calibri light. if open in word 2010 or earlier versions, it's cambria.  if @ layout of title style, can notice there reference 'majorhansi' ascii theme (w:rfonts/@w:asciitheme), there isn't "a:theme" element reference can defined. word doesn't receive information style document , uses build-in styles or other logic.  if logic changes version version, in opinion, causes problems. obligatory "a:theme" solve problem.  please give comments issue? bug or feature?   , interested in styles used in case in ms word products. can find information build-in styles (for example word 2013 uses calibri light, , word 2010 - cambria)? thank you. regards, katerina dolgunichev

Migrate Server 2008 + Exchange 2007 to SBS 2008?

there way migrate server 2008 sbs 2008? i have been evaluating server 2008 exchange 2007 setup , see sbs 2008 available... exchange of pain setup proper addresses/certificates/server configs , i'm wondering if there's easy way migrate of on sbs 2008? i saw there guides on how migrate sbs 2003 sbs 2008 , sbs 2008 sbs 2008 don't see regular 'ol server 2008... these other migrations involved using "answer file" ... found in tools directory... tried executing on server 2008 vm , crashes when starts. anyone have idea if possible?  hate have reinstall on again because think sbs i'm going headed in long-term.. thanks much hi,   you can transfer ad object , exchange windows server 2008 sbs 2008. general process likes following:   join a new sbs 2008 current domain , promote dc:   configure new machine gc , host dns. transfe

Is there a difference between a Server 2k8 Std x64 "GDR" release and a "RTM" release?

we have geogrpahix program works on 1 server, doesn't work on server.  both servers clean installed , setup same way.  difference can tell right that: server1 installed 7600.win7_gdr.100618-1621 buildlab server2 installed 7600.win7_tmr.090713-1255 buildlab would make kind of difference? said clean installed 2 different media , trying find out if gdr different tmr , make program wont work. hi,   seems there slight differences between 2 versions.   i suggest contacting local microsoft customer service detailed information.   tim quan       Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Microsoft Edge question

build 10158. i have been using ie11 throughout builds. so, not familiar with project spartan , microsoft edge. today, after installing 10158, opened edge , poked around. i found 2 icons unresponsive . clicked on them , nothing happened. i have seen them before can't know their name nor what used for . would 1 enlighten me? thank you. s.sengupta, windows experience mvp Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview Feedback

problem with windows server 2012 r2 essencials

hi, in our small company, have 1 computer windows server 2012 r2 essencials every sunday computer shutting down, , can't understand problem. please help any events have in event viewer.  you can start looking @ application events, security , system events. there might logged when server shutting down. any particular time serve shuts itself. if particular time can check if there schedule task scheduled run during time frame server shutting down.  you can make use of microsoft support diagnostics self-help portal  to run diagnostic package. hope of you. this post "as is" , confers no rights. mohammed sabir [msft] Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 Essentials


boady tell me solution of wallet file ransomware virus hi, this year passed issue. learned importance of keep backup in day. first looked came virus , take off network, fix issue needed return latest files. hope helpfull Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Authenticating users added in Active directory in both webserver as well as SQL server using kerberos authentication

hi all, i have issue setting web site run in domain machines without providing credentials. let me explain here. i have set of machines configured under common domain name. active directory set in server. have used windows 2008 r2 machine webserver machine. have machine acts sql server machine (sql server 2008). have deployed website in webserver. have few webservices added in webserver. website / applications (which again deployed in webserver click once) communicates sql server machine via webservices. if website has anonymous access enabled, works fine not need. need disable anonymous access , enable impersonation. did when run application, pops asking providing username , pasword. not automatically takes integrated windows authentication. i have tried solutions managed through google nothing seems work. setting spns recofiguring ips, have done all. still same issue. to experts out there, feasible solution of great struggling few days now.   thanks & regards

Windows Server 2008: Missing or corrupt winload.exe

dear all, i'm running active directory , dns 1 server running windows server 2008 standard 64-bit. cannot startup. i'm error c:/windows/system32/winload.exe i have try following:  x:\windows\system32\bcdedit /set {default} device partition=c:  x:\windows\system32\bcdedit /set {default} osdevice partition=c:  x:\windows\system32\bcdedit /set {bootmgr} device partition=c: message error following:  x:\windows\system32\bcdedit /set {default} device partition=c: the boot configuration data store not opened. the request system device cannot found. please kindly me...! best regard, khemarin khemarin, have tried first 2 methods described in  ? hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

RD Gateway (2012) Mac support

recently setup rds environment. our remote employees windows 7 laptops have no issue using environment. 1 of our executives wants connect rd gateway macbook pro. he's able login not able launch of virtual applications. does remote desktop gateway (2012) support macs? if there prereqs need meet? i've looked around i've found old information on regarding macs , remote desktop gateway 2008. thank in advance input, -tsgzz hi, i confirm rdc client using. microsoft remote desktop connection client mac (version 2.1.1.) not supported use mac os x v10.7 (lion) or later. how remote rd gateway? through .rdp file or other method? happen or did receive message when try connect rd gateway , access applications? if create .rdp file , use rdc 2.1, please open rdc 2.1 on mac , go file -> edit connection. point .rdp file , open screen showing can edit. click applications portion of menu , check box says "start following windows applications". if doesn’t wo

WMI PhysicalMemory for windows vista has changed?

if yes, what? i'm trying use class , capacity property, in windows vista ultimate not showing anything. workaround, i'm getting value performance counters, don't wish take approach. anyone knows this, please? thanks in advance, nuno silva nuno silva hi,   as issue related windows vista, suggest discussing in our windows vista forum.   i hope issue can resolved soon.   tim quan - msft   Windows Server  >  Management

FSMO role on server 2008R2 in domain 2003

hello, i prepare migration domain 2008r2. can put fsmo role on server 2008 r2, there still 2003sp2 domain controller , full functional level 2003. without immediate increase functional level 2008r2. sorry english approximate thank answers hello, it recommended fsmo roels on newest os dc, pdcemulator fsmo should transferred, creates additional security groups in ad. there no problem transferring fsmo roles not depend on fucntional levels. best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

WSUS Server 3.2 wsuscontents folder size is taking away all the disk space(75GB)

hi , we have windows server 2008r2 x64. server , have configured wsus server 3.2. wsuscontents folder taking away disk space , there no space left . result wsus stopped working. we used wsus server cleanup wizard, not able reduce size of folder. is there anyway can purge wsus database? there script run? thanks ton in advance help. pro1962 india1947 the wsuscontents folder taking away disk space , there no space left . result wsus stopped working. we used wsus server cleanup wizard, not able reduce size of folder. start here: removing unneeded update approvals . lawrence garvin, m.s., mcsa, mcitp:ea, mcdba solarwinds head geek microsoft mvp - software packaging, deployment & servicing (2005-2014) mvp profile: the views expressed on post mine , not reflect views of solarwinds.

How can get value of registry DWORD value of remote computers with powershell

hi i using below script registry of remote computers powershell not desired result. $computers = import-csv 'c:\new folder\dclist.csv' $key = "software\microsoft\active setup\installed components\{a509b1a7-37ef-4b3f-8cfc-4f3a74704073}" foreach ($computer in $computers) { get-regdword -computername $computer -key $key -value isinstalled } as have installed remoteregistry pssnapin well.. also how can invoke-command ............ please or guide me  if running invoke-command, not need remoteregistry snapin because directly on systems , can use registry provider information. apologies in advance horrible formatting. invoke-command -computername $computername ` -scriptblock { get-itemproperty ` -path "hklm:software\microsoft\active setup\installed components\{a509b1a7-37ef-4b3f-8cfc-4f3a74704073" ` -name "isinstalled" } boe prox blog | twitter poshwsus | poshpaig | poshchat | posheventui

Strange issue on Restart

i have scheduled task restart server 2008 r2 (single server, no active directory).  at times, after restart can't logon server, can't ping ip address.  i have login idrac , launch virtual console , logon server, once this, can logon through rds.  anyone seen before?  thanks, kevin hi kevin, there specific updates installed before have restarted server? if have try ipconfig /all, result (any ip)? case, see firewall not effected cause happen. check whether blocked or not. can check this article reference check advanced firewall option might got enable\disable gpo policies. check whether there port assignment conflict taken place , might effect case, must confirm rdp port not changed. can run netstat tool determine rdp port not used other service. hope helps! thanks. dharmesh solanki please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact

Powershell error - Server instance not found on the given port.

i have ad backup opened in tcp port 5432 dsamain -dbpath ntds.dit -ldapport 5432 -allownosadminaccess when use dsquery tool, can select localhost:5432 target using ds tools can information want but when try use powershell commands -server;localhost:5432 got error: server instance not found on given port. using get-adobject ou get-aduser ps c:\users\administrator> get-adobject -server localhost:5432 -filter 'objectclass -eq "user"' get-adobject : server instance not found on given port. @ line:1 char:13 + get-adobject <<<<  -server localhost:5432 -filter 'objectclass -eq "user"'     + categoryinfo          : invalidargument: (:) [get-adobject], argumentexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : server instance not found on given port., powershell cmdlets dont "speak pure ldap", communicate ad web services (and maybe encrypted). service runs on dc

Can u setup a trusted location for an entire Sharepoint Site Collection

hi, i have deployed vsto 2010 word template sp 2010 content type template. content type used in many child sites of the site collection. inside of words trust centre can setup 1 trusted location of the site collection or have done each site? hikin, bikin, coding machine hi, it may not possible set children sites trusted in microsoft office word 2010. we may follow steps in article below publish document-level office solution: best regards, rex zhang technet community support Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

deploy a software

how deploy .exe flie? can knows, tell me? there various ways deploy software in organization. 1) can manually install software installing 1 computer @ time. 2) can create login script on domain installs software share or copying .exe file locally running it. 3) can deploy software using group policy object (gpo) can assigned users , computers and/or published users.  .msis work better gpos, can use .exe if encapsulate .zap file. 4) can use enterprise solution such sccm . for small network, best bet login script and/or group policy, expecially if can use .msi instead of .exe. for medium large network, definatley should using sccm. visit blog: , knowledge base. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Foru

PowerShell Crashes Intermittently on Windows 10

hi, i have powershell script performs system restart operation. i ran script 20 times (20 reboot operations 2-5 minutes of elapse time i.e. next restart execution start after 2-5 minutes) in script have used powershell command "restart-computer". problem: intermittently have seen "powershell" crash, following exception, exception info: system.accessviolationexception stack: @ nodename, string servicename, addressinfo& hints, safefreeaddrinfo& handle)    @ name, addressinfohints flags, iphostentry& hostinfo)    @ name)    @ name)    @ hostname, boolean includeipv6)    @ context). note:  i have never used network related operations in script. please let me know how g

Do certain group policies never get applied when a computer always has a slow link connection?

here problem: we have lot of offices abroad connected headquarters slow vpn line. all domain controllers located within headquarters. so everytime user logs on, group policy detect slow link connection. these users never come headquarters , therefore conncetion slow link. do understand correctly users never receive group policies? if correct, group policies never applied? hello, correct slow link not gpos applied, see here details: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Wireless Network Autoconnect Doesn't Autoconnect with a GPO

we have wpa2-enterprise i'm planning deploy gpo. anyway, i've setup group policies configure wpa2-enterprise network , applied gpo laptop. anyway, saw wireless network pop on windows 7 laptop , when check properties of wireless network indicates "these settings managed system administrator.". can click on network , tell laptop connect , connect. however, if reboot computer, laptop doesn't automatically reconnect. have box says "connect automatically when network in range" checked (it greyed out well, cannot disabled). ideas why won't auto connect our wireless network? using: peap , "user" authentication (i've set won't use computer authentication). thanks! i think reason wasn't auto connecting connecting remote desktop check it. if go pc , log physically, auto connects wireless then. Windows Server

How activate shadow copy services for a filserver ressource in a failover cluster 2008 R2?

hello, i have little question, cannot find manual microsoft activcate shadow copy service fileserver ressource in cluster, failover cluster in windows server 2003. and question - have windows failover cluster 2008 r2 2 nodes , 1 fileserver ressource (as cluster ressource). when activate shadow copy service cluster ressource, how must activate feature. 1. on computer management how in windows server 2003 cluster 2. or direct of disk in failover cluster manager? i have test option 1, wizzard create shadow copy , create task in local task-manager. wizzard create not cluster ressource task. thats normal so? when check disk on failover cluster manager, go properties of disk, see shadow copy services option again (point 2.), , deactived. short: how activate shadow copy services fileserver cluster ressouce in ws2008r2? a same question here, no answer, user decribed same 2 methods.

installing NTP server role in win server 2008 R2

hi all i need configure workgroup win2008 r2 server ntp server example because want ip cameras synch time server.  but unable fined role or feature related installing ntp   ! where in server manager console ? thanks in advance you may want create dns record such , use record point of non-domain windows computers time synchronization.  that way, in event ever move pdc emulator role (which main time server in domain) dc, can update dns record , won't have touch ip camera's ntp configuration. guides , tutorials, visit . Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

64Bit Print Drivers on 32Bit Windows Servers

printers shared 32bit windows 2003 r2 servers. if printer driver 64 bit matches 32 bit name install, if manufacturer not have equal names, or older printers without 64 bit driver ?  64bit windows 7 computers unable use printer share 32 bit server ?  login script not load 32 bit drivers 64 bit workstations.  have heard mention editing driver names ?  workarounds ? hi, thanks posting. we have 4 methods locate compatible printer driver computer running 64-bit version of windows. method 1: search supported driver included in windows 64-bit operating system method 2: search whql signed driver on microsoft windows update web site method 3: search whql signed driver on printer manufacturer's web site method 4: search non-whql signed driver you may refer article: how find compatible printer driver computer running 64-bit version of windows for more information, please check following articles: how can add inbox x86 (32-bi

Virtual Domain Controller - Slow Logout

hey, i have new laptop bought has windows 8 on it.  installed hyper v, , installed windows server 2012 guest os.  need testing @ home similar environment work.  1 of tools need use hyper v virtual machine manacer (scvmm).  tool requires host running on domain.  therefore, why installed virtual domain controller.  created domain, , joined host os (win 8). i understand if dc not running, login use cached credentials, fine me.  purpose on domain, don't care if vm running dc online or not.  prefer leave offline (due resources). so, seems work ok when dc vm offline.  however, noticed when logging out, extremely slow (very slow logout times).  i'm not sure if because win 8 o/s trying contact dc, , timing out.  causing slow time?  there way shorten timeout? any insight? thanks in advance! hiya, sounds hit nail in causing slow logoff time. better understand cached credentials recommend: cached , stored credentials technical overview


hey how my name is erick alvarado i have a problem my server all started by the active directory. i had configured my domain ( aglobal ) and worked perfectly the problem started as it light , suddenly there came a blackout. when ignited the team i realized that i had a red cross through the icon red, apart this rule was not working and would not let me do anything , it should mentioned that if had the internet when i have the problem and even internet access which was performed following - des install the card drivers and the reinstall and removed the red tache - try to repair windows with windows disk server 2008r2 and not recognize the disks ( i have 2 hard drives ) even when restart the computer to start the server on black screen where detects all devices indicates that it not recognize discs - note: if you entered the normal server and entered c : and

Windows Server 2000 not reporting - Empty WindowsUpdate.log!?

trying old windows server 2000 box report wsus 3 sp2 server.  i've run wsus client diagnostic tool , looks there -  i've refreshed suid multiple times no result. weird thing windows update.log empty, 0 logs last 3 years! i've restarted automatic updates service cant seem make try connect or log anything. box has been rebooted well. i know windows 2000 unsupported know issue here?  many thanks trying old windows server 2000 box report wsus 3 sp2 server.  good luck that. it's not going happen. here's why: current wsus servers, kb2720211 or kb2734608 installed, offering wuagent v7.6. windows 2000 systems, however, not eligible install wuagent v7.6 because win2000 expired extended support before wuagent released. ergo, wuagent can run on win2000 v7.4 wuagent. you'll need monitor windows 2000 system (there should absolutely no need patch such system since there haven't been wsus-avaiable patches released since july, 2010 -- 3 years

TS Gateway - Certificate warning

hi,   just installed beta 3, , i'm running following problem:   - installed server rather cryptic netbios name. - installed friendly named certificate on machine (eg, signed internal ca - installed ts gateway (and ts web) , configured both use friendly named certificate ( - published ts gateway on isa server 2004 ee, using wildcard certificate on listener (* isa server bridging ssl, terminates , re-establishes tunnel ts gateway. clients use '' connect server. external dns setup point correct listener.   using vista's built-in mstsc.exe, configure use tsgateway. connecting internal server, i first asked enter login credentials target server (as normal), , presented login box provide gateway server credentials. after successful login, receive following message:   "this computer can't connect remote computer because terminal services gateway server add

Testing windows server 2012 R2 Essentials with a "diferent" Domain name.

hi, i've been testing essentials version server , i've found tips change domain name @ setup install moment of server. but, when try use domain name this: it allows me use .com name doesn't allow me use .mx suffix. do know if there way workaround detail? or won't permitted @ all. ? thanks in advance! hi, based on experience, internal corporate namespace used internal purpose not need end in valid top-level domain. can use .ux top-level domain if use domain on internal. in configuration, com second-level domain , mx top-level domain. in general,  com kind of t he core group of generic top-level domains which indicates name has been registered business organization commercial use. maybe due cannot use com as second-level domain , can use second-level domain instead of com see if issue persists. best regards, susie Windows Server

AppLocker not working like I think it should

howdy all, i trying prevent students in college running downloadable exe prevents computer going screen saver state.  have configured applocker file hash , prevent running, tests failing.  have enabled 1 rule , group policy, it's still not working. my clients win7 ent , servers 2012 r2.  i'm new using applocker, , appreciated. please remember click "mark answer" on post helps you, , click "unmark answer" if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. hello, you may first run gpresult on client check whether policy settings listed under applied policy. if not, may run gpupdate /force force apply it. make sure have configured application identity service start automatically. please follow articles below troubleshoot applocker policy issue: testing , updating applocker policy how troubleshoot applocker http://www.grouppoli

Cambio y degradacion de dominio para servidor

hola tengo un  problema enla empresa donde trabajo habian dos sedes (a y b), ahora una de las sedes (a)se muda la otra sede b para estar en un mismo edificio, pero cada sede tenia su servidor, yo quiero  utilizar el servidor de la sede para que sea el dc de toda la red, debido que es un mejor equipo, pero como hago para degradar al servidor de la sede b e incluirlo en el dominio del nuevo servidor a, y que me pase todas las cuentas de ususario para ese servidor a...espero me puedan ayudar proento la mudanza es el fin de semana y necesito ponerlos funcionar.....gracias... hola al realizar la relacion de confianza podras compartir cualquier recurso entre los dominios y para pasar los usuarios deberas de organizar una migracion programada de un dominio otro, recuerda que al migrar el usuario tienes que migrar los perfiles, impresoras, carpetas compartidas etc etc..... alli esta como realizar la relacion de confianza http://

Old "Name Server(NS)" records in zone. Can we just delete them?

we have 2003 ad domain.  we're using a/d integrated dns, 4 dc's, of them dns servers.   have number of "name server (ns)" records in zone.  these our domain controllers , our isa servers.  however, have two "name server" entries that are servers no longer exist.  can remove them zone "properites" screen? also, out of curiosity, issues (if any) caused having invalid entries in dns? thanks. mike o'donnell   hi mike,   thanks posting here.   may know if these 2 dns servers domain controllers , have demoted , retired before ? ask because data or information these 2 servers may still remain in our ad database.   how remove data in active directory after unsuccessful domain controller demotion   otherwise should no problem remove form ad integrated dns server , replicate changing other hosts.   thanks.   tiger li please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , cli