
Showing posts from August, 2014

multiple _msdcs zones

hi all, it's easy explanation. the environment single forest / single domain. all dc's dns servers, , either 2008r2 or 2008. both domain/forest functional levels windows server 2003. whenever 1 of dcs rebooted, see event 4515 logged in dns logs the zone loaded directory partition copy of zone has been found in directory partition dns server ignore new copy of zone. please resolve conflict possible. when run adsi edit, can see in both , is normal? if not, problem? when check zone in dns manager, ad integrated, , replicated dns servers in domain       thanks awinish. it seems current dns zones domain replicated, can see of them in forestdnszones domaindnszones there aren't cnf or in progress though, proper duplicates according ace's blog. he states option 2 must followed in case, not state why. happens if delet

Service Running on Hyper-V Virtual Machine

hello, i have service application when starting creates windows station/desktop environment , runs process in it. perform following steps, done under local system. (this done in c#.) log on user , load user profile want run process under. set session user logon token 1. create window station, switch current station new, , add interactive desktop. add ace new window station , desktop allowing logged on user full access. impersonate logged in user. create environment block process. run process using createprocessas after unload user profile, revert user self , window station. the application service starts attempts create system.threading.semaphore following code: bool created = false; semaphoresecurity semsec = new semaphoresecurity(); semaphoreaccessrule rule = new semaphoreaccessrule(usersid, semaphorerights.fullcontrol, accesscontroltype.allow); semsec.addaccessrule(rule); using (system.threading.semaphore lsemp = new system.threading.semaphore(0, 1, eventid + "

WDS on VSphere DHCP on Bare Metal

hello, running issue wds on windows server 2012 datacenter edition. wds server running on vsphere dhcp/dc server running on standalone physical box (bare metal). booting wds server via network boot client pc (hardware on same subnet). having intermittent issues not being able find wds boot to. 3/5 times fail. on wds self running vmware workstation build images , able boot fine wds itself. please help note: have set 3 other wds servers in similar environments function famously. sole difference wds , dhcp/dc both reside on vsphere in of other environments. also note: not running system center not find suitable forum otherwise. hello, running issue wds on windows server 2012 datacenter edition. wds server running on vsphere dhcp/dc server running on standalone physical box (bare metal). booting wds server via network boot client pc (hardware on same subnet). having intermittent issues not being able find wds boot to. 3/5 times fail. on wds self running vmware

Windows 2003 Server Global Catalog Question

dear all, i have windows 2003 domain controller , windows 2003 server joined domain controller.  both are set to act as  global catalog.  question is, if main domain controller goes down or taken out maintenance, second controller take on role of authenticating user login?.  mean machine windows xp , vista has joined domain prior.  fyi, clients machine set have primary , secondary dns pointing 2 domain controller.  thanks. regards, kueh. yes, 1 of benefits of having multiple domain controllers, able authenticate users when domain controller down or in maintenance. answer question second domain controller serve clients while first domain controller unaccessible. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

disable ipsec

hello, i want disable ipsec make l2tp work without encryption there iedas? thanks. is you're looking for? disabling ipsec policy used l2tp  sachin gadhave Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

MSI Package Software Installations and uninstallations by group policy and sccm

hi,             have domain comprising approx. 30 adcs, 5000 clients , 50 ous. our developers have created c# program fetching information client machines , displaying them on screen on bootup (presence of 2 particular softwares, antivirus presence , update date, os patches updation etc... ). program(.msi) , .net framework 4.0 required pushed client machines. have sccm server through can push software installed on clients. there no. of adcs controlling different sites , ous. need push msi , .net framework clients. dotnet  framework pushed sccm & successful. till today have pushed .msi package using group policy software installation settings using local sharepath & sysvol. in local share path , msi source availbale @ 1 adc , clients  contact adc install software , taking long time boot. using sysvol share path , msi source available @ adc , clients contact site's adc install software.only win 7, win 8 machines getting install , software is  not able install on

From Where to download Win 2008 R2 SP1 ISO image with latest update!

dears, where download win 2008 r2 sp1 iso image latest update! i need iso image of win 2008 r2 datacenter sp1 , latest updates!! thanks regards you can evaluation here. or volume licensing center. as far injecting updates here may help.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Management

WSUS unable to synchronise updates after updates applied to server

hi all, i've landed myself in hot water breaking our wsus server, unfortunately i'm @ loss go here , hoping has more knowledge of wsus workings might able point me in right direction. i have wsus 3.0 (3.2.7600.226) running on server 2008 r2. server hosts our sccm environment. rolling out fep 2010 updated server sp1 , the other critical / security updates available after doing (bunch of .net 3.5 fixes). since update however, wsus server unable synchronise updates. receive following message: webexception: unable connect remote server ---> no connection made because target machine actively refused at context)    @    @ methodname, object[] parameters)    @ microsoft.updateservices.serversyncwebservices.serversync.serversyncproxy.getauth

Trusted Sites

hi, we've configured group policy regarding trusted sites in our company. i've enabled "sites zone assignment list" , input of websites used company. problem if enable policy, "add" button under trusted sites greyed out , users unable manually add sites, there option still manually add sites though there prelisted sites done via gpo? thanks jeff hi jeff, policies, nature, restrict users being able edit setting you've configured. you want use preferences because preference set default value , allow user change it. here how edit trusted sites registry. Windows Server  >  Group Policy

SQL Server in new domain

on client computer have sql server few databases , uses windows authication. when joined new domain forgott had on client. can't log on sql server. i have backup scripts of data, need reinstall sql server on client? thanks in advance tomas ekenman you start sql server administrator cmd prompt using -m parameter. you can logon in ssms , add login. press ctrl+c exit cmd prompt & restart sql server normally. make sure wants connect sql server stopped or consume 1 allowed connect while in -m mode. if of sql services are using account old domain, can try resetting valid account via sql server configuration manager. Windows Server  >  Security

Write-host Split Output ?

hi newish ps, bear me. i want split data, not sure on how it. when run command data fine, wanted turn variable , output using write-host command, works, output in 1 line. im not sure sure on how split data when this. im happy use command, wanted see if done. function mygetfirewallstate { $serverlistfile = "$mypath\server_list.txt"  $serverlist = get-content $serverlistfile -erroraction silentlycontinue  foreach($computername in $serverlist)   {  $myfwstatus = get-netfirewallprofile | select name, enabled       write-host = myfwstatus    -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor green       }    } (this output, i'd on separate lines) = @{name=domain; enabled=false} @{name=private; enabled=false} @{name=public; enabled=false} any suggestions? also it's not such big issue can use normal command output, know. dee get-netfirewallprofile |%{write-host $,$_.enabled -fore green} get-netfirewallprofile | format-table name,ena


my computer showing "load need dlls kernel". have no cd anymore because bought computer years ago when in army. have windows 7 upgrade cd, computer using windows xp professional before went down. how fix problem without spending more money. have lot of impotant files on computer don't want lose either,,,please help. either should repair computer using windows xp or install windows 7 other partition there no direct upgrade windows xp windows 7 , encourage seek in windows xp forums,windowsvistaitpro,windowsxpitpro/ Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Can I use Win2003 CA to sign cert of non-domain servers?

i need generate certificates internal servers.  of servers not , never be on domain.  can use win2003 ca server sign certificates servers not on domain? hi, thank post. yes, enterprise ca can issue certificate workgroup user or workgroup computer. can request certificate through web enrollment page or using utility certreq.  certreq.exe syntax ad cs: web enrollment in addition, please remember that: 1. workgroup user (or computer) must trust ca. 2. url locations of aia , cdp accessible.  if there unclear, please feel free let me know. Windows Server  >  Security

Windows Server 2003 will not boot

i trying upgrade symantec anti virus , when failed uninstall needed use clean wipe program provided symantec.  after rebooting computer, receiving error windows not start because following file is   missing or corrupt: \windows\system32\config\system.  there way of fixing problem? if system hive corrupt, , assuming tried lkg (f8 , choose last known good), may possible rename system hive found in %systemroot%\system32\config\system system.old rename %systemroot%\system32\config\system.alt to %systemroot%\system32\config\system you can try using recent backup found in %systemroot%\repair\regback if fails haven't choice copy/ use original-as-installed system hive from %systemroot%\repair\system to %systemroot%\system32\config\system you'll need reinstall device drivers hardware added since original os install. to start recovery console, start computer windows 2003 installation media. @ "welcome setup" screen. press f10 or r repair win

Windows event log agent won't start in Windows 2008 server.

someone changed gpo setting , windows event log agent won't start, running local system. other "local system" logon's running. gpo blocking starting? i can't find it. suggestions?   hi, as sravane mentioned before, use gpresult command generate gp report check gpo settings applied windows server. in addition, issue caused due incorrect permission settings administrator group. try perform following steps troubleshoot issue. 1. in "start" menu, locate "command prompt". right-click , choose "run administrator". if prompted administrator password or confirmation, type password or provide confirmation. 2. type following commands, press "enter" execute them 1 one. please note space before command , parameter. takeown /f c:\windows\system32\logfiles\wmi\rtbackup cacls c:\windows\system32\logfiles\wmi\rtbackup /g administrators:f 3. restart computer check issue. hope helps. best regards,

Is Software Restriction Policy Mass Export/Import of HashRules Possible?

environment: windows 2003, xp clients   is there way export/import hashrules created in software restriction policy of computer configuration use on entirely different domain? or, there way automate addition of these hashrules using script/batchfile? know how add them using manual method, works few files impractical dozens of files. we've tried using group policy management console policy , extract hash lines hashes aren't in .inf file. appear in policy backup's gpreport.xml file, file seems specific group policy , not imported. hi,  backup files include settings in gpo once have created once, should able backup single gpo , import number of domains. note there no need backup , restore if within single forest, can link gpo.    as side note, wow, must build lot of forests!   thanks, guy Windows Server  > 

KB960353 (Silverlight 2) tries to install on an unsupported processor

we have computer amd duron 650 mhz processor (with no sse support) that tries install kb960353 (silverlight 2) every night , fails error 0x80070643. when try manually install silverlight 2 on computer, says "unable install silverlight. processor not supported". why wsus detect needed though it's not supported, , correct way deal situation? don't need silverlight on computer. this natural artifact of update metadata definitions. update metadata not contain capability define applicability rules hardware, or noted in thread elsewhere, installation type (server core vs full installation). in such scenarios update known not applicable platform (amd hardware; server core installation), appropriate management solution place machines in special groups , ensure update not approved group. in case of silverlight, i'd argue separation of machines having "server" group tree , "workstation" group tree, , approving silverlight "workstation" group

failed to query spn registration on dc 2003

please me im gettin error when runnning netdiag command do need demote , promote again..this adc server....   thanks   ahmed gaziyani enterprise admin. please post output of netdiag command. want see error have.   this posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active directory, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 network infrastructure, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 applications infrastructure, configuration Windows Server  > 

About the Ms Excel 2010 32 bits install in 64 bits environment. My Web App cannot read excel file.

hi, i fresh in windows server 2008. recently, have develop web application use microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 provider read excel file. in server install excel 2010 32 bits , server 64 bits. error happen...... saying 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' provider not registered on local machine. come out web page. @ first thought server not install excel properly. i see excel dsn in c:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exe when click on excel files under user dsn says excel not install properly. after digging in internet, excel datasource 32 bits installed in 64 bits environment. therefore, excel datasource found in c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe. here question come.....after add new excel datasource wonder need configure iis point datasource c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe? because default datasource refer c:\windows\system32\ configure can excel datasource? need set application pools in iis 7 enable running application in 32 bits env.? one thing have database datas

drop last line of each file processed

  there way i;m processing files can drop last line of each file before write it? last record in each of files process total record don't want include in final file. script process thru multiple folders , rolls data single file. need drop last record before appending file. sistem.csv single file created. last record in each of files has record starting $z or $z. have parm file pass script has path , shortname. d:\areasistemi1\folder1~e10 d:\areasistemi1\folder2~e13 *.spx files in folder1 , folder2 this: e200,%s001,&d000 e200,%s001,&d000 e200,%s001,&d000 $z,0,9,0  before write sistem.csv want not write last record in each of files. param ( [string]$path ) $myfiles = import-csv -delimiter '~' -path $path -header path, shortname # can call $myfiles.path #returns path $myfiles.shortname # returns shortname $path='d:\areasistemi1\' foreach ($myfile in $myfiles) { get-childitem -path $myfile.path *.spx | % {

Pre Deployment 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Gateway

it seems there lot of information related 2008 server want 2008 r2 remote desktop gateways services. call center wants 100 remotes able access 3 existing enterprise servers acting remote desktop servers in round robin configuration. the questions have in sizing rd gateway servers , available bandwidth. should cluster 2 nlb dependability? i have found documentation but, seems outdated. question if should go never version of server. need new licensing clients internally , externally? there be issues in connecting 2008 servers on end?  this become cost prohibitive. hi, thanks posting. please have @ following articles: remote desktop services in windows server 2008 r2 deploying remote desktop gateway step-by-step guide hope helps. regards. vivian wang technet community support

Server 2008 with word 2013

hi, i have issue using word 2013 in 2008 server environment. have students in class must use online images insert in word document of use sjablon. by of students works fine. of students wouldn't work. when want use sjabloon message: there temporary problems on server. u can work offline if u wanna insert images computer. options try again - work offline , cancel. i can't find problem is. students redirected same location on server , have same permissions. first touch computer no matter log in message appears. it big if knows solution this. thanks in advance hi, please try reset user profile @ first, seem profile's issue affect only a user , not others delete user profile in windows server 2008 , later  (backup before) regards, philippe don't forget mark answer or vote helpful identify information. ( linkedin endorsement never hurt :o) ) answer interesting quest ion ? create wiki article it!

Server 2012: Using Powershell to set VM-Switch VLAN?

hello there. there way set vlan tag on microsoft vmswitch object on host operating system via powershell? i've searched through possible commands (get-command *vmswitch* , get-command *vlan*), , have not had luck finding appropriate cmdlet. right forced use virtual switch manager gui set vlan id on vmswitch. on related note, can done for a vmnetworkadapter object. there get/set-vmnetworkadapter cmdlet set vlan tagging of individual vmnetworkadaper inside virtual machine. thanks. hi, the below thread should want: ps - script modify vlan settings?  in addition, please refer below link: vlan tagging scvmm powershell commands hope helps. regards, yan li yan li technet community support

Deleted reservation still exists somewhere on DHCP server

hi. have changed computers on company's network, deleted reservations (windows server 2003), , now, when want add new reservation, following message: "the specified ip address or hardware address being used client". 1. yes, new computer connected network. 2. yes, mac address correct. 3. no, ip address not used other computer. no ping, no nslookup, no dns record ip address. 4. positive mac address not issue here, ip address reserved another, old computer not in use anymore. believe or not, had same problem last year , have resolved it, don't remember how :) had log file on server (i don't know which). totally stuck , hope here can me. thank in advance. could please check ip address lease Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

Connecting to Windows 2007 (2008?) Server via Remote Desktop Connection switches it to Dvorak keybard

i have teaching gig @ college in fall.  part of course involves managing central database via rdc.  i use dvorak default keyboard layout.  i logged server once, , logged out.  then, magically, no 1 else's passwords worked!  luckily had stopped school , saw having trouble logging in.  the problem was, of course, server had switched on use dvorak. how can prevent happening ever again?!  i pretty locked else out of server until happened catch problem.   thank in advance advice can give. hi, please try modify following registry key on remote server. 1. click start, click run, type regedit, , click ok. 2. locate , click following registry subkey: hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\keyboard layout. 3. on edit menu, click add value, , add following registry information: value name: ignoreremotekeyboardlayout data type: reg_dword value data: 1 4. quit registry editor. note: serious problems might occur if modify registry incorrectly.

Windows 2003 disks problem (diskmanager)

hello! i using windows 2003 enterprise server fileserver. using 7 disks (2 direct isci & 5 vmdk disks). 2 of disks simple dynamic disks. no use of striped/spanned, mirrored/raid configuration on those. when installing new backup system our compagny, had change dynamic disks basic disks. made use of diskmanagement tool, deleted volume, use "convert basic disk.." option, , created partition on new empty basic disk to restore backup on. i should have rebooted server while doing this, didn't. after things went weird: i had perform reboot, , after coming on again, new basic disk had no data on it. blank. i had problems files on disk too. maps became corrupted. folders went unaccessable. or using different file attrib (all files read instance). i experienced weird thing, rebooted server , when came on again, diskspace identical disk, , content same! content should have been on there, gone.. recreated partition , after @ it's normal size again, never se

DHCP 2012 - Can you mix Active/Active & Active/Passive?

scenario: main site: x thousand users, 100 subnets. 2 dhcp servers running 2012 ha active/active configuration load balancing. x satellite sites, < 100 users, < 5 subnets, single dhcp server running 2012. question: can add satellite site subnets 1 of main site dhcp servers in active/passive configuration when configured active/active other main site dhcp server? thanks. k. hi kevin, possible , supported mix , match long don't have relationships other dhcp servers in satellite subnets (in case). more information on topic , supported scenarios can found on mct | mcse: private cloud/server, desktop infrastructure Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

Group Policy Issue

every 5 minutes there warning "windows failed apply 802.3 group policy settings might have own log file". source : group policy event id: 1085 please kind enough support issue. hi, to diagnose issue, first need enable group policy tracing. on machine having problems, open local group policy editor (run gpedit.msc) , browse to: computer policy \ administrative templates \ system \ group policy \ logging , tracing this contains list of group policy modules / extensions. select 1 matches error message in system event log. enable policy, change tracing “on” , click ok. now open elevated (run administrator) command prompt, , type gpupdate. should errors throw again, time write out trace file. you should able find trace file in c:\programdata\grouppolicy\preference\trace\user.log. open , detailed error. paste error directly in our forum , report back. best regards, alvin wang please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no he

PowerShell 3.0, a single PsCustomObject, and the "count" method

hey guys, i have custom function outputs pscustomobjects part of loop. example:  function get-custobj ($j) { for ($i=0;$i -lt $j;$i++){write-output ([pscustomobject]@{"key1"="value1";"key2"="value2"})} } the problem count number of pscustomobjects instances, including when there 1 instance: ps c:\users\alee> $a = (get-custobj 2) ps c:\users\alee> $a.count 2 ps c:\users\alee> $a = (get-custobj 1) ps c:\users\alee> $a.count ps c:\users\alee> #note no count returned ps c:\users\alee> (get-custobj 1).count ps c:\users\alee> #note no count returned ps c:\users\alee> ("one").count 1 is bug? how check if 1 instance returned? thanks! explicit cast array: @ ( get - custobj 1 ) ps. think it's bug. please submit bug on Windows Server

Network shares accessible over Hyper-V external virtual switch

after finding out how share files , folders between host , guest operating systems (both windows server 2012 r2) through virtual switches, , reading tutorials online on how this, had created 2 virtual switches guest os.  1 external switch (vnet) using ethernet connection , other internal switch (vlan) has no internet connection , planned use able file share between guest , host oses.  these have been configured inhyper-v's virtual switch manager, , in vm's settings too. however, i've realised when vlan disabled, vnet still able access network shares, meaning these publicly visible. is there way can make network shares accessible when vlan enabled?  want internal switch responsible internal network traffic shouldn't visible externally.  the fact working vms in no way changes how done.  still need control things within operating system instances on various nics.  no, should not saying nic equal virtual switch.  when create virtual switch on nic, protocols r

send mail on script failure

hi friends, i have simple script makes nw connection, copies files source destination & closes connection. net use \\destinationpath\ipc$ "passwod" /user:domain\username robocopy "sourcepath" " \\destinationpath " /mir /is net use \\destinationpath\ipc$ /delete idea email if above script fails in execution, advise please... rgds, minesh robocopy /? /log:file : output status log file (overwrite existing log). /unilog:file : output status unicode log file (overwrite) ## to send mail use send-mailmessage -attachments( get-help send-mailmessage -full) : send-mailmessage -attachment robocopylog.txt -to "user01 < >" -from "user02 < >" -subject "robocopy" Windows Server  > 


hi everyone. i need please using admt. first off let me explain senario briefly. i have 2 domain controller for abc.local , xyz.local domain. wanted migrate user , computer abc.local xyz.local. have read can done admt how, dont know. dc abc.local can not resolve dc xyz.local , same other way round. how can configure dns resolve both domains , creat trust , migrate user , computer please can 1 have patience , let know step step proceedure? i thank you. hi, thanks post. there 2 common dns configurations can choose when establish dns name resolution between domains , forests: conditional forwarders secondary zones zone transfers enabled the benefit of using conditional forwarder is easier configure , troubleshoot zone transfer. process of configuring conditional forwarder straightforward: need know dns domain name of domain houses dns server configuring forward requests , ip address of target dns server. however, conditional forwarder not efficient way keep dns server hosts parent

IPv6 Default Gateway Address

i working in windows server 2008 r2 sp1. i have assigned ipv4 , ipv6 ip addresses using "ipconfig /all". there no mention of ipv6 default gateway left blank. in dcpromo.exe error: this computer has dynamically assigned ip address(es). yes-automatic(not recommended) no-i assign static ip addresses physical network adapters. find ipv6 default gateway address? hi hope helps: hope helps. please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

You have reached the maximum recovery limits

hi, tried recover rd license, however, showed "you have reached maximum recovery limits" should do? hi, can revoke 20% of specific version of cal or 1 cal, whichever more.  once 20% of totals cal revoked, admin have wait till of revoked cal expires, can revoke more cal’s. details may reverence blog - manual revocation of client access licenses (cals): if want revoke issued pre device licenses, may rebuild rd licensing server database. best regards, eve wang please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Updating a script with new commands

hello,    have 2 questions dealing 1 script.  script have written used windows 2008 r2, servers being transitioned windows 2012 r2, feel script needs updated.  script takes .csv file , provisions user info.  creates folders new-item -type directory -path \\server\user\folder\ -name $userinfo['name'] , forth.  here question begins, dfsutil used add link dfs namespace such: dfsutil link add \\server\user\folder\ .  able invoke-command to server in question.  there used icacls set acls on folders.  2 questions are: 1. icacls still valid tool?  if not use in powershell?  2. since dfsutil gone dfs powershell command same dfsutil did above. thanks. michael r. mastro ii actually none of has with  scripting. when provision user let gp create , mange redirected folders.  has been case since ws2003.  doing cobbled script counter-productive , hard manage. please take time review how windows designed mange user profiles , dat through gp.  wil f

User who log into RD Web Access via LAN are using Domain Admin credentials

hello, able configure remoteapps users when log rds web access on our lan. problem noticed when non-admin user enters username , password on main webaccess page, using administrator credentials when pulling , published application on site. can change this? not want user using admin credentials when opening apps rds web access. hello decki,   thanks feedback.   please check issue using following steps:   1.      is issue occurring on specific user account or users? 2.      is user using internet explorer access rdweb? if not, please use updated internet explorer web browser. when logged on rdweb page, clean cookies , check issue again. 3.      have ever configured sso administrator account? please configure sso other accounts or client computer account.   let know result if possible. thanks.   regards, ·          lionel chen Windows Server  >

Windows Server 2008 R2 Storage Enterprise + Mounted Volumes

the first post in thread  details our test environement. if have more questions please feel free ask. post marked answered following solution, create mounted volumes inside shared folder. what we'd accomplish following. present small lun , several larger luns file server cluster, within small drive create folder shared, , within folder create seperate mount point each of larger disks. these disks ideally in same file server group. we're having issues think may have dependcies. read in thread , our small disk (host disk) needs depend on mounted disk. our problem arrangement if 1 of mounted disks fail, based on dependencies entire share fail, more or less opposite of high-availability. we have noticed when mounted disks not in file server group, mount points still continue work still part of available storage, has been hit or miss. feels if there lacking, arrangement works on node in mount point created, when moves on other server stops working. jeffrey s. patton a

How to equally distribute the number of workstations among Active Directory sites

i working on ad design bank. has 3 sites , has more 3000 branches across country. there 35000 users , equal amount of workstations. want distribute authentication workload equally among these site. far know, can through subnets.  appreciate if can me this. hi hp.harpreet, clients use subnets assigned sites locate nearest dc perform logon process. so, short answer should yes, use subnets assigned sites, , assign dcs each site. nevertheless should bear in mind network topology, since pour connected branches have issues user's logon, access resources, etc... here's usefull links may find interesting: ad site design , auto site link bridging, or bridge site links (basl) how domain controllers located in windows technet forums: how bandwidth required per user/computer user logon hope helps twitter: @santifdezmunoz mcp virtual business card Windows Server

Group Policy to map drives without Active Directory

we have standalone server (server 2008 r2 sp1) not connected active directory. there several users connecting via remote desktop. each user profile maps network share. changed network share, , need update everyone's drive mapping disconnect old share , connect new share. can use local group policy editor that? hello, unfortunatelly can't use group policy preferences. can use logon script disconnect drive , reconnects drive. just use gpedit.msc: script like: net use m: /delete net use m: \\server\share1 /persistent:yes mvp group policy - mythen, insiderinfos und troubleshooting zum thema gpos: let's go, use gpo! Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Surface Pro 3 Docking Station (Mini DisplayPort)

hello installed latest build of windows 10 , i'm enjoying experience far on surface pro 3. in windows 8.1, able connect 2 ips led hd monitors connecting hdmi cables onto mini display port adapters , inputting them docking station , surface pro itself. unfortunately, not being recognized , i'm hoping can assist me in getting them display again. developer, prefer have multiple screens , loved previous set up. if there solution this, please me or point me in right direction. thank you! i have ask since stated have had experience...what version of intel graphics drivers have installed?  have .4079 version , cannot play youtube videos in ie or .mp4 videos of kind. so not hijack question, have sp3 dock , use mini display port hdmi adapter on dock , directly sp3 no issues.  when return work can let know brands have maybe can give them try. a. Windows 10 Insider Preview

WDS - remote access via COM object and WinRM issue

i began investigate options remote access wds role since there still not console in rsat , pretty unleash control particularly by powershell, able found out there undocumented com object wdsmgmt.wdsmanager can used stuff. when try create powershell instance on localhost wds installed, straightforward... ps c:\> $wdsman = new-object -comobject "wdsmgmt.wdsmanager" ps c:\> $wdssrv = $wdsman.getwdsserver("localhost") however, trying proceed same winrm on machine, able create com object, on other hand, getwdsserver method result in failure ps c:\> enter-pssession "wds-server" [wds-server]: ps c:\> $wdsman = new-object -comobject "wdsmgmt.wdsmanager" [wds-server]: ps c:\> $wdsman.getwdsserver("localhost") exception calling "getwdsserver" "1" argument(s): "the system cannot open device or file specified. (exception hresult: 0x8007006e)" @ line:1 char:21 + $wdsman.getwdsserver

Easy one - passing values to a function

i'm trying write function executes series of commands on machine. want function accept list of server names can execute against each server. i'm having issues.. i have text file c:\serverlist.txt contains entries follows serverxxx serveryyy (and on...) the script starts off reading text file , storing in variable $servers = (get-content -path "c:\serverlist.txt) next function follows: function blah ([string[]]$arg) { out-file "c:\$arg" } i call function execute passing server list blah($servers) my output 1 text file called: serverxxx serveryyy.txt this isn't want, want create unique text file every server defined in serverlist.txt file i'm sure related how passing!! your function accepting string array parameter, you'd need iterate through array (or pipe it) or pipe server list function accepts pipeline input. example: $servers = @(get-content -path "c:\temp\temp.txt") functi

Slow Network copy performance and sluggish GUI

hi, i have problem 1 windows 2012 r2 server if copy large files computer server. few seconds speed @ ~100mb/s after seconds (10-20) transfer rate goes down ~1-10mb/s , 0... during copy progress gui sluggish - needs lot of time open other programs , gui freezes i have read lot of posts and applied patches and new network card drivers problem still exists... here ethernet graph copy of 78gb file - short data transfer , break any idea how solve this? robert  hi, when copy file remote folder local, file firstly loaded ram  - see high copy speed ram has faster i/o nic. as file large, ram cannot cache whole file, cache part , writing disk - speed go down until next time load part ram. from screenshot have 16gb ram large. there still part of ram waiting other process not ram using copying files. you can open performance monitor see hard disk i/o see if bottleneck of copy process.  please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have

Newbie: Service Packing a Node

suppose i have 2 node failover cluster , want apply windows service pack 1 node. if have reboot node won't remaining one think first node failed and take place?  if so, what happens cluster when rebooted (updated) node comes on line?       tia,   barkingdog     i things in controlled manner instead of letting server reboot.  letting server reboot automatically work (after all, clusters designed handle hardware outages ), prefer in more control this.   move cluster resources node want patch.  patch system , let reboot.  go far pause cluster service on node, isn't necessary.   after node reboots, move cluster resources newly patched node see works expected on patched software.  when satisfied test, patch other node.   when both nodes patched, balance resources how want them.   it possible define preference nodes resource.  means if resource running on 1 node , goes down, automatically fail on other node.  however, when cluster detects preferred n

How do I Get Excel Data Correctly with Merge Cell function?

hi, i've cells on excel formated currency, like: r$8.159,86. when merge word document merge cells function, appears like: 8159,862 how can exaclty same number shown on excel field? thanks! frederico frederico galinari moyses fgm soluções em tecnologia see below: mailmerge number & currency formatting control number & currency formatting in word, add numeric picture switch mergefield. this: • select field; • press shift-f9 reveal field coding. should {mergefield mydata}; • edit field {mergefield mydata \# $,0.00} (or whatever other numeric format prefer - see below); • position cursor anywhere in field , press f9 update it; • run mailmerge. note : '\# $,0.00' in field referred numeric picture switch. other possibilities include: • \# 0 rounded whole numbers • \# ,0 rounded whole numbers thousands separator • \# ,0.00 numbers accurate 2 decimal places, thousands separator • \# $,0 rounded whole dollars thousands separator • \# "$,0.00

Windows Update Issue on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

i have windows server 2008 r2 standard. have updated through windows update. giving me problems. the error trusted installer service restarting automatic , in server manager unable add roles , features. if remove trusted installer.exe, computer works fine , able login. copy file windows servicing folder, again stuck @ preparing configure windows. i have installed windows update readiness tool. in registry there reboot pending option, not able delete key. also have tried run sfc /scannow option , dism commands, sfc saying there pending repair. reboot system , run sfc command again. please suggest me solution, overcome problem. production server , not want installation of entire os. please run the system update readiness tool. then post complete contents of; %systemroot%\logs\cbs\ checksur .log     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter manage

dcpromo not working - going from Win2k to Win08

hi folks; i'm having issue getting modern domain controller network. i've got 2 windows 2000 dc's , i'm trying windows 2008 dc installed can modernize. to end, reaserched process beforehand and, because have exchange 2000 machine created inetorgpersonprevent.ldf file , ran (successfully) prior issuing; adprep /forestprep , then adprep /domainprep /gpprep both completed successfully. went on windows 2008 r2 machine , issued dcpromo. chose existing domain , make new server dc in domain. however, keep getting error; "to install domain controller active directory forest, must first prepare forest using "adprep /forestprep" etc. i did that. appeared successful. ideas on why '08 machine still won't promote? problem solved :-) with respect version of schema - reason schema upgraded version 31  , not 47 because adprep program run on domain controller older version (probably windows 2003 disk). 1 of many articles read on process mention