
Showing posts from June, 2015

Win 2012 File Server - Client is getting Access Denied though Permissions are correct

hi all, i have built test windows server 2012 standard edition server , have folder on d drive have shared. example d:\shared. have set share permissions on folder normal user account (eg pjscott13) , administrator account (eg admin) have full control. have set folder permissions default (admins fc , users read , execute) , added normal account (pjscott13) modify permissions , admin account member of local admins group, should have full control. no matter computer or user account try access shared folder variation of error message saying access denied or folder is inaccessible. if access shared folder locally on win 2012 server going \\server\shared can access not win 7/2008r2 server or win 2003 server. have since disabled firewall on win 2012 server , still fails. if go \\server can see shared folders can't access them. can please help?! surely isn't meant difficult! have done many times on every other version of windows , never had trouble. hi, sorry quest

can not add user to group

hello everyone, when try add user group error: "the program cannot open required dialog box because cannot determine whether computer named "<computer name>" joined domain." after closing error, receive: "undable display user selection dialog. rpc server unavailable." how fix rpc server? ideas? refer hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Printer policy applied after 2nd logon

hi, we have user group policy map printers our users. done @ "user configuration -> preferences -> control panel settings -> printers" , not done called printer deployment policy. in policy have defined removal of shared printer connections order 1. order 11 set map printer update action , has item-level targeting set. printer mapped user default when computer on user logged on located in ou. what try achieve, when user logs on set of computers printer in same room mapped , become default printer. when same user logs on other computer, printer must removed , must not used. what happens follows: when users logs on computer in specific room, printer mapped , set default. when user logs off, printer written default printer in roaming user profile. when user logs on computer in different room, printer still there , set default. remain until user logs off , logs on again. let work user needs logon twice on computer in different room. what can causing , how

Old deleted server still in Active directory and prevents dcpromo

i trying demote server because old , have new 1 installed , working. executing dcpromo in old server produces error: active directory domain services not transfer remaining data in directory partition dc=forestdnszones,dc=xxxxxx,dc=local activedirectory domain controller \\newserver.xxxxxx.local. "the directory service missing mandatory configuration information, , unable determine ownership of floating single-master operation roles." have queried active directory "netdom query fsmo" , fsmo roles in newserver. looking "directory service log" of old server event viewer, see warning following description: operations require contacting fsmo operation master fail until condition corrected. fsmo role: cn=infrastructure,dc=forestdnszones,dc=xxxxxx,dc=local fsmo server dn: cn=ntds settings\0adel:38b2eef0-bfa3-438a-a337-52349d447c49,cn=svm\0adel:b4474016-1746-4988-af31-9f0d75909dbc,cn=servers\0adel:a2ea0c85-85c1-4424-8f98-2d9ad429cd8b,cn=s

Scripted change of own password.

hello, i'm having 2 windows servers(a , b) not in domain, both running windows server 2008 r2. on server i'm logged in as  administrator. on server b have user account member of group users.  account on server b don't have enabled "prevent user changing password". need able automatically(by script or c++\c# application) change password of user on server b server a. limitations are: - need avoid things opening rdp session , sending keystrokes. - need avoid using 3rd part software(paid or opensource - know can use pspassword this). i have tried via vbs script set ouser = opensdobject("winnt://b/username,user", "b\username", "oldpassword", 1) when try change password via ouser.changepassword "newpassword" accessdenid method. in fact same error message can receive if "net user username *". it's coming fact, it's trying set password, not change it. there way how can allow 1 user set

Server won't boot - in a bad place

so i've been searching everywhere solutions attempt.  i'm in bad place less 2 days go before vacation going have cancelled. i'm hopeful , thankful today may have ideas.  brand new dell poweredge server thats 4 months old.  raid 10, 32gb ram, processors.  i have run of dell diagnostics find.  no hardware issues @ all.  nothing being reported in drac @ all.  yesterday morning server running, running slow throughout office.  apparently in office thought idea restart server.  so have no idea going on before that.  the server never came back.   i tried boot normally. nothing.  i past of dell post , splash screens.  i uefi boot initialization screen.  i see windows logo spinning circle 10 minutes.  it time out , go restore screen.  first thing tried safe mode.  note see activity on drives before attempt reboot in safe mode.   safe mode yields windows logo no activity.  drives flash 1-3 times, no activity.  no spinning circle under windows logo.   i've tried boot d

Looping mess.

i'm banging head trying figure out. learning how script has been fun , frustrating challenge @ times :). hope guys/gals can me out , show me error of ways. so, i'm trying run loop matches values hash table against list that's running through foreach-object. want print $hash.key , service matches $hash.value key key: pc-01 something stopped something-else stopped key: pc-02 something running something-else running key: pc-03 something stopped something-else stopped code i'm testing on $hash = @{"pc01"="stopped";"pc02"="running";"pc03"="stopped" } $list = get-service t* | foreach-object {$tmp = $_.servicename; $tmp2 = $_.status; foreach ($i in $hash.keys){ write-host $i if( $tmp2 -eq $hash.$i ){ write-host $tmp "is" $tmp2 } } } as can see below, output qu

Windows 2003 Terminal services printing

1.)i have setup printers on terminal servers. staff can see wants change depending on groups particular set of printers should visble. so remove printers terminal server , put ts startup script of each user printers or mapped print server.or can hide printers on terminal server depending on group. 2.)also when trying logon ts takes client thinks slow. don’t know can make quicker .any suggestions. slow?   regards malli boppe hi, 1 - you can apply security permissions in printer properties. remove "everyone group" , add users ou groups needs use printer. way, users have permissions can see printer. 2 - unmark redirected devices. verify if process or program started when users loads ts session. post result. tks. paul haro - microsoft certified professional Windows Server  > 

Receive Side Scaling - determine whether it is being used

hi, there way determine 100% whether windows 2008 r2 using receive side scaling?  not mean looking @ fact turned on (netsh int tcp show global) versed in this.  want confirm being used. don't want anecdotally (eg, looking @ cpu usage across single cpu vs multiple cpus) - want know if there way technically, "see" receive side scaling in action. have 2 identical modern servers - 1 rss enabled , 1 disabled.  apart looking @ settings can't confirm sure 1 using rss , other isn't.  i'd achieve. i'm looking similar "netstat -t" lets view tcp connections being offloaded (which confirms whether tcp offload being actively used or not).  there way "see" rss being used?  perhaps performance counter or similar? cheers, david i worked out way of doing this.  isn't elegant seems work. actually, exact technique (the developer owns ndis's rss feature) have recommended windows server 2008 r2, if hadn't have figur

Virtual machine, iSCSI storage and snapshots

hi all, i have vm iscsi attached disk on hyper-v 2012. , when take snapshot , apply it, data on iscsi disk changes. how happen? thought that iscsi disk is like physical , can't take snapshot it. perhaps feature of storage system or hyper-v feature realized by default. anatoly hiya, scsi , ide disks virtual disks, benefits of virtual disks. snapshots etc. pass-through disks are, disks passed on vm without further virtualization. sounds have iscsi mixed pass-through :) Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

netdiag says "The DNS entries for this server are not registered correctly"

i have 2 domain controller @ 1 site , total has 3 site , this server 64 bits windows 2003   i tried run dcdiag : somehow saw tombstone  e:\documents , settings\administrator.opulent>dcdiag /test:dns domain controller diagnosis performing initial setup:    done gathering initial info. doing initial required tests    testing server: singapore\sgdc03       starting test: connectivity          ......................... sgdc03 passed test connectivity doing primary tests    testing server: singapore\sgdc03 dns tests running , not hung. please wait few minutes...    running partition tests on : domaindnszones    running partition tests on : forestdnszones    running partition tests on : schema    running partition tests on : configuration    running partition tests on : test    running enterprise tests on :       starting test: dns          test results domain controllers:             dc:  

ipconfig/all shows cluster Virtual IP's Configured under physical NIC adapters

few days had activity upgrade nic drivers , firmware on windows server 2008 cluster nodes. before start of activity, have taken backup of configured ip's using ipconfig/all command safer side. post activity completed have configured same ip's per backup have taken before. i tried fail on testing of cluster resources not successful , got error of ip conflict strange me. looked again on ip configuration , found perfect per backup. looked in our internal application of ip database , found discrepancy in ip configuration ipconifg/all backup have taken.  fail on testing has been done after configured correct ip's. i have found while taking backup of ip configuration have used ipconfig/all command captures cluster virtual ip's , showing configured in nic adapter not anywhere available in physical adapter. i believe cluster virtual ip's should not shown configured in nic adapter. hello, on our cluster virtual nics listed. shouldn't problem. details cluste

Why does my desktop PC fail to boot first try?

after having since installed windows 10 technical preview on 80gb hdd, single partition, main os (not dual boot). whenever start desktop pc first time automatically turns off before able login windows 10 technical preview. when turn on desktop pc second time windows 10 technical preview starts fine. i tested few times in succession , every time shut down computer , turn on, loading windows 10 technical preview, loads preview successfully.  after leaving computer off period of @ least 30 minutes , turning on, first boot causes desktop pc automatically turn off before i'm able login. i continue using windows 10 technical preview if i'm unable boot first time, every time, it's frustrating. my desktop pc system specifications: cpu: intel core i5-750 lynnfield quad-core mb:   asus p7p55d - hybrid series ram: corsair xms3 4gb ddr3 1600 hdd: seagate 80gb 7200 rpm gpu: sapphire hd 7750 1gb gddr5 psu: antec cp-850 hi, you might try turning off feature

Create computer object: Command line - specify "Join" user/group

i've searched online way create computer object, via command line or script, while specifing user/group can join machine object unable find viable solution. there many ways create objects none, can find, provide means of supplying the "join" user/group for those who will actually "push" machine ad, forcing create object and specify the user/group manually through ad snapin. any insight appreciated. if i'm understanding question correctly, can use netdom join computer domain , specify account joined.  the  kb below outlines 2 processes specifying credentials: 1 admin creds , 1 non-admin accounts. if isn't you're asking, please provide further description.  i'm not entirely sure mean "join machine object." hopefully helps. Windows Server  > 

XP Computer cannot connect to Terminal Server

i have overseas site has 2 xp computers. both trying connect our terminal server here in texas. users have come in through juniper open terminal server. 1 xp box works , gets logged terminal server. other user's pc gets " the client not connect remote computer. remote connections might not enabled or computer might busy accept new connections. possible network problems preventing connection. please try connection again later. if problem continues occur, contact administrator." kicks user juniper login screen (he stays logged juniper). clicking on ts link gives him error. i'm assuming wrong xp box itself. no other ts user getting error. i've checked , made sure "remote desktop" exception under windows firewall, , on pcs. i've installed rdc client 6.1 make sure current, error remains. what wrong on xp box refusing log ts session? again, there's no problems else connecting, server shouldn't issue.   thanks! hi hosier,   thank

Upgrade to Windows server 2008 X64 failed, rollback to server 2003 R2 X64

after several boot’s , no warning, upgrade end rollback windows server 2003 r2.   even after investigating 2 setup logs setupact.log   and setuperr.log , no possible clue revealed.   this done on equal server upgraded, similar starting os. hardware hp blade bl 20p g3.   any tips !   hi,   as issue, i'd suggest contact hardware provider confirm if hardware supports windows server 2008.   more information windows hardware compatibility list:   more details how correctly upgrade windows server 2008   upgrading rc1 version of windows server 2008   i hope helps.     best wishes -------------- morgan che microsoft online community support   Windows Server

How to set a specific password policy to one user in AD 2008 R2?

hi, my active directory @ 2008 r2 level (domain , forest).  have domain-wide password policy:- password changeable @ 80th day password expires @ 90th day now, need specific password policy 1 user:- password changeable @ 5th day password expires @ 10th day could give me human-readable procedure achieve this, please? tia if haven't seen link below might want read through it, perhaps out. -- paul bergson mvp - directory services mcitp: enterprise administrator mcts, mct, mcse, mcsa, security+, bs csci 2008, vista, 2003, 2000 (early achiever), nt4 twitter @pbbergs please no e-mails, questions should posted in newsgroup. posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  > 

Unable to access child domain DFS from parent domain

we have parent/child domain setup utilizing dfs domain namespaces in both parent , child domains.  have 2003/2008 dc , dfs servers.  parent domain, i'm unable access or manage child domain dfs.  receive "the namespace cannot queried.  rpc server unavailable." when add child domain to dfs management.  dfs working fine within each domain.  working child domain client access parent domain's dfs, not vice versa.  reason why not working? hello danny, is there firewall between parent , child domain? if so, received "the rpc server unavailable" erro message, please kindly check verify below dfs ports not blocked on any firewall between 2 domains.  distributed file system the distributed file system (dfs) integrates disparate file shares located across local area network (lan) or wide area network (wan) single logical namespace. dfs service required active directory domain controllers advertise sysvol shared folder. system service name: dfs  

Windows Server 2008 R2 DataCenter RAM UPGRADE TO 144GB not all usable only 120GB usable

hi all, i have upgrade customer system 144gb ram . bios showing 144gb ram when loaded windows server 2008r2 x64 datacenter edition . it appear 120gb usable. can advise me how resolve ? ong hello, 1. open resource monitor, how memory hardware reserved? might explain how other 24gb ram used. 2. motherboard have memory limitation? contact vendor more information , maybe update bios. 3. did upgrade system lower version datacenter version?   regards, zhang       technet subscriber support if technet subscription user , have feedback, please send feedback here . Windows Server  >  Server Manager

Epson LX-300, Epson FX-890 printers in Windows Server 2008 x 64 and Windows 7 (x32 and x64)

i have following problema working rdp connections windows 2008 server (x64) sp2 , windows 7 professional (x32 & x64). i have setup correctly epson lx-300, lx-300+, lx-300+ii  and fx-890 printers in separate computers in windows 7 (all working under windows 7 professional x64 , x32) , work correctly. i need rdp windows 2008 server sp 2(x64) , once log in, server operating system recognizes printer no problem @ (redirected printer), when print, characters , not understandable, since printed information blurry. when i excatly same procedure client windows xp installed printed information totally clear, can determine @ least printers working fine. i understand should driver issue, can't make work correctly. can help. hi, since printer can print test page, there no need collect event log. notice there no specify driver windows 7 , windows server 2008. seems default easy printer driver doesn’t work these printers. i suggest install windows vista driver version on s


respected sir,    i sorry ask question, because may not qualified windows in depth. i understand each , every module of windows excellently defined , published. but, have doubt why "system32" a directory in c:\windows named. there may solid reason why named. since important system files stored in directory not named. want know exact reason why named "system32". thanks concern., thanking you, yours truely, j.santhosh kumar, ace, hcl infosystems, india. hi santhosh, based on knowledge, 32-bit windows, due folder serves 32-bit applications, naming system32 makes sense. however, 64-bit windows, compatibility reason, folder serves 64-bit applications , 32-bit versions of files stored in syswow64. feature called file system redirector . in addition, if have further questions or concerns, question may related windows development, recommended post threads in our developer forums better assistance. hope helps. jeremy wu t

0xc000021a BSOD

lenovo thinkserver td340. 32gb ram, 2 ssd 1 hdd.there raid integrated card. raid 0 setup 2 separate drives since need separate storage drives. got bsod trying install 2012 r2. had plug drive directly mb in sata port. got installed. adjusted settings, took updates, shut down , restarted without issues. installed ad ds, dhcp, dns roles, restarted bsod. never recovered. not load safe mode either. hi evanmeyerberg, bug check 0xc000021a occurs in user-mode process, common culprits third-party applications. if error occurred after installation of new or updated device driver, system service, or third-party application, new software should removed or disabled. contact manufacturer of software possible update. if error occurs during system startup, restart computer, , press f8 @ character-based menu displays operating system choices. @ resulting windows advanced options menu, choose last known configuration option. option effective when 1 driver or service added @ time. if not

Configuring SQL Server 2008 in Hyper-V

i want install sql server 2008 based application on dell poweredge r610 in server 2008 hyper-v.  disk i/o concern.  r610 has h700 raid controller.  if configure 4 drives in server raid-10, can use array passthrough-disk when configuring vm? if configure secon vm @ later date , configured remaining 2 drives raid-1, second array used pass-through disk? thanks, the difference in performance between passthrough , fixed vhd in hyper-v r2 slight it's not worth being concerned about. lose in flexibility makes passthough disk poor choice. not create passthrough disks. wrote chapter on hyper-v in sql server mvp deep dives book. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

SNMP Traps are not working in windows server 2012

hi, i not able send snmp traps windows server 2012,i install snmp service , traps , able start/stop snmp service well. send traps windows server 2008 r2 not in windows server 2012 server also see mib doesn't function in windows server 2012,is there configuration needed specific windows server 2012 ? came across microsoft link saying , “ snmp deprecated. instead, use common information model (cim), is supported ws-management web services protocol , implemented windows remote management ”.   could please give me sufficient information regarding snmp in windows server 2012. hi krisjagan, it’s been declared deprecated means there won’t more updates this. it in fact available feature in server 2012. pasting screenshots below lab, can refer following related third party article compare install step same or not, , whether configure firewall correct. snmp extension fails on windows 8/server 2012 when attempting network communication

Unable to open Exchange Management Shell , Exchange 2013 CU1 due to kerbores authontication failure

hi, i have installed exchange 2013 cu1 , after not able open exchange management shell, exchange server has been installed on 2008 r2 sp1 ( not in virtual m/c ). error message after opening management shell below. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ verbose: connecting new-pssession : [] connecting remote server failed following error message : winrm client cannot process request. winrm client tried use kerberos authentication mechanism, destination computer ( returned 'access denied' error. change the configuration allow kerberos authentication mechanism used or specify 1 of authentication mechanisms supported server. use kerberos, specify local computer name remote destination. verify that client computer , destination computer joined domain. use basic, specify local computer name remote destination, specify basic authentication , provide user name , password.

Event ID 129 Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort0, was issued

hello! have r510 server windows  server 2008 r2 std , found event id 129 in event viewer. have been looking on intenet can not found "percsas2" log name: system source: percsas2 date: 20/09/2013 07:05:17 a.m. event id: 129 task category: none level: warning keywords: classic user: n/a computer: tpxsvr01.tapex.corp description: reset device, \device\raidport0, issued. event xml: <event xmlns=""> <system> <provider name="percsas2" /> <eventid qualifiers="32772">129</eventid> <level>3</level> <task>0</task> <keywords>0x80000000000000</keywords> <timecreated systemtime="2013-09-20t12:05:17.745123100z" /> <eventrecordid>89913</eventrecordid> <channel>system</channel> <compu

NIC card missing in hyper-v 2012 Team console

hello, i trying team 2 network cards server manager->local server->teaming, while new team wizard other network cards can see teaming whereas 2 cards missing wich want team......can please me check. hi , did try remove these nics "device manager" then click "scan for hardware changes" reload nic driver.   best regards elton ji we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time. helping make community forums great place. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Account expires and Client Certificate Mapping

i testing user account has account expired date in past.  when attempt authenticate using rsa access manager, see mevent messages stating account expired , windows token not created.   however, when use client certificates , named mappings in ad, user authenticated , let web site. is there missing regarding account expires , why user still allowed in using certificates? thanks mark one-to-one mapping type of ad mapping each user has it's own altsecurityidentity. in case simple capture reveal dc returning iis. mentioned above can try disabling account , see if fails , alternatively can switch test san upn mapping. here can see chart of different methods: Windows Server  > 

Importing from SAMBA OPenLDAP with LDIFF into active directory 2008 R2

hi in our corprate environment haev (last 10 months) created windows ad domain login , authentication. have samba share servers still using ldap , seeking migrate data on windows server related autehtication , file rights. i have seen ldiff , extensive, several thousand folders having defined rights. as well, username being used in samba not same 1 being used in ad. assume user groups , users present in samba not in ad. basically need script to: match current ad names samba user names fix remainders (what users / groups used or present on samba not in ad), , purge if not needed being migrated create similar file structure once rights assigned work (robocopy) once needed users created on ad , set properly, can proceed push rights of folders users , groups. does seem sound? of course, testing , backups not listed here, ad migration standpoint sound? have looked on internet , have not seen site or info on doing this. have seen adding samba ad, not desired. any he

How do I manually export the Local User Accounts Database? Standalone Windows Server 2008 R2

hello i want export/backup local user accounts , passwords disaster recovery (the sam database?). preferably spreadsheet or similar. how do that? for technical reasons cannot use system state backup. hello, please see in can follow "migrate local users , groups" export local accounts. kind of backup may use, test in lab . best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Machine auth stopped working suddenly

hi guys,   this informative forum. did described above , works charm. problem stopped working no apparent reason. checked network guys , did not change anything. of vista machines on field still work. new ones prepare not work. ideas appreciated.   this imported when working:   code snippet <?xml version="1.0"?> <lanprofile xmlns=" ">  <msm>   <security>    <onexenforced>false</onexenforced>    <onexenabled>true</onexenabled>    <onex xmlns=" ">     <authmode>machine</authmode>     <eapconfig><eaphostconfig xmlns=""><eapmethod><type xmlns="">25</type><vendorid xmlns=""&

Slow Login GPO Preferences - Printers "Applying Group Policy Printers"

we attempting resolve problem slow logins domain windows 7.  a user logs in first time , login takes 2 5 minutes @ times.  we installing 7 8 network hp network printers server.  in attempt resolve issue have enabled verbose logging via gpo , found gpo printer policy taking majority of time.  we have disabled client side rendering on printers, upgraded universal driver 5.1 on print server , enabled 'point , 'print in gpo not show messages going admin templates, control panel, printers.  can suggest else ?  we have lab have multiple users logging network.  we install printer locally, our printer management software not able monitor print usage.  thanks. hello phil26271, please check if following kb can resolve issue. group policy preferences stops responding when try configure printer item printers use third-party drivers on windows vista or windows server 2008-based computer brent hu, please remember click “mark

motherboard sound drivers for winfdows 10

got asus motherboard p5vd2-mx integrated ad1986a soundmax 5.1 channel codec high def audio but can not work in windows 10, worked fine when had windows 7 installed, wants to keep putting sound through viewsound hdmi monitor via hdmi. can`t windows 10 understand there? help !!!, body sorted drivers ?. this 10 year old board. work fine on windows 7 using vista beta driver. not sure recommend installing vista driver windows 10. when run these situations original manufacturer not support os, other boards same chip. since hardware old, there may not official support @ all. Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Cannot open Help and Support

cannot open , support - says needs system  service not running, needs , support answer please post error log verbatim.  a guess .... 1 might apply.     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

registro de archivo borrados

buenas tardes tengo un servidor windows server 2012 sin active diterectory quiero saber que usuario borro algún archivo de una carpeta compartida , habilite al grupo en la opción  de auditoria y tambien en directivas de seguridad local -> directivas locales->directivas de auditoria -> auditar el acceso objetos lo dejo opcion erroreno pero en el visor de suceso no me entrega el evento que quiero.¿ estoy bien en los pasos? pablo baez   pablo baez administrador de sistemas tienes que habilitar el acceso objetos "correcto". el erróneo solo auditará los intentos fallidos de acceso. luego en la carpeta auditar, permisos avanzados, auditoría, seleccionas el usuario o grupo al que vigilas (o todos) y el tipo de operación registrar (lectura, escritura, todo). Windows Server  > 

Memory Paging Issues

hi i have windows server 2003 r2 sp2 12gb memory attached via fibre hp msa2000 , used our file , print services. server has 2 x 72gb (raid1+0) (10k) os disks , msa presents around 2tb of disk space used store general day day working files.  there approximately 800gb free , paging file located on internal 72gb disks. the problem have high memory pages/sec readings. these typically max @ around 4000 pages/sec , average on normal day @ around 600 pages/sec. although there no obvious end-user issues, reading various tech notes indicate these reading far high. if can point me in right direction why occuring , maybe how resolve issue great. thanks in advance help.           start bing! sysinternals tools @ ms site, can use process explorer nail down app or service eating memory up, if can, @ moving pagefile off same physical drive os. :p advice offered, if need more advised seek council , advice of paid professionals. answer 42, or reboot.

2012 Remote Desktop

hi: will office 2010 (32bit) work when installed on remote desktop server 2012? thanks gareth in terms of 32-bit version on 64-bit os, yes, would. believe microsoft recommended 32-bit version on 64-bit os'. in terms of support windows server 2012, can't recall seeing specific on that, may want check on in case run in problems. the following article details additional planning considerations deploying office 2010 in rds environment (admittedly server 2008 r2, though principles still apply) - Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

logon restrictions

hi all, i'm using 2008 r2 remote desktop services. possible restrict user to login through rdp one specific ip-address? example: user joe allowed work office, , not home. office ip-address fixed. rd server hosted, not in office well. no vpn. other users within group policy are allowed login anywhere. thanx! hi,     your request relative ip level filter, suggest can set nap server filter source ip address.   configure ip filters in network policy       thanks. Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)