
Showing posts from August, 2012

Hyper-V Server 2012 backup practices

are there integrated o/s hyper-v server 2012 backup routines backup hyper-v server 2012? sparky_maker hi sparky_maker, you try out windows backup. cheers. shaba optimism faith leads achievement. nothing can done without hope , confidence. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

SMB issues with Win7 on 2003 R2 Domain

hi, trying track down issue having win7 when browsing , copying files shares hosted on win2k3 r2 file server. when copy large files (over 1mb) to root of target folders on dfs (using dfs-r), i receive following error: 0x8007003b unexpected network error occurred. (was copying wildlife.wmv file found in shared videos). if go sub directory , try copy file works. i've used wireshark capture smb traffic during attempted file transfer root folder target: 3696 4.705854              smb       trans2 response, query_file_info, error: status_invalid_handle 3697 4.706245              smb       trans2 request, query_file_info, fid: 0x0000, query file standard info   3698 4.706634              smb       trans2 response, query_file_info, error: status_invalid_handle   3699 4.707221              smb pipe wa

Word Template - locking document

i have word template need update fields, have locked document this, have header needs updated each time.  but since doc locked can not update header, there way out un-locking doc each time? patty what kind of fields using? legacy form fields? other fields? stefan blom, microsoft word mvp Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

Add Windows 10 Key on KMS Server

hi,  my kms server windows 2008 r2 enterprise edition. i need add windows 10 key kms server win 10 clients can activated.  i have got a key ms volume activation. i wanted know command should run on kms server add key win 10 activation i presume its  slmgr /ipk xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx need comments on board.  -thads tfernandes sorry delayed response. here's seeing: name: windows server, serverenterprise edition description: windows operating system - windows server, volume_kms_2012-r2 channel license status: licensed kms enabled current count: 50 of course there lot more info but believe the above covers you thought should check.  like mentioned, have 1 windows 10 client right , not activate. it won't activate win10, because haven't installed correct kmshost product key so. correct key, once installed, display this: description: windows(r) operating system, volume_kms_2012-r2_win10 channel product key channe

The backup file contains unrecognized data and cannot be used

i trying restore files nt on sbs 2003.   backup taken on machine , trying restore same.   error: the backup file contains unrecognized data , cannot used. i tried copying different machine no luck.  any suggestions? robert hi, since backup file cannot restored on different machine, backup file corrupt. need use third party recovery utilities restore backup file. more detailed information, please refer article below: windows ntbackup restore troubleshooting tips please note: since website not hosted microsoft, link may change without notice. microsoft not guarantee accuracy of information. best regards, mandy  if have feedback on our support, please click here . we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time. helping make community forums great place.

Server 2008 DNS A record

hi our 2008 server runs fine. trying install conferencing software. can reached externally internally wont work. our domain name private domain different our public domain. said need create a record in our dns , name public domain name. believe stub zone? if attempt , mess mess our working dns server? there way add a record without messing dns or need create stub zone? appreciated thanks hello, let's suppose public domain name what need is: to create primary dns zone named on internal dns server create empty record ip address want posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active directory, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 netw

Having a Problem with Windows Server 2012

i have windows 10 operating system. created 40gb virtual hard drive , attached hard drive , formatted. downloaded evaluation copy of window server 2012 iso. burned iso file dvd , used imagex copy install.wim virtual hard drive. made boot entry f:\windows\system32\bcdboot f:\windows. when restarted computer allow me choose load windows 10 or windows server 2012. when choose load windows server 2012 boots, had me create password, thing shows command prompt stating administrator. when close window have black screen, don't know go here. thinking have prepare vhd native boot don't know. can please help. sounds installed core mode. can try converting it. also no need burn iso , boot that. can mount iso directly start install.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professiona

Will I still have WIN10 on the end?

hello, i know not recommended, i'm bulding new main gaming rig , i'm planning install windows 10 on it. comment want on that, question is, when switch go on preview release, eligable windows 10 update without owning windows 8 license? i own 1 need search again... thanks anyway. also there option yet install eufi? you need purchase windows 10 license when final version becomes available general public.  can use free rufus program to install uefi. (remember format your installation flash drive fat32 , not ntfs). carey frisch Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview General

Events logs check when 500 servers running in network

dear all, we running 500 servers in our sites network .  am unable find logs server generate logs in among these servers. please help. satbir, what trying to achieve ? sorry, query not clear ! can please explain bit more ? i not represent organisation work for, opinions expressed here own. this posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. - .... .- -. -.- ... --..-- ... .- -. - --- ... .... Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Hyper-V versus Hyper-V server

hi,   also, little bit confused terminology. took following line microsoft's website @ :   "in addition hyper-v, microsoft releasing microsoft hyper-v server"   i assuming first reference hyper-v new role can added windows 2008 os. second reference whole new os itself. correct?   if right, additional feature hyper-v server not available w8k+hyper-v role?   thank in advance help.   regards, peter   hello peter,   according windows server 2008 hyper-v product overview whitepaper, here definitions:   hyper-v:  a new feature of windows server 2008, provides better reliability, greater scalability , dynamic capabilities allows professional virtualize workloads in infrastructure.   hyper-v server: operation system installed windows server 2008 hyper-v technology. hyper-v server provides hypervisor based virtualization platform enables flexibility through reducing cos

Server 2012 RemoteApp and Windows Firewall Problem

i built test server 2012 system try remoteapp creation , hosting created vdi collection.  can create collection without problems when server scans virtual disks installed applications, gives me exception error stating not enable windows firewall on virtual machine.  in domain environment symantec endpoint protection (v 12.1.2) required , installed on virtual machines added domain.  sep turns windows firewall off can provide protection, if not installed on virtual machine, domain group policy (i don't have permissions change) turns domain portion of firewall off anyway.  i'm hoping there way around sure there others who's enterprise networks require software other windows firewall monitor incoming , outbound traffic , turn off default.  in advance suggestions or fixes might have! here's screen shot of message get: hi, if want use 3rd party firewall application,pls try add firewall exception remote desktop services and add firewall exception remote ser

IIS SMTP Delivery Isses

i using simple smtp relay iis , have mail not send reason , hangs mail box. if delete or move out rest of mail flies out of there. can stop happening? make use of smtpdiag tool. helps troubleshooting dns resolution issues, further test connection remote hosts , more. not need exchange 2003, needs smtp component. for more information: iis , smtp issues, better discuss here.   thanks Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Is this a group policy bug?

hi, have blogged on . details see blog. anyway, found when use group policy preference set regional settings, scountry, slanguage , icountry registy values not set under hkey_current_user\control panel\international this problem for example excel uses icountry format tables.  christian christian knarvik   > anyway, found when use group policy preference set > regional settings, scountry, slanguage , icountry registy values > not set under hkey_current_user\control panel\international   that's not bug - here's list of attributes gpp sets:   > problem for example excel uses icountry format > tables. >   then why not creating gpp registry item sets icountry?   regards, martin   no not evil, if know doing: or bad gpos? wenn meine antwort hilfreich war, freue ich mich über eine bewertung! if answer helpful, i'm glad ra

Group policy refreshing desktop shortcuts and causing them to disappear

hi, we running windows server 2008 domain controllers , windows server 2008 terminal servers.  i've set group policy on dcs "replace" shortcuts on user's terminal server desktops.  i'm using replace action people change roles, can move them different ous/policies , have old desktop shortcut icons clean , new ones created, automatically.  working fine far...when users log on appropriate icons, except throughout day policy automatically refreshes, deletes , recreates icons doesn't refresh desktop, icons disappear on people.  if manually browse people's desktop folder (c:\users\[username]\desktop), shortcuts there, of them show again on desktop, have press f5 or right click , refresh on desktop...or wait next policy auto-run , they'll come back.  confusing lot of people icons disappear , return.  again, on terminal server desktops. we hoping to not have turn off the automatic group policy refresh runs throughout day.  other thoughts appreciate

'Set-ExecutionPolicy' is not recognized as an internal or external command

hi, as part of software update, wanted run command set-executionpolicy. on executing, stuck error 'set-executionpolicy' not recognized internal or external command. please let me know need done. thanks set-executionpolicy can run elevated admin account set policy above machine restriction. .  consider using group policy this. if command appears not work may need re-install powershell or system repair. check module.  may have changed path or may have deleted module or not have permissions on folder. get-module \_(ツ)_/ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

windows server 2008 R2 Standard Build 7600 this copy of windows is not genuine

i getting "windows server 2008 r2 standard build 7600 copy of windows not genuine" after logging machine administrator account. using os last 3-4 months , running smoothly. has started giving message.  the message gone now!!  after posting above message, went out min. , when came pc had restarted , when logged-in, desktop came smoothly without error/warning message. don't know how or happened in normal state now. thanks quick replies!!     Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Server 08R2 and Windows 7 cannot show all the created snapshots (shadows copies)

says today 12/9/2013, server 08r2 , windows 7 show "previous version" 1/9/2013 18:00 6/9/2013 20:00. setting:  every 1 hour per day.  period: 9:00-20:00 hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\vss\settings , adding dword value of "maxshadowcopies" 128.  a web say s "turn off smb2 , give ability see of created snapshots in os newer server 2003 and/or xp, have dive registry. go to: hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\lanmanserver\parameters , create new dword value of "smb2" , ensure decimal value 0. after change has been made, reboot system." but not work on windows 7 (did not try on server 08r2) any solutions show (latest) snapshots? thanks. hi edith, thanks posting. according description, snapshot working had scheduled, , abnormal thing version couldn’t show right update time. firstly, want make sure if snapshots has been updated version normally. please go c:\->properties->shadow copy->create now , pl

Should witness disk be included in CSV

hello i have 1 node hyper-v failover cluster setup server 2008 r2> getting ready add second node cluster. have 3 disk san setup in cluster storage, 2 storage of vhd , config of vms , 1 witness disk. have 2 storage disks setup csv volumes. setup witness disk csv? 2 node cluster how should disk witness setup? hi by witness im going assume mean quorum.  this not set csv.  the disk quorum there can have 2-1 majority in case goes offline.   your csv volumes read/write clustered volumes allow live migrations between cluster nodes when have multiple vms on volume. i add witness disk quorum (using "configure cluster quorum settings" wizard) , golden.   thanks richard Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

Sharing iSCSI NIC with Live Migration Traffic

we've got blade server connected iscsi san.  blade has (6) total ports, 4x1gb ports & 2x10gb, & 10gb ports used iscsi connectivity configured mpio.  blade running server 2012 hyper-v. i'd utilize 10gb network both iscsi & "shared nothing" live migration (we're not looking @ failover clustering quite yet) wondering if else has similar setup & if you'd advise for/against it?  understand it's best practice dedicate physical nics iscsi when possible, blade bit "port challenged" i'd love take advantage of 10gb speed vm transfers.  if that's not advisable i'll team (4) 1gb ports & route lm transfers on along normal guest/os traffic. thanks in advance. -jb well it's little less complicated set (especially in 2012), , great benefits. live migration shared storage faster without. have central management point of vm's (cluster manager) or better yet, can start testing out vmm. concerns 10gbe setup, can ut

Hyper-V Set Up

i have win 8.1 , trying enable hyper-v. cannot find hyper-v option in programs , features list through control panel. have idea on how fix this? thanks. i have win 8.1 , trying enable hyper-v. cannot find hyper-v option in programs , features list through control panel. have idea on how fix this? thanks. the hyper-v feature available when have windows 8.1 pro or windows 8.1 enterprise installed. a windows 8.1 installation (without specific designation) doesn't include option.  winver.exe in windows 8.1 doesn't show version (sku) installed, can use command-line based systeminfo.exe it. it's listed part of os name (second line of output). added bonus, last line of systeminfo.exe command shows hyper-v requirements. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

CA-HSM clustering

hi i understand there lots of threads talking ca clustering, have specific requirement , not able find answer. apologies if feel there answers around. my set is: site - ca1 configured hsm1. site b - ca2 configured hsm2 the cluster made of ca1 & ca2. certificate data base shared ca1 & ca2. do need include hsm1 & hsm2 in cluster well? planning not cluster hsms avoid ca applications accessing hsm across sites. my understanding is: when ca1 goes down, ca2 become active node , should start using hsm2. when hsm1 down, ca1 still active node. when ca1 tries contact hsm1 fail , ca2 becomes active node , starts using hsm2. please rectify understanding incorrect. thanks sanurajan. > need include hsm1 & hsm2 in cluster well? no, don't need. hsms must attached respective cluster nodes only. ca should not have access hsm2 , ca access hsm1. my weblog: powershell pki module: windows pki referenc

i want to join a os in my domain

hello installed windows server 2008 , want install windows server 2008 virtually have tell me there possibility install window server 2008 virtually ?.but tried install virtual pc it's saying not supported 2008 server there supported virtual pc 2008 server , tell me how can join os domain installed virtually.i want join os installed virtually domain dc bhaskar please check link:  it`s virtual server 2005 sp1, run on x86 windows server 2008. hyper-v totally different hypervisor, placed between physical hardware, , windows kernel. more information, take at   kristian (virtualization , coffee: ) Windows Server

Server 2012 roming profiles

running server2012  in corporate environment roaming profiles. having problems user profiles multiple profile folder created in format:  - user.domain  - user.domain.000  - user.domain.001 etc it seems though not unload user's appdata folder. i found 1 file leaves  \temporary internet files\counters.dat anyone know how resolve it? hi, please follow below steps narrow down issue: whether issue occur users or users? whether issue occur computers kind of os system? how did configure roaming profile, through group policy or aduc? in addition, please refer below similar thread: regards, yan li cataleya li technet community support Windows Server  > 

use of NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users within a Forest Trust

we in process of merging company , part of phase 1 activities creating forest trust between ads.   both have same application grants access nt authority\authenticated users .  once have trust in place users in domain able access application in domain b grants access nt authority\authenticated users  and users in domain b able access application in domain grants access nt authority\authenticated users .   sorry elementary question. jim the authenticated users group includes users trusted domains... - answer question yes - providing don't enable selective authentication on forest trust (for more info, refer ) hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Join Windows 2003 Member Server to Domain: Network Path Cannot be found.

hey – i’m having problem adding servers domain (network path not found). here’s story. a group @ company came me , wanted me migrate virtual hosts 1 vcenter another. additionally, p2v remaining physical hosts. 2 of servers – upon login domain account refuse logon error (after accepting credentials) “rpc server unavailable”. okay fine, still logon local admin accounts, figured i’d deal after got done p2v migrations. went off without hitch, still receiving “rpc” error message stated previously. installed sp2 on servers had not been done yet bring them @ least sp level patching. no change. started digging around in dns , found there used additional dc decommissioned , not demoted/removed. frustrated, went through dc metadata cleanup , removed entries dns – thankfully, there no roles seize, cleanup went without hitch. thinking cure problem, tried add server domain again, no change. fired wireshark on dc/dns server , noticed every machine on domain sending dns queries traffi

WDS Error: There was a problem initializing WDS mode

i having issue trying boot disk work wds.  @ site not allowed use pxe everywhere have created bootable usb drives , iso techs use out in field.  work fine , @ other times don't.  next reboot on same computer on same network connection. i opened command prompt , looked @ logs in windows\panther directory.  can ping wds server. i see error:  failed discover wds server, error 10049 has seen before , can me? hi janninoma75, how many nic adapter on client? issue caused there have multiple nic on client computer, please try disable useless nic when perform deployment. more related kb: windows deployment services getting started guide i’m glad of you! please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server

Windows server 2012R2 - Cluster-aware application fails to detect an active cluster on target machines

hi there, we maintaining application based on 3 layers (db, ws, application services). application cluster-aware, meaning once cluster configured on target machine install shield running, further optionallities being unlocked , visible editing , define how resource groups react part of application's operations. this issue is, when trying run install shield on winserver 2012r2, fails detect active cluster. we had no issue when using winserver 2008r2 , older versions (not sure if  encounter similar issues on winserver 2012). upon debugging install shield, seems initiates call pre-defined windows internal class, aventually uses windows dll named 'msclusterlib.dll'. dll cannot located part of machines registry keys or assemblies. 1. since not find information on net it, wondering if in winserver 2012r2 validation , retrievement of cluster information should done differently?  2. ran similar issue while working on winserver 2012r2/2012? your appreciated.

How to unbind NetBT/WINS from RRAS adapter in Server 2008 R2

this has been asked elsewhere before, no applicable answer. how can unbind netbt/wins rras adapter in server 2008 r2? the usual reply follow steps in kb292822 , add disablenetbiosovertcpip registry value. kb292822 not apply server 2008 r2, , adding value not work in server 2008 r2. despite having: [hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\remoteaccess\parameters\ip] "disablenetbiosovertcpip"=dword:00000001 , restarting server, ipconfig /all still shows: ppp adapter ras (dial in) interface:    connection-specific dns suffix  . :    description . . . . . . . . . . . : ras (dial in) interface   physical address. . . . . . . . . :    dhcp enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : no   autoconfiguration enabled . . . . : yes    ipv4 address. . . . . . . . . . . :    subnet mask . . . . . . . . . . . :    default gateway . . . . . . . . . :    netbios on tcpip. . . . . . . . : enabled and wins server remai

Active Directory 2008

case scernario: cool gadgets, has been running windows server 2008 32-bit standard edition (which installed 6 months ago). number of computer clients has grown 25 50, , additional growth expected. cool gadgets purchased expensive material requirements planning (mrp) system manage production. application requires 4gig or more of memory , vendor recommends @ least 2.0 ghz dual-core processor.  all desktop computers have mrp client application installed. however, owner not want client app installed on mobile laptop computers, remote solution needed these machines.  i need come specifications new server.   describe hardware features recommend new server, particularly cpu architecture, number of processors, amount of ram, , disk system. explain answer. which edition of windows server 2008 should install on new server? include information 32-bit or 64-bit versions , whether should full or server core installation. explain answer. hi alafin, my answer first question: u

Set the windows size for a remote app in windows 2008 server

hi, i trying run application using remote app. launces great, however. launches in full screen window. there a way have application launce in smaller ( restore) window size? lewis hi lewis, normally window size set application based on user preferences/application design/maximum local resolution.  example, if publish wordpad , last time run closed while maximized, next time run user maximized.  likewise if last time was closed in normal state size of 800 x 600, open @ size long local client resolution supports it. is there particular application having problems with?  workaround perhaps publish cmd file opens application normal or minimized. thanks. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

RDP Host/Clients Disconnect Randomly

have issue several months since moving users 2003 virtual terminal server 2012 standard virtual terminal server.  affects mobile users via vpn or 1 mpls branch site. server logs not reveal valuable other session disconnected reconnected.  both udp , tcp session connected. packet capture shows either server sending tcp rst,ack packet or client, destroying connection. i have enabled tcp keep-alive on server default "1", however, keep-alive packets not sent every 1 minute (if that's value indicates). i have network detection policy set treat every connection fast connection on host. the clients terminalservices-clientactivexcore log indicates 2 things... 1. multi-transport connection has been disconnected 2. clientactivex has been disconnected reason=4. i cannot find out reason code 4 refers , pcaps not reveal me. we had similar issue windows 7 users, resolved making sure client using rdp 8.1. kb3080079 kb2830477


is there stepbystep guide how setup , analyse ad performance? you can refer below articles. you can use active directory performance testing tool (adtest.exe)     regards awinish vishwakarma my blog: this posting provided as-is no warranties/guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Cannot delete virtual machine.

while creating virtual machine, happened , put virtual machine in saved state.  cannot delete or perform action on virtual machine.  says cannot perform operation in current state.  need someway remove it.  administrator on server. hi,   as brian mentioned, please provide details environment.   by way, if want delete/remove virtual machine hyper-v manager console, can manually delete related files of virtual machine(such vhds), , can remove hyper-v manager quickly(no need wait destroying time).     best regards, vincent hu   Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Enterprise CA (SHA1 & SHA2 Co-existing)

we have pki infra in ad,  ent rootca + 2 ent subordinate ca (all ad integrated) in sha1 mode-os windows 2008 r2. is technically viable create 1 more ent root ca + 2 subordinate ca , sha2 infra, in same ad domain? in short , co-existence possible 2 ent root cas , 2 sub cas(2 subordinates each 2 ent root ca) in single ad domain? yes, can have multiple enterprise root cas , additional subordinate cas linked root. here quote coexistence ms document on sha-2 deployment: "currently, having 2 pki trees, 1 sha-1, 1 sha-2, safest option many organizations, highest cost option. organizations choosing 2 tree design until can ensure needed critical applications , devices can accept sha-2. " also previous forum posting:

Recompiling/Reformatting a Collection

using vmware powershell api, i'm trying gather performance metrics several vms in 1 collection. $stats = get-cluster mycluster | get-vm | get-stat -disk $stats | sort timestamp | ft -property entity, timestamp, value -auto entity timestamp value ------ --------- ----- vm1 12/14/2009 12:20:00 pm 3 vm2 12/14/2009 12:20:00 pm 2 vm2 12/14/2009 12:20:20 pm 0 vm1 12/14/2009 12:20:20 pm 2 vm1 12/14/2009 12:20:40 pm 0 vm2 12/14/2009 12:20:40 pm 7 vm1 12/14/2009 12:21:00 pm 46 vm2 12/14/2009 12:21:00 pm 2 vm1 12/14/2009 12:21:20 pm 7 vm2 12/14/2009 12:21:20 pm 521 vm2 12/14/2009 12:21:40 pm 29 vm1 12/14/2009 12:21:40 pm 51 vm2 12/14/2009 12:22:00 pm 4 vm1 12/14/2009 12:22:00 pm 0 i'd combined timestamp, putting "entity" names (vm names) columns.  end goal, manipulate in excel, create charts, etc.  goal format, mocked up: timestamp

SubCA Certificate cannot be renewed

dear friends, i've got quite urgent problem. maybe can me... here’s problem: i enter sub ca , pressing, task - renew ca. problem is, no window is showing up, when choose “no” in window before where it asks me whether create new key or not , continue, it starting services again , nothing has changed. in properties of sub-ca still 1 cert expire soon, not expired yet. when try renew using certutil, following message: ps c : \users\administrator . cloud4you > certutil - renewcert reusekeys - f certutil : - renewcert command failed : 0x8007139f ( win32 : 5023 ) certutil : the group or resource is not in correct state perform requested operation . the root ca not expiring until 2116 know not problem sub ca being renewed beyond root ca. root ca certificate , sub ca sha1 so, should not problem. i’ve googled error-message already, none of solutions applied us. i don’t know next…  do have idea? thanks in advance! jesper bil

Windows 7 and Server2008 machines will not remember network discovery preferences, requires setting every start up or wake up.

hello i wondered if here kind me solve situation i have 2 windows 7 machines , server2008 machines not remember network discovery preferences, i running software on windows server machine collects data , serves information 2 windows 7 machines, , network discovery required purpose these machines configured in local stand alone network configured workgroup other items on network none pc based equipment server happily communicates , reads data from once network discovery set network system runs expected on every start-up (or wake up) network discovery lost , need re allowed. case in both windows server 20008 r2 , windows 7 how make these preferences permanent. restart , re establish communication self without intervention am missing setting or if not  there way can script the selection of preference on each start(/wake)up. the final user need able turn system on/restart , use out having have it/networking knowledge system running. thank taking tim

Analysis server 2008 crashes

hi experts i have unstoppable crashes in ssas i using windows server 2003 r2 the error recieve while connecting analysis db : the description event id ( 22 ) in source ( msolap$sql2008 ) cannot found. local computer may not have necessary registry information or message dll files display messages remote computer. may able use /auxsource= flag retrieve description; see , support details. following information part of event: internal error: unexpected exception occurred.. every 5 seconds again , again , again... for 20 minutes, until analysis service crashes what can solve issue? what can wrong?   another thing- cu7 stuck ssas so have uninstalled it efi Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

the remoteFX question

hi teams, while our freerdp application connects win7 in hyper-v of win server 2012, the freerdp keeps receiving rdp_codec_id_none packets. and we have set the  cardp_caps_capture_non_cac flag off (at client device), but doesn't work. do give suggestions or ideas? thanks. hi, i lead developer of freerdp project. freerdp not reverse-engineered product, developed using microsoft open specifications. not full rdp protocol publicly documented, support offered. microsoft hosts developer events twice year invite rdp implementers present them latest protocol features , them in implementation. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

How to have a windows 2003 and 2008 server and use one certificate authority.

i have windows 2003 server active directory , certificate authority , windows 2008 server active directory , certificate authority both enterprise certificates setup use testing.  turn off certificates authority on 2003 server stopping certificate services need 1 certificate authority.  how use only my  2008 certificate authority , use 2008 , 2003 pilicies , users in active directory.  reason want because have vm's windows xp, 7 , vista users users on windows 2003 servers , don't want make seperate set of windows vm's 2008 server setup different certificate authority.  if can use on setof vm 's , use same certificates both servers make setup less complex. skier it not possible have trust between 2 domains sharing same namespace! the simplest way remove 1 of domains , join other server remaining one. understand description need solve problem virtualbox enable systems communicate first. /hasain

AD sites with no subnets listed

hi, i wondering implications/drawbacks having sites no subnets listed in them. bearing in mind, on our network, clients on vlan subnet cannot ping client vlan on remote site, prevents clients using remote dc. thanks,   hello, if servers in different sites have configure subnets in ad sites , services. if don't add client specific subnets not see disadvantage. minimum subnets have define can find in nelogon.log file, should empty , list not defined subnets verified. in run line type "notepad.exe %systemroot%\debug\netlogon.log" , inside can see similar: 04/08 14:44:55 domain: no_client_site: computername ip address best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory S

Access Our Website that is hosted by Earthlink from computers on our network

we have website hosted via earthlink. can access website computer not connected our network, cannot access site when on our network. have single windows server 2003 our exchange email , few other functions company. domain controller. how can have direct traffic default website on server actual website hosted earthlink?  when try access following: <!-- problem--> under construction <!-- probable causes:<--> site trying view not have default page. may in process of being upgraded , configured. please try site again later. if still experience problem, try contacting web site administrator. if web site administrator , feel have received message in error, please see "enabling , disabling dynamic content" in iis help. to access iis help click start , , click run . in open text box, type inetmgr . iis manager appears. from help menu, click help topics . click internet information services . your problem ad domain name , exte

Migrating local user profiles to roaming profiles.

first of all, let me make clear question has nothing folder redirection.  understand importance of folder redirection roaming profile implementation , believe understand how implement folder redirection.  understand difference between implementing roaming profiles per user in user account ad settings, or per computer in gpo.  my question is:  how can convert existing (local) user profiles roaming profiles. i  have read few threads suggesting can set roaming profile location user in ad, , first time user logs on setting copy local user profile roaming location (kind of folder redirection).  have tried , didn't seem work me. i doing wrong?  or posts saying migration/conversion can done way wrong?   > i  have read few threads suggesting can set roaming > profile location user in ad, , first time user logs on > setting copy local user profile roaming   that's experience, - work if remote folder is empty.   > doing wrong?  or posts saying