
Showing posts from May, 2011

RD Gateway SBS2011 having horrible performance issues

hello, we're using sbs2011 en rd gateway tot connect old terminal server 2003 (which phased out soon) , desktop pc's (windows 7 pro) @ work , 2012 server (not r2). but not matter connect (using windows 7 of 10 client), performance horrible. we response timeouts of 1-2 seconds every 10-15 seconds! the internet connection @ work (down/up) 16/1 mbit (not much). have problem, when work alone (late in evening) , nobody using connection me! i've read tread, can't see can change settings specified use low bandwidth. on windows 7 pc @ work (host) rd-client 8.0 installed (or have install update on work pc boost performance)? hi, >we're using sbs2011 en rd gateway tot connect old terminal server 2003 (which phased out soon) , desktop pc's (windows 7 pro) @ work , 2012 server (not r2). in general, in

Error in Powershell with foreach loop

hi, i use piece of code check if 1 or more services running on list of servers. if present , not running start service. list of servers in textfile. works well, seems check 1 time many, generates error : get-wmiobject : cannot validate argument on parameter 'computername'. argument null or empty. supply argument th @ not null or empty , try command again. @ d:\scripts\ps\servicetest2.ps1:17 char:63 +     $objwmiservice = get-wmiobject -class win32_service -computer <<<<  $computer     + categoryinfo          : invaliddata: (:) [get-wmiobject], parameterbindingvalidationexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : parameterargumentvalidationerror,microsoft.powershell.commands.getwmiobjectcommand the code is:   # setup trap catch exceptions trap [exception] {     write-error $("trapped: " + $_.exception.message); } # read computers text file $computers = (get-content d:\scripts\computers.txt); $start = $true; # setup servic

Windows 2000 Can Ping Server, Can Log In, Cannot Map Drive

i have several windows 2000 machines connected windows 2008 server, peer-to-peer.  machines behind hardware firewall/nat/router. all 6 win2k machines except 1 can map drive on server. one machine cannot. after selecting driver letter map, , specifying share on server, prompted login credentials.  enter credentials , receive no error "login failed" or similar;  login appears successful. then error: "the specified network name no longer available".  same result occurs when specifying either \\name\share or \\ip\share . i can ping server machine, both ip , name. i can connect sql server instance running on server, , internet. shares on win2k machine in question accessible , mappable other machines on network. no firewall running on win2k machine,  , have disabled firewall on server purposes of testing no change.  have uninstalled antivirus purposes of testing, no change. for purposes of testing, set shares allow authenticated users full access.  no

Cant save excel file

$importcsv = join-path "$psscriptroot" "data.tsv" $xl = new-object -com "excel.application" $xl.visible = $true $wb = $xl.workbooks.opentext($importcsv) $wb.saveas("data.xlsx") im getting error  you cannot call method on null-valued expression. excel opened should, not save it. $wbpath=join-path $pwd 'data.xlsx' $importcsv=join-path $pwd 'data.tsv' $xl = new-object -comobject excel.application $xl.visible = $true $xl.workbooks.opentext($importcsv) $xl.displayalerts = $false $xl.activeworkbook.saveas($wbpath,51) $xl.quit() while([system.runtime.interopservices.marshal]::releasecomobject($xl)){'released'} you need this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Hper-v 2012 datacenter host

i have 2012 datacenter server running hyper-v host 2 vm's. want join hyper-v host domain. affect 2 vm's running on host? 2 server vm's on domain. hi jmichael, >> will affect 2 vm's running on host? it not affect vms, hyper-v manager affected. hyper-v virtual machine management service (vmms) requires certificate. the “subject name” of certificate needs matche fqdn of host. after joining domain, fqdn of host changed. , faile connect vm in hyper-v manager. best regards, leo please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 Setup

Change Network adapter device name

i have couple of new servers 10 network cards, after installing server 2008 r2 of adapters have pretty same name makes identifying them in system center essentials virtual machine manager nightmare, how change names more friendly broadcom bcm5709c netxtreme ii gige (ndis vbd client) #1, broadcom bcm5709c netxtreme ii gige (ndis vbd client) #2, broadcom bcm5709c netxtreme ii gige (ndis vbd client) #3 etc etc. i sure going replies telling me hit f2 or right click , rename, name, not device name   thanks in advance david jackson mcse etc etc hi as far know, cannot done using scvmm or hyper-v since device description provided network driver. way editing registry keys, cannot recommended might cause damage operating system environment. i'm doing testing in lab see whether can editing registry. network device description location in (hkey_local_machine\system\controls­et001\control\class). please post if testing success. highly recommend no

Recovery data when transfer using multicast udp

hi all, i'm implement streaming video protocol rfc 2435 (mjpeg) through wifi. know, there lost data when using udp. please me recovery data. thanks, hi, udp provides connectionless datagram service offers best-effort delivery, means udp not guarantee delivery or verify sequencing datagrams. a source host needs reliable communication must use either tcp or program provides own sequencing , acknowledgment services. for detailed information, please refer link below, best regards. steven lee technet community support Windows Server  >  Platform Networking

WSUS on Windows Server 2012R2 - clients not reporting

i have following setup: windows server 2012 r2 domain controller wsus server role installed. all windows 7 pro sp1 clients: 24 clients connect , report , receive updates 6 clients connect, wsus console shows current "last contact" date , "not yet reported" under "last status report" these clients do not receive updates the 24 clients receive updates running windows update agent 7.6.7600.256 the 6 clients not reporting , not receiving updates running windows update agent 7.6.7600.320 a sample of windowsupdate.log client not reporting: 2015-02-11 10:08:14:713 1036 1dc au au setting next sqm report timeout 2015-02-12 15:08:14 2015-02-11 11:32:50:253 1036 1dc au ############# 2015-02-11 11:32:50:253 1036 1dc au ## start ##  au: search updates 2015-02-11 11:32:50:253 1036 1dc au ######### 2015-02-11 11:32:50:253 1036 1dc au <<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {dbd27b0c-f93f-43d2-bfc1-58394d79fb08}] 2015-02-11 11:32

Active directory and/or Windows Authenication

i have following questions active directory , windows auehtnication 1. can  tell me difference between active directory , windows authenication when working visual 2008? 2. can active directory , windows authenication work toegher? if so, can tell me how? 3. active directory , windows authenication same thing? if so, please explain. there no difference between windows authentication & ad authentication, when machine not part of domain user information stored local sam database & during login, local authentication mechanism utilized validate user using ad ldap based directory service authentication user information stored ad(ntds.dit)database, during login domain not local information ad used authorize user domain access. this user same followed machine account during login domain. machine forms secure channel dc securing information & maintains credentials default reset after 30 days. authentication protocol used domain login kerberos. yes, ad &am

Orphaned TPM Device Cleanup

hello, i trying find assistance in regards how clean mstpm-information objects in tpm devices folder in ad if user deleted computer object ad prior removing tpm object. os's prior 8 tpm info stored in computers attribute of 8 , above stored in separate container called tpm devices , when deletes computer object ad, not in turn delete tpm object hoping ms fix in future updates because walking in environment has thousands of orphaned tpm objects because admins did not first know had delete tpm object prior deleting computer object. i trying script query each mstpm-informationobject in tpm devices container , each item has sid reflected objects owner instead of friendly name should deleted because these items corresponding tpm object computer removed ad. because owner of tpm object created computer object written by/for. needless not having luck....yet. any ideas? hi, regarding script want, suggest take @ freddygrande’s reply in following thread , see if reference

Hyper-V Migration (VPS to dedicated server)

hey guys, there seem no ready tools available migrate vps dedicated server. can share expertise? trying move heavy resource vps dedicated.     jackson yap apc hosting hi,   unfortunately, didn’t description clearly. please provide details environment can perform further research. understanding.     best regards, vincent hu     Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Can I speed this up?

hello, i'm quite new powershell , way can pass on variables , object , such. currently i'm working on script lists home-directories in specified share , puts in variable. variable filled (all)ad-useraccounts with some properties such homedirectory, profiledirectory etc.. i want know folder i'm looking @ "attached" user (the homedirectory property). need because in old days removal of old data not realy done properly. i'm looping through homedirectory variable within loop, loop throught activedirectory variable find match. way of looping works results want. takes very long loop through variables (it costs around 13 minutes for 150 homedirectories and 5228 ad accounts, , reduced set of homefolders, real scan bigger). there way speed process up? this loop use (i stripped bit make more readable) :folderloop foreach ( $folder in $current_folders ) {     #here i'm setting variables     :userresultloop foreach ($objresult in $colresults) {            $objsearch

Windows 2008 Component Services Drag and Drop COM+ Application components

we've migrated older windows 2000 com+ application windows 2008. have working fine. noticed unable drag , drop components used on win 2000/2003. when we update components  delete them , drag file system component window. have add updated components via wizard. we looked @ 2008 documentation , states functionality still exists. @ first thought since administrative tools shortcut goes comexp.msc maybe dcomcnfg.msc work. exhibited same issue. the local admin user group (which member of) part of system application administrator role. , recall should enough give access everything, since can add component applications , components. i wondering if known issue or if there additional security settings have change in order drag , drop work. thanks responses in advance tim, found is, in order me use drag , drop in component services, had disabe uac. consequently fixed bunch of other problems our com+ components. anyway, thanks alvin

RDWeb VDI and printer redirection

hi trying enable printer redirection vdi desktops accessed rdweb current setup , settings win2k8 r2 win7 client modifications have been made config file: web.config (\rdweb\pages) "     <!-- gatewaycredentialssource: ts gateway authentication type.          admins can preset this.          0 = user password          1 = smartcard          4 = "ask me later"     -->     <add key="gatewaycredentialssource" value="4" />     <!-- devices , resources: preset checkbox values either true or false -->     <add key="xprinterredirection" value="true" />     <add key="xclipboard" value="true" />     <add key="xdriveredirection" value="false" />     <add key="xpnpredirection" value="true" />     <add key="xportredirection" value="true" /> " output "my desktop&q

DFS Issue

hi, i have 2 domains (domain1 , domain2) have 2 way trust i trying to create dfs link on domain1 named  \\domain1\root\ abc point dfs root of domain2 (domain2\root). idea doing domain1 users can access dfs root folders of domain2 while on domain1 dfs folder. i have created dfs link on domain1 described above. unfortunately when try access folder "abc" in domain1 throws error saying "network drive not accessible configuration information not read domain controller, either because machine unavailable, or access has been denied." when try create dfs link on domain1 directly targeting target server in domain2 works fine. issue setup need create indvidual dfs link on domain1  , everytime if there new dfs link created on domain 2 need create dfs link on domain2. avoid scenario want create 1 folder in domain1 directly points root folder of domain2 . if there changes in dfs structure of domain2, reflect in domain1 also please can advice on this thanks in

Terminal Server Visio/Word

hi guys, server os: windows server 2008 + sp2 client os: multiple (i testing windows 7) rdp client: shell = 6.1.7600, control = 6.1.7600 office: word 2007 + visio 2007 not sure if in correct place post cross on office system. my users have started notice when trying copy diagram visio , paste word, receive error stated below. word pastes file image opposed drawing can edited. "word has encountered problem" " there problem saving file. usually because disk or floppy disk small file or full, ram memory low, or there permission problem drive file being saved to. if amount of disk space paging file low, save file drive. if ram memory low, increase available ram. if permissions drive not allow save drive, save file drive or request permissions administrator save files drive. : error can occur if computer running version of antivirus software not compatible microsoft office system or needs updated."   thanks in advance. lee when copy mean u

Routing and Remote Access fails to install

hello, installed windows server 2008 beta 3 onto new computer, went smothly. have adds, dhcp, dns, iis, terminal services, , network policy , access service installed , work perfectly. however, tried install routing , remote access, got following error message when finished configuration wizard: "installation of routing , remote access service failed because: class not registered (80040154). whats causing this, , how fix this? did errors during ws08 install? have changed of permissions in registry or filesystem?   cheers   mk   Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

How a user can delete a file without rights from cut/paste action?

i have problem on 1 windows server 2003.   here situation.   on same drive e:\ folder 1 : jdoe has read access test has modify folder 2 : jdoe has modify access   user test take file on folder on modify access , cut/paste or move folder two.   after verification files on destination folder 2 has rights destination folder 1 supposed in rules of cut/paste or move. perfect.   after verification effective permission on file user jdoe has read access in folder 2 file moved.   the problem user jdoe can delete file if doesn't have rights it.   i did replace permission on child objects on these 2 folders , did replace owner on these 2 folders , sub-folders. nothing can break behavior.   no 1 admin on server user jdoe has modify access on folder 2 not supposed useful because file cut/paste action folder on same volume   someone has saw or can me ? thanks hi, this by behavior. by default, object inherits permissions parent object, either @

DHCP failover in the same and different VLAN

good day everyone. we're planning make dhcp failover (hot standby) on 2012 r2 server. while thinking deploying, stucked @ 1 question: our scheme include 1 scope : . main dhcp located in same subnet (111 vlan), having ip our standby dhcp have , located in subnet (40 vlan). how work? in theory, firstly client make broadcast main dhcp should answer first, router forward using dhcp relay standby server. work normally? hi, broadcast reach both dhcp servers active dhcp server respond client's dhcp request. regards, shamal Windows Server  >  IPAM, DHCP, DNS

Group Policy - Deployment of Antivirus

hi sir, please let me know , how deploy antivirus  software on windows server 2008 r2 (dc) client take updates from server, , exe can taken server install on client machine. thanks, regards, ravi kumar hi, what antivirus? antivirus should have management console install endpoints , administer av updates. installing .exe file cannot natively need use script or psexec or 3rd party tool. suggest looking @ management console should provided enterprise av solution Windows Server  >  Group Policy

logon script location

hi there, we applying logon script using user's properties in aduc: - user's properties - profile tab - user profile section, logon script field the scripts contained in %systemroot%\sysvol\sysvol\domain_name\scripts normal. we have quite few scripts generated , thinking of bit of management on it. we've created new folder under called test , tries call again never works. apparently scripts file can use 1 available under ...\scripts folder, not subfolder. is there way "read" content of subfolder? andrew p. create main script residing in netlogon and call scripts residing in subfolder within it... hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Different Apps on Different Session Hosts but all in the same collection?

i have 4 session host in 1 collection , i'd install 2 different applications on different session hosts (say app "a" on 2 hosts , app "b" on  the remaining 2 hosts).  what kind of behavior should expect load balancing?  will know app "a" exists on these 2 host , not load balance other hosts or try connect user host application doesn't live?  forgive ignorance. hi, each rdsh server part of same collection needs have same set of applications installed.  based on description need have 2 different collections, each 2 rdsh servers, or if want 1 collection applications need installed on rdsh servers. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

connect a projector

how d connect epson projector laptop something here might help.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Client computers

how win server8 configure your client computers backup? rufus roper rufus roper hi rufus, there group policy settings can used manage windows backup options in enterprise environment. [user configuration\policies\administrative templates\windows components\backup\client] [computer configuration\policies\administrative templates\windows components\backup\client] [computer configuration\policies\administrative templates\windows components\backup\server] if not address question, please let know more information requirements. regards, bruce Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

High Lsass process I/O activity on domain controllers

hi, i have around 15 domain controllers in domain. past few days have observed high value of lsass process i/o read & write activity on disk/database. value starts 2,00000 80,00000. cpu usage lsass low below 2%. please if can on how reduce lsass i/o activity , effect of such high i/os. domain controllers windows 2008 +sp2 & windows 2008 r2+sp1 latest windows updates. regards, jnana r dash you can use active directory performance counters perfmon (performance monitor) disk io counters , see if can see related ad activity when disk io spikes. have at: enfo zipper christoffer andersson – principal advisor - directory services blog Windows Server  >  Directory Services

media player wont play mp4 files

how media player 11 play mpeg4   files? try downloading codecs pack microsoft: mcts - please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Avast scans on Microsoft Windows Vista issue

hi, i have windows vista computer , attempting run full system scan avast detect threats/viruses. unfortunately, past several attempts i've tried has laptop frozen approximately 20 minutes scan, both when have avast , when i'm searching internet while scan's in progress. how can complete full avast scan without freezing? tried in regular safe mode no avail. appreciated. thanks! i'm not 100% version of vista have here numbers can of assistance: brand: toshiba part number: pscoyu-007008 if require additional info, let me know. please contact vista forums here Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Error 0x00000003 & 0x00000578 installing print driver

operating system = w2k8 server standard + sp1 , updates (64-bit) i recieve following 2 errors when attempting install microsoft inbox print driver. the steps performed follows: 1) utilize prnt mgmt, right click on drivers (local system) , select "add driver" 2) click "next" @ add printer wizard. 3) click "next" again leaving "x64 type 3 - user mode" selected 4) select driver list of available inbox drivers , click "next" 5) click "finish" the following 2 errors occur in order: 1st error window title: "add printer driver wizard" "unable install apollo p-1200, type 3 - user mode, x64 driver. operation could not completed (error 0x00000003)" click "ok" 2nd error window title: "print managment" "failed add driver. operation not completed (error 0x00000578) click "ok" is there solution? thank you, - tyler tyler mclaughlin tim - resolved issue building w2k8 server.  did based

I have de next problem with office 2013

hi, have windos 7 enterprice (spanish), i'm testing office proplus 2013 , have next problem: nombre de la aplicación con errores: winword.exe, versión: 15.0.4128.1019, marca de tiempo: 0x500a532b nombre del módulo con errores: kernelbase.dll, versión: 6.1.7601.17651, marca de tiempo: 0x4e2111c0 código de excepción: 0xc06d007f desplazamiento de errores: 0x0000d36f id. del proceso con errores: 0x19e0 hora de inicio de la aplicación con errores: 0x01cd7f3c88c3b061 ruta de acceso de la aplicación con errores: c:\program files\microsoft office 15\root\office15\winword.exe ruta de acceso del módulo con errores: c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll id. del informe: cf485e61-eb2f-11e1-adda-70f395576478 please need help seems have problem installing office 2013 on windows 7. please ask in office 2013 forusm


the user profile service service failed login user profile cannot loaded hi,   this issue can caused if default user corrupted. in order see default user folder need change view include hidden system files.    first rename old 1 on current server .old. try find default user same version of windows server os , copy users directory.   then try login again see whether same issue still exists.   technology changes life…… Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Ports to be open for ADC creation

we trying create addtitiona domain controller in windows server 2008 r2 standard edition. ending authentication error. adc server resolving properly. can 1 please tell port must open create additional domain controller. mct,mcse,mcsa,mcts, server administrator hello, all needed ones listed here: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

I can't clean up WSUS files.

the error is the wsus administration console unable connect wsus server database.     verify sql server running on wsus server. if problem persists, try restarting sql. -- transaction log database 'susdb' full. find out why space in log cannot reused, see log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases   source .net sqlclient data provider   stack trace:    at caller, delegate method, object[] args, boolean synchronous)    at method, object[] args)    at method)    at microsoft.updateservices.ui.snapin.wizards.servercleanup.servercleanupwizard.oncleanupcomplete(object sender, performcleanupcompletedeventargs e)   remember, original problem (ostensibly -- we're still lacking diagnostic data on configuration authority), database transaction log ran out of space

Build 9879 - SSD and HDD

after upgrade build 9879 system not showing me second hard drive (3 partitions). showing ssd system installed.  refresh doesnt work. ive tried. any ideas? in build 9879 new command added allows windows 10 technical preview manage spin-up of hybrid drives through puis (power-up in standby). command applied hdd in build 9879 , since corrected update kb3021937 . systems, firmware not supply puis spin-up command @ boot , hard disks not appear or appear in bios. these systems, third party utility must used disable puis on hard drive. see answer windows storage team here in thread @ microsoft community . brandon windows outreach team- pro windows pros on technet Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview Setup and Installation

An update that adds the ActiveX Installer Service to Windows Server 2008 R2

dear, has experience in terminal server environment ? advisable or not ? experience welcome. best regards, wim hi,   what problems encountered? whether kb cannot apply in rds or not? please provide detailed description of problem. thanks.   technology changes life…… Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

DFS Replication

dfs configured , working fine on server 2003 std , stopped. the server eol , have upgraded , went server 2008 r2 std. currently no dfs replication works. i getting following errors in event viewer the dfs replication service stopped replication on replicated folder @ local path d:\share. additional information: error: 9007 (unable set root path) additional context of error:   replicated folder name: share replicated folder id: 2e689d1a-7cc7-4bed-8fa7-1bd1fe9661ab replication group name: brentwood1 nas f replication group id: 5965b0c7-3c54-4765-9224-f8cd99ae966a member id: 99b7ee2b-0e36-46ff-93c2-b199f57adcb3 i event not error the dfs replication service initialized replicated folder @ local path d:\share. member designated primary member replicated folder. additional information: replicated folder name: share replicated folder id: 2e689d1a-7cc7-4bed-8fa7-1bd1fe9661ab replication group name: brentwood1 nas f replication group id: 5965b0c

RDP for Mac (version 8.0.17) - accessing local drives from server (Windows 2008 R2)

hi switched on mac , running rdp 8.0.17 our 2008 r2 server reason cannot find anywhere in rdp application map local (my mac) drive onto server can drag , drop files between server , local computer... can somehow let me know how please? thanks hi, in edit - redirection, check enable folder redirection. click + , add folder mapped in remote session. if cannot find option, upgrade 8.0.18 (but remember supported in previous versions).  please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop clients

Multiple Iscsi San's

hi, have implemented 6 node failover cluster hp lefthand iscsi storage. introduce second iscsi san 6 node cluster additional high capacity low performance vm's. possible create cluster shared volume on san, couple of vm's , still use 6 host servers yes, possible. remember each node need have access csv cluster can see storage.  you`ll need connect san through iscsi every node, before adding storage cluster. regards, kristian (virtualization , coffee: ) Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

product key

my product key not working.   hi joanna, yes, there different policy in different areas. you’d better contact local customer service center confirm state of product key. phone activation process provide appropriate phone number call. you can find your local custom support number on link below. best regards, greta ge technet community support it's recommended download , install configuration analyzer tool (offcat) , developed microsoft support teams. once tool installed, can run @ time scan hundreds of known issues in office programs. Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

Recommended NIC speed for NLB on windows 2003

hello, i have nlb 2 windows 2003 hosts. nic speed on these hosts set auto-detect meaning (10/100 auto) though nic's gig nic's. kind of remember there recommendation nlb not use 1000 full windows 2003. true or thinking soemthing else?   thanks in advance tom hi tom,   thanks posting here.   it should not problem deploy nlb on gigabit network , have tested it:   network load balancing system requirements   could post link of recommendation read or book name , page number here? meanwhile, can our recommendations nlb in link below:   network load balancing best practices   thanks.   tiger li please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread.

Preventing users from bypassing an RD Gateway for internal addresses

i trying prevent users being able bypass rd gateway internal addresses, can achieve changing "gatewayusagemethod" 1, in default.rdp file located in \my documents. i modify "gatewayusagemethod" attribute in default.rdp file users on network. is there way achieve via gpo or startup script such each unique user's default.rdp file has attribute(gatewayusagemethod) set value. hi, as way see it, may customize .rdp file, distribute users/computers via group policy preferences. more information you: configure file item best regards, amy please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Windows Server  > 

Get-ADUser and Filter on Multiple Attributes?

hi all, i have following script , able filter several different attributes shown below.  problem is, there's wrong way have set , cannot figure out...i'm hoping can. i think multiple "or" statements incorrect, i've tried "and" statements well.  thank can offer! $aduser = get-aduser -filter { (employeetype -notlike "contracto*") -or (title -notlike "pharm*" ) -or (samaccountname -notlike "*train*") -or (samaccountname -notlike "*micro*") -or (samaccountname -notlike "pt*") } -properties * -searchbase "ou=bogusou,dc=bogus,dc=bogus,dc=bogusnet" $mycol = @() foreach ($user in $aduser) { $myusers = new-object system.object $myusers | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name samaccountname -value $user.samaccountname $myusers | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name displayname -value $user.displayname $myusers | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name department -value $user

MAJOR AD Corruption on new server - HELP!

hi we in process of installing new server today. here scenario:   old server - server 2k3 new server - server 2k8 enterprise   we installed win 2k8 on new server, gave server different ip address , name old server. new server direct replacement old server , take name , ip address later on.   we ran dcpromo on new server, set dns, copied files. backed printers , shares old server, , moved them across. transferred fsmo roles old new shut down old server. new server restarted after transfer. ip address changed , name changed (from old new)   this problem. ad corrupt. ad sites , services, users , computers , domains , trusts domain unavailable. servername , dns both show name new, when run dcdiag reporting homeserver new on other entries (such default-site-first-name) servername old. major issue dcpromo has been run on old server (so ad no longer present) , when try , run dcpromo again bring ad reports domain not available. does have ideas how fix this? cheers

Data from Servers is not available from Domain Controller when trying open the server folder under the sitename in ADSS

hi, my organization has  one main office , 5 branches. built 2 dcs @ main office , 5 rodcs each branch. morning, when checked system, found when tried open folder named server in main site in adss windows, got error “data servers not available domain controller “name domain controller” because operations error occur. try again later, or choose dc selecting connect domain controller on domain context menu” , has " yellow ! mark" in folder. i checked replication in domain, still run normally. haven't found error yet. please, me  in issuse thanks much. hi all, help. finally, solved problem. there replication link root domain child domain had removed dcpromo command before built rodc. found them in adsi , deleted them. don't know why because demote child domain without errors replication link still remained in adsi. best regards, Windows Server

Confused on some questions from a book about pipeline. I think I understand pipeline now but the questions dont make sense.

below questions powershell book using learn , confused question. ------------------------------------------------------ in exercise, goal determine how pipeline works (or doesn’t in cases). goal not run full commands, use get-help , get-member determine if work. . task 1 . determine how object (or won’t) passed next command, either using byvalue or bypropertyname, , parameter making possible.   . get-service | select-object -property name   . task 2 . determine how object (or won’t) passed next command, either using byvalue or bypropertyname, , parameter making possible. .  get-service | format-table -property name . helmick, jason; robbins, mike f. (2015-01-28). windows powershell tfm (kindle locations 1816-1824). sapien press. kindle edition. . ------------------------------------------------------ . now watched video series on don jones read , studied in book.  not confused taught. .