
Showing posts from September, 2010

Win 2008 Event log TimeGenerated is wrong

on windows server 2008 32 bit , 64 bit machine, in event viewer, we see 2 tabs each event i.e. general tab , details tab. in general tab, logged time value different timegenerated values under details tab. whereas logged time value coming under general tab correct one. i observed logged time , timegenerated value difference 7 hours in 1 machine , 6.30 hours on machine? does know if difference expected / designed ? or bug , has solution? note: observed on windows server 2008 sp2, r2 rc both. regards, geeta this time difference becuase gmt difference. issue resolved. Windows Server  >  Management

Need Help For Windows Clustering

  hi ,   i need clarification related cluster on windows 2003 r2 enterprise 64 bit. the configuration follows. <big>ibm x3650 server(old)</big> <big>ibm x3650 m3 server (new) </big> config :- config :-   intel xeon processor e5410 2.33 ghz, intel xeon processor e5620 2.40 ghz 16 gb of ram 16 gb of ram 146 gb * 2 harddisk 146 * 2 gb ram sr/no :- 99hh253 sr/no :- 99k3678 product id :- 7979peg product id :- 7945 d2a <big> ibm data storage (new) 3200 320 gb * 6 hdd type :-1725hc2 </big>  i planning sap clustering. i know  it possible do microsoft  cluster  this 2 hardwares specified. regards, rahul pandit.   hi,   windows cluster doesn’t need specific hardware. however, recommend use hardware listed in windows server catalog compatible hyper-v.   for more information, can refer to:   windo

Group Policy Internet Settings failed

can me on error? client windows 7 , dc windows 2008, thanks. the client-side extension not apply user policy settings 'block internet {616a9aa1-3b09-4b9e-a4d6-3d90d9fd1344}' because failed error code '0x80070003 system cannot find path specified.' see trace file more details. hi, please specify the event id number , policy deploy? please describe problem answer question. thank you, regards, md disclaimer: opinion expressed herein own knowledge. deploy @ own risk. whenever see helpful reply, click on “propose answer” / “marked answer” , "vote". Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Moving Client Machine From One Host to Another

everything have read says move client vm 1 host server another, 1 must export/import. i have found if stop machine , copy client’s folder 1 host another, on new host add new virtual machine , in “connect virtual hard disk” section of wizard, aim .vhd of client folder copied over, new machine seems work perfectly. is there reason type of client machine migration should not done? thanks dfkon hi, yes, on windows server 2008 r2, if want move virtual machine 1 host another, need export import. can copy vhd file of virtual machine host, create new virtual machine , attach vhd file. however, if there snapshots virtual machine, not able use them if don’t perform export/import. have reconfigure settings manually. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

.bat scheduling fails

hi, i scheduled .bat run in windows 2008 r2 although schedular shows task completed, nothing happens. manually running same .bat file successful. have tried options access permission, start in, etc in vain. please help vip i don't know uac hence did not nething it. user account control step-by-step guide regards, santosh i not represent organisation work for, opinions expressed here, own. posting provided as is no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. blog | wiki Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

get-aduser -filter doesn't show users in OUs and SubOUs

hi friends in active directory, in default "users" container, have created group named "helpdesks". i have ous , subous each contains users. i need users in entire domain not member of helpdesks group. get-aduser -searchbase -filter {memberof -notlike 'cn=helpdesks,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=lab' } | select name get-aduser -searchbase 'dc=mydomain,dc=lab' -searchscope subtree -filter {memberof -notlike 'cn=helpdesks,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=lab' } | select name but commands only these 3 accounts : administrator , guest , krbtgt ( , not accounts in ou-users , users-marketing subou & other locations ) strange ! any idea thanks in advanced the problem membership in "primary" group, "domain users", not included in memberof attribute of user. memberof attribute of user no group memberships except "domain users" will empty. way ad works, if attribute has no values, not saved in datab

When Excel crash for one user, It crash all the Excel of all users on the TSE

hi, i have .net 3.5 sp1 application open excel 2003 file , start excel vba code ( the application running on windows 2003 r2 tse , used many users on tse. sometimes excel crash 1 user when crash 1 user, close excel.exe started users on tse. "normaly" each excel.exe run in different user session runs in separeted memory on tse ... don't understand how 1 excel can crash of excel in sessions. please ! hello,   thanks feedback.   based on current status of issue, microsoft excel 2003 sessions crash when vba code triggered custom code based on .net framework 3.5.     as event viewer doesn’t log related error during issue occurs, need analyze memory dump in order find root cause. unfortunately, debugging beyond can in forum. suggestion contact microsoft customer service , support (css) via telephone dedicated support professional can assist request.   note: to obtain phone numbers specific technology request please take @ web site listed below.

Server Manager will not display my farm

i have (4) 2012 rds servers split 2 session collections with both being managed same connection broker/gateway. 1 farm "remote desktops" , other "remote applciations" (we have users use "dumb terminals" desktops, , other users use win7 , 10 , use "apps". everything worked great until yesterday morning.  server manager on connection broker/gateway server no longer show collections.  gives me following on overview: "a remote desktop services deployment not exist int server pool. to create deployment, run add roles , features wizard , select remote desktop services installation option." my deployment still works users can log in , work normal.  can't manage it.  trying create new deployment errors out "could not retrieve deployment information rd connection broker server. any ideas? finally resolved issue turning off ipv6. weird. Window

Can OCSP Responder Cacheing be "Avoided"?

hello, i've deployed online responder service in hope of getting fresher responses failing; environment 2008 ad, r2 enterprise subordinate cas , r2 online responders. background: have 3 day crl + 3 day overlap (i want give me breathing space in case of ca failure).  on top of this, publish fresh crl every time certificate revoked.  i have set online responder retrieve crls every thirty minutes such "latest crls" used responder generating responses.  however, aware online responder caches crls authoritative period , therefore won't bother using newer crl.  i can understand many circumstances totally sensible behaviour (performance, etc.) - situation i'd "force" responder use new crl.  this way i'd have "long crl" stop me having headache of ca failures, whilst having recent revocation status pushed out responder. can give me advice on whether want achieve possible?  i've used tumbleweed validation authority in past , kind of

HyperV virtual adapters will not go away after failed install of hyperv

i tried installing hyperv on system, ran issue documented on forum virtual system cannot bind either of nics (switch failure). tried removing hyperv but, documented in forum, system didn't past step 3 of 3 78% on reboot, had manually reboot. system came without hyperv, left of virtual network adapters , virtual switches in network config. i've tried deleting them, os won't let me. how clean mess up? hello,   i found posted same issue in server virtualization forum , saw keith answered question there.   after tests, verified adapter can uninstalled after changing registry key. hope works on side.   good luck.   best regards, chang yin   Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

What is the GUID record in DNS

plz let me know guid recoard in dns. with more detailed information , resources hello, the server guid (globally unique identifier) reference point used in active directory , dns (domain name system) locate domain controller purposes of replication. guid automatically generated each domain controller, unique when created, , not duplicated. from: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Net Logon service will not start. Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start.

after chkdsk , number of orphaned files being deleted unable start net logon service.  have looked in registry ensure key there and netlogon.dll file there, etc.  of course blew away folder shares , users can't print.  primary dc , dc seems functioning, @ least in part, correctly.  ideas?  windows server 2003 sp2. thanks ahead of time. michael. hello michael, based on description, understand pdc not start the net logon service.   generally speaking, net logon service has 2 dependency services (server , workstation). said, users experiencing share folder , printer issues. leads me believe issue might caused server service failure.   according error message, have found following kb article server service failure. server service fails system error 8 or system error 234   in addition, there other kbs that describe net logon failure. the net logon service not start , event ids 2114 , 7024 logged in windows server 2003 , in windows 2000

Getting a Cmdlet name and return values from C#

i have library of cmdlets , i'm looking log debug info when cmdlet called.  want able actual name of cmdlet (not class) , string representation of sent writeobject logged text file.  appreciated! i think richard sent down right path this.gettype(), goes in properties,  im guessing if dig around msdn you'll find way grab name... can debug cmdlets? have yet build one.. if can debug it, assign random var , inspect see can pull out. Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


in windows 8.1  vpn conection fine   now when  i try in win 10  conection give me limted 4 reson   any idea  ?  jaguar34665, the first question comes mind whether or not you’re using third party vpn client.   if have vpn connection set through windows 10 technical preview, 1 option may disable “use default gateway on remote network” option vpn’s advanced tcp/ip settings.   keep in mind though doing this, may have add additional routes vpn connection.   hope helps! mike windows outreach team – pro windows pros on technet Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview General

replaceing 2003 with 2008

so added 2008 server 2003 domain intend remove 2003 server.   after running adprep domain , forest prep. there no problems during installation of new dc. i started transfering the fsmo roles , rebooted machines. no longer manage group policies old dc. not connect to pdc master. went through event logs, , noticed few errors, fixed. on 2008 sysvol folder not shared, , problems file replication. , on 2003 error msdtc. i fixed those, , still unable connect pdc master. when using server 2008 , clicking -> active directory users , computers -> right click domain -> change domain controller tells me new server 2008 unavailable , 2003 ok. any ideas why? no longer see errors in event log cause problems.     additional informations: server 2003 sp2 have transfered fsmo roles old dc, , works fine. it 2003 domain , 2003 forest (was 2000 forest when installed new server, have updated it) hi,   i little unclear "could not connect pdc master". error me

RODC SYSVOL Replication Schedule keeps reverting

i trying manually adjust replication schedule our read domain controller. set 4 times per hour, every hour. make change on pdc , looks sets properly. close ad sites , services tool, come back, looks good. come sometime later , replication schedule has reverted once every 3 hours. thoughts? justin cervero - ms enterprise admin - appalachian state university hi, is there event occured in rodc? if rodc , dc in separate sites, follow inter-site replication interval once every 3 hours (180 minutes). by default, connection objects inherit schedule based on site link. you use  active directory sites , services configure frequency setting. regards. vivian wang Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Roaming profile + Active Directory

i not used work on ad. please tell me how create roaming profile ad? follow these steps: 1-create folder (it containg user documents) 2-share file , give user @ least ntfs , share modify permission 3-open active directory users , computers 4-right click on user 5-click on properties 6-click on profile 7-in profile path specify path of shared folder (\\server_name\name_of_the_shared_folder) this allow creation of roaming profiles use of active directory service. please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. best regards. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Problem with multiple monitors

i have w2k8r2(x64)sp1 standard server.  trying rdp using windows 7.  when connect 'normally' (default settings) there no issues.  if try connect either /span or /multimon switches, desktop no icons , task bar.  pressing start button on task bar brings icon appears graphic on top right corner of start menu, no other parts of start menu appear.  if disconnect session (which leaves running) , reconnect /span or /multimon, rdp session behaves correctly , running across both monitors.  has been happening first time tried months ago. instead of connecting commands, try using rdc wizard. sounds drivers multi-display aren't loading correctly before session connected.   mcts, mcp, a+ microsoft partner Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Disk Sizes and File/Directory Size Differences

hi all, i sure simple 1 have vm have attached 550gb hard drive to, drive in windows explorer 549gb expected. on drive have 2 folders, if select folders , go properties advises folders 596gb. the administrator account using perform check has access 99% of folders, 1 doesn't 42mb in size. have on 9gb of shadowcopy files , compression turned off on drive , on folders next level down (i didn't want go , check every directory) , believe turned off on every folder. at moment can't understand how storing more data hard drive can hold. thing can think file attributes on files/folders has corrupt or being counted twice in instances. i can't embed images due verification, see below examples. hi, first recommended run check disk. can show correct size on volume. i encountered 3 possible causes of issue. 1. check if caused paging file. 2. have programs installed, reserved size log or data file. 3. s

How To Give Read Access to Confidential Attribute To Non-Admin User

hello, trying give service account user access confidential attribute (in our case, made drink attribute confidential) on our windows 2008 r2 ad instance. not want give user admin rights view it. technet articles i've found on subject suggest using dsacls command accomplish this. tried on our development environment, , worked!  then tried on production environment , didn't work. did not see difference between output when ran command on dev vs. production. here's output : ============================== c:\windows\system32>dsacls "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" /g domain\user:ca;drink ..... allow domain\user                special access drink                                       control access ..... command completed successfully c:\windows\system32> ============================== there's difference between production , dev environments. wasn't 1 set them not sure are. don't expect know either. looking

Can LdapConnection object be shared across multiple threads to search to DC

our application has perform many concurrent searches on multiple domain controllers. application server based application run windows service. we re-designing application better performance. evaluating system.directoryservices.protocols namespace. have questions on connection management. 1. if go s.ds.p, there no in-built ldap connection pooling. correct? 2. can use same ldap connection object perform searches concurrently from multiple threads? bind called in single thread when connection requested domain controller first thread. article here suggests long bind done on single thread, ldap connection can shared across multiple threads. can please confirm or deny if understanding right? if there any good pointers best practices doc high perf ad applications, please include. thank time in advance. regards anil lingamallu hi, based on information researched, connection "pool" can imp

LAPS ports

i'm trying deploy laps. did test run @ our main office (app install , gpo attached) , computers got it. pushed app out couple of our remote offices via sccm , got installed, though gpo linked sites' ous computers there aren't generating passwords. ran rsop on of computers verify had policy settings in place. i'm wondering if network team has port closed off laps using communicate our domain controllers. know port(s) laps uses? am 03.01.2017 um 14:57 schrieb ahnbdl: > update: laps on old non-production server 2003 box on same > subnet works,   it´s not port problem. client dll works same, there no difference in behavior on client or server os.   enable verbose logging in laps, see documentation reg-key, , will find more evetns inside eventlog.   check permissions on ad attribute, make sure, client self write permission given.   mark -- mark heitbrink - mvp group policy - cloud , datacenter management   homepage:  http://www

Server shutdown randomly - winlogon.exe + other clues

hello, this has started happening since last week. every day (sometimes more once), server (windows server 2003) shut-down or restart itself. i've investigated in event viewer, , noticed 2 things: 1. every single time happens, in system log, has "the process winlogon.exe has initiated power off of computer", , user32. 2. in security log, @ exact same time above "winlogon.exe", see entry "attempted logon microsoft_authentication_package_v1_0". within seconds of logon, server shuts down itself. i've ran 2 virus scans, , monitored in process explorer suspicious processes, found nothing. looks shutdown directly related logon attempt. any appreciated, extremely troublesome. thank you. is user32 normal domain account? what's account for? test, temporarily disable account , check result. Windows Server  > 

Sleep and hibernation is working on Server 2012 with started hypervisor! I do not know why...

hi, enabled hyper-v role in microsoft windows server 2012 on testing computer (pc i7 cpu , 16gb ram). found strange behavior. sleep mode enabled , after command “powercfg /hibernation on” hibernation working. i tested sleep (s3) , hibernation started hypervisor , running virtual machine. tested sleep , hibernation triggered power button , time-out set in power options (i set sleep after 1 minute , later hibernate after 1 minute , wait). sleep , hibernation working! not understand why. sleep , hibernation should functional on client hyper-v on windows 8 , not on server 2012. some examples: -------------------------------- testing workstation (i7, 16gb ram) server 2012 , started hypervisor: -------------------------------- c:\users\administrator>powercfg /a the following sleep states available on system:     standby (s3)     hibernate     fast startup the following sleep states not available on system:     standby (s1)         system firmware not

Get user count of shared groups

we have hosted environment. toplevel domain \ customer \ company \ users      \ company b \ users and on. have common ou share groups: toplevel domain \ groups \ outlook group  \ office group  \ adove group users companies can member of outlook group...its not mandatory. groups gives acces outlook program. i script output number of users per company member of outlook group company 2 company b 5 i have found script gives me total amount of users cannot see how many in company x $users = (get-adgroupmember -identity "outlook group") $users.count is possible done? if want take nested group memberships account, ldap syntax filter can modified follows: $companya = get-aduser -ldapfilter "(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=cn=outlook group,ou=groups,dc=mydomain,dc=com)" -searchbase "ou=company a,ou=customer,dc=mydomain,dc=com" $companya .count ----- this called ldap_matching_rule_in_chain. applies dn a

Internet Explrer 9 / Modifiying Zone

hello community, i used mange client security zone through gpo. since users need add own zones disabled gpo. now can't remove zone (intranet zone) internet explorer settings. when try ie give me no feedback succes (like always) , when open same settings dialog again see settings not saved. i tried remove zones registry , managed it. no able add new zones through ie. however, discoverd when delete me profile computer , logon same computer (new profile wil created) able edit zones. because have on 50 clients smart solution me. it looks permission issue.  can me? after deleting hkey_current_user\software\policies\microsoft\windows\currentversion\internet settings\zonemap works fine. looks gpo didn't removed policies correct after disabling gpo. Windows Server  >  Windows Pow

Cannot delete WSUS role on SBS 2008

trying fix wsus on sbs 2008 server, followed , ran command msiexec /x {bdd79957-5801-4a2d-b09e-852e7fa64d01} callerid=ocsetup.exe i'm still receiving error 0x80070643 messagecode: -2147023293 when trying delete wsus role sbs 2008 server. the worst, lost access sharepoint services. any idea how windows internal database, or fix suppression of wsus role sbs 2008 in order reinstall after role? thank you thank anne, i arrived delete enterely wsus of powershell script submitted microsoft support. thank ! here powershell taht fixed problem. write-host "****** wsus 3.0 removal script - ver 2.0 author: ******" -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor yellow write-host "****** script remove wsus 3.0 sbs 2008 ******" -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor yellow write-host "****** please make sure have backup of server before proceed further ******" -foreg

Sub OU GP not being propagated

i have various group policies each ou.   top level policies being deployed.   non of sub ous being deployed. for example.  --->group policy 1  --->group policy 1  ou- united states ---- group policy 3 group policy 3 not ran. robert hi robert, first, suggest check if top level gpo configured "enforced". right-click top level gpo check below. and need check if gpo link sub ous configure "link enable". if above ok, suggest try run gpresult /h gpreport.html troubleshooting. , please post report further research. best regards, jay please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  >  Group Policy

delete problem

im trying delete program in windows error message code 1624,what mean,,thnx hi,   do receive windows installer error 1624? if so, can try uninstall using windows installer cleanup utility:   if problem continues, please let know program name, detailed error message receive , operating system.   regards, bruce Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

[BUG?] Server Manager - IIS & Server core don't mix well

hello, i noticed (after installing remoteaccess role on server) real server core reports error if has not "user interfaces , insfrastructure" feature installed. the manager server (using server manager) gets following error: "events not enumerated". here, experienced issue adcs: what is also puzzling me windows not let me setup nps role without "user interfaces , instracture". but, if setup remoteaccess (no ui & infra, no nps) still nps fonctionnality , can still administer core server through nps mmc. quite strange missleading. by way, took complexity out of remoteaccess, setting lab breeze; worked in 2 minutes! wizards helpful hello, i've received same prompt on "server manager" dashboard used monitor multiple server, after i've installed ad cs , ca on same core server. based on post "

REFS, lost hard disk space after Windows defragmentation

hi, first short information server. windows server 2012 datacenter os disk = 60 gb ssd physical raid controller: areca arc-1261 raid  = level 6 used disks = 11 x 2tb + 1 hot spare file system = refs usable space = 16,3 tb real used space (what tools , folder properties counted) = 14,0 tb used space (what see in computer overview) = 15,4 tb unknown space see disk scan tool (or tools calculated) = 1,4 tb so here see i've got "little" problem wasted/unknown space.... how problem originated: the system drive ssd, after running server 150 days , unnecessary little windows problems remembered garbage collector ssd (trim). wanted schedule "defragment , optimize drives" automatic job cleaning drive. problem was, couldn't deselect big raid volume, gave try scheduled weekly optimization. next day got alerts "low disk space warnings", i've lost 1 tb of disk space not explain how lost amount of space. after star

Friendly network name in DHCP

hello, how can set dhcp on server 2012 r2, clients connecting get, instead of "network" or "network 2", more friendly name? controlled dhcp server? bear in mind, workgroup machine , not connected domains.  kind regards, wojciech hi wojciech, >>if connect machine domain network, nla kick in, check if dns suffix dhcp matches domain name , change network location/name domain? it depends on windows version using. you check link below understand how works: network location awareness (nla) , how relates windows firewall profiles best regards john please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server

Hyper-V cannot launch VM

i new hyper-v. have tried launch previous vm's created in win7 virtual pc , first screen pops [windows security] that says credentials did not work (not administrator). did manage 1 of usernames, admin, start vm. next popup reads 'this user account cannot access virtual machine's video.....'. have searched on , can't seem find solution. in reading articles concerning remotefx 3d video adapter, have tried, in settings' cannot remove video adapter-the remove button greyed out. i have tried installing new vm install of windows7 dvd drive , again same 'cannot access video' error. the pc amd fx6100 , yes, vt has been activated in bios. any suggestions? appreciated. i can suggest simple story hyper-v, you make 1 more vm named win-7. , install os cd / iso image on vm. now try acces it. work. rest vms running on virtual pc; these vms can work. need make new vm in hyper-v @ time of hard disk creation page; save use exisitng there can browse .

Dual Boot on 2 SSD`s

i have windows 8.1 installed on boot ssd , have spare ssd doing nothing. if install windows 10 on spare ssd, become boot ssd?  , can unplug windows 10 ssd , boot windows 8.1 ssd or dual boot option given when boot pc? as have windows 8.1 on ‘first’ ssd, simple procedure install windows 10 on other ssd. make sure select second drive when installing. the boot files on 8.1 drive, if want remove 10 after testing it, format drive within 8.1 , remove boot entry 10 via msconfig’s boot tab. ninety-nine per cent of politicians give rest bad name. Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview Setup and Installation

Upgrade from windows 10 10122 to 10130 fails with 0xC1900101 - 0x2000C

it failed, didn't see setup got did overnight. i don't know how fix it. please help. it failed, didn't see setup got did overnight. i don't know how fix it. please help. since june 5th, ms had released build 10130 iso download. download iso file. have 2 options use iso file: 1. burn bootable dvd or usb of @ least 4 gb > use clean install. 2. right click @ downloaded iso file > click mount > click setup.exe. method allow keep files, settings , applications. Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview Setup and Installation

Internet Explorer 7 settings vs 2008 Server Domain Contollers

hi, in our company have xp clients ie7. recently joined 2008 r2 servers , upgraded our domain. in old situation (2003 domain) edited our policies on server 2003 dc , when editing ie settings used: user configuration -> windows settings -> internet explorer maintenance -> security -> security zones & content ratings when clicked got option "import current security zones , privacy settings" , use settings of local machine (server). on 2008 servers it's not importing these settings causes loose ie settings. probably because it's not having ie7 8. i noticed gpmc on 2008 servers shows "policies" , "preferences" in editor. in preferences part can add ie settings don't know if compatible 2003 servers and/or xp clients. does know workaround issue ? thnx to exact, it's combination of files (sysvol portion of gpo) , ad-based settings - in general, that's correct - same set of gpos can replicated between win

Remote desktop policy works on Windows 7, but not on Windows 8

hey all,            have mixed environment of windows 7 , windows 8.1 machines. our standard policy enables remote desktop on machines (and part of policy sets groups allowed remote access). on windows 7, able rdp machines on windows 8.1, remote clients cannot connect, timeout error. occurs other windows 7 or windows 8 machines. i have confirmed: - policy has applied (by looking in registry under hklm\software\policies\microsoft\windowsnt\terminal services) - windows firewall letting rdp traffic through (and issue still occurs if firewall off) - group policy templates being used in policy windows 8.1 , gpo created on windows 8.1 machine - if set registry key hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\terminal server\fdenytsconnections = 0, manually or via gp prefs, still not work - there no visible errors in application, system or security logs - have compared registry snapshots before , after change below , cannot see differences in relevant keys if take machine out