
Showing posts from July, 2013

Windows Server 2008 Foundation Migrate to Hyper-V 2012

hi all, please kindly advise license issues. can i migrate windows server 2008 foundation hyper-v 2012? need purchase new microsoft license? can use windows server 2008 foundation license key activate in hyper-v 2012. regards, weihong poh this technical forum, not legal forum.  licenses legal documents.  best resource getting correct licensing answers (i have seen lot of incorrect answers in these forums) contact trained microsoft licensing specialist.  generally, reseller whom purchased windows server 2008 foundation license have licensing specialist.  or, can contact microsoft directly , talk them. . : | : . : | : . tim Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

can't edit default domain controllers policy on windows 8 or server 2012

i have found can't edit "default domain controllers policy" windows 8 or server 2012 machine.  can edit , save changes fine windows 7 machine.  domain controllers running windows 2012 standard upgraded windows 2008 r2.  there a security setting missing? what's "can't edit" exactly? no not evil, if know doing: or bad gpos? wenn meine antwort hilfreich war, freue ich mich über eine bewertung! if answer helpful, i'm glad rating! Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Web Access and SSO

can clarifiy me, have implemented changes detailed in link below enable sso , work degree in when launch mstsc or rdp client , enter ts farm name sso kicks in , can establish session without logon credentials.  however, way read article seem suggest should same when access web acess logon page.  i.e : launch ie, credential pass thru web page , application icons displayed.  however, not expereincing this. still web access logon page.... can 1 confirm if expected ? thanks hi, websso means using credentials entered in rdweb page remote app login.  if want automatic login web access page need select radio button , allow ie save password. regards, rajesh. Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop

WDS clients giving TFTP errors on PXE boot

hello everyone   i running native wds server. have added boot.wim , created capture image help. have done sysprep on ref computer imaged. sysprep used installation cd of ref computer.   when start client pxe comes following error messeges: tftp pxe-t01: file not found pxe-e3b: tftp error file not found pxe-m0f: exiting "pxe manufacturer" pxe rom   is there explanation means , how can solved. any ref tftp error walkthroughs appretiated.   many thanks   khan ok, found out little bit more this.   after installing sp2 need configur wds or clients can't seem ris/wds server. once have configured wds server, need add appropriate architecture image or clients tftp errors. eg, if booting x86 system, make sure add x86 boot image wds server clients can boot pxe.   if monitor reminst\boot\x86/x64 folder see there 5- 7 files in it. after add appropriate boot image reletive folder have more files in allowing tftp error vanish.   will post mor

Windows Server logs deleted - Find user who did it?

hi at thuesday happened overwrite ntfs permissions on share on windows 2012 file server. instead of telling his/hers colleagues, "sorry did mistake", person log server local administrator (windows account) , delete logs cover mistake up. that! so question is, there way find out did this?, thoguh logs deleted? there other logs eventviewer logs into? find in " applications , services logs\ microsoft\windows \remotedesktop" connection computer 2 min before logs deleted, , new computer. person had figured out... so? thank! hi, at point, not possible find out did through system logs, may find out did if have camera/cameras recording. we should never grant administrative privileges people don’t trust. in addition, make sure 1 user has 1 account in future , ask them change passwords frequently. best regards, amy please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact

Port 443 used by another web site

all working evaluation of 2012e. able log on the access anywhere website. service stopped working , if try start "default website" error message website may using port 443 , not start. checked bindings on stock sites , none used 443 except default site. able vpn server no issues. tried messing cert , did not help. have tweaked things trying fix has made worse. can see nothing else using 443. read folder share issue service not on service list. able turn clock option not available. thanks, ckshan if none of other websites in iis using 443 it's one of other applications on server listening on port. easiest option download tcpview server see if else using tcp/443 , process is. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012

Could DFSR demote to FRS?

i'm confused dfsr , frs when turns different windows server version. if have dc frs, once migrated dfsr, demote frs? if have domain in 2003 functional level, once promote 2008 functional level, frs migrate dfsr automatically? or should migration manually? notice in 2008 r2 server(in domain 2003 functional level), both dfsr , frs mean dc using dfsr & frs @ same time? if not, why 2 services both started? besides, noticed in wiki page, , announced " in  windows server 2003 r2  and  windows server 2008 ,  dfs replication  is available the  file replication service . "  does mean 2k3 r2 dc able migrate frs dfsr? but in blog: it tells if want make migration, " your domain functional level (dfl) must set windows server 2008 or higher i.e. no windo

Windows Internet Explorer (7 and 8) Dynamic Installer

hello, i'm implementing wsus 3.0 sp1. i'm using wds/mdt overall deployment process. reason bring because not use wsus install operating system service packs, dotnet framework versions, , ie 7/8. seperate quiet installs part of task sequence these items. use wsus @ end of process updates only. need understand 'windows internet explorer 7 dynamic installer' , 'windows internet explorer 8 dynamic installer' for? example, need select "windows internet explorer 8 dynamic installer" product category in order updates ie8? assuming installed ie8, don't want, , updates fell under general os updates, plus description within wsus console said updates used actual ie installer? when separate installs of ie7/ie8 not pass in dynamic updates parameters. app installed way, , want wsus update @ end of whole deployment process. don't want wsus install either ie7 or ie8 if machine has either ie7 or ie8 need updated wsus. clarify me? the "dynamic i

Search a file share. Filepath is to long and no count

hi guys, please have @ code. it  works fine normal directories on fileshare gives error filepath long. and need of files pops up. when use count option don't list. when use each object count not give me output in file. can me bit on this. maybe change ""? $systems = 'd:\temp\serverlist.txt' $output = 'd:\temp\result.txt' foreach ($system in (get-content $systems)) { invoke-command -computername $system -scriptblock { get-psdrive -p "filesystem" ` | % { get-childitem $_.root -include *financial* -recurse | sort-object length -descending } } | out-file $output } kind regards, here how find files long. get-childitem \system\share -rec -ev longpaths -ea 0 | out-null $longpaths|select targetobject ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Windows Server  > 

WS2012 R2 versus (upcoming) WS2016 - which is better for new WSUS instance?

hello, i need upgrade in-house wsus server. here's wrestling with: should roll out ws2012r2 box , run on that? or should wait ws2016 , run on that? thoughts appreciated. esp. if there's new version of wsus coming in ws2016... rd hi dick dee, after lot of comparison, found following things: 1. original wsus version on server 2016 10.0.10586.0: 2. there new classification on wsus 2016: haven't found other differences yet, seems wsus 2016 didn't change much, default console looks below: both server 2012r2 , server 2016 may ok. far i'm concerned, server 2012r2 might more stable, server 2016 may have more new functions, , long-term consideration, it's better use server 2016. best regards, anne please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Wi

El disco esta sin conexion debido a una directiva establecida por un administrador

acabo de instalar windows server 2008 r2, en español: no puedo dar de alta mis otros 3 discos duros en la ventana de "administrador del servidor" en administración de discos ya que me aparece el sig mensaje: "desactivada" (el disco está sin conexión debido una directiva establecida por un administrador" tengo una semana intentando de todo y no podido :( gracias probaste ya con el siguiente procedimiento? reactivate missing or offline dynamic disk saludos. check qualifications here . check blog here . Windows Server  >  Administración de servidor

Auth to second domain failing

we have 2 windows server 2008 r2 domains on our network. domain a, have pdc , bdc. pdc @ different location , offline months (not choice). has been stable.  yesterday afternoon pdc brought in house , attached network.  @ time, users domain b not able logon servers in domain a. i have shutdown pdc.  checking system log on bdc, see event id 28 seems related issue: when generating cross realm referal domain b the kdc not able find suitable key verify ticket. ticket key version in request 30 , available key version 29. common reason error delay in replicating keys. in order remove problem try forcing replication or wait replication of keys occur. when trying on bdc domain a, resolution offered here not help: i not sure if not working because 1) shutdown pdc , that's option force replication to, or 2) it's domain b needs replication , domain not referenced here. how out of mess?  tia ... thank help.

Wsus on 2012 R2 with proxy auth stop downloading from MS with bits transienterror

hi all, after new installation of wsus on 2012 r2, server started downloading ms through proxy requiring auth. suddenly, server no more able download files synchronize succesfully ms. no meaningful errors in log files , downstreamservers stopped working (not receiving update files upstream). re-installed os scratch, same behavior. unable have wsus ( 6.3.9600.16384) running fine. any appreciated. regards. red. p.s. wsusutil reset/db maintenance/etc.etc. done. suspect 2012 r2 suffers same problem of 2012  mentioned here hi red, to verify if issue caused authentication, please try remove requirement of authentication in proxy for wsus server. if works after removing authentication, just create exception in proxy wsus? if issue persists, please post softwaredistribution.log here, may give hints. by default, location of log "c:\program files\update services\logfiles". best regards. steven lee please re

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER(0x80070057) when applying Windows 2008 R2 SP1

hi all;   when apply sp1 windows server 2008 r2 system, update process fails , following error message appears:   the installation not successful. the parameter incorrect. error: error_invalid_parameter(0x80070057)   i have installed latest "system update readiness tool" , server not have security products.   any ideas?   thanks       hi,   i reset windows update components , try install windows server 2008 r2 service pack 1 (sp1) in clean boot avoid third party software conflicts. detailed steps, please refer following microsoft kb articles:   how reset windows update components?   how troubleshoot problem performing clean boot in windows vista or in windows 7   if not work, please run system file checker tool , system update readiness tool again repair system files.   if issue persists, please send me sfcdetails.txt , checksur.persist.lo

Server 2008 R2 Evaluation Expired Early

hi i've started studying mcsa: windows server 2008 , downloaded evaluation copy of server 2008 r2 , installed onto vm few weeks ago. i have activated , showing have 152 days left on licence. the pc running has vm's on crashed today while evaluation copy of server 2008 r2 running. when go onto server display message saying licence has expired , asks me put product key in. don't have 1 evaluation copy , trying activate again blank product key doesn't work. i have tried rearming see if work got error code 0xc004fe00 , message saying contact microsoft phone help. i had made snapshot after had activated , going shows activated again, lose had set since then. hadn't done , i'm still learning doing again in fact me of problem, why didn't want phone microsoft , thought i'd post here instead. if give me advice on why might have happened or way activate again without having go snapshot appreciated in case happens again when i've configured mor

2008 R2 RDS License events 1128 and 1130 but no problems detected

hi all, have setup rds licensing server on dc in separate network. when trying login rds host user message "the remote session disconnected because there no remote desktop license servers available provide license.". we warning balloon when logging in admins on rds host says "no remote desktop license server available. remote desktop services stop workingbecause computer past grace period , has not contacted @ least valid windows server 2008 license server." recommends using licensing diagnosis. here strange part - server has been specified in licensing diagnosis in session host configuration tool , listed available 500 licenses , nice green tick saying "licensing diagnosis did not identify licensing problems remote desktop session host server." the rds boxes can ping license server , time in sync between systems. normal functioning members of domain (there dc on same subnet these particular rds hosts). i've done bit of reading on these

TCP Chimney Offloading won't enable

i'm trying enable tcp offloading on 2008r2 box.  everything try doesn't seem work.  i checking weather offloading using following command netstat -t, listed in following article. this have tried: -  netsh int tcp set global chimney=enabled  (restarted) - added following registry entry "  hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\tcpip\parameters"      enabletcpchimney set 1   (restarted) - enabled tcp offload features within nic configuration page  (restarted)   according article, should see: this keep getting after applying changes should enable it.   here status of tcp parameters i see have tcp/udp , ip checksum offload enabled not related tcp chimney (connection offload or full tcp offload). additionally see have enabled large send offload , delegates segmentation of large tcp packets process nic. of nics have them enabled default. if read description above on intel nic whe

How to establish an ECC P-256bit based ROOT CA to issue ipsec certificates

hi users, i new microsoft ca services. let me 1st explain scenario. we have establish 1 level ecc p-256 bit based root ca. ca can enterprise or stand alone because shall use ca directly issue ecc based certificates ipsec devices via microsoft ca web interface. shall not using ocsp responder.  i have done basic work establishing stand alone ecc p-256bit root ca on windows server 2008 r2 standard edition. problem when go request ipsec certificate, ecc p-256 csp not showed in list. how can enable ecc csp request of ecc certificates ? please guide me in respect. regards ok, seems, different syntax should used here: [newrequest] subject="cn=ipsecpeername" providername="microsoft software key storage provider" keyalgorithm="ecdsa_p256" hashalgorithm="sha256" keylength=256 keyusage=0xf0 machinekeyset=true [enhancedkeyusageextension] oid= my weblog: powershell pki module: ht

Change existing Active Directory from Enterprise to Standard edition

hello all, one of customer, have 1 domain controller. have found previous administrator use illegal key promote existing 1 domain controller using windows server 2003 enterprise edition. they make right converting existing domain controller running on windows server 2003 enterprise standard edition. my question is: 1. possible that? 2. if above topic 'yes", kindly guide me kb or useful url. thanks, u37tcp i believe options either buy enterprise license or install new std edition server , dcpromo on server additional dc.   then demote ent server after that. santhosh sivarajan | mcts, mcse (w2k3/w2k/nt4), mcsa (w2k3/w2k/msg), ccna, network+ houston, tx blogs - articles - twitter: @santhosh_sivara - posting provided no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server

Unexpected Restart Windows Server 2008: Event ID 41,6008

mallikarjuna yh, windows / exchange first, please narrow down hardware vs. software issue. run system in safe mode or in selective startup mode services except microsoft services turned off , see if issue persists. see article below event id 41: for future reference, please follow guidelines asking questions on forum: miguel fra | falcon services, miami, fl w eb site | blog Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Seperation of Multiple Domain Forests

hi, please assist us, need separate multiple domain forests. thanks; na you need create new domain in new forest , migrate non-root domain on there (if migrate using admt new domain should not have same dns , netbios name existing one). once finalized, decommission old domain. way, have 2 domains in 2 separate forests. this posting provided no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. ahmed malek my website link my linkedin profile my mvp profile Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Throttling WSUS with Windows10 Clients

i have of latest policies in central store, can't seem find effective way throttle wsus windows10 clients. network/bits policies applicable windowsxp/7/8.1 clients. is there group policy can implement throttle wsus downloads on windows10 clients? have slow/older network links cannot apply hardware throttling , single windows10 client saturate network link when pulling updates our wsus server ease. thanks! hi thewaker1, please refer following article learn win10 update delivery optimization. , may configure metered network limit download: best regards, anne please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  > 

TMG (Win 2008) is not listed in WSUS (2012)

i`ve tmg running on windows server 2008 r2 , wsus on windows server 2012 r2 , both workgroup computers, i`ve domain group policy configured to obtain ms updates wsus, domain computers listed in configured group under " computers " container in wsus. the issue tmg server not listed although had configured local policy point wsus , configured settings under " update center" in tmg consol. please advice examine windowsupdate.log file on client machine (ws2008r2 tmg), machine correctly configured? connecting wsus? windowsupdate.log file show errors? don [doesn't work msft, , they're glad ;] Windows Server  >  WSUS

KMS Activation Count Cache

hi everyone, we've plan use kms activation there 1 thing don't understand. the avtication count cache limited recent 50 activations , if client doesn't renew activation within 30 days activation count reduced one. but if have 500 clients, how kms host manage activation count , how kms host know client activated or not since avtication count cache limited recent 50 activations ?? detry ghyslain   hello, the kms host maintains count of unique machines contacting activation requests , renewals.  not maintaining count of activated machines.  the kms host there provide clients ability activate, kms host not attempting type of compliance. the client activation if response kms host has sufficient count , kms host supports kms client ( product or edition) when client activates not send response kms host, telling it activated. thanks, darrell gorter [msft] posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. vamt - volume activation management t

Can't Open INSTALL.WIM - The specified location contains a Windows image that is not compatible with the current version of Windows.

so installed new copy of windows 2008 standard x86.  patched server latest windows updates.  want play around setting automated installed.  install windows aik kit.  opened windows system image manager , select install.wim copied source cd's \sourcesdirectory.  whenever try , select image in windows system image manager, error: the specified location contains windows image not compatible current version of windows. is happening because patched windows 2008 patches windows update?  telling me sensitive?  if copy clg files \sources also, message them being "out of date" , wants rebuild them , fails same message above. what gives? the simple answer make sure have downloaded right aik distribution.  of time of post, if googled "windows aik", first link provided vista build feb '07.  need build says includes support windows 2008  :) Windows Server

Active Directory, problem removing old server

hello, i'm having bit of problem , i'm i'm hoping assistance.  setup new windows 2008 r2 server onsite alongside windows 2003 r2 sbs server.  added 2008r2 server domain, transfered fsmo roles it, , move client applications new server. working great.  2003 r2 server started shutting down due issue sbs single domain requirement.  no problem planned rid of server anyway.  tried remove ad server , tells me it's domain controller.  check in ad sites , services , new server listed, gc, under connections, lists old server, , when try run dcpromo, tells "before can install or remove ad domain services must remove ad certificate services. information consequences of removing active directory certificate services, see , support."  has ad loaded on it.  did netdom query domain controllers , both servers listed. when netdom query pdc, list new server , fsmo query returns new server items. i'm tempted remove ad old server, if i'm wrong, i'll rebuild

Unable to access External company website internaly

hi have external website "" , internal domain called use proxy server internet access able access website fine our internal network. made trust company not use proxy or access internet there users go directly firewall , here web content filtering site. when trusted company tries browse error resolving name internally via dns stub zone in place trust. how can allow trusted company browse since dont have anywhere on there domain add dns record point website external ip address? thanks, maelito maelito a common split dns issue. if website hosted externally have 2 dns zones one hosted internally on yur company dns servers record external web server ip, , hosted externally isp or registrar same external record. in scanrio either company external ip , work fine. if website hosted internally again have 2 dns zones however, internal zone have internal

PVLANs External Access

hi, i have vm's configured different pvlan's in different modes (i,c,p). should able talk outside world vm's? does switch connecting host server router need configured in way such vlan trunk? kind regards tom hi tom, yes these vm should able talk outside these vms while physical switch port need configured trunk mode correct vlan setting . " pvlan can used create environment vms may interact internet , not have visibility other vms’ network traffic." also: hope helps best regards elton ji we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time. helping make community forums great place. Windows Server

Taking ownership changes top folder level folder names!

hi, we having strange issue. have files server set , looks after. our problem if change of ownership happens (on folder @ top level of our users folders) , in cases changing security settings; original name the  folder change "documents". so if went change securities or ownership of file named "john smith" when close out of changes , refresh john smith's folder labeled "documents". if go folder (same level) named "joe blow" , similar change, have 2nd "documents" folder of files , folders contained within. at 1 point had 15 users top level folders labeled same- "documents"!! not good! yes; renaming them original name work doesn't stick. what causing this? , how stop it! thanks ken it bug discussed in following thread: windows explorer displays redirected folders different name have test on

Replication error after promoting new AD2008

in office have 2 domain controller , offshore office have 1 domain controller. totally have 3 domain controllers in network single domain. all domain controllers running in win2000. in office domain controller name ad1 &  ad2 offshore office domain controller name is  oad3 ad1 having schema master, domain naming master, rid master , infrastructure master roles. ad2 having pdc emulator role. we planned upgrade win2008 ad in domain. installed new server win2008. as per prerequisites done adprep/forestprep , adprep/domianprep in ad1 server. after created new win2008ad(ad4)in domain. now facing replication errors in domain. ad1 not getting replication to/from other domain controllers. when trying force replication through ad sites , services, getting following error. "the following error occured during attempt synchronise domain cotroller. naming context in process of being removed or not replicated specified error" i unable transfer fsmo roles also. please provide solutions

questions regarding open Subscription Licence (OSL).

hello, we thinking having osl licence. osl 3years licencing , have licence keys windows server & workstation products. question is: when the 3 years licences expire, continue use keys without renewing osl ? don't renew osl existing licence keys ? thans clarification. yann   hello,   for licensing questions, please contact local microsoft customer service detailed information:   tim quan – msft technet subscriber support in forum if have feedback on our support, please contact   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. ” Windows Server  > 

Windows 10 in AD with Windows 2008 server gpo wallpaper

hi i work in windows 2008 server domain. have pc connected ad. have institutional wallpaper send through gpo wallpaper. gpo wallpaper apply in windows xp, 7, 8 , 8.1 the problema: pc have windows 10 gpo not apply in them. can me in this? thanks in advanced hi, thanks post. please run gpresult /h report.html elevated commandline, examine report.html , check whether: a) policy applied b) setting in policy not overwritten policy in addition, accessing local group policy editor on problematic windows 10 clients, finding , opening setting named " prevent changing desktop background ". this setting can found in user configuration/administrative templates/control panel/personalization, can locate setting. , open double clicks. please make sure setting set not configured or disabled. best regards, alvin wang please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact t

Inbox items disappear until you re-select the view

we using server 2008r2 terminal server setting , have office 2007 installed on terminal server.  terminal users experience inbox items in outlook disappearing.  can them going to  view, current view , reselecting view that's checked.  ideas causing this?  intermittent , not happen few days , occur. hi,   1.        make sure have installed latest updates office 2007 , terminal server.   do users have problem? if problem occurs in individual user, may need check user profile. whether outlook pst profile larger slow open or view.   2.        make sure terminal services-enabled computer install mode before install office 2007.   with manual installations, in order terminal services replicate necessary registry entries or .ini files each user, user must install application using add or remove programs in control panel. can install applications command line using change user /install command, using add or remove programs preferable.   configure terminal serv

Wireless Clients using NPS Server having timeout issues

i have set new wireless network, using our nps server radius server. i have 4 wap points set across floor, same configured ssid. clients seem connect fine having problems connection timeouts or seem is there configuration need aware of stop issue? hi proactis ict, > the clients seem connect fine having problems connection timeouts or seem do mean clients connect wifi successfully, before "time out" when attempt to connect it? if so, seems configuration is right because can connect finally, maybe is due wireless signal strength isn't strong. we may check if there error logs recorded in nps event log, , increase time-out period check if work. best regards, anne please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  > 

Win 2012 R2 datacenter and IIS 8.5 Loging crash

hi all i have 1 windows 2012 r2 iis 8.5 role configured.  server have strange crashes of w3logsvc, point of crashes have added x-forwarded-for header , after it, every day @ 04:00 on baku time (+4 hour) service crashed. have analyzed dump file , there information crash. exception_code_str:  c00000fd  this point "a new guard page stack cannot created." the last lines in stack text this: ntdll!rtlplowfragheapallocfromcontext+0x4b ntdll!rtlallocateheap+0xe2 ntdll!rtldospathnametorelativentpathname+0x1c5 ntdll!rtldospathnametorelativentpathname_u+0x4f kernelbase!createdirectoryw+0x31 w3logsvc!log_writer::flush+0x3d w3logsvc!log_writer::getlogfilehandle+0x2c7 and of course crashed module "w3logsvc" need after deleting newly added header no crashes detected, right after crash don't able start service, after deleting header or restart iis, service work again. @ first think problem in file rotation, log files rotating time @ 12:

KB not showing under updates but can search for it

hi there, i synchronised our wsus (2008 r2) server , approved updates installing relevant computer groups. when went check updates on 1st server, suspicious there weren't many updates advertised (16). checked on-line , found 21 updates. took note of kb's , when checking wsus, i've listed updates kb, went through viewing filters , can't see kb's. when search kb shows , allows me approve it!? can tell me can find these updates approve? re-iterate; i've downloaded months updates, approved them install computers. @ moment, i'm downloading updates on line... any appreciated cheers ben hi ben, according description, seems updates filtered filter. could tell me detailed settings of filter? if want see of update, may query "approval:any except declined" , "status:any". >>at moment, i'm downloading updates on line... update available when has been downloaded wsus server. best regards. steven lee please remember ma

Call Server 2008 scheduled tasks from Server 2003?

i have created scheduled task named "test" in windows server 2008 , trying call command line schtasks windows server 2003 machine.  keep getting following error:  "error: specified task name "test" not exist in system." if try same thing going server 2008 server 2003, however, task run.  compatibility issue , isn't possible?  or missing something? thanks hi jared80ka, generally speaking, in windows 2008 scheduled tasks, can configure scheduled task "windows vista or windows server 2008" or " windows server 2003, windows xp, or windows 2000". when created new tasks on windows server 2008, if choose "windows server 2003, windows xp, or windows 2000", able run task schtasks command from windows server 2003 machine. please have try , let know result, thanks. hope helps. best regards. wilson jia posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights.