
Showing posts from January, 2011


hi,    machine powered on able access through office communicator unable rdp , ping pls asap. in network properties panel. control panel|system|remote|allow connections. also ask them here.         regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Group Policy Issues on "one" computer (Windows XP)

hey guys, i've got huge headache , i've exhausted many many google searches have still not received solution , hoping guys might willing , caring enough share me knowledge! :) have reformatted laptop our company working , fine except bsod every 5mins. now, it's working fine , beautiful , it's nothing ever happened! it's re-installed , normal user's eye better dream... however, in eyes nightmare. have joined our domain , given correct dns settings every other computer in organization, has exact same name had before , it's sids have been rebuilt (twice now) sinec not use images, , once using newsid has been made obsolete sysinternals (i knew sids useless). now, reason bring sids because attrocity cannot receive group policy. though 1 of group policies giving wsus data , manages connect correct server without apparent direction group policy according gpresult (which kindly returns "the user \domain\user has no rsop data" or "info: policy

Windows 2012 R2 clients are failing to download updates from WSUS sever on Windows 2012

hi everyone.. have few windows 2012 r2 clients failing updates wsus server running on windows 2012. i'm getting below error in windowsupdate.log file when restarting update service or run force update command. ##  end  ##  au: search updates  [callid = {58133baf-d371-466b-8688-ee8bd6a06903} serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}] au searches complete. au setting next detection timeout 2014-09-24 01:27:43 warning: failed network cost info nlm, assuming network not metered, error = 0x80240037 warning: failed network cost info nlm, assuming network not metered, error = 0x80240037 is else facing similar issue 2012 r2? please share if have thoughts or resolution if managed fix issue? thanks manoj on affected client, open cmd.exe in elevated mode. type following commands. make sure press enter after type each command: net stop wuauserv  rd /s %windir%\softwaredistribution\  net start wuauserv arnav sharma | please r

Initial DFS-R replication skips seemingly random files

i configuring dfs-r replication groups testing , while process seems go ok (i initial replication complete 4104 event) files not present on replicated volume.  example, pdf in users folder did not copy on , there many examples of this.  checked security on of files skipped , nothing seems different.  there no events in event log mention issues other high/low watermark events prior initial replication complete message.  new files created in replication group replicate , quickly.  ideas why files not replicated? primary member 2003 r2 x64 , destination member 2008 r2 x64 thank you, drew mccann it due files being marked temp.   once ran powershell script in post: everthing synced correctly. -drew Windows Server  > 

Server 2008 R2 AD POC Notes

i sys admin large number of physical , vm servers.  currently, if there server issue beyond control, have search several databases , accurate point of contact.  use both spectrum , vsphere, plus spreadsheet, none of 100% accurate.  able use active directory this.  best way add note in ad accomplish this?  best guess use address block on th "managed by" tab of server properties.  this method allow me poc looking @ server in ad.  i'll worry accuracy before start input, i'm looking best way accomplish final outcome. are there better methods out there? hi, could please tell meaning saying “point of contact”? please tell more information want do. based on understanding, want find out special server in domain. if understand correctly, can use dsquery or vb scripts achieve target: dsquery server here thread talking scripts find domain servers: script find domain servers , ip info http://so

File extention restriction

block .exe throughout domain using group policy. domain windows 2003. suggestions appreciable. howdie! trvenkat_24 said: we block .exe throughout domain using group policy. domain windows 2003. suggestions appreciable. your buzzword here "software restriction policies" in group policy. questions reads not having explicit idea of , how you're going that, i'll provide basic links can use read srps: cheers, florian microsoft mvp - group policy -- blog: Windows Server  > 

MMC "Not enough storage" Error After Recent Updates

after last batch of updates web server cannot open microsoft management consoles. error reads: "microsoft management cosole not enough storage available complete operation" (server manager/event viewer/windows server backup) additionally, "the procedure entry point httpishosthstsenabled not located in dynamic link library wininet.dll" @ times. seems others have inquired ( ( although users on win7. server 2008r2, running iis, visual studio, mysql. sfc /scannow function doesn't find errors , of course i've rebooted thing. other options short of rebuilding server? abundant space on hard disk page file.  hi, as rebuilt system, test install updates , see if issue reo

ForestDNSZones have old DC entries

i have single-domain forest running @ 2008r2 domain , forest level, 5 dc's of 2012r2. i noticed script failing depends on ping , tested - nslookup forestdnszones returns list of dc's, includes @ least 2 have been removed in recent past. the dc's removed correctly demoted , dns removed them using server manager roles , features. i carried out actions suggested in article  to put correct entries in fsmoroleholder attribute both domain , forest dns zones. however nslookup still returns list includes dc's not on network. repadmin /replsummary clean. what further cleanups might need do? no sig sig i've found after successful dcpromo demote operation references demoted domain controllers remain in dns zones. referring article... h

RPC Server unavailable error when script is started via batch file

at beginning words setup: in domain environement there powershell script on server clear eventlogs @ clients. script called in batch file:# powershell.exe "d:\scripts\script.ps1 -ad -clear" # argument -ad tells ps script process computers in activedirectory, -clear argument tells script clear eventlogs. powershell scripts cycles through computers in ad, tries ping them , if computer alive determines os version , tries clear eventlog. at 1 single computer in whole domain script errors @ following line: $osversion = gwmi win32_operatingsystem -comp $computer with error rpc server unavailable hresult: 0x800706ba when launch cmdlet in powershell commandline works without error. error shows single computer , when powershell script startet batch. regards, thomas    hi,     please enable following firewall rules on destined machine check whether code becomes work.   remote administration (rpc)   remote administration (rpc-epmap)     thanks.

create users and domain join permissions/group

scenario: our domain (root) q1: need assign permission user able create users in q2: have different operators, responsible domain join. minimum permission assign ? in advance, i'm new user of ad kindly guide me in details. dear, just assign delegation control specific user in domain. :) check step step process at kindly check answer at: hope work ! Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Windows Server 2008 R2 Hangs at "Applying User Settings" after Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 update and reboot.

i installed new active directory domain controller using windows sever 2008 r2 service pack 1.  after installed server 2008 r2 sp1 dcpromo machine , made third domain controller in our domain.  everything running fine until windows automatic updates installed microsoft .net framework 4.0.  the install seemed take forever let install , left work home.  the next day when returned work server @ main log on screen press (ctrl-alt-del).  i logged on enterprise admin credentials , screen changed "applying user settings" , hung there.  i left alone , never logs in.  i left in state 24 hours , not log in.  i had hard reboot machine , able to log on in safe mode.  however, unable uninstall .net framework 4.0 extended , .net framework 4.0 client profile.  i final result error code of 0x80070641 .  please can not log new domain controller. here log file. os version information: os version = 6.1.7601, platform 2, service pack 1 os description = win2k8r2 - x64 standard e

ADFS Sam-account-name uppercase

hello we trying set relying partner in adfs needs see name id in uppercase.  we have claims rule send sam-account-name name id being sent in lower case.  there way make adfs send information in uppercase? ex smithj = smithj thanks thanks.  we've put string store in place, need test vendor.  note to doing this that not "out of box" , involves coding (at least compiling).  it have been lot easier if ms supported /u regex command done inline. :) 1. use code here 2. use post below to create the dll , write additional claims rule. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

unable to login after after updation window update

unable login after updating window update . hi,   please elaborate bit on "unable login..."? mean don't see textbox supposed enter password neither see user name? error message when trying login?   version of windows using? might want try steps below troubleshoot issue:   1. restart computer first , see if issue persists. simple power off , power on clear lots of problems. ( chances you've done several times if not, give try.)   2. start windows using last known configuration:   3. try boot to system recovery options , use dism tool remove recent updates, , see if able log in:    please feel free post findings.   regards, ethan hua please remember mark replies answers if help, , unmark answers if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact

ricoh driver issue

i want print label formats created using bartender software. want print using 2 different ricoh printers of different models. 1)ricoh aficio mp c3001 pcl6 driver                           2)ricoh mp c3003 pcl6 driver. when select either of printers label template size varies in 2 different ways both printers , in "one click preset list" "unregistered" selected,  even when register same page size next time again taking new "unregistered" neglecting registered one.  please helpful resolve problem. if missing settings wrt printer refer me same.  thank hi kanak, thanks post. problem post above more related ricoh printer driver properties setting. in order problem fixed timely, suggest consult ricoh. best regards, elaine please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Wi

Windows Server 2003 VPN User Credentials Question

hi mates, i've just set up my first vpn server ipsec security. looks works perfect, i've found security "issue". don't know if that's how works or maybe i've left in configuration. the matter that if connect vpn the domain user name , try access shared folder, uses local administrator account access. but if connect domain\user it uses domain user credentials , can't access example \\hostname\c$ folder, that's way i work. is there way force use domain user? the problem have give access our lan client, have admin rights locally , can't let him use admin rights in our lan. what can do?? thanx mates   hello,   it should expected should use domain\user or user@domain username windows authentication vpn. otherwise, ras server recognize local user.   the \\hostname\c$ administrative shares local administrators groups have full control permission.   to enable domain users (except domain admins) access computer's administrativ

Problemas con servidor dns local

buen día. solicitando de ayuda, tengo un problema con mis servicios de correo y pagina web, les comento: resulta que realice cambio de proveedor de servicios de hosting, configuré los dns del nombre de mi dominio web para que apunten al nuevo proveedor, esto sin ningun problema. la cuestión es que estoy teniendo problemas con estos servicios (web y correo) dentro de la empresa, esto quiere decir que operan correctamente por un cierto tiempo de 1 2 horas aproximadamente y de repente dejar de funcionar, ya que si le mando un ping al dominio web este ya no me responde me manda el tradicional "tiempo de respuesta agotado",por lo tanto tengo que estar reiniciando mi router para que vuelva operar correctamente, dicho router es de telmex alcatel_lucent i-240w-a, lo curioso es que si me conecto con el router de mi casa todo opera correctamente. actualmente cuento con un servidor que opera como domain controller y como servidor de dns, pienso que el problema pueda radicar

export sql query result to excel

forum, i'm stuck issue after migrating our ps report jobs win 2008 server win 2012 server. have extract generates csv file , converts excel , mails analysts . have used following link in working works fine when run manually when scheduled sql server agent job nothing , not fail though  # convert csv file excel # reference : both servers identical nothing has changes @ permission level except os different.. sample code: $code = @" select top 2000  table "@ $csvfilepath = "c:\location\query.csv"  $excelfilepath = "d:\location\query.xls" if (test-path $excelfilepath)  {   remove-item $excelfilepath } #deleting file  $instancename = "server" # instance name $databasename = "db";             #db name $oresults = invoke-sqlcmd -query $code -serverinstance $instancename -database $databasename -q

ADFS SAML Response

we using lasso library parse saml response, unable understand response format generated adfs. please find below adfs saml response: what can generate correct saml 2.0 response saml 2.0 issuer , attributes fields? awaiting reply? thanks srinivas hi srinivas, looks singed saml response. please take following link regarding use fiddler debugging information or saml 2.0 response, may useful information: , devaraj suggested, since question related adfs, suggest post questions in adfs forum, too. reason why recommend posting appropriately qualified pool of respondents, , other partners read forums regularly can either share knowledge or learn interaction us. thank understanding. regards, wendy please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber suppor

Windows Server 2012 R2 crash message

hello all i have server (windows server 2012 r2) hosted data centre. server crashed , bringing following error message: "page fault in non paged area" the data centre has checked hardware , has reported no faults in this. i can log onto server client tries to, server crashes. both of connecting server remotely.  what causing error , how rectify server , running again? i appreciate responses , help! hi, please understand, solidly troubleshoot crash issue, need debug crash dump files. unfortunately, debugging beyond can in forum. can provide general suggestions here. if issue still occurs, support call our product service team needed debugging service. we'd recommend contact microsoft customer support service (css) assistance problem can resolved efficiently. obtain phone numbers specific technology request please take @ web site listed below: best regards cartman please remem

DFS Replication

thanks attention.  i`m using 2 windows server 2008 r2 dfs-r , each 2 nics. there way restrcit replication designated nic ,which connected other one`s directly off-load replication network?  best regards. hi, please have a on following article see if can help: routing dfs replication traffic private network shaon shan |technet subscriber support in forum |if have feedback on our support, please contact Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Hyper-V, Failover cluster and Domain controller on the same host

hi, i'm planning stretched cluster architecture application. i must use 2 servers , use separate domain system. is possible ( , more impotent - supported ) install domain controller on same host running hyper-v , fail on cluster? i prefer avoid installing additional virtual machine if possible. hi >> is possible ( , more impotent - supported ) install domain controller on same host running hyper-v , fail on cluster? technically, possible. but not recommended install other roles on domain controller. not recommended mix other roles on hyper-v host. for test purpose, deploy that. production, better install additional vm or physical machine. best regards, leo please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  > 

Enforcinf Time & Zone

hi everyone, i have new machines joined domain picking ad time , zone. how enforce through gpo? i've seen cases of machines on domain have varying time other 1 on pdc. meshack am 02.05.2013 14:47, schrieb meshack ke: > have new machines joined domain picking > ad time , zone. how enforce through gpo?   no need - sync on time. if want force it: "net time /set /yes" or "w32tm /resync" (both require administator privileges)   no not evil, if know doing: or bad gpos? wenn meine antwort hilfreich war, freue ich mich über eine bewertung! if answer helpful, i'm glad rating! Windows Server  >  Group Policy

NPS fails to connect after Hyper-V role install

the short of why posting...   domain controller running ad ds, dns, dhcp, nps, dfs, , hyper-v.   everything working fine our radius connections.  installed hyper-v role couple of days ago , have single successful vm running full network connectivity , no issues communications either network or internet.   however, attempted last night vpn in network late night checks on backup jobs , found not able remotely login.  when arrived work started looking through logs , found our cisco asa , of our cisco wism cards not longer able communicate nps server.  checked nps services , fine.  restarted services couple times throughout today see if odd ball glitch , still have no connectivity.  ran nmap against server , shows ports open/filtered should be.  have turned off firewall incase got modified during install way.  still not able connect.  checked nic settings , should be.  however, when click close out of physical server's primary nic gives me notification multiple gate

x5520 disable unplugged NIC's took my "Cluster Network 1" down.

i got x5520 hp, on 2 blades running windows storage server 2008 r2 enterprise. there these nic's on each server: 1 gbe public 1 1 gbe public 2 1 gbe public 3 1 gbe public 4 10 gbe public 1 10 gbe public 2 cluster internal server management ------------------------------ on blade 1 use 10 gbe public 1 , cluster internal. on blade 2 use 10 gbe public 2 , cluster internal. this leaves 6 nic's on each blade unused. gives failures in "hardware status" under "system" : error on hp nc365t pcie quad port gigabit server adapter #2 - disconnected   now, know aint real failure. when tried disable unused nic's, cluster network 1 went down. with: event id 1126 : cluster network interface '791storagec-n2 - cluster internal' cluster node '791storagec-n2' on network 'cluster network 1' unreachable @ least 1 other cluster node attached network. event id 1129 : cluster network 'cluster network 1' partitione

Force a reboot with windows updates via GPO

hello, i wondering if there way force reboot scheduled installations of windows updates? currently "no-auto restart logged on users schedulaed automatic updates installations" set disabled. people can still postpone long please. clients win7. in addition here other settings im testing below. in server2k3 forest/domain functional level. configure automatic updates "enabled" allow automatic updates immediate installation "enabled" re-prompt restart scheduled installations "disabled" 1 reads if postpone once, setting defined here force reboot afterwards> , perfect, doesnt appear work way. delay restart scheduled installations "enabled" reschedule automatic updates scheduled installations "enabled" i appreciate help. not yet using sccm or wsus standalone solution. best way push through gpp scheduled tasks new task restarts computer @ defined hour/day. see this article. " never panic before reboot

Differentiate between access denied & login failure

i have monitoring component monitors every windows objects in network. using wmi & powershell purpose. extracting connection exceptions identify kind of exceptions coming each object. example... if (exceptionmessage.tolower().contains("access denied.")) { // returns access denied } else if (exceptionmessage.tolower().contains("the rpc server unavailable.")) { // returns host unavailable } else if (exceptionmessage.tolower().contains("this operation create incorrectly structured document.")) { // returns exception } else { // returns login failure } but in cases, if give invalid credentials, getting "access denied", not "login failed". can explain why happening. how can differentiate between "access denied" , "login failed". helpful information on appreciated. sebastian hi sebastian, first want script above more related c#, however, scripts , applications

Hacker exploiting Local Service account and uploading files in Windows Server 2003

hi there, i have no idea how happening , 1 of can enlighten me. my hard drive on vps ran out of disk space today though had 9gb available yesterday.  strangely enough occured after installed smartermail, i'm not sure if 2 events linked or not, seem fighting loosing battle. basically following folder keeps filling looks pirate software "c:\documents , settings\local service\shared" how on earth stop happening?  local firewall enabled http, pop3 , smtp enabled port 1111 whatever ____ for. this doing head in, advice appreciated. nick. i found out how hacker uploading files.  indeed via port 1111 , backdoor trojan.  main reason didn't remove firewall settings "blue" , couldn't change check state. to be honest i'm surprised can configure rule in firewall in such way, poor server management, if it's done via registry editing. how trojan got on there anyones guess, honest, site , running whole year until installed smartermail, can presume introduced w

How do I determine the distinguished name or naming context on an already built adlds instance?

how determine distinguished name or naming context on built adlds instance?  i'm trying find connection string instance.  i'm not seeing in server manager stands out.  don't know instance name because didn't build instance. thanks, hi, you can use ldp.exe administration tool. use ldp.exe administer active directory lightweight directory services (ad lds) instance, must connect , bind instance , display hierarchy (tree) of distinguished name of instance. can browse object in tree , right-click object administer it. read this, practice using ad lds administration tools also check following, windows 2008 r2: managing ad lds using ad powershell module best regards, abhijit waikar. mcsa 2003 | mcsa:messaging | mcts | mcitp:server administrator | microso

Pushing updates to Win7 client laptops

we have mix of winxp/win7 client laptops in our enterprise. wsus pushes updates once per month friday 3:00am per our gpo (after we approve updates on prior thursday afternoon.) winxp provides the option power down pc w/o installing updates understand this option not exist win7 , therefore win7 clients in office on thursday after updates have been approved have sit through update install process upon shutting down machine. question is, there way prevent happening win7 users? thanks! hank vare this matter of user wanting shutdown machine @ end of workday can go home. referring laptop users here. on thursday when have approved updates - when run issue. ahhh!.... understand. that can particularly nasty scenario on notebook if user not paying attention, , yes, notebook users, have wait around installations finish , machine moved. my best suggestion here create (if don't have) orgunit notebook systems, , set policy setting permanently turn off "install updates @

RDS 2012: new remoteapp session with same user starts new session

hi, when connect remoteapp via account starts new session instead of taking on current session (what should). please advise. j. jan hoedt hi jan, in test, second remoteapp connection attempt same user account hosted on same rd session host (single session), , both remoteapp programs open. would please check connections section on rds servers check whether multiple sessions account created? in addition, rd web access can publish remoteapp programs/virtual desktops multiple collections, 2 remoteapp programs belong different collections, therefore multiple sessions created. best regards, amy please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Ser

Raising functional Level of Domain to 2003

hi, my domain @ windows 2000 mixed functional level, accomodate exchange 2010 furture deployment, i'm intending on raising 2003. i've read lots of useful docs on technet process , effects, question i've been asked isn't covered in documentation i've come across.  maybe because it's not affected @ all, either way, if kind enough confirm if wins affected functional level raising? we have old apps exclusively use wins only, , need ensure wins still functional in 2003 domain level. many thanks. yes - wins not affected rasing ad functional level hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Server 2003, running raid 5, missing MBR/unable to boot...

hello microsoft, we had power circuit failure prevented airconditioning working , therefor overheating our dc1!! , killing other dc2 completely! when start dc1 wants load windows files , can choose options recovery earlier functional state, cmd, , on. our problem in beginning said: "unmountable_boot_volume" when put in our windows server 2003 disk, wait load , press r repair comes following: "no valid system partitions found, setup unable continue" what on earth can either chkdsk or fixmbr command here fix mbr corruption or boot.ini file seems missing? currently have no logon server (ad) because bdc died 100%! additional when boot , press f8 see disk state can see says: "raid 5, disks: ok" hi, it raid adapter needs specific drivers work. might reason recovery media cannot find windows installation. might able perform chkdks if boot using vendor supplied recovery media.

DHCP stateless and stateful modes

hi, how can tell mode (stateless or stateful) windows 2008 r2 dhcp server in? thanks, greg hi greg_33 , base on study ,i thought it’s depend on client side setting ,not dhcp server side. by default, if os windows vista or later version ,client set ipv6 stateless how auto-assigned link-local ipv6 addresses. if set clients dhcpv6 stateful mode, , renew dhcp lease ,then can see client has both link-local , assigned site-local ipv6 address.   to enable vista clients dhcpv6 stateful mode (receives ipv6 dhcp)   netsh interface ipv6 set interface <<interface id/name>> managedaddress = enable netsh interface ipv6 set interface <<interface id/name>> otherstateful = enable netsh interface ipv6 set interface <<interface id/name>> advertise = enable   note: <<interface id/name>> name of ethernet adapter , example "local area connection"   thanks.   tiger li

Cancel updates download WSUS 3 SP1

by mistake approved several updates , server started download of 14gb. how can cancel it? thanks. three steps: 1. change approvals not approved. 2. clear bits queue bitsadmin v2.0 utility (bitsadmin /reset /allusers) 3. run command  wsusutil reset re-queue updates need download content files. lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba principal/cto, onsite technology solutions, houston, texas microsoft mvp - software distribution (2005-2009) Windows Server  >  WSUS

Passthrough Disk Format error

hi configured passthrough disk 2tb, external sas, basic gpt disk, , attached scsi contoller. it's offline on host. guest w2k3 r2 sp2 x86 partition can not format , chkdsk passthrough disk. guest can format , chkdsk disk if dynamic gpt disk. knows issue? regards, o0030 hi,   let me have analysis of environment. if misunderstand concern, please feel free let me know.   you mentioned "all volumes can formated on host os normally. issue occurs on guest os , passthrugh basic gpt disk"   did mean:   1.     you can format following disk on host os normally. ------------------------------------------------------   1.99tb basic gpt disk, 1.99tb basic mbr disk   2tb basic gpt disk, 2tb basic mbr disk 3tb dynamic gpt disk, 3tb dynamic mbr disk ------------------------------------------------------   2. can't format following disk within windows server 2003 vm. ------------------------------------------------------   2tb basic gpt disk, 2tb basic mbr di

Pushing Office 2007 service packs through WSUS

does wsus download ms office 2007 service packs administrators approve , push workstations? if so, how can redownload or see if approved cannot find being downloaded, approved, declined or unapproved when searching through wsus server reporting. hi, how did define products , classifications? need check product office 2007 , classification service pack. another way import via microsoft update catalog. hope helps. Windows Server  >  WSUS