
Showing posts from August, 2011

I need help using legacy thin clients

i built test 2008 terminal server have found doesn't work older wyse thin clients such 1200, wyse's linux based thin clients, , cli thin clients.  there don't appear event logs generated on server when thin client connects.  clients fail saying cannot connect.  have not problem connecting with newer blaster based thin clients wyse (e.g. s10, v10).  solving critical deploying 2008 based terminal servers.   thanks,   bill hello bill, wyse should have fixed problem , have update on site new firmware. have not heard other thin clients broken. may want contact these other vendors fix.    Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Already running a command

on occasion when using command connects server, command never completes.  if try cancel, message " already running command.  please wait "  wait apparently forever, or @ least beyond capacity of patience.  either open new tab, or close , reopen ise. the command may get-service or gwmi query.  server online, may or may not have admin access server.  guess it's possible remote server may trying respond, , pws waiting patiently reply.  i'm running ise windows 7 enterprise.  in general servers not have winrm enabled.  anyone have same issue or idea problem may be?  doesn't happen when cancel command i'd commands canceled. :) i'm sorry, there's bit speculate on.  may need see if there common problems, particular os, or try network traces.  sorry, not else think of can do. Windows Server  > 

Licensing Server 2008 R2 RDS with SPLA licenses?

i haven't used spla doing rds licenses , having trouble finding info on licenses. where licenses from? can't find info on spla site or on microsoft volume licensing service center site. thanks! hi, on rd licensing server, in rd licensing manager (licmgr.exe), activate server if have not already, right-click on server name , choose install licenses.  following wizard, , when prompted select services provider license agreement licensing program, enter spla agreement number, etc. please note under spla must keep track of number of unique users authorized use rds during month, whether connected or not. thanks. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Windows 2008r2 server got abruptly rebooted with Bugcheck error.

today our 2008r2 server got abruptly rebooted, found out in event viewer "the computer has rebooted from  bugcheck". bugcheck was: 0x0000001a (0x000xxxxxxxxx). .dmp created got analyzed, looks windows 7 kernel version 7600 mp (10 procs) free x64 product: server, suite: enterprise terminalserver built by: 7600.16385.amd64fre.win7_rtm.090713-1255 machine name: kernel base = 0xfffff800`01e0a000 psloadedmodulelist = 0xfffff800`02047e50 debug session time: wed mar 18 07:03:28.450 2015 (utc - 4:00) system uptime: 4 days 2:03:47.198 ******************************************************************************* * * * bugcheck analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* memory_management (1a) # other va

DFSR with Parent and Child domains

i have 3 servers dfsr between. 1 server parentdfs.example.local (parent domain) , other 2 in ca.example.local (child). have dfsr working between 2 child domain servers, various errors trying working third server. errors include: from parent domain server, when add dfs namespace dfs management following \\namespace\dfs : namespace cannot queried. rpc server unavailable. from child domain server, able add parent domain server replication group, had following errors in diagnostic report: cannot access local wmi repository. affected replicated folders: replicated folders on server. description: due following error, dfs replication reporting mechanism cannot access wmi (windows management instrumentation) namespace retrieve reporting information. error id: 0x80041002. and inconsistent configuration detected (missing object). affected replicated folders: replicated folders on server. description: dfs replication service detected inconsistent msdfsr-subscriber object while poll

Silly email question (SBS 2011 / Exchange 2010 / POP)

hi there.. i'm going about wrong way. 1 reason or , won't go in - please try , avoid the  "well, shouldn't have used that" answers @ stage. essentially... have client had few users/systems. he's running windows sbs 2011 standard on server. however, domain created same internal domain as his external domain. let's call 3rd party hosts emails , he's been given pop/smtp details mailboxes. i've input details , outlook fails find e-mail server. task <email address> - sending' reported error (0x800ccc0d) : 'cannot find e-mail server. verify server information in account properties.' happens every time.. i've tried various authentication tick boxes etc.. , none make difference. haven't set internet address on server - exchange shouldn't playing @ should it? i've disabled of exchange services incase - makes no difference. can receive email though, no problems. stupid qu

In "Add Features" for Server Manager .Net Framework 3.5.1 is not an option, tho THIS version IS installed!!!!

<noscript></noscript> working windows server standard 2008 32 bit.  in "add features" server manager .net framework 3.5 is not option.  showing in programs & features installed.  .net framework 3.0 show in server manager.  have removed .net 3.0, uninstalled 3.5 programs - reinstalled 3.5 , 3.0 showing again in list of installed features.  why 3.5.1 not appearing? version necessary me configure install new version of sitefinity. in case, i've checked multiple forums, looks many people have same problem, nobody knows answer. can't move on project without step. please help. hi,   .net framework 3.0 built-in component in windows server 2008 , .net framework 3.5.1 built-in component in windows server 2008 r2.     since running windows server 2008, expected .net framework 3.5.1 not option in server manager. can manually download , install .net framework 3.5.1 microsoft download center. after that, listed in installed programs.    

how many servers?

hi there, we'd deploy 2 server rds solution far can see we'll need 2x session hosts 1x connection broker 1x gateway however have budget 3 windows servers. therefore connection broker go on same server getway, or better put connection broker service on server (i.e.  rather using dedicated server). thanks advice on this. al yes, 2012 r2 standard allows 2 vms per license.     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

W32time, Event ID 50, Time Service detected a time difference of greater than 5000 milliseconds...

hi there, we seem seeing following error intermittently come across our windows 2003 server fleet: event type: warning event source: w32time event category: none event id: 50 date:  11/12/2014 time:  1:15:13 pm user:  n/a computer: computer-name description: time service detected time difference of greater 5000 milliseconds  900 seconds. time difference might caused synchronization with  low-accuracy time sources or suboptimal network conditions. time service no longer synchronized , cannot provide time other clients or update  system clock. when valid time stamp received time service  provider, time service correct itself.   for more information, see , support center @ . one of servers in question virtual running windows server 2003 r2 standard edition. the time-source inside network our primary domain controller windows server 2008 r2 virtual machine. in order rectify this, i've attempted follows, fixes

Searching Registry Help

hi, hoping can help. need create script search registry keys (including sub-keys) find 2 entries , report there values. need multiple servers have listed in txt file.  i output read this: computername, value1, value2 hi, you forgot post script , ask question. if you're looking prewritten scripts can check here: Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Disable Administrative share

domain controller = win2008 clients = winxp sp3 how disable administrative share (c$, d$ ) centrally/ via gpo any comment appreciated ________________________________ zahid haseeb br mads  please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Domain server CPU maxing out at 5:00

we have 2 2003 domain controllers.  1 of them maxes out cpu's @ end of day, between 5:00 , 5:30. directly related logging out, not sure exact culprit is. when watch process explorer, amorphous process "system" starts chewing more , more processor time, until maxes out , no 1 can login or files (this file server). starts maxing out processor every night, once week or bad stops responding altogether. memory not issue, , never surpasses 20% of memory usage. have roaming profiles turned on well, not sure if flood of files uploading server may culprit. has been happening past couple months. thanks do not use dc file server. bad idea number of reasons - performance being 1 of them... hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

RDS licensing server in DMZ

* posted in ds forum. sorry double posts mistakenly thought licensing belongs ds forum* i plan place licensing server in dmz don't have open ports between each single ts server in dmz , internal core network. in dmz there 1 rodc. installed licensing server in internal network , moved dmz after verifying worked fine. problem licensing server in dmz seems still want talk writable dc initial setup has been done (changing membership of "terminal server license servers", adding ts-enterprise-license-server object etc.) if right click , "review configuration", second check failed "the system cannot determine if license server registered service connection point(scp) in active directory domain services(ad ds) because ad ds cannot contacted". question #1: licensing server needs contact writable dc after inital setup has been done? question #2: licensing server has connectivity rodc, can hardcode rodc licensing role, how? question #3: if can't

Active Directory module for windows powershell is missing

i have windows 2008 r2 server core domain controller global catalog server running on hyper-v. running certificate services, dns , dhcp. not dc in domain , fsmo roles hosted on seperate physical box global catalog server. when ran dcpromo promote seemed lock had power off , on again. had demote , promote again. seemed fine second time around. have run best practice analyser make sure , appear active directory module windows powershell missing. powershell installed. way "repair" ad ds , missing files run demotion/promotion or there manual way of adding in the missing files? in advance i got there running dism /online /enable-feature /featurename=activedirectory-powershell. thanks advice, pointed me in right direction. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!KiDoubleFaultAbort+b8 )

debugging minidump file not able make out if problem related hardware or software? possible culprit “ntkrnlmp.exe” thread or process faulted beyond understanding. please can in investigating root cause. in advance. microsoft (r) windows debugger version 6.12.0002.633 amd64 copyright (c) microsoft corporation. rights reserved. loading dump file [d:\items\mini030413-01.dmp] mini kernel dump file: registers , stack trace available symbol search path is: srv*f:\symbols\websymbols* executable search path is: windows server 2008/windows vista kernel version 6002 (service pack 2) mp (16 procs) free x64 product: server, suite: enterprise terminalserver singleuserts built by: 6002.18607.amd64fre.vistasp2_gdr.120402-0336 machine name: kernel base = 0xfffff800`01e08000 psloadedmodulelist = 0xfffff800`01fccdd0 debug session time: mon mar  4 07:23:36.821 2013 (utc + 13:00) system uptime: 49 days 13:51:

Can I add windows 2008 sp2 domain controller to a domain with forest functional level Windows 2008 R2?

can add windows 2008 sp2 domain controller domain forest functional level windows 2008 r2? we set ffl windows 2008 r2, have discovered app needs windows 2008 sp2 domain controller, took down.  can add windows 2008 sp2 domain controller domain set @ windows 2008 r2? i upgrade dc windows 2008 r2 before adding domain, vmware virtual server , previous attempts upgrade out virtual dc's windows 2008 r2 , resulted in crashed servers. hi galloway, thanks post. you can have mixed os dc environments. however, if have higher functional level in domain/forest dc you want promote. then not recommended install since may affect active directory. as some applications require specific dc versions. therefore have check compatibility, if required. best regards, mary dong Windows Server  > 

cannot access the network due to time difference between your server and client even there is no time difference

hi all, i new forum. i getting following error on client machine. cannot access network due time difference between server , client but dont have time difference between client , dc. even run following command still no use. net time /domain:name /set we did following login. 1. removed lan cable conncted dc machine. 2. restart client machine. 3. connect cable. 4. able access network. dc windows 2008 server r2. client windows 2007 please help. stop net time service reboot client Windows Server  >  Directory Services

System Volume Information - Just can't figure out WHAT is in it and Why it is so huge

hello, i have exchange 2013 server vm, built on windows 2012 server os, , running on windows 2012 datacenter host. it has literally 3 accounts using it. these accounts have less 1 gig of actual email apiece. 2 @ 100megs... there no scheduled ups @ all. there no shadow copies enables (it's literally disabled in ui drive has c:) there no services running backup (including exchange) the system says there no actual restore points. when try cleanup see says zero... can't find information on fact has any. and yet, 300gig virtual harddrive down 5 gigs of space, , entire (visible usage) like, 80gigs.... i assuming rest in svi, because have no idea else be. since above stuff turned off, have no idea else or how stop happening. so if exposed tools tell me there nothing configured backup, no shadow copies... no services backup running, else possibly in there , how heck stop it. please , thanks hi anokneemous, thanks post. please also choose shadow copies tap cho

Run script as system and Prompt Active user

i trying run power shell script system have popupbox want redirect current logged on user.  i using create message box not sure how can redirect message box current active user. appreciated. thanks i not aware of way that. how script launched? if launched remotely or task, how know contact reply? there more 1 person logged client. richard mueller - mvp enterprise mobility (identity , access) Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Picture's Won't Insert In The Specified Location Within Document (Word 2010 Pro +)

i'm having issue inserting multiple pictures (as wmf's) in word 2010. i have document set each drawing in own section (using section break - next page).  there no text within these sections, single pictures re-sized fit entire size of section/page. i position cursor @ beginning of first section, click 'insert picture,'  browse picture location, choose picture , click 'insert.'  first drawing inserts i've indicated cursor. i position cursor @ beginning of next section, again click 'insert picture,'  browse picture location, choose next picture , click 'insert.' the second picture not copy place i've indicated cursor no matter do.  instead inserts second picture on top of first picture i've inserted, ignores cursor , defaults location cursor in when first picture inserted. even stranger, if leave empty section between each picture insert, pictures insert i've indicated cursor. is there way around issue?  tedious have c

Windows Server 2012 Essentails - Can I get an extended trial for 10 days or so (really need this)

greetings all, i'm running trial version of windows server 2012 essentials, , happy moved pcs , laptops over, reason in doing going go full version trial, but then thought trialing out 2012 r2 essentials , have been running no issues , rather spend money on buying version. i have 2 days left of trial license 2012 essentials,  is there anyway can extend 10 days or give me enough time finish of building other server ? thanks.. i inquired about microsoft support. answer 'no'. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 Essentials

Export-ModuleMember vs. Keys in Manifest

hello, i'm bit confused difference between export-modulemember , settable keys in module manifest. "export-modulemanifest -function" in module    |    "functionstoexport" in manifest "export-modulemanifest -variable" in module    |    "variablestoexport" in manifest "export-modulemanifest -alias" in module         |    "aliasestoexport" in manifest i'm unsure when should use 1 or other. can functionstoexport give script loads module access specific functions can't variablestoexport restrict variables. export-modulemember -variable seems work though. can give quick explanation, or point link one. risc, look closely @ helpfile both add-modulemanifest , export-modulemember job of explaining (note did read either). by default (no export-modulemember in module script) functions thing exported. if there call export-modulemember strictly followed. the module manifest used _restrict_ not add. play around manif

Export-mailbox to PST

hello, want export mailboxes exchange 2010 sp1 pst files follow article with cmdlet $export = get-mailbox –database mdb01 ; $export|%{$_|new-mailboxexportrequest -filepath "\\ex02\pstfiles\$($_.alias).pst"} and perfect, want add option divide pst files trimester, don't know how. target create batch file automatic divide mailboxes trimester , put pst files onto respective folder. example: user1 emails 01/01/2010 - 31/03/2010 -> 2010 trimester 1 emails 01/04/2010 - 30/06/2010 -> 2010 trimester 2 emails 01/07/2010 - 30/09/2010 -> 2010 trimester 3 emails 01/10/2010 - 31/12/2010 -> 2010 trimester 4 possible automate script create folders trimester each year? thanks... hi martinho, as understand, want export mails within  the mailboxes separate pst files depende

User's can't login after resume from standby.

when resuming standby our systems won't allow users login until network initalizes.  logging kerberos realm , error message when users attempt login "the system cannot log on because domain xxx not available".   running windows xp windows server 2008.  error makes sense since systems not have initalized network before user attempts log in.  there anyway force computer wait network come before user allowed login.   know there way on system startup through group policy, there anyway on resume standby? hi, as far know, there no such policy. suggest try update nic driver first. if issue persists, please test in safe mode network, what’s result? if no progress, please check if there error message in event log on windows xp systems. thanks. this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  > 

Upgrading Win Server 2008 R2 to Win Server 2012

i'm trying upgrade production server 2008 r2 standard 2012 standard. compatibility check reports no issues , install progresses 1 expect (i green tick-marks each stage of upgrade). gets last part of upgrade apparently clean-up of files used during installation. before final reboot message pops saying "installing windows cancelled. setup can't continue. computer restart, , previous version of windows restored". server reboots , rolls 2008 r2. there's nothing in error log (it's empty) , don't receive indication of problem during install i've no idea problem or how troubleshoot it. i've performed other upgrades without problems. server hyper-v server , doesn't run other software it's microsoft through , through - nothing out of ordinary. does know final task during upgrade 2012 , why cause rollback of server? can't see why clean-up of setup files cause such serious problem upgrade need rolling back. infact i'm pretty sure if

Windows Web Server 2008

does the new version of windows web server 2008r2 capable of running in 32 bit 64? 2008 come in x86 , x64.  however, 2008 r2 comes in x64. more info on 2008 r2 web edition:   visit , knowledge base. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

System randomly shutting down.

we have windows 2000 server (sp4) randomly rebooting system shutdown error, initiated nt authoruty\system: "the system process 'c:\winnt\system32\services.exe' terminated unexpectedly status code 128. system shutdown , restart" i have run several virus/worm detection tools, including ms malicious software tool, finding nothing. found ms article relating bogus share permissions seems indicate server reboots on startup. not happening. server reboots randomly once or twice day. there 1 share on server , looks ok in registry anyway. nothing shows in event logs @ time of restarts apart usual last shutdown being unexpected. it's possible may client or other network device causing problem site has several hundred pcs/laptops/servers. can suggest if there's way troubleshoot - maybe kind of logging or performance monitor counter see causing problem ?  realise w2000 end of life suggestions welcome. thanks hello jarweb,   it seems may have encountered issue mentioned

Win 7 incorrect network shared drive status on intranet domain

i posted question on in win 7 forum , moderator told me post here. network shares in 64-bit win 7 showing red "capacity" bar, , indicate shared drive full.  suspiciously show same size, 1.73 gb free on 40gb drive.  these shares mapped different folders on same physical disk. shares on server 2003 domain controller.  disk quotas turned on, current usage lower capacity shown in explorer.  drive status turns blue , capacity correct. also, network shares being duplicated, mapped multiple times different drive letters.  works fine on xp boxes in domain. thanks. -jrhokie Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Word Document That Consists Of One Table

i using office 2007.   i have word document (a .doc file) consists of 1 table spans 11 pages.   in order speed load on hand held devices (i have iphone) wrote macro divides file 13 small word documents (also .doc files) can loaded on device.   the macro resides in .doc file.   i run macro on 2 different systems, 1 xp pro sp-3 , other windows 7 home (64-bit) latest fixes.   the document uses standard template on both systems.   if put file on xp machine , run macro, small files , can run on hand held no problem.   the small files can opened on windows 7 machine no problem.   if put file on windows 7 machine , run macro, small files well, files can’t opened on hand held device.   if copy small files xp machine , try open files error “word cannot start converter mswrd632.wpc” 3 times , file opens.   any idea how can fix problem?   thanks help. if google "mswrd632 error fix" you'll 16000 hits -- widespread problem caused microsoft security patch. take @

Windows 10 Build 10074 My issues.

my issues this, no start menu, no app store, no cortana, no search. it's they're in active present no response @ all. install windows 10 home insider preview via windows update, after first intalls, take picture of start menu , start tablet mode , start menu not working , cortana , others mentioned. i've tried every solution on internet "regedit" ,, can't seem find windowsupdate in registry. tried powershell, "access denied" , tried ren %windir% somthing that, nothing @ all. tried wait 7 hours still nothing, , rebooted several times ,, still nothing. thing left clean installation can't that,, have no cd nor usb stick, sorry i'm not pro student study bs course coming semester. please find solution, unit i'm using sencondhand acer aspire 1 d270 .. please me, also,, no "windows rollback" in boot system when start unit. please help. thank in advance ps: action center working. tried windows update.. still nothing bunch

Group Policy Security Filtering

dear team we have 3 ous in ad (windows server 2008 r2). these ous belong particular country users. have 3 site well. default have restricted mstsc.exe (using software restriction policy "c:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe = disallowed") 3 ous due requirement enable users. i created gp , linked ou security filtering (removed authenticated users , added 1 user test). "c:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe = unrestricted, still says blocked group policy. same time have applied many gps on same ou using security filtering customize wall paper/disk access permission working fine. if take rsop, can see both policies in effect applied (disallowed , unrestricted)     can 1 me understand why mstsc not enabled gp security filtering.   regards suman b. singh group policy filtering applied ou/sub-ou users kept, either apply @ domain level or ou users kept excluded. never remove authenticated users group instead remove apply group policy option authenticated users. verify st

print server 2012 keep printed documents

hello i want configure print server 2012 so keep printed elements in hdd. does print server 2012 have option ? if no how can achived ? thanks in advane help jan prus hi, this 1 may help: keep copy of print sorry can't test in lab,if doesn't help,you maight want post query in print forum further assistance: ________________________________________ best regards, cartman please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact . Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Bitlocker Network Unlock Not Working - Network Protector wont appear

hello! first post on technet, apologize lack of information provided. happy provide additional info if needed. :) have been setting bitlocker network unlock , have gotten point ready test. using guide found here: have followed instructions diligently. however, when turn on bitlocker on client machine (which running server 2012 r2) the network (certificate based)  protector not listed when run " manage-bde –protectors –get c:" output after turning on bitlocker: c:\windows\system32>manage-bde -protectors -get c: bitlocker drive encryption: configuration tool version 6.3.9600 copyright (c) 2013 microsoft corporation. rights reserved. volume c: [] all key protectors     password:       id: {a01e17f4-3a27-4dc1-b8ab-bbc10366b7c1}     numerical password:       id: {7529a1e9-ba5e-4381-953c-065ea3474a97}       password:         337491-192984-705056-600281-097295-30

FAX Solution

hi, i'm looking fax solution in our corporate environment, within microsoft technology. if not i'm ready go third party solution well. the fax solution must facilitated through company outlook , incoming fax should received individual users (attention particular user based on telephone number) since have 3500 users. our setup is: active directory                 : windows server 2012 r2 company e-mail               : exchange server 2010 sp3 cisco                                 : voip & call manager thanks in advance , requesting valid advice please. regards,ali hi, thanks post. please check if below article helpful you: spotlight on exchange 2010: receiving faxes using exchange 2010 unified messaging furthermore, should contact exchange server forum further help:

Folder Permissions

hello everyone,        work company , recieved ticket to restrict access specific folder. ticket said: "please restrict permissions of following folder: \\******************* the following users should have full control: ****, ****, ****, ****, ****, **** all other users should able write files folder, not able read or write files in folder." obviously users require full control permissions easy. gave group "everyone else" following permissions: - traverse folder/execute file - list folder/read data - read extended attributes - read permissions i clicked ok, added same group again , gave them (i told 1 of guys here): - create files/write data - create folders/append data - write attributes - write extended attributes i created "test" account in aduc test out see if settings working , they're not. can view contents of folder can't open anything. users should able drop files off folder not able open anything. hope

Help needed - Planning Server 2012 solution, DC/Exchange/SQL/RDP host/Remote apps etc

hi all, i have client needing me provide windows server based solution business. have limited experience server 2012, although have worked 2008r2 , sbs2011, needing guidance 2012 project. the client has 8-10 local users work @ 1 office nbn connection, , 2 other locations have 3-5 users @ each location. needing provide them server based solution manage data, remote access , email. expand physical office soon. i need provide them dc controller, exchange server , possibly sql server in future. use act database, have been told once database in act grows 4g, dedicated database required? i thinking of having 1 physical server , virtualising additional servers on platform, come unix background , have not virtualised using hyper v or esxi before. have read little regarding cli , gui hyper v options, need advice on suit needs best has done it. i thinking maybe should recommend 1 physical machine server 2012 std which, understand, allow me install host hyper v host on physical mach

I have a Windows 2008 x64 r2 that I need to install HP's Universal Print Driver version 5.01 on. When I try to install the driver through the Drivers tab in Server Properties I get the following error

unable to install hp universal printing pcl 6 x64  (v5.0),  driver. operation not completed (error 0x00000002). reddy hi, 0x00000002 means "cannot find file specified" make sure driver package trying install not corrupted. if version of same driver installed, uninstall driver package , try again. in cases can mean driver dll in use. try restart spooler service , installing driver shortly afterwards. also take in following (answered) forum topic other ways tackle issue: mcp/mcsa/mcts/mcitp Windows Server  >  Print/Fax

DFS Multisite HUB&SPOKE replication configuration

hi there, have 4 file servers in different sites. want configure dr 4 primary file servers. going configure dfs (hub , spoke) model. os vms: windows server 2008r2 standard edition doubt here is, each source server has own unique fqdn name. can replicate 4 different fqdn 1 dfs server? or need provision 4 servers , configure 1 one dfs replication? please note 4 sites under single ad forest. can 1 please let me know sequence of steps involved achieve same? also, share me high-level pre-requisites? thanks , regards, dhakshinamoorthy balasubramanian dhakshinamoorthy balasubramanian hi, thanks post. may ask servers in same domain? and want deploy dfs across sites, right? if so, suggest refer articles below more details.

Tosh T100 8.1 to 10 failing 4 times

i've given night, latest windows update message 8.1 "updates installed....29/01/2015 22:10 (failed)" i got there on attempt 3, got confused on final stretch trying write read area of disk (or said). hi nick, find log file in following path: c:\$windows.~bt\sources\panther\setupact.log ( reference: ) if available, please upload them onedrive , post shared link here. for current situation, please download windows 10 iso file , burn dvd or usb drive (use tool: ), try clean install. before that, remember make windows 8.1 backups. (reference: ) the iso available download: download windows 10 technical preview iso enterprise version:

deduplication question

just discovered feature , have questions. new , limited understanding how works in analyzes file @ block level , if block same dark magic , files same matching block share one. having discussion people saying believe when scanning happens copy's universal data chunks to hidden folder on drive , shares that. the conversation changed happens if happens folder? can repaired copying hidden folder backup or need restore whole drive from backup , previous version still work properly? from disaster recovery point down side this? hi sgtwtf22, for deduplication data, is  compressed , placed chunk store located in hidden folder @ root of volume called system volume information, or “svi folder”. normal file replaced small reparse point, has pointer map of data streams , chunks required “rehydrate” file , serve when requested. for repair function, a weekly scrubbing job inspects event log logged corruptions , fixes data chunks alternate copies if exist. there optional deep

Configure LDAPS behind a F5 LTM

we using cloud application allows ad authentication; application allows 1 ldaps server. create fail over/load balance configuration application encountering issues. have f5 using load balance. created csr f5 , generated ssl rapid ssl. fqdn of ssl references vip , not 2 dcs fqdn. i imported ssl dc in ntds/personal certificate store when trying connect verify ssl ldp.exe, error , following error in event viewer: ssl server credential's certificate not have private key information property attached it. eventid:36869. have private key cannot import cert store. have tried run command certutil -repairstore "cert sn" error object not found. @ point, want dcs working through ldaps on port 636. can please lead me in right direction? thank you hi, in case f5 ssl endpoint, external ldap client not see certifcates on dcs, see certificate on f5. you must import certificate got rapid ssl on f5. you can configure f5 act ssl endpoint or forward traffic dcs. recommen

Server 2012 Essential alongside Server 2003 Standard

if install server 2012 essentials on domain 1 existing server [server 2003 std], and choose migration process, once completed still have access primary application (accounting) on source server or must reinstall application on new server , move data. would like have little time migrate new server, , according reading sbs versions of windows server that must removed within 21-days. may br dependent upon application, curiuos experience others have scenario. unfortunately have litte "real" experience server migration, , more read more questions have. contributors/responders ... resource! hi, since existing domain windows server 2003 standard domain, when finish installing windows server 2012 essentials on destination server in migration mode, not required demote or remove source server network. continue use windows server 2003 standard source server domain controller or additional server. for details, please refer following article. migrate server data win